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177 \title[Snake GPU] % (facultatif, à utiliser uniquement si le titre de l'article est trop long)
178 {\scshape GPU-accelerated snake}
180 \subtitle {GPU implementation of a region-based segmentation algorithm (snake) for large images}
182 \author[G. Perrot] % (facultatif, à utiliser seulement avec plusieurs auteurs)
183 {Gilles Perrot$¹$, Stéphane Domas$¹$, Raphaël Couturier$¹$, Nicolas Bertaux$²$.}
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185 % - Utilisez la commande \inst{?} uniquement si les auteurs ont des affiliations
188 \institute[] % (facultatif mais généralement nécessaire)
190 $¹$University of Franche-Comté - Distributed Numerical Algorithmics group (AND),\\
191 $²$Fresnel Institute - Physics and Image Computing group (PhyTI)
193 % - Utilisez la commande \inst uniquement s'il y a plusieurs affectations
194 % - Faîtes quelque chose de simple, personne ne s'intéresse à votre adresse.
196 \date[] % (facultatif)
197 {\small 31 august - 1 september}
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250 \begin{frame}{Image segmentation}
251 \begin{block}{Definition, goal}
253 \item Dividing an image into two homogeneous regions.
254 \item Reducing the amount of data needed to code information.
255 \item Helping the human perception in certain cases.
258 \begin{block}{Image characteristics}
260 \item 16 bit-coded gray levels,
261 \item From 10~Mpixels to more than 100~Mpixels,
267 % \begin{frame}{Images of our interest}
268 % \begin{block}{Origins}
270 % \item Synthetic Aperture RADAR (S.A.R.),
271 % \item Ultrasonic (medical imaging),
272 % \item Photographic (IR, nightshots).
275 % \begin{block}{Characteristics}
277 % \item 16 bit-coded gray levels,
278 % \item From 10~Mpixels to more than 100~Mpixels,
284 \section{Snake algorithm}
286 % \begin{frame}{Active contour hypothesis}
288 % \item A background region $B$ and a target region $T$, containing $n_T$ and $n_B$ pixels, compose a $L x H$ pixel image.
289 % \item Probability density functions (PDF) $p^B$ and $p^T$ are of the same family (Gaussian in this example).
290 % % inutile ds les hypotheses, on ne dit pas qu'on ls connait
291 % %\item Vectors of parameters $\Theta^B$ and $\Theta^T$ of the PDFs $p^B$ and $p^T$ are unknown.
292 % \item The contour $\varGamma$ which surrounds $T$ is chosen polygonal.
293 % \item [\ding{253}] Implementation of a region-based algorithm.
297 \begin{frame}{Algorithm basics : criterion}
299 \begin{column}[l]{5cm}
300 \resizebox{5cm}{5cm}{\input{img/fig_target.pdf_t}}
302 \begin{column}[l]{7.5cm}
304 \item The goal is to find the most likely contour $\varGamma$ (number and positions of nodes).
305 \item The criterion used is a \emph{Generalized Likelihood}.\\In the Gaussian case, it is given by
306 $$GL = \dfrac{1}{2}\left[ n_B.log\left({\widehat{\sigma_B}}^2\right) + n_T.log\left({\widehat{\sigma_T}}^2\right)\right]$$
307 where $\widehat{\sigma_\Omega}$ is the estimation of the deviation $\sigma$ for the region $\Omega$.
313 \begin{frame}{Algorithm basics : criterion}
315 \begin{column}[l]{5cm}
316 \resizebox{5cm}{5cm}{\input{img/fig_target.pdf_t}}
318 \begin{column}[l]{7.5cm}
320 \item Parameters estimation is done by 1-D sums on along the contour.
321 \item Every pixel coordinates are needed.
327 % \begin{frame}{Algorithm basics : parameters estimation}
329 % \item In the Gaussian case, $p_{\Omega}$ has two parameters, average and deviation, which are estimated by maximum likelihood.\\
330 % If $z$ is the gray level of the pixel of coordinates $(i,j)$:
334 % \widehat{\mu_{\Omega}} = \frac{1}{n_{\Omega}} \displaystyle\sum_{(i,j)\in \Omega} z(i,j) \\
335 % \widehat{\sigma^2_{\Omega}} = \frac{1}{n_{\Omega}} \displaystyle\sum_{(i,j)\in \Omega} \left(z(i,j) - \widehat{\mu_{\Omega}}\right)^2 \\
339 % \item These estimations have to be computed for each test state of the contour $\varGamma$: time-consuming.
