1 function varargout = eigs(varargin)
2 %EIGS Find a few eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix using ARPACK
3 % D = EIGS(A) returns a vector of A's 6 largest magnitude eigenvalues.
4 % A must be square and should be large and sparse.
6 % [V,D] = EIGS(A) returns a diagonal matrix D of A's 6 largest magnitude
7 % eigenvalues and a matrix V whose columns are the corresponding
10 % [V,D,FLAG] = EIGS(A) also returns a convergence flag. If FLAG is 0 then
11 % all the eigenvalues converged; otherwise not all converged.
13 % EIGS(A,B) solves the generalized eigenvalue problem A*V == B*V*D. B
14 % must be symmetric (or Hermitian) positive definite and the same size as
15 % A. EIGS(A,[],...) indicates the standard eigenvalue problem A*V == V*D.
17 % EIGS(A,K) and EIGS(A,B,K) return the K largest magnitude eigenvalues.
19 % EIGS(A,K,SIGMA) and EIGS(A,B,K,SIGMA) return K eigenvalues. If SIGMA is:
20 % 'LM' or 'SM' - Largest or Smallest Magnitude
21 % For real symmetric problems, SIGMA may also be:
22 % 'LA' or 'SA' - Largest or Smallest Algebraic
23 % 'BE' - Both Ends, one more from high end if K is odd
24 % For nonsymmetric and complex problems, SIGMA may also be:
25 % 'LR' or 'SR' - Largest or Smallest Real part
26 % 'LI' or 'SI' - Largest or Smallest Imaginary part
27 % If SIGMA is a real or complex scalar including 0, EIGS finds the
28 % eigenvalues closest to SIGMA. For scalar SIGMA, and when SIGMA = 'SM',
29 % B need only be symmetric (or Hermitian) positive semi-definite since it
30 % is not Cholesky factored as in the other cases.
32 % EIGS(A,K,SIGMA,OPTS) and EIGS(A,B,K,SIGMA,OPTS) specify options:
33 % OPTS.issym: symmetry of A or A-SIGMA*B represented by AFUN [{false} |
35 % OPTS.isreal: complexity of A or A-SIGMA*B represented by AFUN [false | {true}]
36 % OPTS.tol: convergence: Ritz estimate residual <= tol*NORM(A) [scalar | {eps}]
37 % OPTS.maxit: maximum number of iterations [integer | {300}]
38 % OPTS.p: number of Lanczos vectors: K+1<p<=N [integer | {2K}]
39 % OPTS.v0: starting vector [N-by-1 vector | {randomly generated}]
40 % OPTS.disp: diagnostic information display level [0 | {1} | 2]
41 % OPTS.cholB: B is actually its Cholesky factor CHOL(B) [{false} | true]
42 % OPTS.permB: sparse B is actually CHOL(B(permB,permB)) [permB | {1:N}]
43 % Use CHOL(B) instead of B when SIGMA is a string other than 'SM'.
45 % EIGS(AFUN,N) accepts the function AFUN instead of the matrix A. AFUN is
46 % a function handle and Y = AFUN(X) should return
47 % A*X if SIGMA is unspecified, or a string other than 'SM'
48 % A\X if SIGMA is 0 or 'SM'
49 % (A-SIGMA*I)\X if SIGMA is a nonzero scalar (standard problem)
50 % (A-SIGMA*B)\X if SIGMA is a nonzero scalar (generalized problem)
51 % N is the size of A. The matrix A, A-SIGMA*I or A-SIGMA*B represented by
52 % AFUN is assumed to be real and nonsymmetric unless specified otherwise
53 % by OPTS.isreal and OPTS.issym. In all these EIGS syntaxes, EIGS(A,...)
54 % may be replaced by EIGS(AFUN,N,...).
57 % A = delsq(numgrid('C',15)); d1 = eigs(A,5,'SM');
59 % Equivalently, if dnRk is the following one-line function:
60 % %----------------------------%
61 % function y = dnRk(x,R,k)
62 % y = (delsq(numgrid(R,k))) \ x;
63 % %----------------------------%
65 % n = size(A,1); opts.issym = 1;
66 % d2 = eigs(@(x)dnRk(x,'C',15),n,5,'SM',opts);
70 % Copyright 1984-2008 The MathWorks, Inc.
