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33 \newcommand{\Dist}{\mathit{Dist}}
34 \newcommand{\EdNew}{\Xsub{E}{dNew}}
35 \newcommand{\Eind}{\Xsub{E}{ind}}
36 \newcommand{\Enorm}{\Xsub{E}{Norm}}
37 \newcommand{\Eoriginal}{\Xsub{E}{Original}}
38 \newcommand{\Ereduced}{\Xsub{E}{Reduced}}
39 \newcommand{\Es}{\Xsub{E}{S}}
40 \newcommand{\Fdiff}[1][]{\Xsub{F}{diff}_{\!#1}}
41 \newcommand{\Fmax}[1][]{\Xsub{F}{max}_{\fxheight{#1}}}
42 \newcommand{\Fnew}{\Xsub{F}{new}}
43 \newcommand{\Ileak}{\Xsub{I}{leak}}
44 \newcommand{\Kdesign}{\Xsub{K}{design}}
45 \newcommand{\MaxDist}{\mathit{Max}\Dist}
46 \newcommand{\MinTcm}{\mathit{Min}\Tcm}
47 \newcommand{\Ntrans}{\Xsub{N}{trans}}
48 \newcommand{\Pd}[1][]{\Xsub{P}{d}_{\fxheight{#1}}}
49 \newcommand{\PdNew}{\Xsub{P}{dNew}}
50 \newcommand{\PdOld}{\Xsub{P}{dOld}}
51 \newcommand{\Pnorm}{\Xsub{P}{Norm}}
52 \newcommand{\Ps}[1][]{\Xsub{P}{s}_{\fxheight{#1}}}
53 \newcommand{\Scp}[1][]{\Xsub{S}{cp}_{#1}}
54 \newcommand{\Sopt}[1][]{\Xsub{S}{opt}_{#1}}
55 \newcommand{\Tcm}[1][]{\Xsub{T}{cm}_{\fxheight{#1}}}
56 \newcommand{\Tcp}[1][]{\Xsub{T}{cp}_{#1}}
57 \newcommand{\Pmax}[1][]{\Xsub{P}{max}_{\fxheight{#1}}}
58 \newcommand{\Pidle}[1][]{\Xsub{P}{idle}_{\fxheight{#1}}}
59 \newcommand{\TcpOld}[1][]{\Xsub{T}{cpOld}_{#1}}
60 \newcommand{\Tnew}{\Xsub{T}{New}}
61 \newcommand{\Told}{\Xsub{T}{Old}}
65 \title{Energy Consumption Reduction with DVFS for \\
66 Message Passing Iterative Applications on \\
67 Heterogeneous Architectures}
77 FEMTO-ST Institute, University of Franche-Comté\\
78 IUT de Belfort-Montbéliard,
79 19 avenue du Maréchal Juin, BP 527, 90016 Belfort cedex, France\\
80 % Telephone: \mbox{+33 3 84 58 77 86}, % Raphaël
81 % Fax: \mbox{+33 3 84 58 77 81}\\ % Dept Info
82 Email: \email{{jean-claude.charr,raphael.couturier,ahmed.fanfakh_badri_muslim,arnaud.giersch}@univ-fcomte.fr}
91 In recent years, green computing has become an important topic
92 in the supercomputing research domain. However, the
93 computing platforms are still consuming more and
94 more energy due to the increasing number of nodes composing
95 them. To minimize the operating costs of these platforms many
96 techniques have been used. Dynamic voltage and frequency
97 scaling (DVFS) is one of them. It can be used to reduce the power consumption of the CPU
98 while computing, by lowering its frequency. However, lowering the frequency of
99 a CPU may increase the execution time of an application running on that
100 processor. Therefore, the frequency that gives the best trade-off between
101 the energy consumption and the performance of an application must be selected.
102 In this paper, a new online frequency selecting algorithm for grids, composed of heterogeneous clusters, is presented.
103 It selects the frequencies and tries to give the best
104 trade-off between energy saving and performance degradation, for each node
105 computing the message passing iterative application.
106 The algorithm has a small
107 overhead and works without training or profiling. It uses a new energy model
108 for message passing iterative applications running on a grid.
109 The proposed algorithm is evaluated on a real grid , the grid'5000 platform, while
110 running the NAS parallel benchmarks. The experiments show that it reduces the
111 energy consumption on average by \np[\%]{30} while the performance is only degraded
112 on average by \np[\%]{3}. Finally, the algorithm is
113 compared to an existing method. The comparison results show that it outperforms the
114 latter in terms of energy consumption reduction and performance.
118 \section{Introduction}
121 The need for more computing power is continually increasing. To partially
122 satisfy this need, most supercomputers constructors just put more computing
123 nodes in their platform. The resulting platforms may achieve higher floating
124 point operations per second (FLOPS), but the energy consumption and the heat
125 dissipation are also increased. As an example, the Chinese supercomputer
126 Tianhe-2 had the highest FLOPS in June 2015 according to the Top500 list
127 \cite{TOP500_Supercomputers_Sites}. However, it was also the most power hungry
128 platform with its over 3 million cores consuming around 17.8 megawatts.
129 Moreover, according to the U.S. annual energy outlook 2015
130 \cite{U.S_Annual.Energy.Outlook.2015}, the price of energy for 1 megawatt-hour
131 was approximately equal to \$70. Therefore, the price of the energy consumed by
132 the Tianhe-2 platform is approximately more than \$10 million each year. The
133 computing platforms must be more energy efficient and offer the highest number
134 of FLOPS per watt possible, such as the Shoubu-ExaScaler from RIKEN
135 which became the top of the Green500 list in June 2015 \cite{Green500_List}.
136 This heterogeneous platform executes more than 7 GFLOPS per watt while consuming
139 Besides platform improvements, there are many software and hardware techniques
140 to lower the energy consumption of these platforms, such as scheduling, DVFS,
141 \dots{} DVFS is a widely used process to reduce the energy consumption of a
142 processor by lowering its frequency
143 \cite{Rizvandi_Some.Observations.on.Optimal.Frequency}. However, it also reduces
144 the number of FLOPS executed by the processor which may increase the execution
145 time of the application running over that processor. Therefore, researchers use
146 different optimization strategies to select the frequency that gives the best
147 trade-off between the energy reduction and performance degradation ratio. In
148 \cite{Our_first_paper} and \cite{pdsec2015} , a frequencies selecting algorithm was proposed to reduce
149 the energy consumption of message passing iterative applications running over
150 homogeneous and heterogeneous clusters respectively.
151 The results of the experiments showed significant energy
152 consumption reductions. All the experimental results were conducted over
153 Simgrid simulator \cite{SimGrid}, which offers easy tools to create a homogeneous and heterogeneous platforms and run message passing parallel applications over them. In this paper, a new frequencies selecting algorithm,
154 adapted to grid platforms composed of heterogeneous clusters, is presented. It is applied to the NAS parallel benchmarks and evaluated over a real testbed,
155 the grid'5000 platform \cite{grid5000}. It selects for a grid platform running a message passing iterative
156 application the vector of
157 frequencies that simultaneously tries to offer the maximum energy reduction and
158 minimum performance degradation ratios. The algorithm has a very small overhead,
159 works online and does not need any training or profiling.
162 This paper is organized as follows: Section~\ref{sec.relwork} presents some
163 related works from other authors. Section~\ref{sec.exe} describes how the
164 execution time of message passing programs can be predicted. It also presents
165 an energy model that predicts the energy consumption of an application running
166 over a grid platform. Section~\ref{sec.compet} presents the
167 energy-performance objective function that maximizes the reduction of energy
168 consumption while minimizing the degradation of the program's performance.
169 Section~\ref{sec.optim} details the proposed frequencies selecting algorithm.
170 Section~\ref{sec.expe} presents the results of applying the algorithm on the
171 NAS parallel benchmarks and executing them on the grid'5000 testbed.
172 %It shows the results of running different scenarios using multi-cores and one core per node and comparing them.
173 It also evaluates the algorithm over three different power scenarios. Moreover, it shows the
174 comparison results between the proposed method and an existing method. Finally,
175 in Section~\ref{sec.concl} the paper ends with a summary and some future works.
