1 function [y_hat] = BM3DSHARP(z, sigma, alpha_sharp, profile, print_to_screen)
3 % Joint sharpening and denoising with BM3D. This is implementation of the
4 % BM3D-SH3D sharpening method that is developed in:
6 % [1] K. Dabov, A. Foi, V. Katkovnik, and K. Egiazarian, "Joint image
7 % sharpening and denoising by 3D transform-domain collaborative filtering,"
8 % Proc. 2007 Int. TICSP Workshop Spectral Meth. Multirate Signal Process.,
9 % SMMSP 2007, Moscow, Russia, September 2007.
13 % [ysharp] = BM3DSHARP(z, sigma, alpha_sharp, profile, print_to_screen)
15 % The function can work without any of the input arguments, hence they are
20 % 1) z (matrix, size MxN) : Input image (noisy and with poor contrast)
21 % 2) sigma (double) : Noise (IF ANY noise) standard deviation (signal assumed
22 % in the range [0, 255])
23 % 3) alpha_sharp (double) : Sharpening parameter (default: 1.5):
27 % 4) profile (char vector) : 'lc' --> fast
28 % 'np' --> normal (default)
29 % 5) print_to_screen (boolean) : 0 --> do not print output
30 % information (and do not plot figures)
31 % 1 --> print figures (default)
34 % 1) ysharp (matrix, size MxN) : Sharpened image (in the range [0,1])
39 % z = im2double(imread('cameraman.tif'));
40 % z = z + (sigma/255)*randn(size(z));
42 % [ysharp] = BM3DSHARP(z, sigma, alpha_sharp);
44 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
46 % Copyright © 2007 Tampere University of Technology. All rights reserved.
47 % This work should only be used for nonprofit purposes.
50 % Kostadin Dabov (2007), email: kostadin.dabov _at_ tut.fi
52 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
55 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
56 %%%% In case, an input image z is not provided, then use the filename
57 %%%% below to read an original image (might contain path also). Later,
58 %%%% artificial AWGN noise is added and this noisy image is processed
59 %%%% by the BM3D-SH3D.
61 if (exist('image_name') ~= 1)
74 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
75 %%%% Quality/complexity trade-off profile selection
77 %%%% 'np' --> Normal Profile (balanced quality)
78 %%%% 'lc' --> Low Complexity Profile (fast, lower quality)
80 %%%% 'high' --> High Profile (high quality, not documented in [1])
82 if (exist('profile') ~= 1)
83 profile = 'np'; %% default profile
86 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
87 %%%% Specify the std. dev. of the corrupting noise
89 if (exist('sigma') ~= 1),
91 sigma = 20; %% default standard deviation of the AWGN
93 fprintf('Please specify value for the s.t.d. "sigma"\n');
99 if (exist('alpha_sharp') ~= 1)
103 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
104 %%%% Following are the parameters for the Normal Profile.
107 %%%% Select transforms ('dct', 'dst', 'hadamard', or anything that is listed by 'help wfilters'):
108 transform_2D_HT_name = 'bior1.5'; %% transform used for the HT filt. of size N1 x N1
109 transform_3rd_dim_name = 'haar'; %% transform used in the 3-rd dim, the same for HT and Wiener filt.
111 %%%% Hard-thresholding (HT) parameters:
112 N1 = 8; %% N1 x N1 is the block size used for the hard-thresholding (HT) filtering
113 Nstep = 3; %% sliding step to process every next reference block
114 N2 = 16; %% maximum number of similar blocks (maximum size of the 3rd dimension of a 3D array)
115 Ns = 39; %% length of the side of the search neighborhood for full-search block-matching (BM), must be odd
116 tau_match = 3000;%% threshold for the block-distance (d-distance)
117 lambda_thr2D = 0; %% threshold parameter for the coarse initial denoising used in the d-distance measure
118 lambda_thr3D = 2.7; %% threshold parameter for the hard-thresholding in 3D transform domain
119 beta = 2.0; %% parameter of the 2D Kaiser window used in the reconstruction
121 %%%% Block-matching parameters:
122 stepFS = 1; %% step that forces to switch to full-search BM, "1" implies always full-search
123 smallLN = 'not used in np'; %% if stepFS > 1, then this specifies the size of the small local search neighb.
