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71 \RCE{Titre a confirmer.}
72 \title{Comparative performance analysis of simulated grid-enabled numerical iterative algorithms}
73 %\itshape{\journalnamelc}\footnotemark[2]}
75 \author{ Charles Emile Ramamonjisoa and
78 Lilia Ziane Khodja and
84 Femto-ST Institute - DISC Department\\
85 Université de Franche-Comté\\
87 Email: \email{{raphael.couturier,arnaud.giersch,david.laiymani,charles.ramamonjisoa}@univ-fcomte.fr}
90 %% Lilia Ziane Khodja: Department of Aerospace \& Mechanical Engineering\\ Non Linear Computational Mechanics\\ University of Liege\\ Liege, Belgium. Email: l.zianekhodja@ulg.ac.be
96 \keywords{Algorithm; distributed; iterative; asynchronous; simulation; simgrid; performance}
100 \section{Introduction}
102 \section{The asynchronous iteration model}
106 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
107 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
109 \section{Two-stage multisplitting methods}
111 \subsection{Synchronous and asynchronous two-stage methods for sparse linear systems}
113 In this paper we focus on two-stage multisplitting methods in their both versions synchronous and asynchronous~\cite{Frommer92,Szyld92,Bru95}. These iterative methods are based on multisplitting methods~\cite{O'leary85,White86,Alefeld97} and use two nested iterations: the outer iteration and the inner iteration. Let us consider the following sparse linear system of $n$ equations in $\mathbb{R}$
118 where $A$ is a sparse square and nonsingular matrix, $b$ is the right-hand side and $x$ is the solution of the system. Our work in this paper is restricted to the block Jacobi splitting method. This approach of multisplitting consists in partitioning the matrix $A$ into $L$ horizontal band matrices of order $\frac{n}{L}\times n$ without overlapping (i.e. sub-vectors $\{x_\ell\}_{1\leq\ell\leq L}$ are disjoint). The two-stage multisplitting methods solve the linear system~(\ref{eq:01}) iteratively as follows
120 x_\ell^{k+1} = A_{\ell\ell}^{-1}(b_\ell - \displaystyle\sum^{L}_{\substack{m=1\\m\neq\ell}}{A_{\ell m}x^k_m}),\mbox{~for~}\ell=1,\ldots,L\mbox{~and~}k=1,2,3,\ldots
123 where $x_\ell$ are sub-vectors of the solution $x$, $b_\ell$ are the sub-vectors of the right-hand side $b$, and $A_{\ell\ell}$ and $A_{\ell m}$ are diagonal and off-diagonal blocks of matrix $A$ respectively. The iterations of these methods can naturally be computed in parallel such that each processor or cluster of processors is responsible for solving one splitting as a linear sub-system
125 A_{\ell\ell} x_\ell = c_\ell,\mbox{~for~}\ell=1,\ldots,L,
128 where right-hand sides $c_\ell=b_\ell-\sum_{m\neq\ell}A_{\ell m}x_m$ are computed using the shared vectors $x_m$. In this paper, we use the well-known iterative method GMRES ({\it Generalized Minimal RESidual})~\cite{saad86} as an inner iteration to approximate the solutions of the different splittings arising from the block Jacobi multisplitting of matrix $A$. Algorithm~\ref{alg:01} shows the main key points of our block Jacobi two-stage method executed by a cluster of processors. In line~\ref{solve}, the linear sub-system~(\ref{eq:03}) is solved in parallel using GMRES method where $\MIG$ and $\TOLG$ are the maximum number of inner iterations and the tolerance threshold of GMRES respectively.