177 \section{Related works}
180 DVFS is a technique used in modern processors to scale down both the voltage and
181 the frequency of the CPU while computing, in order to reduce the energy
182 consumption of the processor. DVFS is also allowed in GPUs to achieve the same
183 goal. Reducing the frequency of a processor lowers its number of FLOPS and may
184 degrade the performance of the application running on that processor, especially
185 if it is compute bound. Therefore selecting the appropriate frequency for a
186 processor to satisfy some objectives, while taking into account all the
187 constraints, is not a trivial operation. Many researchers used different
188 strategies to tackle this problem. Some of them developed online methods that
189 compute the new frequency while executing the application, such
190 as~\cite{Hao_Learning.based.DVFS,Spiliopoulos_Green.governors.Adaptive.DVFS}.
191 Others used offline methods that may need to run the application and profile
192 it before selecting the new frequency, such
193 as~\cite{Rountree_Bounding.energy.consumption.in.MPI,Cochran_Pack_and_Cap_Adaptive_DVFS}.
194 The methods could be heuristics, exact or brute force methods that satisfy
195 varied objectives such as energy reduction or performance. They also could be
196 adapted to the execution's environment and the type of the application such as
197 sequential, parallel or distributed architecture, homogeneous or heterogeneous
198 platform, synchronous or asynchronous application, \dots{}
200 In this paper, we are interested in reducing energy for message passing
201 iterative synchronous applications running over heterogeneous grid platforms. Some
202 works have already been done for such platforms and they can be classified into
203 two types of heterogeneous platforms:
205 \item the platform is composed of homogeneous GPUs and homogeneous CPUs.
206 \item the platform is only composed of heterogeneous CPUs.
209 For the first type of platform, the computing intensive parallel tasks are
210 executed on the GPUs and the rest are executed on the CPUs. Luley et
211 al.~\cite{Luley_Energy.efficiency.evaluation.and.benchmarking}, proposed a
212 heterogeneous cluster composed of Intel Xeon CPUs and NVIDIA GPUs. Their main
213 goal was to maximize the energy efficiency of the platform during computation by
214 maximizing the number of FLOPS per watt generated.
215 In~\cite{KaiMa_Holistic.Approach.to.Energy.Efficiency.in.GPU-CPU}, Kai Ma et
216 al. developed a scheduling algorithm that distributes workloads proportional to
217 the computing power of the nodes which could be a GPU or a CPU. All the tasks
218 must be completed at the same time. In~\cite{Rong_Effects.of.DVFS.on.K20.GPU},
219 Rong et al. showed that a heterogeneous (GPUs and CPUs) cluster that enables
220 DVFS gave better energy and performance efficiency than other clusters only
223 The work presented in this paper concerns the second type of platform, with
224 heterogeneous CPUs. Many methods were conceived to reduce the energy
225 consumption of this type of platform. Naveen et
226 al.~\cite{Naveen_Power.Efficient.Resource.Scaling} developed a method that
227 minimizes the value of $\mathit{energy}\times \mathit{delay}^2$ (the delay is
228 the sum of slack times that happen during synchronous communications) by
229 dynamically assigning new frequencies to the CPUs of the heterogeneous cluster.
230 Lizhe et al.~\cite{Lizhe_Energy.aware.parallel.task.scheduling} proposed an
231 algorithm that divides the executed tasks into two types: the critical and non
232 critical tasks. The algorithm scales down the frequency of non critical tasks
233 proportionally to their slack and communication times while limiting the
234 performance degradation percentage to less than \np[\%]{10}.
235 In~\cite{Joshi_Blackbox.prediction.of.impact.of.DVFS}, they developed a
236 heterogeneous cluster composed of two types of Intel and AMD processors. They
237 use a gradient method to predict the impact of DVFS operations on performance.
238 In~\cite{Shelepov_Scheduling.on.Heterogeneous.Multicore} and
239 \cite{Li_Minimizing.Energy.Consumption.for.Frame.Based.Tasks}, the best
240 frequencies for a specified heterogeneous cluster are selected offline using
241 some heuristic. Chen et
242 al.~\cite{Chen_DVFS.under.quality.of.service.requirements} used a greedy dynamic
243 programming approach to minimize the power consumption of heterogeneous servers
244 while respecting given time constraints. This approach had considerable
245 overhead. In contrast to the above described papers, this paper presents the
246 following contributions :
248 \item two new energy and performance models for message passing iterative
249 synchronous applications running over a heterogeneous grid platform. Both models
250 take into account communication and slack times. The models can predict the
251 required energy and the execution time of the application.
253 \item a new online frequency selecting algorithm for heterogeneous grid
254 platforms. The algorithm has a very small overhead and does not need any
255 training or profiling. It uses a new optimization function which
256 simultaneously maximizes the performance and minimizes the energy consumption
257 of a message passing iterative synchronous application.
263 \section{The performance and energy consumption measurements on heterogeneous grid architecture}
266 \subsection{The execution time of message passing distributed iterative
267 applications on a heterogeneous platform}
269 In this paper, we are interested in reducing the energy consumption of message
270 passing distributed iterative synchronous applications running over
271 heterogeneous grid platforms. A heterogeneous grid platform could be defined as a collection of
272 heterogeneous computing clusters interconnected via a long distance network which has lower bandwidth
273 and higher latency than the local networks of the clusters. Each computing cluster in the grid is composed of homogeneous nodes that are connected together via high speed network. Therefore, each cluster has different characteristics such as computing power (FLOPS), energy consumption, CPU's frequency range, network bandwidth and latency.
277 \includegraphics[scale=0.6]{fig/commtasks}
278 \caption{Parallel tasks on a heterogeneous platform}
282 The overall execution time of a distributed iterative synchronous application
283 over a heterogeneous grid consists of the sum of the computation time and
284 the communication time for every iteration on a node. However, due to the
285 heterogeneous computation power of the computing clusters, slack times may occur
286 when fast nodes have to wait, during synchronous communications, for the slower
287 nodes to finish their computations (see Figure~\ref{fig:heter}). Therefore, the
288 overall execution time of the program is the execution time of the slowest task
289 which has the highest computation time and no slack time.
291 Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) is a process, implemented in
292 modern processors, that reduces the energy consumption of a CPU by scaling
293 down its voltage and frequency. Since DVFS lowers the frequency of a CPU
294 and consequently its computing power, the execution time of a program running
295 over that scaled down processor may increase, especially if the program is
296 compute bound. The frequency reduction process can be expressed by the scaling
297 factor S which is the ratio between the maximum and the new frequency of a CPU
301 S = \frac{\Fmax}{\Fnew}
303 The execution time of a compute bound sequential program is linearly
304 proportional to the frequency scaling factor $S$. On the other hand, message
305 passing distributed applications consist of two parts: computation and
306 communication. The execution time of the computation part is linearly
307 proportional to the frequency scaling factor $S$ but the communication time is
308 not affected by the scaling factor because the processors involved remain idle
309 during the communications~\cite{Freeh_Exploring.the.Energy.Time.Tradeoff}. The
310 communication time for a task is the summation of periods of time that begin
311 with an MPI call for sending or receiving a message until the message is
312 synchronously sent or received.
314 Since in a heterogeneous grid each cluster has different characteristics,
315 especially different frequency gears, when applying DVFS operations on the nodes
316 of these clusters, they may get different scaling factors represented by a scaling vector:
317 $(S_{11}, S_{12},\dots, S_{NM})$ where $S_{ij}$ is the scaling factor of processor $j$ in cluster $i$ . To
318 be able to predict the execution time of message passing synchronous iterative
319 applications running over a heterogeneous grid, for different vectors of
320 scaling factors, the communication time and the computation time for all the
321 tasks must be measured during the first iteration before applying any DVFS
322 operation. Then the execution time for one iteration of the application with any
323 vector of scaling factors can be predicted using (\ref{eq:perf}).
326 \Tnew = \mathop{\max_{i=1,\dots N}}_{j=1,\dots,M}({\TcpOld[ij]} \cdot S_{ij})
327 +\mathop{\min_{j=1,\dots,M}} (\Tcm[hj])
330 where $N$ is the number of clusters in the grid, $M$ is the number of nodes in
331 each cluster, $\TcpOld[ij]$ is the computation time of processor $j$ in the cluster $i$
332 and $\Tcm[hj]$ is the communication time of processor $j$ in the cluster $h$ during the
333 first iteration. The model computes the maximum computation time with scaling factor
334 from each node added to the communication time of the slowest node in the slowest cluster $h$.
335 It means only the communication time without any slack time is taken into account.
336 Therefore, the execution time of the iterative application is equal to
337 the execution time of one iteration as in (\ref{eq:perf}) multiplied by the
338 number of iterations of that application.
340 This prediction model is developed from the model to predict the execution time
341 of message passing distributed applications for homogeneous and heterogeneous clusters
342 ~\cite{Our_first_paper,pdsec2015}. The execution time prediction model is
343 used in the method to optimize both the energy consumption and the performance
344 of iterative methods, which is presented in the following sections.
