-\subsubsection{NIST statistical tests suite}
-Among the numerous standard tests for pseudo-randomness, a convincing way to show the randomness of the produced sequences is to confront them to the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) statistical tests, being an up-to-date tests suite proposed by the Information Technology Laboratory (ITL). A new version of the Statistical tests suite has been released in August 11, 2010.
-The NIST tests suite SP 800-22 is a statistical package consisting of 15 tests. They were developed to test the randomness of binary sequences produced by hardware or software based cryptographic pseudorandom number generators. These tests focus on a variety of different types of non-randomness that could exist in a sequence.
-For each statistical test, a set of $P-values$ (corresponding to the set of sequences) is produced.
-The interpretation of empirical results can be conducted in various ways.
-In this paper, the examination of the distribution of P-values to check for uniformity ($ P-value_{T}$) is used.
-The distribution of $P-values$ is examined to ensure uniformity.
-If $P-value_{T} \geqslant 0.0001$, then the sequences can be considered to be uniformly distributed.
-In our experiments, 100 sequences (s = 100), each with 1,000,000-bit long, are generated and tested. If the $P-value_{T}$ of any test is smaller than 0.0001, the sequences are considered to be not good enough and the generating algorithm is not suitable for usage.
-\subsubsection{DieHARD battery of tests}
-The DieHARD battery of tests has been the most sophisticated standard for over a decade. Because of the stringent requirements in the DieHARD tests suite, a generator passing this battery of
-tests can be considered good as a rule of thumb.
-The DieHARD battery of tests consists of 18 different independent statistical tests. This collection
- of tests is based on assessing the randomness of bits comprising 32-bit integers obtained from
-a random number generator. Each test requires $2^{23}$ 32-bit integers in order to run the full set
-of tests. Most of the tests in DieHARD return a $P-value$, which should be uniform on $[0,1)$ if the input file
-contains truly independent random bits. These $P-values$ are obtained by
-$P=F(X)$, where $F$ is the assumed distribution of the sample random variable $X$ (often normal).
-But that assumed $F$ is just an asymptotic approximation, for which the fit will be worst
-in the tails. Thus occasional $P-values$ near 0 or 1, such as 0.0012 or 0.9983, can occur.
-An individual test is considered to be failed if the $P-value$ approaches 1 closely, for example $P>0.9999$.
-\subsection{Results and discussion}