-In these experiments, the input matrix size has been set from $50^3$ to
-$190^3$. Obviously, as shown in Figure~\ref{fig:05}, the execution time for both
-algorithms increases when the input matrix size also increases. For all problem
-sizes, GMRES is always slower than the Krylov multisplitting. Moreover, for this
-benchmark, it seems that the greater the problem size is, the bigger the ratio
-between both algorithm execution times is. We can also observ that for some
-problem sizes, the Krylov multisplitting convergence varies quite a
-lot. Consequently the execution times in that cases also varies.
-These findings may help a lot end users to setup the best and the optimal
-targeted environment for the application deployment when focusing on the problem
-size scale up. It should be noticed that the same test has been done with the
-grid 4 $\times$ 8 leading to the same conclusion.
-\subsubsection{CPU Power impacts on performance}
-\begin{table} [htbp]
-\begin{tabular}{r c }
- \hline
- Grid architecture & 2 $\times$ 16\\ %\hline
- Inter Network & N2 : $bw$=1Gbs - $lat$=5.10$^{-5}$ \\ %\hline
- Input matrix size & $N_{x} = 150 \times 150 \times 150$\\
- CPU Power & From 3 to 19 GFlops \\ \hline
- \end{tabular}
-\caption{Test conditions: CPU Power impacts}
+\subsubsection{CPU power impacts on performances\\}
+Using the SimGrid simulator flexibility, we have tried to determine the impact of the CPU power of the processors in the different clusters on performances of both algorithms. We have varied the CPU power from $1$GFlops to $19$GFlops. The simulation is conducted in a grid of 2$\times$16 processors interconnected by the network $N2$ (see Table~\ref{tab:01}) to solve a 3D Poisson problem of size $150^3$. The results depicted in Figure~\ref{fig:06} confirm the performance gain, about $95\%$ for both algorithms, after improving the CPU power of processors.