10 #include <cuda_runtime.h>
11 #include <cutil_inline.h>
15 #include "levelines_common.h"
16 #include "levelines_kernels.cu"
19 int main(int argc, char **argv){
21 // use device with highest Gflops/s
25 cutilCheckError( cutCreateTimer(&timer) );
26 cutilCheckError( cutResetTimer(timer) );
27 cutilCheckError( cutStartTimer(timer) );
30 //alloc bidon pour anticiper l'initialisation du GPU
32 cutilSafeCall( cudaMalloc( (void**) &d_bidon, sizeof(short))) ;
34 //float coef_regul = atof( argv[1] ) ;
36 /*****************************
38 *****************************/
39 char* image_path = argv[argc-1];
40 unsigned int r = atoi(argv[1]) ;
41 bool seq_out = atoi(argv[2]) ;
42 unsigned int iter , nb_iter = atoi(argv[3]) ;
43 unsigned int poids = 15 ;
44 char * image_out_base = "./image_out" ;
45 char * pgm_ext = ".pgm" ;
47 unsigned int * h_data = NULL ;
48 unsigned int * h_data_out = NULL ;
49 unsigned int H, L, size, psize ;
52 cutilCheckError( cutLoadPGMi(image_path, &h_data, &L, &H));
53 cutilCheckError( cutStopTimer(timer) );
55 size = H * L * sizeof( unsigned int );
56 psize = (r-1)*PSIZE_I*sizeof(int2) ;
58 printf("Longueur des chemins = %d pixels\n", r);
59 printf("Init GPU + Image %s %d x %d = %d pixels en %f ms,\n", image_path, L, H, size, cutGetTimerValue(timer));
61 /*****************************
63 *****************************/
65 cutilCheckError( cutResetTimer(timer) );
66 cutilCheckError( cutStartTimer(timer) );
68 unsigned int * d_directions =NULL ;
69 unsigned int * d_lniv, * d_estim = NULL ;
72 cutilSafeCall( cudaMalloc( (void**) &d_directions, size)) ;
73 cutilSafeCall( cudaMalloc( (void**) &d_lniv, size ) );
74 cutilSafeCall( cudaMalloc( (void**) &d_estim, size ) );
75 cutilSafeCall( cudaMalloc( (void**) &d_paths, psize ) );
78 // allocate array and copy image data
79 cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDesc = cudaCreateChannelDesc(32, 0, 0, 0, cudaChannelFormatKindUnsigned);
80 cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDescP = cudaCreateChannelDesc(32, 32, 0, 0, cudaChannelFormatKindSigned);
82 cudaArray * array_img_in, *array_img_estim, *array_img_lniv, *array_paths;
83 cutilSafeCall( cudaMallocArray( &array_img_in, &channelDesc, L, H ));
84 cutilSafeCall( cudaMemcpyToArray( array_img_in, 0, 0, h_data, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)) ;
85 cutilSafeCall( cudaBindTextureToArray( tex_img_in, array_img_in, channelDesc));
87 cutilSafeCall( cudaMallocArray( &array_img_estim, &channelDesc, L, H ));
88 cutilSafeCall( cudaBindTextureToArray( tex_img_estim, array_img_estim, channelDesc));
90 cutilSafeCall( cudaMallocArray( &array_img_lniv, &channelDesc, L, H ));
91 cutilSafeCall( cudaBindTextureToArray( tex_img_lniv, array_img_lniv, channelDesc));
93 cutilSafeCall( cudaMallocArray( &array_paths, &channelDescP, (r-1), PSIZE_I ));
94 cutilSafeCall( cudaBindTextureToArray( tex_paths, array_paths, channelDescP));
96 cutilCheckError( cutStopTimer(timer) );
97 printf("Temps alloc + transferts en Textures : %f ms\n", cutGetTimerValue(timer)) ;
99 /*****************************
101 *****************************/
102 cutilCheckError( cutResetTimer(timer) );
103 cutilCheckError( cutStartTimer(timer) );
105 dim3 dimBlock(1,1,1) ;
106 dim3 dimGrid(1,1,1) ;
107 // calcul des chemins
108 kernel_calcul_paths<<< dimGrid, dimBlock, 0 >>>(d_paths, r);
110 // copie du tableau en texture
111 cutilSafeCall( cudaMemcpyToArray( array_paths, 0, 0, d_paths, psize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice)) ;
113 cutilCheckError( cutStopTimer(timer) );
114 printf("Temps generation chemin + transfert en texture : %f ms\n", cutGetTimerValue(timer)) ;
116 /*****************************
117 * APPELS KERNELS et chronos
118 *****************************/
119 dimBlock = dim3(16,16,1) ;
120 dimGrid = dim3( H / dimBlock.x,L / dimBlock.y, 1 ) ;
122 // pour enregistrement image lniv GPU
124 h_data_out = new unsigned int[H*L] ;
126 //init image estimee avec image_in
127 cutilCheckError( cutResetTimer(timer) );
128 cutilCheckError( cutStartTimer(timer) );
129 kernel_init_estim_from_img_in<<< dimGrid, dimBlock, 0 >>>(d_estim, L, H, 7);
133 kernel_neutre_img2estim<<< dimGrid, dimBlock, 0>>>(d_estim, L, H);
135 cudaThreadSynchronize() ;
136 cutilCheckError( cutStopTimer(timer) );
137 printf("Temps kernel init : %f ms\n", cutGetTimerValue(timer)) ;
