1 function [gch, varargout] = GraphCut(mode, varargin)
3 % Performing Graph Cut energy minimization operations on a 2D grid.
6 % [gch ...] = GraphCut(mode, ...);
10 % - mode: a string specifying mode of operation. See details below.
13 % - gch: A handle to the constructed graph. Handle this handle with care
14 % and don't forget to close it in the end!
17 % - 'open': Create a new graph object
18 % [gch] = GraphCut('open', DataCost, SmoothnessCost);
19 % [gch] = GraphCut('open', DataCost, SmoothnessCost, vC, hC);
20 % [gch] = GraphCut('open', DataCost, SmoothnessCost, SparseSmoothness);
23 % - DataCost a height by width by num_labels matrix where
24 % Dc(r,c,l) equals the cost for assigning label l to pixel at (r,c)
25 % Note that the graph dimensions, and the number of labels are deduced
26 % form the size of the DataCost matrix.
27 % When using SparseSmoothness Dc is of (L)x(P) where L is the
28 % number of labels and P is the number of nodes/pixels in the
30 % - SmoothnessCost a #labels by #labels matrix where Sc(l1, l2)
31 % is the cost of assigning neighboring pixels with label1 and
32 % label2. This cost is spatialy invariant
33 % - vC, hC:optional arrays defining spatialy varying smoothness cost.
34 % Single precission arrays of size width*height.
35 % The smoothness cost is computed using:
36 % V_pq(l1, l2) = V(l1, l2) * w_pq
37 % where V is the SmoothnessCost matrix
38 % w_pq is spatialy varying parameter:
39 % if p=(r,c) and q=(r+1,c) then w_pq = vCue(r,c)
40 % if p=(r,c) and q=(r,c+1) then w_pq = hCue(r,c)
41 % (therefore in practice the last column of vC and
42 % the last row of vC are not used).
43 % - SparseSmoothness: a sparse matrix defining both the graph
44 % structure (might be other than grid) and the spatialy varying
45 % smoothness term. Must be real positive sparse matrix of size
46 % num_pixels by num_pixels, each non zero entry (i,j) defines a link
47 % between pixels i and j with w_pq = SparseSmoothness(i,j).
49 % - 'set': Set labels
50 % [gch] = GraphCut('set', gch, labels)
53 % - labels: a width by height array containing a label per pixel.
54 % Array should be the same size of the grid with values
58 % - 'get': Get current labeling
59 % [gch labels] = GraphCut('get', gch)
62 % - labels: a height by width array, containing a label per pixel.
63 % note that labels values are in range [0..num_labels-1].
66 % - 'energy': Get current values of energy terms
67 % [gch se de] = GraphCut('energy', gch)
68 % [gch e] = GraphCut('energy', gch)
71 % - se: Smoothness energy term.
72 % - de: Data energy term.
76 % - 'expand': Perform labels expansion
77 % [gch labels] = GraphCut('expand', gch)
78 % [gch labels] = GraphCut('expand', gch, iter)
79 % [gch labels] = GraphCut('expand', gch, [], label)
80 % [gch labels] = GraphCut('expand', gch, [], label, indices)
82 % When no inputs are provided, GraphCut performs expansion steps
83 % until it converges.
86 % - iter: a double scalar, the maximum number of expand
87 % iterations to perform.
88 % - label: scalar denoting the label for which to perfom
89 % expand step (labels are [0..num_labels-1]).
90 % - indices: array of linear indices of pixels for which
91 % expand step is computed.
94 % - labels: a width*height array of type int32, containing a
95 % label per pixel. note that labels values must be is range
96 % [0..num_labels-1].
99 % - 'swap': Perform alpha - beta swappings
100 % [gch labels] = GraphCut('swap', gch)
101 % [gch labels] = GraphCut('swap', gch, iter)
102 % [gch labels] = GraphCut('swap', gch, label1, label2)
104 % When no inputs are provided, GraphCut performs alpha - beta swaps steps
105 % until it converges.
108 % - iter: a double scalar, the maximum number of swap
109 % iterations to perform.
110 % - label1, label2: int32 scalars denoting two labels for swap
114 % - labels: a width*height array of type int32, containing a
115 % label per pixel. note that labels values must be is range
116 % [0..num_labels-1].