347 \subsection{Energy model for heterogeneous grid platform}
349 Many researchers~\cite{Malkowski_energy.efficient.high.performance.computing,
350 Rauber_Analytical.Modeling.for.Energy,Zhuo_Energy.efficient.Dynamic.Task.Scheduling,
351 Rizvandi_Some.Observations.on.Optimal.Frequency} divide the power consumed by
352 a processor into two power metrics: the static and the dynamic power. While the
353 first one is consumed as long as the computing unit is turned on, the latter is
354 only consumed during computation times. The dynamic power $\Pd$ is related to
355 the switching activity $\alpha$, load capacitance $\CL$, the supply voltage $V$
356 and operational frequency $F$, as shown in (\ref{eq:pd}).
359 \Pd = \alpha \cdot \CL \cdot V^2 \cdot F
361 The static power $\Ps$ captures the leakage power as follows:
364 \Ps = V \cdot \Ntrans \cdot \Kdesign \cdot \Ileak
366 where V is the supply voltage, $\Ntrans$ is the number of transistors,
367 $\Kdesign$ is a design dependent parameter and $\Ileak$ is a
368 technology dependent parameter. The energy consumed by an individual processor
369 to execute a given program can be computed as:
372 \Eind = \Pd \cdot \Tcp + \Ps \cdot T
374 where $T$ is the execution time of the program, $\Tcp$ is the computation
375 time and $\Tcp \le T$. $\Tcp$ may be equal to $T$ if there is no
376 communication and no slack time.
378 The main objective of DVFS operation is to reduce the overall energy
379 consumption~\cite{Le_DVFS.Laws.of.Diminishing.Returns}. The operational
380 frequency $F$ depends linearly on the supply voltage $V$, i.e., $V = \beta \cdot
381 F$ with some constant $\beta$.~This equation is used to study the change of the
382 dynamic voltage with respect to various frequency values
383 in~\cite{Rauber_Analytical.Modeling.for.Energy}. The reduction process of the
384 frequency can be expressed by the scaling factor $S$ which is the ratio between
385 the maximum and the new frequency as in (\ref{eq:s}). The CPU governors are
386 power schemes supplied by the operating system's kernel to lower a core's
387 frequency. The new frequency $\Fnew$ from (\ref{eq:s}) can be calculated as
391 \Fnew = S^{-1} \cdot \Fmax
393 Replacing $\Fnew$ in (\ref{eq:pd}) as in (\ref{eq:fnew}) gives the following
394 equation for dynamic power consumption:
397 \PdNew = \alpha \cdot \CL \cdot V^2 \cdot \Fnew = \alpha \cdot \CL \cdot \beta^2 \cdot \Fnew^3 \\
398 {} = \alpha \cdot \CL \cdot V^2 \cdot \Fmax \cdot S^{-3} = \PdOld \cdot S^{-3}
400 where $\PdNew$ and $\PdOld$ are the dynamic power consumed with the
401 new frequency and the maximum frequency respectively.
403 According to (\ref{eq:pdnew}) the dynamic power is reduced by a factor of
404 $S^{-3}$ when reducing the frequency by a factor of
405 $S$~\cite{Rauber_Analytical.Modeling.for.Energy}. Since the FLOPS of a CPU is
406 proportional to the frequency of a CPU, the computation time is increased
407 proportionally to $S$. The new dynamic energy is the dynamic power multiplied
408 by the new time of computation and is given by the following equation:
411 \EdNew = \PdOld \cdot S^{-3} \cdot (\Tcp \cdot S)= S^{-2}\cdot \PdOld \cdot \Tcp
413 The static power is related to the power leakage of the CPU and is consumed
414 during computation and even when idle. As
415 in~\cite{Rauber_Analytical.Modeling.for.Energy,Zhuo_Energy.efficient.Dynamic.Task.Scheduling},
416 the static power of a processor is considered as constant during idle and
417 computation periods, and for all its available frequencies. The static energy
418 is the static power multiplied by the execution time of the program. According
419 to the execution time model in (\ref{eq:perf}), the execution time of the
420 program is the sum of the computation and the communication times. The
421 computation time is linearly related to the frequency scaling factor, while this
422 scaling factor does not affect the communication time. The static energy of a
423 processor after scaling its frequency is computed as follows:
426 \Es = \Ps \cdot (\Tcp \cdot S + \Tcm)
429 In the considered heterogeneous grid platform, each node $j$ in cluster $i$ may have
430 different dynamic and static powers from the nodes of the other clusters,
431 noted as $\Pd[ij]$ and $\Ps[ij]$ respectively. Therefore, even if the distributed
432 message passing iterative application is load balanced, the computation time of each CPU $j$
433 in cluster $i$ noted $\Tcp[ij]$ may be different and different frequency scaling factors may be
434 computed in order to decrease the overall energy consumption of the application
435 and reduce slack times. The communication time of a processor $j$ in cluster $i$ is noted as
436 $\Tcm[ij]$ and could contain slack times when communicating with slower nodes,
437 see Figure~\ref{fig:heter}. Therefore, all nodes do not have equal
438 communication times. While the dynamic energy is computed according to the
439 frequency scaling factor and the dynamic power of each node as in
440 (\ref{eq:Edyn}), the static energy is computed as the sum of the execution time
441 of one iteration multiplied by the static power of each processor. The overall
442 energy consumption of a message passing distributed application executed over a
443 heterogeneous grid platform during one iteration is the summation of all dynamic and
444 static energies for $M$ processors in $N$ clusters. It is computed as follows:
447 E = \sum_{i=1}^{N} \sum_{i=1}^{M} {(S_{ij}^{-2} \cdot \Pd[ij] \cdot \Tcp[ij])} +
448 \sum_{i=1}^{N} \sum_{j=1}^{M} (\Ps[ij] \cdot {} \\
449 (\mathop{\max_{i=1,\dots N}}_{j=1,\dots,M}({\Tcp[ij]} \cdot S_{ij})
450 +\mathop{\min_{j=1,\dots M}} (\Tcm[hj]) ))
453 Reducing the frequencies of the processors according to the vector of scaling
454 factors $(S_{11}, S_{12},\dots, S_{NM})$ may degrade the performance of the application
455 and thus, increase the static energy because the execution time is
456 increased~\cite{Kim_Leakage.Current.Moore.Law}. The overall energy consumption
457 for the iterative application can be measured by measuring the energy
458 consumption for one iteration as in (\ref{eq:energy}) multiplied by the number
459 of iterations of that application.
461 \section{Optimization of both energy consumption and performance}
464 Using the lowest frequency for each processor does not necessarily give the most
465 energy efficient execution of an application. Indeed, even though the dynamic
466 power is reduced while scaling down the frequency of a processor, its
467 computation power is proportionally decreased. Hence, the execution time might
468 be drastically increased and during that time, dynamic and static powers are
469 being consumed. Therefore, it might cancel any gains achieved by scaling down
470 the frequency of all nodes to the minimum and the overall energy consumption of
471 the application might not be the optimal one. It is not trivial to select the
472 appropriate frequency scaling factor for each processor while considering the
473 characteristics of each processor (computation power, range of frequencies,
474 dynamic and static powers) and the task executed (computation/communication
475 ratio). The aim being to reduce the overall energy consumption and to avoid
476 increasing significantly the execution time.
478 works, \cite{Our_first_paper} and \cite{pdsec2015}, two methods that select the optimal
479 frequency scaling factors for a homogeneous and a heterogeneous cluster respectively, were proposed.
480 Both methods selects the frequencies that gives the best tradeoff between
481 energy consumption reduction and performance for message passing
482 iterative synchronous applications. In this work we
483 are interested in grids that are composed of heterogeneous clusters were the nodes have different characteristics such as dynamic power, static power, computation power, frequencies range, network latency and bandwidth.
485 heterogeneity of the processors, a vector of scaling factors should be selected
486 and it must give the best trade-off between energy consumption and performance.
