]> AND Private Git Repository - interreg4.git/blob - pdsec2010/auto/new.el
Logo AND Algorithmique Numérique Distribuée

Private GIT Repository
Création du dépôt pulications et ajout de PDSEC2010
[interreg4.git] / pdsec2010 / auto / new.el
1 (TeX-add-style-hook "new"
2  (lambda ()
3     (LaTeX-add-bibliographies
4      "biblio")
5     (LaTeX-add-labels
6      "sec:intro"
7      "fig:SIAC"
8      "fig:AIAC"
9      "sec:jacep2p"
10      "sec:archijaceP2P"
11      "fig:jaceP2P-v2"
12      "sec:benef"
13      "fig:pbdistclust"
14      "tab:benef"
15      "sec:pb"
16      "sec:pbmodel"
17      "sec:pbmodelapp"
18      "fig:tig"
19      "sec:pbmodelarchi"
20      "sec:pbmodelmapping"
21      "eq:et"
22      "eq:ettask"
23      "sec:pbrw"
24      "sec:aiacmapping"
25      "sec:specAIACmapping"
26      "sec:qmmodif"
27      "alg:qmmodified"
28      "sec:expe"
29      "sec:cg"
30      "fig:multisplit"
31      "fig:tigcg"
32      "sec:g5k"
33      "fig:g5ksite"
34      "sec:othermaping"
35      "sec:sma"
36      "alg:sma"
37      "sec:edgcutalgo"
38      "alg:edgecuts"
39      "sec:experiments"
40      "sec:xphetero"
41      "tab:exph1E"
42      "tab:exph1F"
43      "tab:exph2E"
44      "tab:exph2F"
45      "sec:xpvariation"
46      "tab:expparams"
47      "sec:conclu"
48      "sec:merci")
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50      '("myitemize" 1))
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