343 % \begin{frame}{Algorithm basics : parameters estimation}
345 % %peut-être illustrer ici
346 % \item Based on the Green-Ostogradsky theorem, Chesnaud has shown how to replace those 2-dimensions sums inside the contour
347 % by 1-dimension sums along the contour.
348 % \item This optimization implies:
350 % \item the precomputation of a few matrices (called cumulated images) containing the potential \emph{contributions} of each pixel of the image,
351 % \item the use of constant lookup tables of weighting coefficients to determine the \emph{contributions} of each segment of pixels.
356 % \begin{frame}{CPU sequential implementation : outlines}
358 % \item Precomputation of the cumulated images.
359 % \item Choice of the initial contour $\varGamma_0$: rectangle near the borders.
360 % \item Changes made to the contour in order to find the most likely one:
361 % \begin{enumerate}[i]
362 % \item Move every node as long as it gives a better criterion.
363 % \item Add nodes in the middle of each big enough segment.
368 \begin{frame}{Snake algorithm in action}
370 \begin{column}[T]{7cm}
372 \onslide<1> \includegraphics[width=7cm]{./img/cochon_positions.png}
373 \onslide<2> \includegraphics[width=7cm]{./img/sequences/cochon_it1.png}
374 \onslide<3> \includegraphics[width=7cm]{./img/sequences/cochon_it21.png}
375 \onslide<4> \includegraphics[width=7cm]{./img/sequences/cochon_it22.png}
376 \onslide<5> \includegraphics[width=7cm]{./img/sequences/cochon_it4.png}
377 \onslide<6> \includegraphics[width=7cm]{./img/sequences/cochon_it7.png}
380 \begin{column}[T]{5cm}
383 \item 150~Mpixels image.
384 \item Initial contour: 4 nodes.
389 \item End of first iteration: no more move can be of interest.
394 \item Nodes added in the middle of segments.
399 \item End of second iteration.
404 \item End of fourth iteration
409 \item End of seventh iteration.
410 \item Fast segmentation.
411 \item Efficient with noise.
419 \section{GPU Implementation}
420 \begin{frame}{GPU : why}
422 \item This SNAKE algorithm has proved to be fast and robust.
423 \item Images to be processed are becoming larger and larger.
424 \item To be user-friendly, process must be done in less than 1~second.
425 \item GPU are cheap and can bring impressive speedups.
426 \item GPU are easy to embed in a simple PC (in a aeroplane,...)
431 \begin{frame}{GPU design : key points}
433 \item The parallelism of a modern GPU lays on a SIMT paradigm (Single Instruction Multiple Threads): the same instruction
434 is processed by a great number of threads at a time (up to $2^{16}$).
435 \item Threads are compounded in independants blocks with no possible synchronization between blocks.
436 \item Threads in a block share a small amount of shared memory (16-48~KBytes).
437 \item There are restrictive conditions to be fullfilled in order to make efficent accesses to global and shared memory.
438 \item Data transfers between CPU and GPU are slow.
442 % \begin{frame}{GPU implementation: precomputations}
444 % \item One of the cumulated images is not to be computed anymore: values are evaluated on the fly.
445 % \item An inclusive parallel prefixsum is performed on each row of the image for each matrix to be processed ($z$,$z^2$).
446 % \item[\ding{253}] Speedup is around x7 for images larger than 100~MPixels. Comparison is done with the SSE/CPU implementation of the PhyTI group.
447 % \item[\ding{253}] Higher speedups (x15) are obtained with specific versions for constant image sizes.
452 % \begin{frame}{GPU implementation}
453 % When modifying the shape of the contour, we have to compute:
455 % \item Parameters of the corresponding regions.
456 % \item The value of the criterion.
457 % \item The parallelization needs reside essentially in the parameters estimation.\\Two possible parallelism levels:
459 % \item One contour per thread.
460 % \item One pixel per thread.
461 % \item[\ding{253}] The \emph{one pixel per thread} rule is far more efficient, due to memory access constraints.
467 \begin{frame}{GPU implementation: parallelization}
469 \begin{column}[T]{6cm}
470 \resizebox{6cm}{6cm}{\input{./img/topologie.pdf_t}}
472 \begin{column}[T]{6.5cm}
474 \item Every 16 segments for every node are processed in parallel.