488 The relation between the energy consumption and the execution time for an
489 application is complex and nonlinear, Thus, unlike the relation between the
490 execution time and the scaling factor, the relation between the energy and the
491 frequency scaling factors is nonlinear, for more details refer
492 to~\cite{Freeh_Exploring.the.Energy.Time.Tradeoff}. Moreover, these relations
493 are not measured using the same metric. To solve this problem, the execution
494 time is normalized by computing the ratio between the new execution time (after
495 scaling down the frequencies of some processors) and the initial one (with
496 maximum frequency for all nodes) as follows:
499 \Pnorm = \frac{\Tnew}{\Told}
503 Where $Tnew$ is computed as in (\ref{eq:perf}) and $Told$ is computed as in (\ref{eq:told})
506 \Told = \mathop{\max_{i=1,2,\dots,N}}_{j=1,2,\dots,M} (\Tcp[ij]+\Tcm[ij])
508 In the same way, the energy is normalized by computing the ratio between the
509 consumed energy while scaling down the frequency and the consumed energy with
510 maximum frequency for all nodes:
513 \Enorm = \frac{\Ereduced}{\Eoriginal}
516 Where $\Ereduced$ is computed using (\ref{eq:energy}) and $\Eoriginal$ is
517 computed as in (\ref{eq:eorginal}).
522 \Eoriginal = \sum_{i=1}^{N} \sum_{j=1}^{M} ( \Pd[ij] \cdot \Tcp[ij]) +
523 \mathop{\sum_{i=1}^{N}} \sum_{j=1}^{M} (\Ps[ij] \cdot \Told)
526 While the main goal is to optimize the energy and execution time at the same
527 time, the normalized energy and execution time curves do not evolve (increase/decrease) in the same way.
528 According to the equations~(\ref{eq:pnorm}) and (\ref{eq:enorm}), the
529 vector of frequency scaling factors $S_1,S_2,\dots,S_N$ reduce both the energy
530 and the execution time simultaneously. But the main objective is to produce
531 maximum energy reduction with minimum execution time reduction.
533 This problem can be solved by making the optimization process for energy and
534 execution time follow the same evolution according to the vector of scaling factors
535 $(S_{11}, S_{12},\dots, S_{NM})$. Therefore, the equation of the
536 normalized execution time is inverted which gives the normalized performance
537 equation, as follows:
540 \Pnorm = \frac{\Told}{\Tnew}
545 \subfloat[Homogeneous cluster]{%
546 \includegraphics[width=.33\textwidth]{fig/homo}\label{fig:r1}}%
548 \subfloat[Heterogeneous grid]{%
549 \includegraphics[width=.33\textwidth]{fig/heter}\label{fig:r2}}
551 \caption{The energy and performance relation}
554 Then, the objective function can be modeled in order to find the maximum
555 distance between the energy curve (\ref{eq:enorm}) and the performance curve
556 (\ref{eq:pnorm_inv}) over all available sets of scaling factors. This
557 represents the minimum energy consumption with minimum execution time (maximum
558 performance) at the same time, see Figure~\ref{fig:r1} or
559 Figure~\ref{fig:r2}. Then the objective function has the following form:
563 \mathop{ \mathop{\max_{i=1,\dots N}}_{j=1,\dots,M}}_{k=1,\dots,F}
564 (\overbrace{\Pnorm(S_{ijk})}^{\text{Maximize}} -
565 \overbrace{\Enorm(S_{ijk})}^{\text{Minimize}} )
567 where $N$ is the number of clusters, $M$ is the number of nodes in each cluster and
568 $F$ is the number of available frequencies for each node. Then, the optimal set
569 of scaling factors that satisfies (\ref{eq:max}) can be selected.
570 The objective function can work with any energy model or any power
571 values for each node (static and dynamic powers). However, the most important
572 energy reduction gain can be achieved when the energy curve has a convex form as shown
573 in~\cite{Zhuo_Energy.efficient.Dynamic.Task.Scheduling,Rauber_Analytical.Modeling.for.Energy,Hao_Learning.based.DVFS}.
575 \section{The scaling factors selection algorithm for grids }
579 \begin{algorithmic}[1]
583 \item [{$N$}] number of clusters in the grid.
584 \item [{$M$}] number of nodes in each cluster.
585 \item[{$\Tcp[ij]$}] array of all computation times for all nodes during one iteration and with the highest frequency.
586 \item[{$\Tcm[ij]$}] array of all communication times for all nodes during one iteration and with the highest frequency.
587 \item[{$\Fmax[ij]$}] array of the maximum frequencies for all nodes.
588 \item[{$\Pd[ij]$}] array of the dynamic powers for all nodes.
589 \item[{$\Ps[ij]$}] array of the static powers for all nodes.
590 \item[{$\Fdiff[ij]$}] array of the differences between two successive frequencies for all nodes.
592 \Ensure $\Sopt[11],\Sopt[12] \dots, \Sopt[NM_i]$, a vector of scaling factors that gives the optimal tradeoff between energy consumption and execution time
594 \State $\Scp[ij] \gets \frac{\max_{i=1,2,\dots,N}(\max_{j=1,2,\dots,M_i}(\Tcp[ij]))}{\Tcp[ij]} $
595 \State $F_{ij} \gets \frac{\Fmax[ij]}{\Scp[i]},~{i=1,2,\cdots,N},~{j=1,2,\dots,M_i}.$
596 \State Round the computed initial frequencies $F_i$ to the closest available frequency for each node.
597 \If{(not the first frequency)}
598 \State $F_{ij} \gets F_{ij}+\Fdiff[ij],~i=1,\dots,N,~{j=1,\dots,M_i}.$
600 \State $\Told \gets $ computed as in equations (\ref{eq:told}).
601 \State $\Eoriginal \gets $ computed as in equations (\ref{eq:eorginal}) .
602 \State $\Sopt[ij] \gets 1,~i=1,\dots,N,~{j=1,\dots,M_i}. $
603 \State $\Dist \gets 0 $
604 \While {(all nodes have not reached their minimum \newline\hspace*{2.5em} frequency \textbf{or} $\Pnorm - \Enorm < 0 $)}
605 \If{(not the last freq. \textbf{and} not the slowest node)}
606 \State $F_{ij} \gets F_{ij} - \Fdiff[ij],~{i=1,\dots,N},~{j=1,\dots,M_i}$.
607 \State $S_{ij} \gets \frac{\Fmax[ij]}{F_{ij}},~{i=1,\dots,N},~{j=1,\dots,M_i}.$
609 \State $\Tnew \gets $ computed as in equations (\ref{eq:perf}).
610 \State $\Ereduced \gets $ computed as in equations (\ref{eq:energy}).
611 \State $\Pnorm \gets \frac{\Told}{\Tnew}$
612 \State $\Enorm\gets \frac{\Ereduced}{\Eoriginal}$
613 \If{$(\Pnorm - \Enorm > \Dist)$}
614 \State $\Sopt[ij] \gets S_{ij},~i=1,\dots,N,~j=1,\dots,M_i. $
615 \State $\Dist \gets \Pnorm - \Enorm$
618 \State Return $\Sopt[11],\Sopt[12],\dots,\Sopt[NM_i]$
620 \caption{Scaling factors selection algorithm}
625 \begin{algorithmic}[1]
627 \For {$k=1$ to \textit{some iterations}}
628 \State Computations section.
629 \State Communications section.
631 \State Gather all times of computation and\newline\hspace*{3em}%
632 communication from each node.
633 \State Call Algorithm \ref{HSA}.
634 \State Compute the new frequencies from the\newline\hspace*{3em}%
635 returned optimal scaling factors.
636 \State Set the new frequencies to nodes.
640 \caption{DVFS algorithm}
645 In this section, the scaling factors selection algorithm for grids, algorithm~\ref{HSA}, is presented. It selects the vector of the frequency
646 scaling factors that gives the best trade-off between minimizing the
647 energy consumption and maximizing the performance of a message passing
648 synchronous iterative application executed on a grid. It works
649 online during the execution time of the iterative message passing program. It
650 uses information gathered during the first iteration such as the computation
651 time and the communication time in one iteration for each node. The algorithm is
652 executed after the first iteration and returns a vector of optimal frequency
653 scaling factors that satisfies the objective function (\ref{eq:max}). The
654 program applies DVFS operations to change the frequencies of the CPUs according
655 to the computed scaling factors. This algorithm is called just once during the
656 execution of the program. Algorithm~\ref{dvfs} shows where and when the proposed
657 scaling algorithm is called in the iterative MPI program.