131 \caption{Block Jacobi two-stage multisplitting method}
132 \begin{algorithmic}[1]
133 \Input $A_\ell$ (sparse matrix), $b_\ell$ (right-hand side)
134 \Output $x_\ell$ (solution vector)\vspace{0.2cm}
135 \State Set the initial guess $x^0$
136 \For {$k=1,2,3,\ldots$ until convergence}
137 \State $c_\ell=b_\ell-\sum_{m\neq\ell}A_{\ell m}x_m^{k-1}$
138 \State $x^k_\ell=Solve(A_{\ell\ell},c_\ell,x^{k-1}_\ell,\MIG,\TOLG)$\label{solve}
139 \State Send $x_\ell^k$ to neighboring clusters\label{send}
140 \State Receive $\{x_m^k\}_{m\neq\ell}$ from neighboring clusters\label{recv}
146 The convergence of the two-stage multisplitting methods, based on synchronous or asynchronous iterations, is studied by many authors for example~\cite{Szyld92,Bru95,Bai99,bahi07}. The multisplitting methods are convergent:
148 \item if $A^{-1}>0$ and the splittings of matrix $A$ are weak regular when the iterations are synchronous, or
149 \item if $A$ is M-matrix and its splittings are regular when the iterations are asynchronous.
152 In this paper, we propose two algorithms of two-stage multisplitting methods. The first algorithm is based on asynchronous model which allows the communications to be overlapped by computations and reduces the idle times resulting from the synchronizations. So in the asynchronous mode, our two-stage algorithm uses asynchronous outer iterations and asynchronous communications between clusters. The communications (i.e. lines~\ref{send} and~\ref{recv} in Algorithm~\ref{alg:01}) are performed by message passing using MPI non-blocking communication routines. The convergence of the asynchronous iterations is detected when all clusters have locally converged
154 k\geq\MIM\mbox{~or~}\|x_\ell^{k+1}-x_\ell^k\|_{\infty }\leq\TOLM,
157 where $\MIM$ is the maximum number of outer iterations and $\TOLM$ is the tolerance threshold of the two-stage algorithm.
166 \subsection{Simulation of two-stage methods using SimGrid framework}
168 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
169 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
171 \section{Experimental, Results and Comments}
174 \textbf{V.1. Setup study and Methodology}
176 To conduct our study, we have put in place the following methodology
177 which can be reused with any grid-enabled applications.
179 \textbf{Step 1} : Choose with the end users the class of algorithms or
180 the application to be tested. Numerical parallel iterative algorithms
181 have been chosen for the study in the paper.
183 \textbf{Step 2} : Collect the software materials needed for the
184 experimentation. In our case, we have three variants algorithms for the
185 resolution of three 3D-Poisson problem: (1) using the classical GMRES alias Algo-1 in this
186 paper, (2) using the multisplitting method alias Algo-2 and (3) an
187 enhanced version of the multisplitting method as Algo-3. In addition,
188 SIMGRID simulator has been chosen to simulate the behaviors of the
189 distributed applications. SIMGRID is running on the Mesocentre
190 datacenter in Franche-Comte University $[$10$]$ but also in a virtual
193 \textbf{Step 3} : Fix the criteria which will be used for the future
194 results comparison and analysis. In the scope of this study, we retain
195 in one hand the algorithm execution mode (synchronous and asynchronous)
196 and in the other hand the execution time and the number of iterations of
197 the application before obtaining the convergence.
199 \textbf{Step 4 }: Setup up the different grid testbeds environment
200 which will be simulated in the simulator tool to run the program. The
201 following architecture has been configured in Simgrid : 2x16 - that is a
202 grid containing 2 clusters with 16 hosts (processors/cores) each -, 4x8,
203 4x16, 8x8 and 2x50. The network has been designed to operate with a
204 bandwidth equals to 10Gbits (resp. 1Gbits/s) and a latency of 8E-6
205 microseconds (resp. 5E-5) for the intra-clusters links (resp.
206 inter-clusters backbone links).
208 \textbf{Step 5}: Process an extensive and comprehensive testings
209 within these configurations in varying the key parameters, especially
210 the CPU power capacity, the network parameters and also the size of the
211 input matrix. Note that some parameters should be invariant to allow the
212 comparison like some program input arguments.
214 \textbf{Step 6} : Collect and analyze the output results.
216 \textbf{ V.2. Factors impacting distributed applications performance in
219 From our previous experience on running distributed application in a
220 computational grid, many factors are identified to have an impact on the
221 program behavior and performance on this specific environment. Mainly,
222 first of all, the architecture of the grid itself can obviously
223 influence the performance results of the program. The performance gain
224 might be important theoretically when the number of clusters and/or the
225 number of nodes (processors/cores) in each individual cluster increase.
