12 // Creates log categories
13 XBT_LOG_NEW_CATEGORY(simu, "Simulation messages");
14 XBT_LOG_NEW_SUBCATEGORY(main, simu, "Messages from global infrastructure");
15 XBT_LOG_NEW_SUBCATEGORY(comm, simu, "Messages from asynchronous pipes");
16 XBT_LOG_NEW_SUBCATEGORY(proc, simu, "Messages from base process class");
17 XBT_LOG_NEW_SUBCATEGORY(loba, simu, "Messages from load-balancer");
21 // Failure exit status
23 EXIT_NO_FAILURE = 0x00, // no error
24 EXIT_FAILURE_ARGS = 0x01, // bad arguments
25 EXIT_FAILURE_INIT = 0x02, // failed to initialize simulator
26 EXIT_FAILURE_SIMU = 0x04, // simulation failed
27 EXIT_FAILURE_CLEAN = 0x08, // error at cleanup
30 #include "loba_least_loaded.h"
31 int simulation_main(int argc, char* argv[])
33 // process proc(argc, argv);
34 loba_least_loaded proc(argc, argv);
38 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
40 // Note: variables used after THROW must be declared as volatile.
41 volatile int exit_status = 0; // global exit status
42 volatile double simulated_time = -1.0;
43 timestamp simulation_time;
47 simulation_time.start();
49 // Set default logging parameters
50 // xbt_log_control_set("simu.thres:verbose");
51 xbt_log_control_set("simu.fmt:'[%h %r] [%c/%p] %m%n'");
53 // Initialize some MSG internal data.
54 // Note: MSG_global_init() may throw an exception, but it seems
55 // impossible to catch it correctly :-(
56 MSG_global_init(&argc, argv);
58 // Parse global parameters
59 int parse_res = opt::parse_args(&argc, argv);
61 || opt::version_requested || opt::help_requested) {
62 if (opt::version_requested)
63 std::clog << version::name << " version " << version::num << "\n"
64 << version::copyright << "\n"
65 "Compiled on " << version::date << "\n\n";
66 if (!parse_res || opt::help_requested)
69 exit(parse_res ? EXIT_NO_FAILURE : EXIT_FAILURE_ARGS);
74 exit_status = EXIT_FAILURE_INIT; // =====
76 // Register the main function of an agent in a global table.
77 MSG_function_register("simulation_main", simulation_main);
78 // Preserve some compatibility with old code...
79 MSG_function_register("Calculs", simulation_main);
81 // Create the platform and the application.
82 MSG_create_environment(opt::platform_file);
84 MSG_launch_application(opt::application_file);
86 exit_status = EXIT_FAILURE_SIMU; // =====
88 // Launch the MSG simulation.
89 INFO0("Starting simulation...");
91 INFO0("Simulation ended.");
92 simulated_time = MSG_get_clock();
94 THROW1(0, 0, "MSG_main() failed with status %#x", res);
96 exit_status = EXIT_NO_FAILURE; // =====
99 int len = strlen(ex.msg);
100 if (len > 0 && ex.msg[len - 1] == '\n')
101 ex.msg[len - 1] = '\0'; // strip the ending '\n'
102 ERROR1("%s", ex.msg);
103 DEBUG3("Error from %s() in %s:%d", ex.func, ex.file, ex.line);
107 // Clean the MSG simulation.
111 ERROR1("MSG_clean() failed with status %#x", res);
112 exit_status |= EXIT_FAILURE_CLEAN;
115 // Report final simulation status.
116 if (simulated_time >= 0.0) {
117 simulation_time.stop();
118 INFO0(",----[ Results ]");
119 INFO1("| Total simulated time...: %g", simulated_time);
120 INFO1("| Total simulation time..: %g", simulation_time.duration());
124 ERROR1("Simulation failed (%#x).", exit_status);
126 INFO0("Simulation succeeded.");