661 \includegraphics[scale=0.45]{fig/init_freq}
662 \caption{Selecting the initial frequencies}
666 Nodes from distinct clusters in a grid have different computing powers, thus
667 while executing message passing iterative synchronous applications, fast nodes
668 have to wait for the slower ones to finish their computations before being able
669 to synchronously communicate with them as in Figure~\ref{fig:heter}. These
670 periods are called idle or slack times. The algorithm takes into account this
671 problem and tries to reduce these slack times when selecting the vector of the frequency
672 scaling factors. At first, it selects initial frequency scaling factors
673 that increase the execution times of fast nodes and minimize the differences
674 between the computation times of fast and slow nodes. The value of the initial
675 frequency scaling factor for each node is inversely proportional to its
676 computation time that was gathered from the first iteration. These initial
677 frequency scaling factors are computed as a ratio between the computation time
678 of the slowest node and the computation time of the node $i$ as follows:
681 \Scp[ij] = \frac{ \mathop{\max_{i=1,\dots N}}_{j=1,\dots,M}(\Tcp[ij])} {\Tcp[ij]}
683 Using the initial frequency scaling factors computed in (\ref{eq:Scp}), the
684 algorithm computes the initial frequencies for all nodes as a ratio between the
685 maximum frequency of node $i$ and the computation scaling factor $\Scp[i]$ as
689 F_{ij} = \frac{\Fmax[ij]}{\Scp[ij]},~{i=1,2,\dots,N},~{j=1,\dots,M}
691 If the computed initial frequency for a node is not available in the gears of
692 that node, it is replaced by the nearest available frequency. In
693 Figure~\ref{fig:st_freq}, the nodes are sorted by their computing powers in
694 ascending order and the frequencies of the faster nodes are scaled down
695 according to the computed initial frequency scaling factors. The resulting new
696 frequencies are highlighted in Figure~\ref{fig:st_freq}. This set of
697 frequencies can be considered as a higher bound for the search space of the
698 optimal vector of frequencies because selecting higher frequencies
699 than the higher bound will not improve the performance of the application and it
700 will increase its overall energy consumption. Therefore the algorithm that
701 selects the frequency scaling factors starts the search method from these
702 initial frequencies and takes a downward search direction toward lower
703 frequencies until reaching the nodes' minimum frequencies or lower bounds. A node's frequency is considered its lower bound if the computed distance between the energy and performance at this frequency is less than zero.
704 A negative distance means that the performance degradation ratio is higher than the energy saving ratio.
705 In this situation, the algorithm must stop the downward search because it has reached the lower bound and it is useless to test the lower frequencies. Indeed, they will all give worse distances.
707 Therefore, the algorithm iterates on all remaining frequencies, from the higher
708 bound until all nodes reach their minimum frequencies or their lower bounds, to compute the overall
709 energy consumption and performance and selects the optimal vector of the frequency scaling
710 factors. At each iteration the algorithm determines the slowest node
711 according to the equation (\ref{eq:perf}) and keeps its frequency unchanged,
712 while it lowers the frequency of all other nodes by one gear. The new overall
713 energy consumption and execution time are computed according to the new scaling
714 factors. The optimal set of frequency scaling factors is the set that gives the
715 highest distance according to the objective function (\ref{eq:max}).
717 Figures~\ref{fig:r1} and \ref{fig:r2} illustrate the normalized performance and
718 consumed energy for an application running on a homogeneous cluster and a
719 grid platform respectively while increasing the scaling factors. It can
720 be noticed that in a homogeneous cluster the search for the optimal scaling
721 factor should start from the maximum frequency because the performance and the
722 consumed energy decrease from the beginning of the plot. On the other hand, in
723 the grid platform the performance is maintained at the beginning of the
724 plot even if the frequencies of the faster nodes decrease until the computing
725 power of scaled down nodes are lower than the slowest node. In other words,
726 until they reach the higher bound. It can also be noticed that the higher the
727 difference between the faster nodes and the slower nodes is, the bigger the
728 maximum distance between the energy curve and the performance curve is, which results in bigger energy savings.
731 \section{Experimental results}
733 While in~\cite{pdsec2015} the energy model and the scaling factors selection algorithm were applied to a heterogeneous cluster and evaluated over the SimGrid simulator~\cite{SimGrid},
734 in this paper real experiments were conducted over the grid'5000 platform.
736 \subsection{Grid'5000 architature and power consumption}
738 Grid'5000~\cite{grid5000} is a large-scale testbed that consists of ten sites distributed over all metropolitan France and Luxembourg. All the sites are connected together via a special long distance network called RENATER,
739 which is the French National Telecommunication Network for Technology.
740 Each site of the grid is composed of few heterogeneous
741 computing clusters and each cluster contains many homogeneous nodes. In total,
742 grid'5000 has about one thousand heterogeneous nodes and eight thousand cores. In each site,
743 the clusters and their nodes are connected via high speed local area networks.
744 Two types of local networks are used, Ethernet or Infiniband networks which have different characteristics in terms of bandwidth and latency.
746 Since grid'5000 is dedicated for testing, contrary to production grids it allows a user to deploy its own customized operating system on all the booked nodes. The user could have root rights and thus apply DVFS operations while executing a distributed application. Moreover, the grid'5000 testbed provides at some sites a power measurement tool to capture
747 the power consumption for each node in those sites. The measured power is the overall consumed power by by all the components of a node at a given instant, such as CPU, hard drive, main-board, memory, ... For more details refer to
748 \cite{Energy_measurement}. To just measure the CPU power of one core in a node $j$,
749 firstly, the power consumed by the node while being idle at instant $y$, noted as $\Pidle[jy]$, was measured. Then, the power was measured while running a single thread benchmark with no communication (no idle time) over the same node with its CPU scaled to the maximum available frequency. The latter power measured at time $x$ with maximum frequency for one core of node $j$ is noted $\Pmax[jx]$. The difference between the two measured power consumption represents the
750 dynamic power consumption of that core with the maximum frequency, see figure(\ref{fig:power_cons}).
753 The dynamic power $\Pd[j]$ is computed as in equation (\ref{eq:pdyn})
756 \Pd[j] = \max_{x=\beta_1,\dots \beta_2} (\Pmax[jx]) - \min_{y=\Theta_1,\dots \Theta_2} (\Pidle[jy])
759 where $\Pd[j]$ is the dynamic power consumption for one core of node $j$,
760 $\lbrace \beta_1,\beta_2 \rbrace$ is the time interval for the measured maximum power values,
761 $\lbrace\Theta_1,\Theta_2\rbrace$ is the time interval for the measured idle power values.
762 Therefore, the dynamic power of one core is computed as the difference between the maximum
763 measured value in maximum powers vector and the minimum measured value in the idle powers vector.
765 On the other hand, the static power consumption by one core is a part of the measured idle power consumption of the node. Since in grid'5000 there is no way to measure precisely the consumed static power and in~\cite{Our_first_paper,pdsec2015,Rauber_Analytical.Modeling.for.Energy} it was assumed that the static power represents a ratio of the dynamic power, the value of the static power is assumed as 20\% of dynamic power consumption of the core.
767 In the experiments presented in the following sections, two sites of grid'5000 were used, Lyon and Nancy sites. These two sites have in total seven different clusters as in figure (\ref{fig:grid5000}).
769 Four clusters from the two sites were selected in the experiments: one cluster from
770 Lyon's site, Taurus cluster, and three clusters from Nancy's site, Graphene,
771 Griffon and Graphite. Each one of these clusters has homogeneous nodes inside, while nodes from different clusters are heterogeneous in many aspects such as: computing power, power consumption, available
772 frequency ranges and local network features: the bandwidth and the latency. Table \ref{table:grid5000} shows
773 the details characteristics of these four clusters. Moreover, the dynamic powers were computed using the equation (\ref{eq:pdyn}) for all the nodes in the
774 selected clusters and are presented in table \ref{table:grid5000}.
779 \includegraphics[scale=1]{fig/grid5000}
780 \caption{The selected two sites of grid'5000}
784 The energy model and the scaling factors selection algorithm were applied to the NAS parallel benchmarks v3.3 \cite{NAS.Parallel.Benchmarks} and evaluated over grid'5000.
785 The benchmark suite contains seven applications: CG, MG, EP, LU, BT, SP and FT. These applications have different computations and communications ratios and strategies which make them good testbed applications to evaluate the proposed algorithm and energy model.
786 The benchmarks have seven different classes, S, W, A, B, C, D and E, that represent the size of the problem that the method solves. In this work, the class D was used for all benchmarks in all the experiments presented in the next sections.
