Like any parallel code, a GPU parallel implementation first requires to determine the sequential code and the data-parallel operations of a algorithm. In fact, all the operations that are easy to execute in parallel must be made by the GPU to accelerate the execution, like the steps 3 and 4. On the other hand, all the sequential operations and the operations that have data dependencies between CUDA threads or recursive computations must be executed by only one CUDA thread or a CPU thread (the steps 1 and 2).\LZK{La méthode est déjà mal présentée, dans ce cas c'est encore plus difficile de comprendre que représentent ces différentes étapes!} Initially, we specify the organization of parallel threads by specifying the dimension of the grid \verb+Dimgrid+, the number of blocks per grid \verb+DimBlock+ and the number of threads per block.
-The code is organized kernels which are part of code that are run on
-GPU devices. For step 3, there are two kernels, the first named
-\textit{save} is used to save vector $Z^{K-1}$ and the second one is
+The code is organized as kernels which are parts of code that are run on GPU devices. For step 3, there are two kernels, the first is named \textit{save} is used to save vector $Z^{K-1}$ and the second one is
named \textit{update} and is used to update the $Z^{K}$ vector. For
step 4, a kernel tests the convergence of the method. In order to
compute the function H, we have two possibilities: either to use the
CUDA running threads like threads on a CPU host. In the following
paragraph Algorithm~\ref{alg1-cuda} shows the GPU parallel
implementation of Ehrlich-Aberth method.
+\LZK{Vaut mieux expliquer l'implémentation en faisant référence à l'algo séquentiel que de parler des différentes steps.}