124 thrToIncStep = 8; %% used in the HT filtering to increase the sliding step in uniform regions
126 if strcmp(profile, 'lc') == 1,
137 if (strcmp(profile, 'vn') == 1) | (sigma > 40),
139 transform_2D_HT_name = 'dct';
151 decLevel = 0; %% dec. levels of the dyadic wavelet 2D transform for blocks (0 means full decomposition, higher values decrease the dec. number)
152 thr_mask = ones(N1); %% N1xN1 mask of threshold scaling coeff. --- by default there is no scaling, however the use of different thresholds for different wavelet decompoistion subbands can be done with this matrix
154 if strcmp(profile, 'high') == 1, %% this profile is not documented in [1]
159 vMask = ones(N1,1); vMask((end/4+1):end/2)= 1.01; vMask((end/2+1):end) = 1.07; %% this allows to have different threhsolds for the finest and next-to-the-finest subbands
160 thr_mask = vMask * vMask';
166 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
167 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
168 %%%% Note: touch below this point only if you know what you are doing!
169 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
171 %%% Check whether to dump information to the screen or remain silent
172 dump_output_information = 1;
173 if (exist('print_to_screen') == 1) & (print_to_screen == 0),
174 dump_output_information = 0;
177 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
178 %%%% Create transform matrices, etc.
180 [Tfor, Tinv] = getTransfMatrix(N1, transform_2D_HT_name, decLevel); %% get (normalized) forward and inverse transform matrices
182 if (strcmp(transform_3rd_dim_name, 'haar') == 1) | (strcmp(transform_3rd_dim_name(end-2:end), '1.1') == 1),
183 %%% If Haar is used in the 3-rd dimension, then a fast internal transform is used, thus no need to generate transform
185 hadper_trans_single_den = {};
186 inverse_hadper_trans_single_den = {};
188 %%% Create transform matrices. The transforms are later applied by
189 %%% matrix-vector multiplication for the 1D case.
190 for hpow = 0:ceil(log2(max(N2,N2_wiener))),
192 [Tfor3rd, Tinv3rd] = getTransfMatrix(h, transform_3rd_dim_name, 0);
193 hadper_trans_single_den{h} = single(Tfor3rd);
194 inverse_hadper_trans_single_den{h} = single(Tinv3rd');
198 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
199 %%%% 2D Kaiser windows used in the aggregation of block-wise estimates
201 if beta==2 & N1==8 % hardcode the window function so that the signal processing toolbox is not needed by default
202 Wwin2D = [ 0.1924 0.2989 0.3846 0.4325 0.4325 0.3846 0.2989 0.1924;
203 0.2989 0.4642 0.5974 0.6717 0.6717 0.5974 0.4642 0.2989;
204 0.3846 0.5974 0.7688 0.8644 0.8644 0.7688 0.5974 0.3846;
205 0.4325 0.6717 0.8644 0.9718 0.9718 0.8644 0.6717 0.4325;
206 0.4325 0.6717 0.8644 0.9718 0.9718 0.8644 0.6717 0.4325;
207 0.3846 0.5974 0.7688 0.8644 0.8644 0.7688 0.5974 0.3846;
208 0.2989 0.4642 0.5974 0.6717 0.6717 0.5974 0.4642 0.2989;
209 0.1924 0.2989 0.3846 0.4325 0.4325 0.3846 0.2989 0.1924];
211 Wwin2D = kaiser(N1, beta) * kaiser(N1, beta)'; % Kaiser window used in the aggregation of the HT part
213 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
214 %%%% If needed, read images, generate noise, or scale the images to the
218 y = im2double(imread(image_name)); %% read a noise-free image and put in intensity range [0,1]
219 randn('seed', 0); %% generate seed
220 z = y + (sigma/255)*randn(size(y)); %% create a noisy image
221 else % external images
223 image_name = 'External image';
225 % convert z to double precision if needed
228 % if z's range is [0, 255], then convert to [0, 1]
229 if (max(z(:)) > 10), % a naive check for intensity range
236 error('BM3D-SH3D accepts only grayscale 2D images.');
239 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
240 %%% Print image information to the screen
242 if dump_output_information == 1,
243 fprintf('Image: %s (%dx%d), sigma: %.1f\n', image_name, size(z,1), size(z,2), sigma);
246 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
247 %%%% Apply the filtering MEX-subroutine
250 y_hat = bm3d_thr_sharpen_var(z, hadper_trans_single_den, Nstep, N1, N2, lambda_thr2D,...
