--- /dev/null
+all.pdf: all.tex results.done
+ pdflatex all.tex
+all.tex: genalltex
+ ./genalltex > all.tex
+results.done: alldata plot plotall
+ ./plotall
+ touch results.done
--- /dev/null
+sizes=( 16 64 256 1024 )
+topologies=( line torus hcube )
+repartitions=( 1 N )
+types=( I R )
+platforms=( cluster grid )
+ratios=( 10.1 1.1 1.10 )
+cat <<EOF
+%%% workaround warnings about PDF 1.5 not supported
+\\pdfminorversion 5
+ \\includegraphics[width=6cm]{#1}}
+for siz in "${sizes[@]}"; do
+ for top in "${topologies[@]}"; do
+ for rep in "${repartitions[@]}"; do
+ test $siz = "1024" -a $rep = "1" && continue
+ cat <<EOF
+ \\centering
+ for typ in "${types[@]}"; do
+ for pla in "${platforms[@]}"; do
+ for rat in "${ratios[@]}"; do
+ cat <<EOF
+ \\IG{results-$typ$rep-$rat/plat-$pla$siz/topo-$top.pdf}%
+ done
+ cat <<EOF
+ done
+ done
+ case $rep in
+ 1) r="all on an only node";;
+ N) r="on all nodes";;
+ *) r="??? $rep ???";;
+ esac
+ case $top in
+ hcube) t="hypercube";;
+ *) t="$top";;
+ esac
+ cat <<EOF
+ \\caption{$siz nodes, $t topology, initially $r}
+ done
+ done
+cat <<EOF
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+#! /usr/bin/gnuplot -p
+## TODO : use a variable / set title cmd to set title
+set terminal pdfcairo font "Helvetica,12" size 5in,5in
+set output 'data.tmp.pdf'
+#set title "results_I1_10:1/plat_grid64/topo_hcube"
+#set key outside
+set nokey
+#set size square
+set xtic rotate by -75 scale 0 left
+set style data histograms
+set style histogram rowstacked
+set style fill solid border -1
+set yrange [0:*]
+set y2range [0:*]
+set ytics nomirror
+set y2tics
+set ylabel 'Time (s)'
+set y2label 'Data amount (relative)'
+plot 'data.tmp' \
+ using 4:xtic(1) title 'Idle duration', \
+ '' using ($5 - $4) title 'Convergence time (avg)', \
+ '' using ($6 - $5) title 'Convergence time (max)', \
+ '' using 3 with linespoint pt 1 axes x1y2 title 'Data transfer amount'
--- /dev/null
+sed -e '/^#/d' \
+ -e 's,/algo_.*,,' \
+ alldata \
+| sort -u \
+| while read cfg; do
+ echo "##### $cfg #####"
+ grep "^$cfg" alldata \
+ | sed 's/.*algo_//;s/_/ /' \
+ | sort -k2r,2 -k1r,1 \
+ | sed 's/ /_/' > data.tmp
+ gnuplot -e "set title '$cfg'" ./plot
+ rm data.tmp
+ name=$(echo $cfg | tr :_ .-)
+ mkdir -p "${name%/*}"
+ mv data.tmp.pdf "$name".pdf