\AG{``Optimal'' is a bit pretentious in the title}
+ \AG{complete the abstract\dots}
time values. These scaling factors are computed by dividing the maximum
frequency by the new one see EQ~(\ref{eq:s}). In all tests, we use the simulator
SimGrid/SMPI v3.10 to run the NAS programs.
-\AG{Fig.~\ref{fig:pred} is hard to read when printed in black and white,
- especially the ``Normalize Real Perf.'' curve.}
the same time. Therefore, we develop an energy to performance scaling algorithm
(EPSA). This algorithm is simple and has a direct way to calculate the optimal
scaling factor for both energy and performance at the same time.
%\AG{Use the same format as for Algorithm~\ref{EPSA}}
After obtaining the optimal scale factor from the EPSA algorithm. The program
calculates the new frequency $F_i$ for each task proportionally to its time
value $T_i$. By substitution of the EQ~(\ref{eq:s}) in the EQ~(\ref{eq:si}), we
\caption{Platform File Parameters}
% title of Table
- \AG{Use e.g. $5\times 10^{-7}$ instead of 5E-7}
\begin{tabular}{ | l | l | l |l | l |l |l | p{2cm} |}
Max & Min & Backbone & Backbone&Link &Link& Sharing \\
-\AG{\texttt{bibtex} gives many errors, please correct them !! Its correct }
+\AG{the conclusion needs to be written\dots{} one day}
+Computations have been performed on the supercomputer facilities of the
+Mésocentre de calcul de Franche-Comté.