140 cutilCheckError( cutResetTimer(timer) );
141 cutilCheckError( cutStartTimer(timer) );
142 cutilSafeCall( cudaMemcpyFromArray( d_estim, array_img_in, 0, 0, size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice)) ;
143 cutilCheckError( cutStopTimer(timer) );
144 printf("Temps memcpyFromArray : %f ms\n", cutGetTimerValue(timer)) ;
146 printf("Grille : %d x %d de Blocs : %d x %d \n", dimGrid.x, dimGrid.y, dimBlock.x, dimBlock.y) ;
148 cutilCheckError( cutResetTimer(timer) );
149 cutilCheckError( cutStartTimer(timer) );
151 for ( iter =0 ; iter < nb_iter ; iter++ )
153 cutilSafeCall( cudaMemcpyToArray( array_img_estim, 0, 0, d_estim, size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice)) ;
154 kernel_levelines_texture_smem<<< dimGrid, dimBlock, 0 >>>( d_lniv, L, H, r );
155 cutilSafeCall( cudaMemcpyToArray( array_img_lniv, 0, 0, d_lniv, size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice)) ;
157 sprintf(image_out, "%s%d%s", image_out_base, iter+1, pgm_ext) ;
158 printf("chaine : %s\n", image_out);
159 cutilSafeCall( cudaMemcpy(h_data_out , d_estim, size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) );
160 cutilCheckError( cutSavePGMi(image_out, h_data_out, L, H) ) ;
162 kernel_estim_next_step_texture<<< dimGrid, dimBlock, 0 >>>(d_estim, L, H, poids) ;
165 cudaThreadSynchronize();
167 cutilCheckError( cutStopTimer(timer) );
168 printf("Execution moy par kernel : %f ms\n", cutGetTimerValue(timer)/(float)nb_iter) ;
169 printf("Total pour %d kernels : %f ms\n", nb_iter, cutGetTimerValue(timer)) ;
171 /**************************
173 **************************/
175 /**************************************************
176 * recuperation matrice des chemins pour affichage
177 **************************************************/
179 int2 * h_paths = new int2[(r-1)*PSIZE_I] ;
180 cutilSafeCall( cudaMemcpyFromArray(h_paths , array_paths, 0, 0, psize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) );
183 printf("matrice Di");
184 for(int idpath=0; idpath< PSIZE_I; idpath++){b
187 for(int idpix=0; idpix< r-1; idpix++){
188 printf(" % d ", h_paths[idpath*(r-1) + idpix].x );
190 printf("\t// %d°", idpath*15) ;
193 printf("\nmatrice Dj");
194 for(int idpath=0; idpath< PSIZE_I; idpath++){
196 for(int idpix=0; idpix< r-1; idpix++){
197 printf(" % d ", h_paths[idpath*(r-1) + idpix].y);
199 printf("\t// %d°", idpath*15) ;
203 /***************************************************
204 * fin verif visuelle matrices des chemins
205 ***************************************************/
207 /***************************************************
208 * execution sequentielle pour comparaison
209 * la comparaison n'est pertinente que
210 * si d_lniv contient les lniv de l'image se départ
211 **************************************************/
214 cutilCheckError( cutResetTimer(timer) );
215 cutilCheckError( cutStartTimer(timer) );
217 h_data_out = new unsigned int[H*L] ;
218 int * dout = new int[H*L] ;
219 for ( iter =0 ; iter < nb_iter ; iter++ ){
220 for (int i=r; i<= H-r; i++){
221 for (int j=r; j<= L-r; j++){
222 h_data_out[i*L+j] = lniv4_value(h_data, h_paths, i, j, H, L, &dout[i*L+j], r) ;
226 cutilCheckError( cutStopTimer(timer) );
227 printf("Execution sequentielle CPU : %f ms\n", cutGetTimerValue(timer)) ;
230 unsigned int * h_lniv = new unsigned int[H*L] ;
231 int pos, cpt_err=0, cpt_pix=0 ;
232 cutilSafeCall( cudaMemcpy(h_lniv , d_lniv, size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) );
233 for ( iter =0 ; iter < nb_iter ; iter++ ){
234 for (int i=r; i<= H-r; i++){
235 for (int j=r; j<= L-r; j++){
237 if ( h_data_out[ pos ] != h_lniv[ pos ] ) {
239 printf(" pixel ( %d , %d ) -> GPU= %d CPU= %d \n", i, j, h_lniv[pos], h_data_out[pos]);
245 printf("TAUX ERREUR GPU/CPU : %d / %d \n", cpt_err, cpt_pix );
247 //trace des lniv sur grille de 'pas x pas'
248 //kernel_trace_levelines<<< dimGrid, dimBlock, 0 >>>(d_data, d_directions, d_data2, L, H, 16, 255, r) ;
251 if ( h_data_out != NULL)
252 cutilSafeCall( cudaMemcpy(h_data_out , d_estim, size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) );
254 printf("Echec allocation mem CPU\n");
255 sprintf(image_out, "%s%d%s", image_out_base, iter+1, pgm_ext) ;
256 cutilCheckError( cutSavePGMi(image_out, h_data_out, L, H) ) ;
259 // TODO verifier pourquoi les deux lignes suivantes produisent une erreur
260 //cutilExit(argc, argv);
262 return EXIT_SUCCESS ;