227 Another important factor impacting the overall performance of the
228 application is the network configuration. Two main network parameters
229 can modify drastically the program output results : (i) the network
230 bandwidth (bw=bits/s) also known as "the data-carrying capacity"
231 $[$13$]$ of the network is defined as the maximum of data that can pass
232 from one point to another in a unit of time. (ii) the network latency
233 (lat : microsecond) defined as the delay from the start time to send the
234 data from a source and the final time the destination have finished to
235 receive it. Upon the network characteristics, another impacting factor
236 is the application dependent volume of data exchanged between the nodes
237 in the cluster and between distant clusters. Large volume of data can be
238 transferred in transit between the clusters and nodes during the code
241 In a grid environment, it is common to distinguish in one hand, the
242 "\,intra-network" which refers to the links between nodes within a
243 cluster and in the other hand, the "\,inter-network" which is the
244 backbone link between clusters. By design, these two networks perform
245 with different speed. The intra-network generally works like a high
246 speed local network with a high bandwith and very low latency. In
247 opposite, the inter-network connects clusters sometime via heterogeneous
248 networks components thru internet with a lower speed. The network
249 between distant clusters might be a bottleneck for the global
250 performance of the application.
252 \textbf{V.3 Comparing GMRES and Multisplitting algorithms in
255 In the scope of this paper, our first objective is to demonstrate the
256 Algo-2 (Multisplitting method) shows a better performance in grid
257 architecture compared with Algo-1 (Classical GMRES) both running in
258 \textbf{\textit{synchronous mode}}. Better algorithm performance
259 should mean a less number of iterations output and a less execution time
260 before reaching the convergence. For a systematic study, the experiments
261 should figure out that, for various grid parameters values, the
262 simulator will confirm the targeted outcomes, particularly for poor and
263 slow networks, focusing on the impact on the communication performance
264 on the chosen class of algorithm $[$12$]$.
266 The following paragraphs present the test conditions, the output results
270 \textit{3.a Executing the algorithms on various computational grid
271 architecture scaling up the input matrix size}
276 \begin{tabular}{r c }
278 Grid & 2x16, 4x8, 4x16 and 8x8\\ %\hline
279 Network & N2 : bw=1Gbs-lat=5E-05 \\ %\hline
280 Input matrix size & N$_{x}$ =150 x 150 x 150 and\\ %\hline
281 - & N$_{x}$ =170 x 170 x 170 \\ \hline
286 Table 1 : Clusters x Nodes with NX=150 or NX=170
288 \RCE{J'ai voulu mettre les tableaux des données mais je pense que c'est inutile et ça va surcharger}
291 The results in figure 1 show the non-variation of the number of
292 iterations of classical GMRES for a given input matrix size; it is not
293 the case for the multisplitting method.
295 %\begin{wrapfigure}{l}{60mm}
298 \includegraphics[width=60mm]{cluster_x_nodes_nx_150_and_nx_170.pdf}
299 \caption{Cluster x Nodes NX=150 and NX=170}
304 Unless the 8x8 cluster, the time
305 execution difference between the two algorithms is important when
306 comparing between different grid architectures, even with the same number of
307 processors (like 2x16 and 4x8 = 32 processors for example). The
308 experiment concludes the low sensitivity of the multisplitting method
309 (compared with the classical GMRES) when scaling up to higher input
312 \textit{3.b Running on various computational grid architecture}
316 \begin{tabular}{r c }
318 Grid & 2x16, 4x8\\ %\hline
319 Network & N1 : bw=10Gbs-lat=8E-06 \\ %\hline
320 - & N2 : bw=1Gbs-lat=5E-05 \\
321 Input matrix size & N$_{x}$ =150 x 150 x 150\\ \hline \\
325 %Table 2 : Clusters x Nodes - Networks N1 x N2
326 %\RCE{idem pour tous les tableaux de donnees}
329 %\begin{wrapfigure}{l}{60mm}
332 \includegraphics[width=60mm]{cluster_x_nodes_n1_x_n2.pdf}
333 \caption{Cluster x Nodes N1 x N2}
338 The experiments compare the behavior of the algorithms running first on
339 speed inter- cluster network (N1) and a less performant network (N2).