251 lambda_thr3D, tau_match*N1*N1/(255*255), (Ns-1)/2, (sigma/255), thrToIncStep, single(Tfor), single(Tinv)', inverse_hadper_trans_single_den, single(thr_mask), Wwin2D, smallLN, stepFS, 1/alpha_sharp );
252 estimate_elapsed_time = toc;
254 if dump_output_information == 1,
255 fprintf('SHARPENING COMPLETED (total time: %.1f sec)\n', ...
256 estimate_elapsed_time);
257 imshow(z); figure, imshow(double(y_hat));
264 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
265 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
266 % Some auxiliary functions
267 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
268 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
272 function [Tforward, Tinverse] = getTransfMatrix (N, transform_type, dec_levels)
274 % Create forward and inverse transform matrices, which allow for perfect
275 % reconstruction. The forward transform matrix is normalized so that the
276 % l2-norm of each basis element is 1.
278 % [Tforward, Tinverse] = getTransfMatrix (N, transform_type, dec_levels)
282 % N --> Size of the transform (for wavelets, must be 2^K)
284 % transform_type --> 'dct', 'dst', 'hadamard', or anything that is
285 % listed by 'help wfilters' (bi-orthogonal wavelets)
286 % 'DCrand' -- an orthonormal transform with a DC and all
287 % the other basis elements of random nature
289 % dec_levels --> If a wavelet transform is generated, this is the
290 % desired decomposition level. Must be in the
291 % range [0, log2(N)-1], where "0" implies
292 % full decomposition.
296 % Tforward --> (N x N) Forward transform matrix
298 % Tinverse --> (N x N) Inverse transform matrix
301 if exist('dec_levels') ~= 1,
307 elseif strcmp(transform_type, 'hadamard') == 1,
308 Tforward = hadamard(N);
309 elseif (N == 8) & strcmp(transform_type, 'bior1.5')==1 % hardcoded transform so that the wavelet toolbox is not needed to generate it
310 Tforward = [ 0.353553390593274 0.353553390593274 0.353553390593274 0.353553390593274 0.353553390593274 0.353553390593274 0.353553390593274 0.353553390593274;
311 0.219417649252501 0.449283757993216 0.449283757993216 0.219417649252501 -0.219417649252501 -0.449283757993216 -0.449283757993216 -0.219417649252501;
312 0.569359398342846 0.402347308162278 -0.402347308162278 -0.569359398342846 -0.083506045090284 0.083506045090284 -0.083506045090284 0.083506045090284;
313 -0.083506045090284 0.083506045090284 -0.083506045090284 0.083506045090284 0.569359398342846 0.402347308162278 -0.402347308162278 -0.569359398342846;
314 0.707106781186547 -0.707106781186547 0 0 0 0 0 0;
315 0 0 0.707106781186547 -0.707106781186547 0 0 0 0;
316 0 0 0 0 0.707106781186547 -0.707106781186547 0 0;
317 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.707106781186547 -0.707106781186547];
318 elseif (N == 8) & strcmp(transform_type, 'dct')==1 % hardcoded transform so that the signal processing toolbox is not needed to generate it
319 Tforward = [ 0.353553390593274 0.353553390593274 0.353553390593274 0.353553390593274 0.353553390593274 0.353553390593274 0.353553390593274 0.353553390593274;