71 % $Revision: $ $Date: 2008/12/01 07:19:19 $
73 % EIGS provides the reverse communication interface to ARPACK library
74 % routines. EIGS attempts to provide an interface for as many different
75 % algorithms as possible. The reverse communication interfaces are
76 % documented in the ARPACK Users' Guide, ISBN 0-89871-407-9.
79 t0 = cputime; % start timing pre-processing
81 % Process inputs and do error-checking
83 error('MATLAB:eigs:TooManyOutputs', 'Too many output arguments.')
86 % Platform dependent integer type
87 if strfind(computer, '64')
88 intconvert = @(arraytoconvert) int64(arraytoconvert);
91 intconvert = @(arraytoconvert) int32(arraytoconvert);
95 % Error check inputs and derive some information from them
96 [A,Amatrix,isrealprob,issymA,n,B,classAB,k,eigs_sigma,whch, ...
97 sigma,tol,maxit,p,info,eigs_display,cholB,permB,resid,useeig, ...
98 afunNargs,style,mode,Afactors,Bfactors] = ...
99 checkInputs(varargin{:});
101 % Now have enough information to do early return on cases EIGS does not
102 % handle. For these cases, use the full EIG code.
108 if ~isempty(Afactors)
109 L = Afactors.L; Afactors.L = [];
110 U = Afactors.U; Afactors.U = [];
111 pp = Afactors.pp; Afactors.pp = [];
112 qq = Afactors.qq; Afactors.qq = [];
113 dgAsB = Afactors.dgAsB; Afactors.dgAsB = [];
117 if ~isempty(Bfactors)
118 BisHpd = Bfactors.BisHpd;
120 RB = Bfactors.RB; Bfactors.RB = [];
121 RBT = Bfactors.RBT; Bfactors.RBT = [];
122 permB = Bfactors.permB; Bfactors.permB = [];
124 LB = Bfactors.LB; Bfactors.LB = [];
125 UB = Bfactors.UB; Bfactors.UB = [];
126 ppB = Bfactors.ppB; Bfactors.ppB = [];
127 qqB = Bfactors.qqB; Bfactors.qqB = [];
128 dgB = Bfactors.dgB; Bfactors.dgB = [];
136 applyOP = @(v)Amtimes(v);
138 % OP = (A-\sigma*I)^{-1}
139 applyOP = @(v)AminusSigmaBsolve(v);
142 if mode ~= 3 && BisHpd == true
143 % OP = L^{-1}AL^{-T} (B = LL^T)
144 applyOP = @(v)RBTsolve(Amtimes(RBsolve(v)));
145 elseif mode ~= 3 && BisHpd == false
146 % OP = U^{-1}L^{-1}A (B = LU)
147 applyOP = @(v)Bsolve(Amtimes(v));
149 % OP = (A-\sigma*B)^{-1}B
150 applyOP = @(v)AminusSigmaBsolve(Bmtimes(v));
154 if ~isempty(B) && BisHpd == true && mode == 3
155 applyM = @(v) Bmtimes(v);
161 % Allocate outputs and ARPACK work variables
163 if issymA % real and symmetric
164 if strcmp(classAB,'single')
171 lworkl = intconvert(p*(p+8));
172 d = zeros(k,1,classAB);
173 else % real but not symmetric
174 if strcmp(classAB,'single')
181 lworkl = intconvert(3*p*(p+2));
182 workev = zeros(3*p,1,classAB);
183 d = zeros(k+1,1,classAB);
184 di = zeros(k+1,1,classAB);
186 v = zeros(n,p,classAB);
187 workd = zeros(n,3,classAB);
188 workl = zeros(lworkl,1,classAB);
190 if strcmp(classAB,'single')
197 zv = zeros(2*n*p,1,classAB);
198 workd = complex(zeros(n,3,classAB));
199 zworkd = zeros(2*numel(workd),1,classAB);
200 lworkl = intconvert(2*(3*p^2+5*p));
201 workl = zeros(lworkl,1,classAB);
202 workev = zeros(2*2*p,1,classAB);
203 zd = zeros(2*(k+1),1,classAB);
204 rwork = zeros(p,1,classAB);
207 ipntr = zeros(15,1,inttype);
208 ido = intconvert(0); % reverse communication parameter, initial value
210 bmat = 'I'; % standard eigenvalue problem
212 bmat = 'G'; % generalized eigenvalue problem
214 nev = intconvert(k); % number of eigenvalues requested
215 ncv = intconvert(p); % number of Lanczos vectors
216 iparam = zeros(11,1,inttype);
217 % iparam(1) = ishift = 1 ensures we are never asked to handle ido=3
218 iparam([1 3 7]) = [1 maxit mode];
219 select = zeros(p,1,inttype);
221 % To Do: Remove this error when ARPACKC supports singles
222 if strcmp(classAB,'single')
223 error('MATLAB:eigs:single', ...
