%% Lilia Ziane Khodja: Department of Aerospace \& Mechanical Engineering\\ Non Linear Computational Mechanics\\ University of Liege\\ Liege, Belgium. Email: l.zianekhodja@ulg.ac.be
- The behavior of multicore applications is always a challenge to predict, especially with a new architecture for which no experiment has been performed. With some applications, it is difficult, if not impossible, to build accurate performance models. That is why another solution is to use a simulation tools that allows us to change many parameters of the architecture (network bandwidth, latency, number of processors) and to simulate the execution of such applications.
+ The behavior of multicore applications is always a challenge to predict, especially with a new architecture for which no experiment has been performed. With some applications, it is difficult, if not impossible, to build accurate performance models. That is why another solution is to use a simulation tool which allows us to change many parameters of the architecture (network bandwidth, latency, number of processors) and to simulate the execution of such applications. We have decided to use SimGrid as it enables to benchmark MPI applications.
- In this paper, we focus our attention on two parallel iterative algorithms: one with synchronoous iterations and another one with asynchronous iterations.
+In this paper, we focus our attention on two parallel iterative algorithms based
+on the Multisplitting algorithm and we compare them to the GMRES algorithm.
+These algorithms are used to solve libear systems. Two different variantsof the Multisplitting are
+studied: one using synchronoous iterations and another one with asynchronous
+iterations. For each algorithm we have tested different parameters to see their
+influence. We strongly recommend people interested by investing into a new
+expensive hardware architecture to benchmark their applications using a
+simulation tool before.