-seen in \mbox{Table \ref{tab:results}}, it reduces the application's
-execution time by about $50\%$ on homogeneous architectures (here of
-$0.08$ heterogeneity degree) what is more than 25 point better than
-FT-FEC and near 30 points better than FT-AIAC-QM. On heterogeneous
-architectures (here of $0.72$ heterogeneity degree) it also
-outperforms other mapping algorithms by reducing the application's
-execution time by about $53\%$ what is near about 10 points better
-than FT-AIAC-QM and 20 points better than FT-FEC. On middle
-heterogeneity degree architectures (here of $0.50$ heterogeneity
-degree), MAHEVE is another one time better than its two comparative
-mapping algorithms by reducing the application's execution time by
-about $53\%$. These good performances come from the fact that it is
-designed to be efficient on both architectures, homogeneous and
+seen in \mbox{Table \ref{tab:results}}, in executions with faults
+(WF), it reduces the application's execution time by about $50\%$ on
+homogeneous architectures (here of $0.08$ heterogeneity degree) which
+is more than 25 point better than FT-FEC and near 30 points better
+than FT-AIAC-QM. On heterogeneous architectures (here of $0.72$
+heterogeneity degree) it also outperforms other mapping algorithms by
+reducing the application execution time by about $53\%$ which is
+almost 10 points better than FT-AIAC-QM and 20 points better than
+FT-FEC. On middle heterogeneity degree architectures (here of $0.50$
+heterogeneity degree), MAHEVE is once again better than its two
+comparative mapping algorithms by reducing the application execution
+time by about $53\%$. These good performances come from the fact that
+it is designed to be efficient on both architectures, homogeneous and