224 'EIGS does not support single precision inputs.')
227 % The ARPACK routines return to EIGS many times per each iteration but we
228 % only want to display the Ritz values once per iteration (if opts.disp>0).
229 % Keep track of whether we've displayed this iteration yet in eigs_iter.
232 cputms(1) = cputime - t0; % end timing pre-processing
234 % Iterate until ARPACK's reverse communication parameter ido says to stop
237 t0 = cputime; % start timing ARPACK calls **aupd
240 arpackc( aupdfun, ido, ...
241 bmat, intconvert(n), whch, nev, tol, resid, ncv, ...
242 v, ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, lworkl, info );
244 % The FORTRAN ARPACK routine expects the complex input zworkd to have
245 % real and imaginary parts interleaved, but the OP about to be
246 % applied to workd expects it in MATLAB's complex representation with
247 % separate real and imaginary parts. Thus we need both.
248 zworkd(1:2:end-1) = real(workd);
249 zworkd(2:2:end) = imag(workd);
250 arpackc( aupdfun, ido, ...
251 bmat, intconvert(n), whch, nev, tol, resid, ncv, ...
252 zv, ldv, iparam, ipntr, zworkd, workl, lworkl, rwork, info );
253 workd = reshape(complex(zworkd(1:2:end-1),zworkd(2:2:end)),[n,3]);
257 error('MATLAB:eigs:ARPACKroutineError', ...
258 'Error with ARPACK routine %s: info = %d', ...
259 aupdfun,full(double(info)))
262 cputms(2) = cputms(2) + (cputime-t0); % end timing ARPACK calls **aupd
263 t0 = cputime; % start timing MATLAB OP(X)
265 % Compute which columns of workd ipntr references
268 % The ARPACK reverse communication parameter ido tells EIGS what to do
272 workd(:,cols(2)) = applyOP(workd(:,cols(1)));
273 if strcmp(style,'G') && mode ~= 3
274 workd(:,cols(1)) = workd(:,cols(2));
277 if strcmp(style,'G') && mode == 3 && (isempty(B) || BisHpd)
278 % use with B-inner product for mode 3; see applyM
279 workd(:,cols(2)) = AminusSigmaBsolve(workd(:,cols(3)));
281 % same work as case -1
282 workd(:,cols(2)) = applyOP(workd(:,cols(1)));
283 if strcmp(style,'G') && mode ~= 3
284 % use with std inner product; see applyM
285 workd(:,cols(1)) = workd(:,cols(2));
289 workd(:,cols(2)) = applyM(workd(:,cols(1)));
291 % ARPACK has converged
293 error('MATLAB:eigs:UnknownIdo','Unknown ido.');
296 cputms(3) = cputms(3) + (cputime-t0); % end timing MATLAB OP(X)
302 end % while (ido ~= 99)
304 t0 = cputime; % start timing post-processing
307 error('MATLAB:eigs:ARPACKroutineError', ...
308 'Error with ARPACK routine %s: info = %d',aupdfun,full(info));
312 rvec = intconvert(true); % compute eigenvectors
314 rvec = intconvert(false); % do not compute eigenvectors
319 arpackc( eupdfun, rvec, 'A', select, ...
320 d, v, ldv, sigma, ...
321 bmat, intconvert(n), whch, nev, tol, resid, ncv, ...
322 v, ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, lworkl, info );
323 if strcmp(whch,'LM') || strcmp(whch,'LA')
326 v(:,1:k) = v(:,k:-1:1);
329 if ((strcmp(whch,'SM') || strcmp(whch,'SA')) && (rvec == 0))
333 % If sigma is complex, isrealprob=true and we use [c,z]neupd.
334 % So use sigmar=sigma and sigmai=0 here in dneupd.
335 arpackc( eupdfun, rvec, 'A', select, ...
336 d, di, v, ldv, sigma, 0, workev, ...