793 \includegraphics[scale=0.6]{fig/power_consumption.pdf}
794 \caption{The power consumption by one core from the Taurus cluster}
795 \label{fig:power_cons}
802 \caption{CPUs characteristics of the selected clusters}
805 \begin{tabular}{|*{7}{c|}}
807 Cluster & CPU & Max & Min & Diff. & no. of cores & dynamic power \\
808 Name & model & Freq. & Freq. & Freq. & per CPU & of one core \\
809 & & GHz & GHz & GHz & & \\
811 Taurus & Intel & 2.3 & 1.2 & 0.1 & 6 & \np[W]{35} \\
813 & E5-2630 & & & & & \\
815 Graphene & Intel & 2.53 & 1.2 & 0.133 & 4 & \np[W]{23} \\
819 Griffon & Intel & 2.5 & 2 & 0.5 & 4 & \np[W]{46} \\
823 Graphite & Intel & 2 & 1.2 & 0.1 & 8 & \np[W]{35} \\
825 & E5-2650 & & & & & \\
828 \label{table:grid5000}
833 \subsection{The experimental results of the scaling algorithm}
835 In this section, the results of the application of the scaling factors selection algorithm \ref{HSA}
836 to the NAS parallel benchmarks are presented.
838 As mentioned previously, the experiments
839 were conducted over two sites of grid'5000, Lyon and Nancy sites.
840 Two scenarios were considered while selecting the clusters from these two sites :
842 \item In the first scenario, nodes from two sites and three heterogeneous clusters were selected. The two sites are connected
843 via a long distance network.
844 \item In the second scenario nodes from three clusters that are located in one site, Nancy site.
848 behind using these two scenarios is to evaluate the influence of long distance communications (higher latency) on the performance of the
849 scaling factors selection algorithm. Indeed, in the first scenario the computations to communications ratio
850 is very low due to the higher communication times which reduces the effect of DVFS operations.
852 The NAS parallel benchmarks are executed over
853 16 and 32 nodes for each scenario. The number of participating computing nodes form each cluster
854 are different because all the selected clusters do not have the same available number of nodes and all benchmarks do not require the same number of computing nodes.
855 Table \ref{tab:sc} shows the number of nodes used from each cluster for each scenario.
859 \caption{The different clusters scenarios}
861 \begin{tabular}{|*{4}{c|}}
863 \multirow{2}{*}{Scenario name} & \multicolumn{3}{c|} {The participating clusters} \\ \cline{2-4}
864 & Cluster & Site & No. of nodes \\
866 \multirow{3}{*}{Two sites / 16 nodes} & Taurus & Lyon & 5 \\ \cline{2-4}
867 & Graphene & Nancy & 5 \\ \cline{2-4}
868 & Griffon & Nancy & 6 \\
870 \multirow{3}{*}{Tow sites / 32 nodes} & Taurus & Lyon & 10 \\ \cline{2-4}
871 & Graphene & Nancy & 10 \\ \cline{2-4}
872 & Griffon &Nancy & 12 \\
874 \multirow{3}{*}{One site / 16 nodes} & Graphite & Nancy & 4 \\ \cline{2-4}
875 & Graphene & Nancy & 6 \\ \cline{2-4}
876 & Griffon & Nancy & 6 \\
878 \multirow{3}{*}{One site / 32 nodes} & Graphite & Nancy & 4 \\ \cline{2-4}
879 & Graphene & Nancy & 12 \\ \cline{2-4}
880 & Griffon & Nancy & 12 \\
888 \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{fig/eng_con_scenarios.eps}
889 \caption{The energy consumption by the nodes wile executing the NAS benchmarks over different scenarios }
897 \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{fig/time_scenarios.eps}
898 \caption{The execution times of the NAS benchmarks over different scenarios }
902 The NAS parallel benchmarks are executed over these two platforms
903 with different number of nodes, as in Table \ref{tab:sc}.
904 The overall energy consumption of all the benchmarks solving the class D instance and
905 using the proposed frequency selection algorithm is measured
906 using the equation of the reduced energy consumption, equation
907 (\ref{eq:energy}). This model uses the measured dynamic and static
908 power values showed in Table \ref{table:grid5000}. The execution
909 time is measured for all the benchmarks over these different scenarios.
911 The energy consumptions and the execution times for all the benchmarks are
912 presented in the plots \ref{fig:eng_sen} and \ref{fig:time_sen} respectively.
914 For the majority of the benchmarks, the energy consumed while executing the NAS benchmarks over one site scenario
915 for 16 and 32 nodes is lower than the energy consumed while using two sites.
916 The long distance communications between the two distributed sites increase the idle time, which leads to more static energy consumption.
918 The execution times of these benchmarks
919 over one site with 16 and 32 nodes are also lower when compared to those of the two sites
920 scenario. Moreover, most of the benchmarks running over the one site scenario their execution times are approximately divided by two when the number of computing nodes is doubled from 16 to 32 nodes (linear speed up according to the number of the nodes).
922 However, the execution times and the energy consumptions of EP and MG benchmarks, which have no or small communications, are not significantly affected
923 in both scenarios. Even when the number of nodes is doubled. On the other hand, the communications of the rest of the benchmarks increases when using long distance communications between two sites or increasing the number of computing nodes.
927 \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{fig/eng_s.eps}
928 \caption{The energy reduction while executing the NAS benchmarks over different scenarios }
935 \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{fig/per_d.eps}
936 \caption{The performance degradation of the NAS benchmarks over different scenarios }
943 \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{fig/dist.eps}
944 \caption{The tradeoff distance between the energy reduction and the performance of the NAS benchmarks over different scenarios }
948 The energy saving percentage is computed as the ratio between the reduced
949 energy consumption, equation (\ref{eq:energy}), and the original energy consumption,
950 equation (\ref{eq:eorginal}), for all benchmarks as in figure \ref{fig:eng_s}.
951 This figure shows that the energy saving percentages of one site scenario for
952 16 and 32 nodes are bigger than those of the two sites scenario which is due
953 to the higher computations to communications ratio in the first scenario
954 than in the second one. Moreover, the frequency selecting algorithm selects smaller frequencies when the computations times are bigger than the communication times which
955 results in a lower energy consumption. Indeed, the dynamic consumed power
956 is exponentially related to the CPU's frequency value. On the other side, the increase in the number of computing nodes can
957 increase the communication times and thus produces less energy saving depending on the
958 benchmarks being executed. The results of the benchmarks CG, MG, BT and FT show more
959 energy saving percentage in one site scenario when executed over 16 nodes comparing to 32 nodes. While, LU and SP consume more energy with 16 nodes than 32 in one site because their computations to communications ratio is not affected by the increase of the number of local communications.
962 The energy saving percentage is reduced for all the benchmarks because of the long distance communications in the two sites
963 scenario, except for the EP benchmark which has no communications. Therefore, the energy saving percentage of this benchmark is
964 dependent on the maximum difference between the computing powers of the heterogeneous computing nodes, for example
965 in the one site scenario, the graphite cluster is selected but in the two sits scenario
966 this cluster is replaced with Taurus cluster which is more powerful.
967 Therefore, the energy saving of EP benchmarks are bigger in the two sites scenario due
968 to the higher maximum difference between the computing powers of the nodes.
970 In fact, high differences between the nodes' computing powers make the proposed frequencies selecting
971 algorithm select smaller frequencies for the powerful nodes which
972 produces less energy consumption and thus more energy saving.
973 The best energy saving percentage was obtained in the one site scenario with 16 nodes, the energy consumption was on average reduced up to 30\%.
976 Figure \ref{fig:per_d} presents the performance degradation percentages for all benchmarks over the two scenarios.
977 The performance degradation percentage for the benchmarks running on two sites with
978 16 or 32 nodes is on average equal to 8\% or 4\% respectively.
979 For this scenario, the proposed scaling algorithm selects smaller frequencies for the executions with 32 nodes without significantly degrading their performance because the communication times are higher with 32 nodes which results in smaller computations to communications ratio. On the other hand, the performance degradation percentage for the benchmarks running on one site with
980 16 or 32 nodes is on average equal to 3\% or 10\% respectively. In opposition to the two sites scenario, when the number of computing nodes is increased in the one site scenario, the performance degradation percentage is increased. Therefore, doubling the number of computing
981 nodes when the communications occur in high speed network does not decrease the computations to
984 The performance degradation percentage of the EP benchmark after applying the scaling factors selection algorithm is the highest in comparison to
985 the other benchmarks. Indeed, in the EP benchmark, there are no communication and slack times and its
986 performance degradation percentage only depends on the frequencies values selected by the algorithm for the computing nodes.
987 The rest of the benchmarks showed different performance degradation percentages, which decrease
988 when the communication times increase and vice versa.
