2 \item \emph{Strategy}: sequence of elements updated at time $t$;
4 \item $n*n$ diagonal matrix: $J_{ii}^t = 1$ iff $X_i \in E_i$
7 \item \emph{Visibility Dates}: sequence of the more recent dates where
8 components know values of other ones
10 \item $n*n$ matrix $S_{ij}^t$: highest $t'$
11 s.t. $t' \le t$ and $X_j^{t'}$ is accessible for $i$
12 \item Communcation delays from $j$ to $i$: $t - S_{ij}^t$
14 \item \emph{Iterations modes}:
16 X^{t+1}= (I -J^t)X^t + J^t
20 \left( X_1^{S_{11}^t},\ldots, X_{n}^{S_{1{n}}^t} \right) \\
22 F_{n} \left( X_1^{S_{{n}1}^t},\ldots, X_{n}^{S_{{n}{n}}^t} \right)
27 \item Parallel mode: $J^t=I$ and $S^t=(t)$
28 \item Chaotic mode: $S^t=(t)$
29 \item Asynchronous: no constraint