-in figure ~\ref{fig:08}
-\subsection{Scalability of the EA method on Multi-GPU to solve very high polynomials degrees}
- This experiment we report the execution time according to the degrees polynomials ranging from 1,000,000 to 5,000,000 for both approaches (cuda-OpenMP) and (CUDA-MPI) with sparse and full polynomials.
+Figure ~\ref{fig:08} shows the impact of sparsity on the effectiveness of the CUDA-OpenMP approach. We can see that the impact fellows the same pattern, a difference in execution time in favor of the sparse polynomials.
+%SIDER : il faut une explication ici. je ne vois pas de prime abords, qu'est-ce qui engendre cette différence, car quelques soient les coefficients nulls ou non nulls, c'est toutes les racines qui sont calculées qu'elles soient similaires ou non (degrés de multiplicité).
+\subsection{Scalability of the EA method on Multi-GPU to solve very high degree polynomials}
+These experiments report the execution time according to the degrees of polynomials ranging from 1,000,000 to 5,000,000 for both approaches with sparse and full polynomials.