990 Figure \ref{fig:dist} presents the distance percentage between the energy saving and the performance degradation for each benchmark over both scenarios. The tradeoff distance percentage can be
991 computed as in equation \ref{eq:max}. The one site scenario with 16 nodes gives the best energy and performance
992 tradeoff, on average it is equal to 26\%. The one site scenario using both 16 and 32 nodes had better energy and performance
993 tradeoff comparing to the two sites scenario because the former has high speed local communications
994 which increase the computations to communications ratio and the latter uses long distance communications which decrease this ratio.
997 Finally, the best energy and performance tradeoff depends on all of the following:
998 1) the computations to communications ratio when there are communications and slack times, 2) the heterogeneity of the computing powers of the nodes and 3) the heterogeneity of the consumed static and dynamic powers of the nodes.
1003 %\subsection{The experimental results of multi-cores clusters}
1005 %The clusters of grid'5000 have different number of cores embedded in their nodes
1006 %as shown in Table \ref{table:grid5000}. In
1007 %this section, the proposed scaling algorithm is evaluated over the grid'5000 grid while using multi-core nodes
1008 %selected according to the two platform scenarios described in the section \ref{sec.res}.
1009 %The two platform scenarios, the two sites and one site scenarios, use 32
1010 %cores from multi-cores nodes instead of 32 distinct nodes. For example if
1011 %the participating number of cores from a certain cluster is equal to 12,
1012 %in the multi-core scenario the selected nodes is equal to 3 nodes while using
1013 %4 cores from each node. The platforms with one
1014 %core per node and multi-cores nodes are shown in Table \ref{table:sen-mc}.
1015 %The energy consumptions and execution times of running the NAS parallel
1016 %benchmarks, class D, over these four different scenarios are presented
1017 %in the figures \ref{fig:eng-cons-mc} and \ref{fig:time-mc} respectively.
1019 %The execution times for most of the NAS benchmarks are higher over the one site multi-cores per node scenario
1020 % than the execution time of those running over one site single core per node scenario. Indeed,
1021 % the communication times are higher in the one site multi-cores scenario than in the latter scenario because all the cores of a node share the same node network link which can be saturated when running communication bound applications and. Moreover, the cores of a node share the memory bus which can be also saturated and become a bottleneck.
1024 %The experiments showed that for most of the NAS benchmarks and between the four scenarios,
1025 %the one site one core scenario gives the best execution times because the communication times are the lowest.
1026 %Indeed, in this scenario each core has a dedicated network link and memory bus and all the communications are local.
1027 %Moreover, the energy consumptions of the NAS benchmarks are lower over the
1028 %one site one core scenario than over the one site multi-cores scenario because
1029 %the first scenario had less execution time than the latter which results in less static energy being consumed.
1031 %The computations to communications ratios of the NAS benchmarks are higher over
1032 %the one site one core scenario when compared to the ratios of the other scenarios.
1033 %More energy reduction was achieved when this ratio is increased because the proposed scaling algorithm selects smaller frequencies that decrease the dynamic power consumption.
1035 % \textcolor{blue}{ Whereas, the energy consumption in the two sites one core scenario is higher than the energy consumption of the two sites multi-core scenario. This is according to the increase in the execution time of the two sites one core scenario. }
1038 %These experiments also showed that the energy
1039 %consumption and the execution times of the EP and MG benchmarks do not change significantly over these four
1040 %scenarios because there are no or small communications,
1041 %which could increase or decrease the static power consumptions. Contrary to EP and MG, the energy consumptions
1042 %and the execution times of the rest of the benchmarks vary according to the communication times that are different from one scenario to the other.
1045 %The energy saving percentages of all NAS benchmarks running over these four scenarios are presented in the figure \ref{fig:eng-s-mc}. It shows that the energy saving percentages over the two sites multi-cores scenario
1046 %and over the two sites one core scenario are on average equal to 22\% and 18\%
1047 %respectively. The energy saving percentages are higher in the former scenario because its computations to communications ratio is higher than the ratio of the latter scenario as mentioned previously.
1049 %In contrast, in the one site one
1050 %core and one site multi-cores scenarios the energy saving percentages
1051 %are approximately equivalent, on average they are up to 25\%. In both scenarios there
1052 %are a small difference in the computations to communications ratios, which leads
1053 %the proposed scaling algorithm to select similar frequencies for both scenarios.
1055 %The performance degradation percentages of the NAS benchmarks are presented in
1056 %figure \ref{fig:per-d-mc}. It shows that the performance degradation percentages for the NAS benchmarks are higher over the two sites
1057 %multi-cores scenario than over the two sites one core scenario, equal on average to 7\% and 4\% respectively.
1058 %Moreover, using the two sites multi-cores scenario increased
1059 %the computations to communications ratio, which may increase
1060 %the overall execution time when the proposed scaling algorithm is applied and the frequencies scaled down.
1063 %When the benchmarks are executed over the one
1064 %site one core scenario, their performance degradation percentages are equal on average
1065 %to 10\% and are higher than those executed over the one site multi-cores scenario,
1066 %which on average is equal to 7\%.
1069 %The performance degradation percentages over one site multi-cores is lower because the computations to communications ratio is decreased. Therefore, selecting bigger
1070 %frequencies by the scaling algorithm are proportional to this ratio, and thus the execution time do not increase significantly.}
1073 %The tradeoff distance percentages of the NAS
1074 %benchmarks over all scenarios are presented in the figure \ref{fig:dist-mc}.
1075 %These tradeoff distance percentages are used to verify which scenario is the best in terms of energy reduction and performance. The figure shows that using muti-cores in both of the one site and two sites scenarios gives bigger tradeoff distance percentages, on overage equal to 17.6\% and 15.3\% respectively, than using one core per node in both of one site and two sites scenarios, on average equal to 14.7\% and 13.3\% respectively.
1079 %\caption{The multicores scenarios}
1081 %\begin{tabular}{|*{4}{c|}}
1083 %Scenario name & Cluster name & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}No. of nodes\\ in each cluster\end{tabular} &
1084 % \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}No. of cores\\ for each node\end{tabular} \\ \hline
1085 %\multirow{3}{*}{Two sites/ one core} & Taurus & 10 & 1 \\ \cline{2-4}
1086 % & Graphene & 10 & 1 \\ \cline{2-4}
1087 % & Griffon & 12 & 1 \\ \hline
1088 %\multirow{3}{*}{Two sites/ multicores} & Taurus & 3 & 3 or 4 \\ \cline{2-4}
1089 % & Graphene & 3 & 3 or 4 \\ \cline{2-4}
1090 % & Griffon & 3 & 4 \\ \hline
1091 %\multirow{3}{*}{One site/ one core} & Graphite & 4 & 1 \\ \cline{2-4}
1092 % & Graphene & 12 & 1 \\ \cline{2-4}
1093 % & Griffon & 12 & 1 \\ \hline
1094 %\multirow{3}{*}{One site/ multicores} & Graphite & 3 & 3 or 4 \\ \cline{2-4}
1095 % & Graphene & 3 & 3 or 4 \\ \cline{2-4}
1096 % & Griffon & 3 & 4 \\ \hline
1098 %\label{table:sen-mc}
1103 % \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{fig/eng_con.eps}
1104 % \caption{Comparing the energy consumptions of running NAS benchmarks over one core and multicores scenarios }
1105 % \label{fig:eng-cons-mc}
1111 % \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{fig/time.eps}
1112 % \caption{Comparing the execution times of running NAS benchmarks over one core and multicores scenarios }
1113 % \label{fig:time-mc}
1118 % \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{fig/eng_s_mc.eps}
1119 % \caption{The energy saving of running NAS benchmarks over one core and multicores scenarios }
1120 % \label{fig:eng-s-mc}
1125 % \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{fig/per_d_mc.eps}
1126 % \caption{The performance degradation of running NAS benchmarks over one core and multicores scenarios }
1127 % \label{fig:per-d-mc}
1132 % \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{fig/dist_mc.eps}
1133 % \caption{The tradeoff distance of running NAS benchmarks over one core and multicores scenarios }
1134 % \label{fig:dist-mc}
1137 \subsection{Experiments with different static and dynamic powers consumption scenarios}
1140 In section \ref{sec.grid5000}, since it was not possible to measure the static power consumed by a CPU, the static power was assumed to be equal to 20\% of the measured dynamic power. This power is consumed during the whole execution time, during computation and communication times. Therefore, when the DVFS operations are applied by the scaling algorithm and the CPUs' frequencies lowered, the execution time might increase and consequently the consumed static energy will be increased too.
1142 The aim of this section is to evaluate the scaling algorithm while assuming different values of static powers.
1143 In addition to the previously used percentage of static power, two new static power ratios, 10\% and 30\% of the measured dynamic power of the core, are used in this section.