119 % - 'truncate': truncating (or not) violating expansion terms
120 % (see Rother etal. Digital Tapestry, CVPR2005)
121 % [gch truncate_flag] = GraphCut('truncate', gch, trancate_flag);
123 % When no truncate_flag is provided the function returns the current
124 % state of truncation
127 % - trancate_flag: set truncate_flag to this state
130 % - trancate_flag: current state (after modification if
133 % - 'close': Close the graph and release allocated resources.
134 % [gch] = GraphCut('close', gch);
138 % This wrapper for Matlab was written by Shai Bagon (shai.bagon@weizmann.ac.il).
139 % Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathmatics
140 % Wiezmann Institute of Science
141 % http://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/
143 % The core cpp application was written by Olga Veksler
144 % (available from http://www.csd.uwo.ca/faculty/olga/code.html):
146 % [1] Efficient Approximate Energy Minimization via Graph Cuts
147 % Yuri Boykov, Olga Veksler, Ramin Zabih,
148 % IEEE transactions on PAMI, vol. 20, no. 12, p. 1222-1239, November
151 % [2] What Energy Functions can be Minimized via Graph Cuts?
152 % Vladimir Kolmogorov and Ramin Zabih.
153 % IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
154 % (PAMI), vol. 26, no. 2,
155 % February 2004, pp. 147-159.
157 % [3] An Experimental Comparison of Min-Cut/Max-Flow Algorithms
158 % for Energy Minimization in Vision.
159 % Yuri Boykov and Vladimir Kolmogorov.
160 % In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
162 % vol. 26, no. 9, September 2004, pp. 1124-1137.
164 % [4] Matlab Wrapper for Graph Cut.
166 % in www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/~bagon, December 2006.
168 % This software can be used only for research purposes, you should cite ALL of
169 % the aforementioned papers in any resulting publication.
170 % If you wish to use this software (or the algorithms described in the
171 % aforementioned paper)
172 % for commercial purposes, you should be aware that there is a US patent:
174 % R. Zabih, Y. Boykov, O. Veksler,
175 % "System and method for fast approximate energy minimization via
177 % United Stated Patent 6,744,923, June 1, 2004
180 % The Software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind.
186 % open a new graph cut
188 error('GraphCut:Open: wrong number of output arguments');
191 gch = OpenGraph(varargin{:});
193 case {'c', 'close'}
194 % close the GraphCut handle - free memory.
196 error('GraphCut:Close: Too many inputs');
199 [gch] = GraphCutMex(gch, 'c');
202 % get current labeling
205 error('GraphCut:GetLabels: wrong number of outputs');
207 [gch labels] = GetLabels(varargin{:});
209 varargout{1} = labels;
212 % set user defined labeling
214 error('GraphCut:SetLabels: Too many outputs');
217 [gch] = SetLabels(varargin{:});
219 case {'en', 'n', 'energy'}
220 % get current energy values
222 error('GraphCut:GetEnergy: too many input arguments');
225 [gch se de] = GraphCutMex(gch, 'n');
228 varargout{1} = se+de;
234 error('GraphCut:GetEnergy: wrong number of output arguments')
238 case {'e', 'ex', 'expand'}
239 % use expand steps to minimize energy
241 error('GraphCut:Expand: too many output arguments');
243 [gch labels] = Expand(varargin{:});
245 varargout{1} = labels;
248 case {'sw', 'a', 'ab', 'swap'}
249 % use alpha beta swapping to minimize energy
251 error('GraphCut:Expand: too many output arguments');
253 [gch labels] = Swap(varargin{:});
255 varargout{1} = labels;
260 if numel(varargin) == 2
262 [gch tf] = GraphCutMex(gch, 't', varargin{2});
263 elseif numel(varargin) == 1
265 [gch tf] = GraphCutMex(gch, 't');
267 error('GraphCut:Truncate: wrong number of input arguments');