337 bmat, intconvert(n), whch, nev, tol, resid, ncv, ...
338 v, ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, lworkl, info );
353 zsigma = [real(sigma); imag(sigma)];
354 arpackc( eupdfun, rvec, 'A', select, ...
355 zd, zv, ldv, zsigma, workev, ...
356 bmat, intconvert(n), whch, nev, tol, resid, ncv, zv, ...
357 ldv, iparam, ipntr, zworkd, workl, lworkl, ...
362 d = complex(zd(1:2:end-1),zd(2:2:end));
364 v = reshape(complex(zv(1:2:end-1),zv(2:2:end)),[n p]);
367 flag = processEUPDinfo(nargin<3);
369 if (issymA) || (~isrealprob)
374 varargout{1} = d(k:-1:1,1);
377 varargout{1} = v(:,1:k);
378 varargout{2} = diag(d(1:k,1));
387 cplxd = find(di ~= 0);
388 % complex conjugate pairs of eigenvalues occur together
389 cplxd = cplxd(1:2:end);
390 v(:,[cplxd cplxd+1]) = [complex(v(:,cplxd),v(:,cplxd+1)) ...
391 complex(v(:,cplxd),-v(:,cplxd+1))];
392 varargout{1} = v(:,1:k);
393 varargout{2} = diag(d);
400 if (nargout >= 2) && (mode ~= 3) && ~isempty(B) && BisHpd == true
401 varargout{1} = RBsolve(varargout{1});
406 varargout{2} = varargout{2}/scaleB;
408 varargout{1} = varargout{1}/scaleB;
412 if BisHpd == true && (nargout >= 2)
415 vnorms(ii) = scaleB*(varargout{1}(:,ii)'*(Bmtimes(varargout{1}(:,ii))));
416 varargout{1}(:,ii) = varargout{1}(:,ii)/sqrt(vnorms(ii));
420 cputms(4) = cputime-t0; % end timing post-processing
422 cputms(5) = sum(cputms(1:4)); % total time
424 if (eigs_display == 2)
428 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
430 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
432 % checkInputs error checks the inputs to EIGS and also derives some
433 % variables from them:
434 % A may be a matrix or a function applying OP.
435 % Amatrix is true if A is a matrix, false if A is a function.
436 % isrealprob is true if all of A, B and sigma are real, false otherwise.
437 % issymA is true if A is symmetric, false otherwise.
438 % n is the size of (square) A and B.
439 % B is [] for the standard problem. Otherwise it may be one of B, CHOL(B)
440 % or CHOL(B(permB,permB)).
441 % classAB is single if either A or B is single, otherwise double.
442 % k is the number of eigenvalues to be computed.
443 % eigs_sigma is the value for sigma passed in by the user, 'LM' if it was
444 % unspecified. eigs_sigma may be either a string or a scalar value.
445 % whch is the ARPACK string corresponding to eigs_sigma and mode.
446 % sigma is the ARPACK scalar corresponding to eigs_sigma and mode.
447 % tol is the convergence tolerance.
448 % maxit is the maximum number of iterations.
449 % p is the number of Lanczos vectors.
450 % info is the start value, initialized to 1 or 0 to indicate whether to use
451 % resid as the start vector or not.
452 % eigs_display is true if Ritz values should be displayed, false otherwise.
453 % cholB is true if CHOL(B) was passed in instead of B, false otherwise.
454 % permB may be [], otherwise it is the permutation in CHOL(B(permB,permB)).
455 % resid is the start vector if specified and info=1, otherwise all zero.
456 % useeig is true if we need to use EIG instead of ARPACK, otherwise false.
457 % afunNargs is the range of EIGS' varargin that are to be passed as
458 % trailing parameters to the function as in afun(X,P1,P2,...).
459 function [A,Amatrix,isrealprob,issymA,n,B,classAB,k, ...
460 eigs_sigma,whch,sigma,tol,maxit,p,info,eigs_display,cholB,...
461 permB,resid,useeig,afunNargs,style,mode,Afactors,Bfactors] = checkInputs(varargin)
462 % Process inputs and do error-checking
464 % Process the input A or the inputs AFUN and N
465 % Start to derive some qualities (real, symmetric) about the problem
466 if isfloat(varargin{1})
470 % By checking the function A with fcnchk, we can now use direct
471 % function evaluation on the result, without resorting to feval
472 A = fcnchk(varargin{1});
478 isrealprob = isreal(A);
479 issymA = ishermitian(A);
482 error('MATLAB:eigs:NonSquareMatrixOrFunction',...