1144 The experiments have been executed with these two new static power scenarios over the one site one core per node scenario.
1145 In these experiments, the class D of the NAS parallel benchmarks are executed over Nancy's site. 16 computing nodes from the three clusters, Graphite, Graphene and Griffon, where used in this experiment.
1149 \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{fig/eng_pow.eps}
1150 \caption{The energy saving percentages for the nodes executing the NAS benchmarks over the three power scenarios}
1156 \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{fig/per_pow.eps}
1157 \caption{The performance degradation percentages for the NAS benchmarks over the three power scenarios}
1164 \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{fig/dist_pow.eps}
1165 \caption{The tradeoff distance between the energy reduction and the performance of the NAS benchmarks over the three power scenarios}
1166 \label{fig:dist-pow}
1171 \includegraphics[scale=0.47]{fig/three_scenarios.pdf}
1172 \caption{Comparing the selected frequency scaling factors for the MG benchmark over the three static power scenarios}
1176 The energy saving percentages of the NAS benchmarks with the three static power scenarios are presented
1177 in figure \ref{fig:eng_sen}. This figure shows that the 10\% of static power scenario
1178 gives the biggest energy saving percentages in comparison to the 20\% and 30\% static power
1179 scenarios. The small value of the static power consumption makes the proposed
1180 scaling algorithm select smaller frequencies for the CPUs.
1181 These smaller frequencies reduce the dynamic energy consumption more than increasing the consumed static energy which gives less overall energy consumption.
1182 The energy saving percentages of the 30\% static power scenario is the smallest between the other scenarios, because the scaling algorithm selects bigger frequencies for the CPUs which increases the energy consumption. Figure \ref{fig:fre-pow} demonstrates that the proposed scaling algorithm selects the best frequency scaling factors according to the static power consumption ratio being used.
1184 The performance degradation percentages are presented in the figure \ref{fig:per-pow}.
1185 The 30\% static power scenario had less performance degradation percentage because the scaling algorithm
1186 had selected big frequencies for the CPUs. While,
1187 the inverse happens in the 10\% and 20\% scenarios because the scaling algorithm had selected CPUs' frequencies smaller than those of the 30\% scenario. The tradeoff distance percentage for the NAS benchmarks with these three static power scenarios
1188 are presented in the figure \ref{fig:dist}.
1189 It shows that the best tradeoff
1190 distance percentage is obtained with the 10\% static power scenario and this percentage
1191 is decreased for the other two scenarios because the scaling algorithm had selected different frequencies according to the static power values.
1193 In the EP benchmark, the energy saving, performance degradation and tradeoff
1194 distance percentages for the these static power scenarios are not significantly different because there is no communication in this benchmark. Therefore, the static power is only consumed during computation and the proposed scaling algorithm selects similar frequencies for the three scenarios. On the other hand, for the rest of the benchmarks, the scaling algorithm selects the values of the frequencies according to the communication times of each benchmark because the static energy consumption increases proportionally to the communication times.
1198 \subsection{The comparison of the proposed frequencies selecting algorithm }
1199 \label{sec.compare_EDP}
1201 Finding the frequencies that gives the best tradeoff between the energy consumption and the performance for a parallel
1202 application is not a trivial task. Many algorithms have been proposed to tackle this problem.
1203 In this section, the proposed frequencies selecting algorithm is compared to a method that uses the well known energy and delay product objective function, $EDP=energy \times delay$, that has been used by many researchers \cite{EDP_for_multi_processors,Energy_aware_application_scheduling,Exploring_Energy_Performance_TradeOffs}.
1204 This objective function was also used by Spiliopoulos et al. algorithm \cite{Spiliopoulos_Green.governors.Adaptive.DVFS} where they select the frequencies that minimize the EDP product and apply them with DVFS operations to the multi-cores
1205 architecture. Their online algorithm predicts the energy consumption and execution time of a processor before using the EDP method.
1207 To fairly compare the proposed frequencies scaling algorithm to Spiliopoulos et al. algorithm, called Maxdist and EDP respectively, both algorithms use the same energy model, equation \ref{eq:energy} and
1208 execution time model, equation \ref{eq:perf}, to predict the energy consumption and the execution time for each computing node.
1209 Moreover, both algorithms start the search space from the upper bound computed as in equation \ref{eq:Fint}.
1210 Finally, the resulting EDP algorithm is an exhaustive search algorithm that tests all the possible frequencies, starting from the initial frequencies (upper bound),
1211 and selects the vector of frequencies that minimize the EDP product.
1213 Both algorithms were applied to the class D of the NAS benchmarks over 16 nodes.
1214 The participating computing nodes are distributed according to the two scenarios described in section \ref{sec.res}.
1215 The experimental results, the energy saving, performance degradation and tradeoff distance percentages, are
1216 presented in the figures \ref{fig:edp-eng}, \ref{fig:edp-perf} and \ref{fig:edp-dist} respectively.
1221 \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{fig/edp_eng}
1222 \caption{The energy reduction induced by the Maxdist method and the EDP method}
1227 \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{fig/edp_per}
1228 \caption{The performance degradation induced by the Maxdist method and the EDP method}
1229 \label{fig:edp-perf}
1233 \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{fig/edp_dist}
1234 \caption{The tradeoff distance between the energy consumption reduction and the performance for the Maxdist method and the EDP method}
1235 \label{fig:edp-dist}
1240 As shown in these figures, the proposed frequencies selection algorithm, Maxdist, outperforms the EDP algorithm in terms of energy consumption reduction and performance for all of the benchmarks executed over the two scenarios.
1241 The proposed algorithm gives better results than EDP because it
1242 maximizes the energy saving and the performance at the same time.
1243 Moreover, the proposed scaling algorithm gives the same weight for these two metrics.
1244 Whereas, the EDP algorithm gives sometimes negative tradeoff values for some benchmarks in the two sites scenarios.
1245 These negative tradeoff values mean that the performance degradation percentage is higher than energy saving percentage.
1246 The high positive values of the tradeoff distance percentage mean that the energy saving percentage is much higher than the performance degradation percentage.
1247 The time complexity of both Maxdist and EDP algorithms are $O(N \cdot M \cdot F)$ and
1248 $O(N \cdot M \cdot F^2)$ respectively, where $N$ is the number of the clusters, $M$ is the number of nodes and $F$ is the
1249 maximum number of available frequencies. When Maxdist is applied to a benchmark that is being executed over 32 nodes distributed between Nancy and Lyon sites, it takes on average $0.01 ms$ to compute the best frequencies while EDP is on average ten times slower over the same architecture.
1253 \section{Conclusion}
1255 This paper has presented a new online frequencies selection algorithm.
1256 The algorithm selects the best vector of
1257 frequencies that maximizes the tradeoff distance
1258 between the predicted energy consumption and the predicted execution time of the distributed
1259 iterative applications running over a heterogeneous grid. A new energy model
1260 is used by the proposed algorithm to predict the energy consumption
1261 of the distributed iterative message passing application running over a grid architecture.
1262 To evaluate the proposed method on a real heterogeneous grid platform, it was applied on the
1263 NAS parallel benchmarks and the class D instance was executed over the grid'5000 testbed platform.
1264 The experimental results showed that the algorithm reduces on average 30\% of the energy consumption
1265 for all the NAS benchmarks while only degrading by 3\% on average the performance.
1266 The Maxdist algorithm was also evaluated in different scenarios that vary in the distribution of the computing nodes between different clusters' sites or in the values of the consumed static power. The algorithm selects different vector of frequencies according to the
1267 computations and communication times ratios, and the values of the static and measured dynamic powers of the CPUs.
1268 Finally, the proposed algorithm was compared to another method that uses
1269 the well known energy and delay product as an objective function. The comparison results showed
1270 that the proposed algorithm outperforms the latter by selecting a vector of frequencies that gives a better tradeoff between energy consumption reduction and performance.
1272 In the near future, we would like to develop a similar method that is adapted to
1273 asynchronous iterative applications where iterations are not synchronized and communications are overlapped with computations.
1275 such a method might require a new energy model because the
1276 number of iterations is not known in advance and depends on
1277 the global convergence of the iterative system.
1281 \section*{Acknowledgment}
1283 This work has been partially supported by the Labex ACTION project (contract
1284 ``ANR-11-LABX-01-01''). Computations have been performed on the Grid'5000 platform. As a PhD student,
1285 Mr. Ahmed Fanfakh, would like to thank the University of Babylon (Iraq) for
1286 supporting his work.
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