340 The figure 2 shows that end users will gain to reduce the execution time
341 for both algorithms in using a grid architecture like 4x16 or 8x8: the
342 performance was increased in a factor of 2. The results depict also that
343 when the network speed drops down, the difference between the execution
344 times can reach more than 25\%.
346 \textit{\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\3.c Network latency impacts on performance}
350 \begin{tabular}{r c }
352 Grid & 2x16\\ %\hline
353 Network & N1 : bw=1Gbs \\ %\hline
354 Input matrix size & N$_{x}$ =150 x 150 x 150\\ \hline\\
358 Table 3 : Network latency impact
363 \includegraphics[width=60mm]{network_latency_impact_on_execution_time.pdf}
364 \caption{Network latency impact on execution time}
369 According the results in table and figure 3, degradation of the network
370 latency from 8.10$^{-6}$ to 6.10$^{-5}$ implies an absolute time
371 increase more than 75\% (resp. 82\%) of the execution for the classical
372 GMRES (resp. multisplitting) algorithm. In addition, it appears that the
373 multisplitting method tolerates more the network latency variation with
374 a less rate increase. Consequently, in the worst case (lat=6.10$^{-5
375 }$), the execution time for GMRES is almost the double of the time for
376 the multisplitting, even though, the performance was on the same order
377 of magnitude with a latency of 8.10$^{-6}$.
379 \textit{3.d Network bandwidth impacts on performance}
383 \begin{tabular}{r c }
385 Grid & 2x16\\ %\hline
386 Network & N1 : bw=1Gbs - lat=5E-05 \\ %\hline
387 Input matrix size & N$_{x}$ =150 x 150 x 150\\ \hline
391 Table 4 : Network bandwidth impact
395 \includegraphics[width=60mm]{network_bandwith_impact_on_execution_time.pdf}
396 \caption{Network bandwith impact on execution time}
402 The results of increasing the network bandwidth depict the improvement
403 of the performance by reducing the execution time for both of the two
404 algorithms. However, and again in this case, the multisplitting method
405 presents a better performance in the considered bandwidth interval with
406 a gain of 40\% which is only around 24\% for classical GMRES.
408 \textit{3.e Input matrix size impacts on performance}
412 \begin{tabular}{r c }
415 Network & N2 : bw=1Gbs - lat=5E-05 \\ %\hline
416 Input matrix size & N$_{x}$ = From 40 to 200\\ \hline
420 Table 5 : Input matrix size impact
424 \includegraphics[width=60mm]{pb_size_impact_on_execution_time.pdf}
425 \caption{Pb size impact on execution time}
429 In this experimentation, the input matrix size has been set from
430 Nx=Ny=Nz=40 to 200 side elements that is from 40$^{3}$ = 64.000 to
431 200$^{3}$ = 8.000.000 points. Obviously, as shown in the figure 5,
432 the execution time for the algorithms convergence increases with the
433 input matrix size. But the interesting result here direct on (i) the
434 drastic increase (300 times) of the number of iterations needed before
435 the convergence for the classical GMRES algorithm when the matrix size
436 go beyond Nx=150; (ii) the classical GMRES execution time also almost
437 the double from Nx=140 compared with the convergence time of the
438 multisplitting method. These findings may help a lot end users to setup
439 the best and the optimal targeted environment for the application
440 deployment when focusing on the problem size scale up. Note that the
441 same test has been done with the grid 2x16 getting the same conclusion.
443 \textit{3.f CPU Power impact on performance}
447 \begin{tabular}{r c }
449 Grid & 2x16\\ %\hline
450 Network & N2 : bw=1Gbs - lat=5E-05 \\ %\hline
451 Input matrix size & N$_{x}$ = 150 x 150 x 150\\ \hline
455 Table 6 : CPU Power impact
459 \includegraphics[width=60mm]{cpu_power_impact_on_execution_time.pdf}
460 \caption{CPU Power impact on execution time}
464 Using the SIMGRID simulator flexibility, we have tried to determine the
465 impact on the algorithms performance in varying the CPU power of the
466 clusters nodes from 1 to 19 GFlops. The outputs depicted in the figure 6
467 confirm the performance gain, around 95\% for both of the two methods,
468 after adding more powerful CPU. Note that the execution time axis in the
469 figure is in logarithmic scale.