483 'A must be a square matrix or a function.')
487 nstr = 'Size of problem, ''n'', must be a positive integer.';
488 if ~isscalar(n) || ~isreal(n)
489 error('MATLAB:eigs:NonPosIntSize', nstr)
495 warning('MATLAB:eigs:NonPosIntSize',['%s\n ' ...
496 'Rounding input size.'],nstr)
501 % Process the input B and derive the class of the problem.
502 % Is B present in the eigs call or not?
504 Bstr = 'Generalized matrix B must be the same size as A.';
505 if (nargin < (3-Amatrix))
509 % Is the next input B or K?
510 B = varargin{3-Amatrix};
511 if ~isempty(B) % allow eigs(A,[],k,sigma,opts);
514 % this input is really K and B is not specified
518 % This input could be B or K.
519 % If A is scalar, then the only valid value for k is 1.
520 % So if this input is scalar, let it be B, namely
521 % eigs(4,2,...) assumes A=4, B=2, NOT A=4, k=2
523 error('MATLAB:eigs:BsizeMismatchA', Bstr);
525 % Unless, of course, the scalar is 1, in which case
526 % assume the that it is meant to be K.
527 if (B == 1) && ((Amatrix && nargin <= 3) || ...
528 (~Amatrix && nargin <= 4))
532 error('MATLAB:eigs:BsizeMismatchA', Bstr);
536 % B is a not a scalar.
537 if ~isfloat(B) || ~isequal(size(B),[n,n])
538 error('MATLAB:eigs:BsizeMismatchA', Bstr);
540 isrealprob = isrealprob && isreal(B);
544 % ARPACK can only handle homogeneous inputs
546 classAB = superiorfloat(A,B);
557 % argOffset tells us where to get the eigs inputs K, SIGMA and OPTS.
558 % If A is really the function afun, then it also helps us find the
559 % trailing parameters in eigs(afun,n,[B],k,sigma,opts,P1,P2,...)
560 % Values of argOffset:
561 % 0: Amatrix is false and Bpresent is true:
562 % eigs(afun,n,B,k,sigma,opts,P1,P2,...)
563 % 1: Amatrix and Bpresent are both true, or both false
564 % eigs(A,B,k,sigma,opts)
565 % eigs(afun,n,k,sigma,opts,P1,P2,...)
566 % 2: Amatrix is true and Bpresent is false:
567 % eigs(A,k,sigma,opts)
568 argOffset = Amatrix + ~Bpresent;
570 if Amatrix && ((nargin - Bpresent)>4)
571 error('MATLAB:eigs:TooManyInputs', 'Too many inputs.')
574 % Process the input K.
575 if (nargin < (4-argOffset))
578 k = varargin{4-argOffset};
579 kstr = ['Number of eigenvalues requested, k, must be a' ...
580 ' positive integer <= n.'];
581 if ~isnumeric(k) || ~isscalar(k) || ~isreal(k) || (k>n)
582 error('MATLAB:eigs:NonIntegerEigQty', kstr)
588 warning('MATLAB:eigs:NonIntegerEigQty',['%s\n ' ...
589 'Rounding number of eigenvalues.'],kstr)
594 % Process the input SIGMA and derive ARPACK values whch and sigma.
595 % eigs_sigma is the value documented in the help as "SIGMA" that is
596 % passed in to EIGS. eigs_sigma may be either a scalar, including 0,
597 % or a string, including 'SM'.
598 % In ARPACK, eigs_sigma corresponds to two variables:
599 % 1. which, called "whch" to avoid conflict with MATLAB's function
601 % whch is always a string. sigma is always a scalar.
602 % Valid combinations are shown below. Note eigs_sigma = 0/'SM' has
603 % the same sigma/whch values as eigs_sigma='LM' (default) so these
604 % must be distinguished by the mode.
