// Parameters for the end of the simulation
// fixme: find better defaults
- unsigned comp_maxiter = 10;
- unsigned lb_maxiter = comp_maxiter;
+ unsigned lb_maxiter = 10;
+ unsigned comp_maxiter = 0;
double time_limit = 0;
bool exit_on_close = false;
opt::comm_cost = cost_func(optarg);
case 'i':
- std::istringstream(optarg) >> opt::comp_maxiter;
+ std::istringstream(optarg) >> opt::lb_maxiter;
case 'I':
- std::istringstream(optarg) >> opt::lb_maxiter;
- ERROR0("option -I not implemented yet");
- result = false;
+ std::istringstream(optarg) >> opt::comp_maxiter;
case 'l':
std::istringstream(optarg) >> opt::log_rate;
DESCR("computation cost factors", "[%s]", comp_cost.to_string().c_str());
DESCR("communication cost factors", "[%s]", comm_cost.to_string().c_str());
DESCR("minimum duration between iterations", "%g", min_iter_duration);
- DESCR("maximum number of comp. iterations", "%s",
- h.val_or_string(comp_maxiter, "infinity"));
DESCR("maximum number of lb. iterations", "%s",
h.val_or_string(lb_maxiter, "infinity"));
+ DESCR("maximum number of comp. iterations", "%s",
+ h.val_or_string(comp_maxiter, "infinity"));
DESCR("time limit", "%s", h.val_or_string(time_limit, "infinity"));
DESCR("exit on close", "%s", h.on_off(exit_on_close));
std::clog << "\nSimulation parameters\n";
std::clog << o("-l value")
- << "print current load every n-th iterations, 0 to disable"
+ << "print current load every n-th lb iterations, 0 to disable"
<< " (" << opt::log_rate << ")\n";
std::clog << o("-v")
<< "verbose: do not override the default logging parameters\n";
std::clog << "\nParameters for the end of the simulation\n";
std::clog << o("-i value")
- << "maximum number of comp. iterations, 0 for infinity"
- << " (" << opt::comp_maxiter << ")\n";
- std::clog << o("-I value")
<< "maximum number of lb. iterations, 0 for infinity"
<< " (" << opt::lb_maxiter << ")\n";
+ std::clog << o("-I value")
+ << "maximum number of comp. iterations, 0 for infinity"
+ << " (" << opt::comp_maxiter << ")\n";
std::clog << o("-t value")
<< "time limit (simulated time), 0 for infinity"
<< " (" << opt::time_limit << ")\n";