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+To our knowledge, there is no existing work on the large-scale simulation of a
+real AIAC application. The aim of this paper is twofold. First we give a first
+approach of the simulation of AIAC algorithms using a simulation tool (i.e. the
+SimGrid toolkit~\cite{SimGrid}). Second, we confirm the effectiveness of
+asynchronous mode algorithms by comparing their performance with the synchronous
+mode. More precisely, we had implemented a program for solving large
+linear system of equations by numerical method GMRES (Generalized
+Minimal Residual) \cite{ref1}. We show, that with minor modifications of the
+initial MPI code, the SimGrid toolkit allows us to perform a test campaign of a
+real AIAC application on different computing architectures. The simulated
+results we obtained are in line with real results exposed in ??\AG[]{ref?}.
+SimGrid had allowed us to launch the application from a modest computing
+infrastructure by simulating different distributed architectures composed by
+clusters nodes interconnected by variable speed networks. In the simulated environment, after setting appropriate
+network and cluster parameters like the network bandwidth, latency or the processors power,
+the experimental results have demonstrated a asynchronous execution time saving up to \np[\%]{40} in
+compared to the synchronous mode.
+\AG{Il faudrait revoir la phrase précédente (couper en deux?). Là, on peut
+ avoir l'impression que le gain de \np[\%]{40} est entre une exécution réelle
+ et une exécution simulée!}
+\CER{La phrase a été modifiée}
+This article is structured as follows: after this introduction, the next section will give a brief description of
+iterative asynchronous model. Then, the simulation framework SimGrid is presented with the settings to create various
+distributed architectures. The algorithm of the multisplitting method based on GMRES \LZK{??? GMRES n'utilise pas la méthode de multisplitting! Sinon ne doit on pas expliquer le choix d'une méthode de multisplitting?} \CER{La phrase a été corrigée} written with MPI primitives and
+its adaptation to SimGrid with SMPI (Simulated MPI) is detailed in the next section. At last, the experiments results
+carried out will be presented before some concluding remarks and future works.