605 % eigs_sigma = 'SM' or 0 => sigma = 0, whch = 'LM' (mode=3)
606 % eigs_sigma is a string not 'SM' => sigma = 0, whch = eigs_sigma (mode=1)
607 % eigs_sigma is any scalar => sigma = eigs_sigma, whch = 'LM'
609 whchstr = 'Eigenvalue range sigma must be a valid 2-element string.';
610 if (nargin < (5-argOffset))
611 % default: eigs 'LM' => ARPACK which='LM', sigma=0
616 eigs_sigma = varargin{5-argOffset};
617 if ischar(eigs_sigma)
618 % eigs(string) => ARPACK which=string, sigma=0
619 if ~isequal(size(eigs_sigma),[1,2])
620 error('MATLAB:eigs:EigenvalueRangeNotValid', ...
621 [whchstr '\nFor real symmetric A, the' ...
622 ' choices are ''%s'', ''%s'', ''%s'', ''%s'' or ''%s''.' ...
623 '\nFor non-symmetric or complex' ...
624 ' A, the choices are ''%s'', ''%s'', ''%s'', ''%s'',' ...
625 ' ''%s'' or ''%s''.\n'], ...
626 'LM','SM','LA','SA','BE','LM','SM','LR','SR','LI','SI')
628 eigs_sigma = upper(eigs_sigma);
629 if strcmp(eigs_sigma,'SM')
630 % eigs('SM') => ARPACK which='LM', sigma=0
633 % eigs(string), where string~='SM' => ARPACK which=string, sigma=0
636 sigma = zeros(classAB);
638 % eigs(scalar) => ARPACK which='LM', sigma=scalar
639 if ~isfloat(eigs_sigma) || ~isscalar(eigs_sigma)
640 error('MATLAB:eigs:EigenvalueShiftNonScalar',...
641 'Eigenvalue shift sigma must be a scalar.')
647 sigma = cast(sigma,classAB);
648 isrealprob = isrealprob && isreal(sigma);
653 % Process the input OPTS and derive some ARPACK values.
654 % ARPACK's minimum tolerance is eps/2 ([S/D]LAMCH's EPS)
659 % Always use resid as the start vector, whether it is OPTS.v0 or
660 % randomly generated within eigs. We default resid to empty here.
661 % If the user does not initialize it, we provide a random residual
663 info = intconvert(1);
666 cholB = false; % do we have B or its Cholesky factor?
667 permB = []; % if cholB, is it chol(B), or chol(B(permB,permB))?
668 if (nargin >= (6-argOffset))
669 opts = varargin{6-argOffset};
670 if ~isa(opts,'struct')
671 error('MATLAB:eigs:OptionsNotStructure',...
672 'Options argument must be a structure.')
674 if isfield(opts,'issym') && ~Amatrix
676 if (issymA ~= false) && (issymA ~= true)
677 error('MATLAB:eigs:InvalidOptsIssym', ...
678 'opts.issym must be true or false.')
681 if isfield(opts,'isreal') && ~Amatrix
682 if (opts.isreal ~= false) && (opts.isreal ~= true)
683 error('MATLAB:eigs:InvalidOptsIsreal', ...
684 'opts.isreal must be true or false.')
686 isrealprob = isrealprob && opts.isreal;
688 if ~isempty(B) && (isfield(opts,'cholB') || isfield(opts,'permB'))
689 if isfield(opts,'cholB')
691 if (cholB ~= false) && (cholB ~= true)
692 error('MATLAB:eigs:InvalidOptsCholB', ...
693 'opts.cholB must be true or false.')
695 if isfield(opts,'permB')
696 if issparse(B) && cholB
698 if ~isvector(permB) || ~isequal(sort(permB(:)),(1:n)')
699 error('MATLAB:eigs:InvalidOptsPermB',...
700 'opts.permB must be a permutation of 1:n.')
703 warning('MATLAB:eigs:IgnoredOptionPermB', ...
704 ['Ignoring opts.permB since B is not its sparse' ...
705 ' Cholesky factor.'])
710 if isfield(opts,'tol')
711 if ~isfloat(tol) || ~isscalar(opts.tol) || ~isreal(opts.tol) || (opts.tol<=0)
712 error('MATLAB:eigs:InvalidOptsTol',...
713 ['Convergence tolerance opts.tol must be a strictly' ...
714 ' positive real scalar.'])
716 tol = cast(full(opts.tol),classAB);
720 pstr = ['Number of basis vectors opts.p must be a positive' ...
