-In this sequential algorithm one thread CPU execute all steps. Let see the step 3 the execution of the iterative function, 2 instructions are needed, the first instruction \textit{save} the solution vector for the previous iteration, the second instruction \textit{update} or compute a new values of the roots.
-We have two manner to execute the iterative function, taking a Jacobi iteration who need all the previous value $z^{(k)}_{i}$ to compute the new value $z^{(k+1)}_{i}$we have:
+In this sequential algorithm, one CPU thread executes all the steps. Let us look to the $3^{rd}$ step i.e. the execution of the iterative function, 2 sub-steps are needed. The first sub-step \textit{save}s the solution vector of the previous iteration, the second sub-step \textit{update}s or computes the new values of the roots vector.
+There exists two ways to execute the iterative function that we call a Jacobi one and a Gauss-Seidel one. With the Jacobi iteration, at iteration $k+1$ we need all the previous values $z^{(k)}_{i}$ to compute the new values $z^{(k+1)}_{i}$, taht is :