270 error('GraphCut:Truncate: too many output arguments');
277 error('GraphCut: Unrecognized mode %s', mode);
280 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
284 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
285 function gch = OpenGraph(varargin)
286 % Usage [gch] = OpenGraph(Dc, Sc, [vC, hC]) - 2D grid
287 % or [gch] = OpenGraph(Dc, Sc, [Contrast]) -3D grid
288 % or [gch] = GraphCut(DataCost, SmoothnessCost, SparseSmoothness) - any graph
289 nin = numel(varargin);
290 if (nin~=2) && (nin ~= 3) && (nin~=4)
291 error('GraphCut:Open: wrong number of inputs');
298 [R C Z L] = size(Dc);
299 if ~strcmp(class(Dc),'single')
302 Dc = permute(Dc,[4 1 2 3]);
307 if any( size(Sc) ~= [L L] )
308 error('GraphCut:Open: smoothness cost has incorrect size');
310 if ~strcmp(class(Sc),'single')
315 Contrast = varargin{3};
316 if any( size(Contrast) ~= [R C Z] )
317 error('GraphCut:Open: Contrast term is of wrong size');
319 if ~strcmp(class(Contrast),'single')
320 Contrast = single(Contrast);
322 Contrast = Contrast(:);
324 gch = GraphCut3dConstr(R, C, Z, L, Dc, Sc, Contrast);
326 gch = GraphCut3dConstr(R, C, Z, L, Dc, Sc);
328 error('GraphCut:Open: wrong number of inputs for 3D graph');
330 elseif ndims(Dc) == 3
332 [h w l] = size(Dc);
333 if ~strcmp(class(Dc),'single')
336 Dc = permute(Dc,[3 2 1]);
341 if any( size(Sc) ~= [l l] )
342 error('GraphCut:Open: smoothness cost has incorrect size');
344 if ~strcmp(class(Sc),'single')
351 if any( size(vC) ~= [h w] )
352 error('GraphCut:Open: vertical cue size incorrect');
354 if ~strcmp(class(vC),'single')
360 if any( size(hC) ~= [h w] )
361 error('GraphCut:Open: horizontal cue size incorrect');
363 if ~strcmp(class(hC),'single')
367 gch = GraphCutConstr(w, h, l, Dc, Sc, vC(:), hC(:));
369 gch = GraphCutConstr(w, h, l, Dc, Sc);
371 error('GraphCut:Open: wrong number of input for 2D grid');
373 elseif ndims(Dc) == 2
374 %%% arbitrary graph
376 error('GraphCut:Open', 'incorect number of inputs');
379 [nl np] = size(Dc);
381 if any(size(Sc) ~= [nl nl])
382 error('GraphCut:Open', 'Wrong size of Dc or Sc');
385 SparseSc = varargin{3};
386 if any(size(SparseSc) ~= [np np])
387 error('GraphCut:Open', 'Wrong size of SparseSc');
390 gch = GraphCutConstrSparse(single(Dc(:)), single(Sc(:)), SparseSc);
393 %%% Unknown dimensionality...
394 error('GraphCut:Open: data cost has incorect dimensionality');
397 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
398 function [gch] = SetLabels(varargin)
399 % usgae [gch] = SetLabels(gch, labels)
402 error('GraphCut:SetLabels: wrong number of inputs');
405 labels = varargin{2};
407 if ~strcmp(class(labels), 'int32')
408 labels = int32(labels);
411 [gch] = GraphCutMex(gch, 's', labels(:));
413 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
414 function [gch labels] = GetLabels(varargin)
417 error('GraphCut:GetLabels: wrong number of inputs');
420 [gch labels] = GraphCutMex(gch, 'g');
423 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
424 function [gch labels] = Expand(varargin)
428 [gch labels] = GraphCutMex(gch, 'e');
430 [gch labels] = GraphCutMex(gch, 'e', varargin{2});
432 [gch labels] = GraphCutMex(gch, 'e', varargin{2}, varargin{3});
435 ind = int32(ind(:)-1)'; % convert to int32
436 [gch labels] = GraphCutMex(gch, 'e', varargin{2}, varargin{3}, ind);
438 error('GraphCut:Expand: wrong number of inputs');
442 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
443 function [gch labels] = Swap(varargin)
447 [gch labels] = GraphCutMex(gch, 'a');
449 [gch labels] = GraphCutMex(gch, 'a', varargin{2});
451 [gch labels] = GraphCutMex(gch, 'a', varargin{2}, varargin{3});
453 error('GraphCut:Swap: wrong number of inputarguments');
457 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%