]> AND Private Git Repository - predictops.git/summary
Logo AND Algorithmique Numérique Distribuée

Private GIT Repository
descriptionTRavaux avec les pompiers
ownerChristophe Guyeux
last changeMon, 24 Feb 2020 07:48:31 +0000 (08:48 +0100)
2020-02-24 Christophe... Refactoring, fin du lever/coucher de soleil, et début... master
2020-02-23 Christophe... lightgbm is now working
2020-02-23 Christophe... Adding ramadan features, and binary category of feat.
2020-02-20 Christophe... Reducing the computation time and adding holidays features
2020-02-18 Christophe... Module cleaning
2020-02-18 Christophe... Add Belfort and Montbeliard dataset
2020-02-18 Christophe... XGBoost integrated
2020-02-18 Christophe... Learning process: first version
2020-02-18 Christophe... Integrating historical features
2020-02-18 Christophe... Standardization and one hot encoding
2020-02-18 Christophe... The module to generate the y variable is now created
2020-02-17 Christophe... Refactoring, and categorical / numerical / mixed NaN...
2020-02-17 Christophe... Starting to investigate the fact that qualitative featu...
2020-02-17 Christophe... Adding a source module to check for redundancy in featu...
2020-02-16 Christophe... README.md is completed
2020-02-16 Christophe... starting to fill README.md, and packages update
4 years ago master