475 \item Fits GPU specific parallelism: each segment pixel is processed by a thread.
476 \item Criterion values are obtained after several reduction stages.
477 \item All nodes are possibly moved in one step.
483 % \begin{frame}{GPU implementation: data structure}
484 % The main idea is to organize, in a single array, every pixels of every segments to be processed.\\
485 % Thus, for a given state of the contour ($N$ nodes), we:
487 % \item Find the largest segment to be processed. It gives:
489 % \item the block size $bs$ of the computing grid,
490 % \item the number of blocks needed for each segment ($N_{TB}$).
492 % \item Compute in parallel, the coordinates of every pixels of the $16.N$ segments to be considered,
493 % \item Make some parallel reductions to finally obtain parameters estimation.
497 % \begin{frame}{GPU implementation: data structure}
500 % \onslide<1> \resizebox{8cm}{1.43cm}{\input{img/contribs_segments_seg.pdf_t}}
501 % \onslide<2> \resizebox{8cm}{3.78cm}{\input{img/contribs_segments_16seg.pdf_t}}
502 % \onslide<3> \resizebox{8cm}{6cm}{\input{img/contribs_segments_even.pdf_t}}
503 % \onslide<4> \resizebox{8cm}{6cm}{\input{img/contribs_segments.pdf_t}}
508 \begin{frame}{GPU implementation: first results}
510 \item Global speedup around x7-x8 (Nvidia C2050) for image sizes from 15 to 150~Mpixels.
511 \item First iterations have higher speedups:
513 \item several large segments,
514 \item few inactive threads in the grid.
516 % \item Last iterations are sometimes slower than on CPU:
518 % \item a lot of small segments,
519 % \item more inactive threads in the grid.
524 \begin{frame}{GPU implementation: smart init (reasons)}
526 \item The target shape is often far from initial contour,
527 \item It causes the very first iteration to be much more time-consuming than the other ones.
528 %\item Horizontal segments contributions are null.
529 %\item Vertical segments contributions computations can be fast, through a specific process.
530 \item[\ding{253}] It's fast on GPU to find a rectangle near the target. But it needs to overrule the 'one thread/one pixel' principle.
534 \begin{frame}{GPU implementation: smart init (process)}
536 \begin{column}[l]{7cm}
537 \resizebox{7cm}{6.75cm}{\input{img/smart_init1.pdf_t}}
539 \begin{column}[l]{5.5cm}
541 \item Realize a periodic sampling of a few hundreds of J-coordinates.
542 \item Evaluate in parallel every possible rectangle of diagonal $(0 , j_L)-(H , j_H)$.
543 \item Select the one with the best GL criterion.
544 \item $j_L$ and $j_H$ are now considered as constants.
550 \begin{frame}{GPU implementation: smart init (process)}
552 \begin{column}[l]{7cm}
553 \resizebox{7cm}{6.75cm}{\input{img/smart_init2.pdf_t}}
555 \begin{column}[l]{5.5cm}
557 \item Given $j_L$ and $j_H$.
558 \item Realize a periodic sampling of a few hundreds of I-coordinates.
559 \item Evaluate in parallel every possible rectangle of diagonal $(i_L , j_L)-(i_H , j_H)$.
560 \item Select the one with the best GL criterion.
566 \begin{frame}{GPU implementation: improvement}
568 \item Global speedup around x10 (Nvidia C2050) for image sizes from 15 to 150~Mpixels and a 'small enough' target.
569 \item Less than 0.6~s for the 150~Mpixels image of the example.
570 \item A real-life 10~Mpix S.A.R. picture after 3 iterations in less than 50~ms .\\
571 \centering \includegraphics[width=5cm]{./img/Montserrat_3it.png}
576 \begin{frame}{Conclusion, future works}
578 \item Interesting speedups
579 \item Original algorithm is not GPU-friendly
582 \item Finding a more suited structure to describe the contour.
583 \item Switching to a statistical model independant from a PDF: the potts model.
584 \item Benefit from recent features of CUDA v4 (overlapping, multiple kernels).
585 \item Extend to a multiple targets algorithm, based on this single target elementary piece of code.
591 %\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks]{References}
592 %\bibliographystyle{plain}
593 %\bibliography{biblio}