2 \documentclass[English, runningheads,a4paper]{llncs}
13 %\usepackage[left=2cm,right=2cm,top=2cm,bottom=2cm]{geometry}
16 \urldef{\mailsa}\path|mbakiri@cdta.dz,|
17 \urldef{\mailsb}\path|Christophe.Guyeux@femto-st.fr|
18 \newcommand{\keywords}[1]{\par\addvspace\baselineskip
19 \noindent\keywordname\enspace\ignorespaces#1}
23 \mainmatter % start of an individual contribution
25 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
26 % Start Define the Title
28 \title{Survey on Hardware Implementation of Random Number Generators on FPGA: Theories and Experiments Analysis}
31 % a short form should be given in case it is too long for the running head
32 \titlerunning{Survey on Hardware Implementation of Random Number Generators}
34 % the name(s) of the author(s) follow(s) next
36 %\author{Mohammed Bakiri\inst{1} \and Christophe Guyeux\inst{2}}
37 \author{Mohammed Bakiri\inst{1}, Christophe Guyeux\inst{2}, Jean-Francois Chouchot\inst{2}, Abdelkrim Oudjida\inst{1}}
39 % (feature abused for this document to repeat the title also on left hand pages)
41 %\authorrunning{Mohammed Bakiri\and Christophe Guyeux\ss er}
43 % the affiliations are given next
45 \institute{Center for Development of Advanced Technologies, Algiers, Algeria\and
46 FEMTO-ST Institute,UMR CNRS 6174, University of Franche-Comte, France\\
52 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
55 this paper introduce a survey on PRNG on FPGA.\dots
57 \keywords{Random Number Generator, PRNG, TRNG, Chaotic PRNG, Cryptography, Security, FPGA}
60 \section{Introduction}
61 \input{1-Introduction.tex}
63 %\section{Terminologies and Basic Recall}
64 %\input{2-Terminologies_and_Basic_Recall.tex}
66 \section{Random Number Generator: Theories and Classification}
67 We can find many implementation of RNG in Software and Hardware but all can be classifies generally as PRNG, TRNG and Hybrid, but new concept has been introduce this last year's defined by parallel and chaotic generator.
68 \input{2-Terminologies_and_Basic_Recall.tex}
71 \section{Pseaudo Random Number Generator}
75 \section{True Random Number Generator}
76 \input{Others/TRNG.tex}
78 %%% Compare ALL RNG for Statistic Test
79 \section{Rundom Number Generator:Experiments Analysis }
80 \subsection{Statistic Test}
81 \input{4-Statistic_Test.tex}
83 %%% Compare ALL RNG for Statistic Test
84 %\section{Rundom Number Generator: Cryptography Secure}
85 \input{5-Cryptography_Secure.tex}
87 %%% Compare ALL RNG for Statistic Test
88 \subsection{Hardware Implementation}
89 \input{6-Hardware_Implementation.tex}
93 \input{7-Conclusion.tex}
97 \bibliographystyle{plain}
98 \bibliography{References}