]> AND Private Git Repository - kahina_paper1.git/blob - figures/Compar_EA_algorithm_CPU_GPU.txt
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[kahina_paper1.git] / figures / Compar_EA_algorithm_CPU_GPU.txt
1 # Polynome with 256 threads per block en GPU
2 # First data block (index 0)
3 #Polynomial's degrees           times_CPU       nb iter         times_GPU       nb iter         Speed up
4 100000                          621.59          11              12.45           16              49.20
5 150000                          1405.87         11              28.67           17              49.03
6 250000                          5671.29         16              93.76           20              60.48           
7 300000                          5635            11              138.94          21              40.55
8 350000                          8366.34         12              159.654         18              52.40
9 400000                          15458.3         16              258.94          22              59.91
12 # Second index block (index 1)
13 #Polynomial's degrees           times_CPU       nb iter         times_GPU       nb iter
14 450000                                                          339.47          23
15 500000                                                          419.78          23
16 550000                                                          415.94          19
17 600000                                                          549.70          21
18 650000                                                          612.122         20
19 700000                                                          864.21          24
20 750000                                                          940.87          23
21 800000                                                          1247.16         26
22 850000                                                          1706.12         32
23 900000                                                          1803.17         30
24 950000                                                          2280.07         34
25 1000000                                                         2209.51         30