1 We illustrate in this part of the survey all theory and concept implementation in FPGA of the PRNG generators. An important property of all these generators is that they are special cases of a general class of generators whose state evolves according to a (matrix) linear recurrence modulo 2 and the bits that form the output are also determined by a linear transformation modulo 2 applied to the state. Except for the chaotic system where are dynamic and non linear PRNG.
4 %\subsection{F2-Linear Generator}
5 \input{../PRNG/LFSR.tex}
8 \input{../PRNG/BBS.tex}
10 \label{Mastrine Tewister}
11 \input{../PRNG/Mastrine_Tewister.tex}
13 \label{Cellular Automata}
14 \input{../PRNG/Cellular_Automata.tex}
16 \label{Chaotic Rundom Number Generator}
17 \input{../Chaotic/Chaotic.tex}