]> AND Private Git Repository - loba.git/history - TESTS
Logo AND Algorithmique Numérique Distribuée

Private GIT Repository
ajout de 8 fichiers de tests (a mon avis leur duree de vie sera tres courte :-) )
[loba.git] / TESTS
2011-09-01 Arnaud GierschIn TESTS, bound sizes of data transfers.
2011-08-31 Arnaud GierschUpdate TESTS, and make_params.
2011-08-31 Arnaud GierschDocument current problems with tests.
2011-08-31 Arnaud GierschTESTS are ready to run!
2011-08-31 Arnaud GierschUpdate TEST description.
2011-08-31 Arnaud GierschAdd some notes on experimentations to run.