471 \textbf{V.4 Comparing GMRES in native synchronous mode and
472 Multisplitting algorithms in asynchronous mode}
474 The previous paragraphs put in evidence the interests to simulate the
475 behavior of the application before any deployment in a real environment.
476 We have focused the study on analyzing the performance in varying the
477 key factors impacting the results. In the same line, the study compares
478 the performance of the two proposed methods in \textbf{synchronous mode
479 }. In this section, with the same previous methodology, the goal is to
480 demonstrate the efficiency of the multisplitting method in \textbf{
481 asynchronous mode} compare with the classical GMRES staying in the
484 Note that the interest of using the asynchronous mode for data exchange
485 is mainly, in opposite of the synchronous mode, the non-wait aspects of
486 the current computation after a communication operation like sending
487 some data between nodes. Each processor can continue their local
488 calculation without waiting for the end of the communication. Thus, the
489 asynchronous may theoretically reduce the overall execution time and can
490 improve the algorithm performance.
492 As stated supra, SIMGRID simulator tool has been used to prove the
493 efficiency of the multisplitting in asynchronous mode and to find the
494 best combination of the grid resources (CPU, Network, input matrix size,
495 \ldots ) to get the highest "\,relative gain" in comparison with the
496 classical GMRES time.
499 The test conditions are summarized in the table below :
503 \begin{tabular}{r c }
505 Grid & 2x50 totaling 100 processors\\ %\hline
506 Processors & 1 GFlops to 1.5 GFlops\\
507 Intra-Network & bw=1.25 Gbits - lat=5E-05 \\ %\hline
508 Inter-Network & bw=5 Mbits - lat=2E-02\\
509 Input matrix size & N$_{x}$ = From 62 to 150\\ %\hline
510 Residual error precision: 10$^{-5}$ to 10$^{-9}$\\ \hline
514 Again, comprehensive and extensive tests have been conducted varying the
515 CPU power and the network parameters (bandwidth and latency) in the
516 simulator tool with different problem size. The relative gains greater
517 than 1 between the two algorithms have been captured after each step of
518 the test. Table I below has recorded the best grid configurations
519 allowing a multiplitting method time more than 2.5 times lower than
520 classical GMRES execution and convergence time. The finding thru this
521 experimentation is the tolerance of the multisplitting method under a
522 low speed network that we encounter usually with distant clusters thru the
525 % use the same column width for the following three tables
526 \newlength{\mytablew}\settowidth{\mytablew}{\footnotesize\np{E-11}}
527 \newenvironment{mytable}[1]{% #1: number of columns for data
528 \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3}%
529 \begin{tabular}{|>{\bfseries}r%
530 |*{#1}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}p{\mytablew}|}}}{%
535 \caption{Relative gain of the multisplitting algorithm compared with
542 & 5 & 5 & 5 & 5 & 5 \\
545 & 20 & 20 & 20 & 20 & 20 \\
548 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1.5 & 1.5 \\
551 & 62 & 62 & 62 & 100 & 100 \\
554 & \np{E-5} & \np{E-8} & \np{E-9} & \np{E-11} & \np{E-11} \\
557 & 2.52 & 2.55 & 2.52 & 2.57 & 2.54 \\
566 & 50 & 50 & 50 & 50 & 50 \\
569 & 20 & 20 & 20 & 20 & 20 \\
572 & 1.5 & 1.5 & 1 & 1.5 & 1.5 \\
575 & 110 & 120 & 130 & 140 & 150 \\
578 & \np{E-11} & \np{E-11} & \np{E-11} & \np{E-11} & \np{E-11}\\
581 & 2.53 & 2.51 & 2.58 & 2.55 & 2.54 \\
590 \section*{Acknowledgment}
593 The authors would like to thank\dots{}
596 \bibliographystyle{wileyj}
597 \bibliography{biblio}
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