-\textbf{Answer:} The prediction models in \cite{4} and \cite{5} are for homogeneous and heterogeneous clusters respectively, while the model in Equation 2 is adapted for grids. We have adapted the prediction models to the used architecture. Each architecture has its own characteristics. For example, in a homogeneous cluster all the nodes have the same specifications and only one scaling factor is computed by the algorithm to all the nodes of the cluster.
-On the other hand, in a heterogeneous cluster, the nodes may have different specifications and a scaling factor should be computed to each node. The prediction models of a heterogeneous cluster can be used for a homogeneous cluster. In the same the models in this paper take more characteristics into considerations such as different networks to be adapted for grids and they can also be applied to a heterogeneous cluster. Therefore, the models presented in this paper are more complete than those presented in \cite{4} and \cite{5} and take more characteristics into consideration.
+\textbf{Answer:} The prediction models in \cite{4} and \cite{5} are for homogeneous and heterogeneous clusters respectively, while the model in Equation 2 is adapted for grids. We have adapted the prediction models to the used architecture. Each architecture has its own characteristics. For example, in a homogeneous cluster all the nodes have the same specifications and only one scaling factor is computed by the algorithm for all the nodes of the cluster.
+On the other hand, in a heterogeneous cluster, the nodes may have different specifications and a scaling factor should be computed for each node. The prediction models of a heterogeneous cluster can be used for a homogeneous cluster. In the same way, the models in this paper take more characteristics into consideration such as different networks to be adapted for grids and they can also be applied to a heterogeneous cluster. Therefore, the models presented in this paper are more complete than those presented in \cite{4} and \cite{5} and take more characteristics into consideration.