320 0.490392640201615 0.415734806151273 0.277785116509801 0.097545161008064 -0.097545161008064 -0.277785116509801 -0.415734806151273 -0.490392640201615;
321 0.461939766255643 0.191341716182545 -0.191341716182545 -0.461939766255643 -0.461939766255643 -0.191341716182545 0.191341716182545 0.461939766255643;
322 0.415734806151273 -0.097545161008064 -0.490392640201615 -0.277785116509801 0.277785116509801 0.490392640201615 0.097545161008064 -0.415734806151273;
323 0.353553390593274 -0.353553390593274 -0.353553390593274 0.353553390593274 0.353553390593274 -0.353553390593274 -0.353553390593274 0.353553390593274;
324 0.277785116509801 -0.490392640201615 0.097545161008064 0.415734806151273 -0.415734806151273 -0.097545161008064 0.490392640201615 -0.277785116509801;
325 0.191341716182545 -0.461939766255643 0.461939766255643 -0.191341716182545 -0.191341716182545 0.461939766255643 -0.461939766255643 0.191341716182545;
326 0.097545161008064 -0.277785116509801 0.415734806151273 -0.490392640201615 0.490392640201615 -0.415734806151273 0.277785116509801 -0.097545161008064];
327 elseif (N == 8) & strcmp(transform_type, 'dst')==1 % hardcoded transform so that the PDE toolbox is not needed to generate it
328 Tforward = [ 0.161229841765317 0.303012985114696 0.408248290463863 0.464242826880013 0.464242826880013 0.408248290463863 0.303012985114696 0.161229841765317;
329 0.303012985114696 0.464242826880013 0.408248290463863 0.161229841765317 -0.161229841765317 -0.408248290463863 -0.464242826880013 -0.303012985114696;
330 0.408248290463863 0.408248290463863 0 -0.408248290463863 -0.408248290463863 0 0.408248290463863 0.408248290463863;
331 0.464242826880013 0.161229841765317 -0.408248290463863 -0.303012985114696 0.303012985114696 0.408248290463863 -0.161229841765317 -0.464242826880013;
332 0.464242826880013 -0.161229841765317 -0.408248290463863 0.303012985114696 0.303012985114696 -0.408248290463863 -0.161229841765317 0.464242826880013;
333 0.408248290463863 -0.408248290463863 0 0.408248290463863 -0.408248290463863 0 0.408248290463863 -0.408248290463863;
334 0.303012985114696 -0.464242826880013 0.408248290463863 -0.161229841765317 -0.161229841765317 0.408248290463863 -0.464242826880013 0.303012985114696;
335 0.161229841765317 -0.303012985114696 0.408248290463863 -0.464242826880013 0.464242826880013 -0.408248290463863 0.303012985114696 -0.161229841765317];
336 elseif strcmp(transform_type, 'dct') == 1,
337 Tforward = dct(eye(N));
338 elseif strcmp(transform_type, 'dst') == 1,
339 Tforward = dst(eye(N));
340 elseif strcmp(transform_type, 'DCrand') == 1,
341 x = randn(N); x(1:end,1) = 1; [Q,R] = qr(x);
346 else %% a wavelet decomposition supported by 'wavedec'
347 %%% Set periodic boundary conditions, to preserve bi-orthogonality
348 dwtmode('per','nodisp');
350 Tforward = zeros(N,N);
352 Tforward(:,i)=wavedec(circshift([1 zeros(1,N-1)],[dec_levels i-1]), log2(N), transform_type); %% construct transform matrix
356 %%% Normalize the basis elements
357 Tforward = (Tforward' * diag(sqrt(1./sum(Tforward.^2,2))))';
359 %%% Compute the inverse transform matrix
360 Tinverse = inv(Tforward);