722 if ~isnumeric(p) || ~isscalar(p) || ~isreal(p) || (p<=0) || (p>n)
723 error('MATLAB:eigs:InvalidOptsP', pstr)
729 warning('MATLAB:eigs:NonIntegerVecQty',['%s\n ' ...
730 'Rounding number of basis vectors.'],pstr)
734 if isfield(opts,'maxit')
736 str = ['Maximum number of iterations opts.maxit must be' ...
737 ' a positive integer.'];
738 if ~isnumeric(maxit) || ~isscalar(maxit) || ~isreal(maxit) || (maxit<=0)
739 error('MATLAB:eigs:OptsMaxitNotPosInt', str)
744 if (round(maxit) ~= maxit)
745 warning('MATLAB:eigs:NonIntegerIterationQty',['%s\n ' ...
746 'Rounding number of iterations.'],str)
747 maxit = round(maxit);
750 if isfield(opts,'v0')
751 if ~isfloat(opts.v0) || ~isequal(size(opts.v0),[n,1])
752 error('MATLAB:eigs:WrongSizeOptsV0',...
753 'Start vector opts.v0 must be n-by-1.')
757 error('MATLAB:eigs:NotRealOptsV0',...
758 'Start vector opts.v0 must be real for real problems.')
760 resid(1:n,1) = full(opts.v0);
762 resid(2:2:2*n,1) = full(imag(opts.v0));
763 resid(1:2:(2*n-1),1) = full(real(opts.v0));
766 if isfield(opts,'disp')
767 eigs_display = opts.disp;
768 dispstr = 'Diagnostic level opts.disp must be an integer.';
769 if ~isnumeric(eigs_display) || ~isscalar(eigs_display) || ...
770 ~isreal(eigs_display) || (eigs_display<0)
771 error('MATLAB:eigs:NonIntegerDiagnosticLevel', dispstr)
773 if (round(eigs_display) ~= eigs_display)
774 warning('MATLAB:eigs:NonIntegerDiagnosticLevel', ...
775 '%s\n Rounding diagnostic level.',dispstr)
776 eigs_display = round(eigs_display);
779 if isfield(opts,'cheb')
780 error('MATLAB:eigs:ObsoleteOptionCheb', ...
781 'Polynomial acceleration opts.cheb is an obsolete option.');
783 if isfield(opts,'stagtol')
784 error('MATLAB:eigs:ObsoleteOptionStagtol', ...
785 'Stagnation tolerance opts.stagtol is an obsolete option.');
787 if isfield(opts,'style')
789 str = 'style must be ''S'' or ''G''.';
791 error('MATLAB:eigs:InvalidStyle',str);
792 elseif ~(strcmp(style,'S') || strcmp(style,'G'))
793 error('MATLAB:eigs:InvalidStyle',str);
799 resid = cast(rand(n,1),classAB);
801 resid = cast(rand(2*n,1),classAB);
805 afunNargs = zeros(1,0);
807 % The trailing parameters for afun start at varargin{7-argOffset}
808 % in eigs(afun,n,[B],k,sigma,opts,P1,P2,...). If there are no
809 % trailing parameters in eigs, then afunNargs is a 1-by-0 empty
810 % and no trailing parameters are passed to afun(x)
811 afunNargs = 7-argOffset:nargin;
814 % Now that OPTS has been processed, do final error checking and
815 % assign ARPACK variables
817 % Extra check on input B
819 % B must be symmetric (Hermitian) positive (semi-)definite
821 if ~isequal(triu(B),B)
822 error('MATLAB:eigs:BNotChol', ...
823 'opts.CHOLB specified, but B is not upper triangular.');
829 if strcmp(eigs_sigma,'SM') || isscalar(eigs_sigma) || ~isempty(B)
837 scaleB = norm(B,'fro')/sqrt(n);
838 scaleB = 2^(floor(log2(scaleB+1)));
843 if isscalar(eigs_sigma)
844 sigma = scaleB*eigs_sigma;
849 if strcmp(eigs_sigma,'SM') || ~ischar(eigs_sigma)
850 % eigs(A,B,k,scalarSigma) or eigs(A,B,k,'SM'), B may be []
851 % Note: sigma must be real for [s,d]saupd and [s,d]naupd
852 % If sigma is complex, even if A and B are both real, we use
854 % This means that mode=3 in [s,d]naupd, which has
855 % OP = real(inv(A - sigma*M)*M) and B = M
856 % reduces to the same OP as [s,d]saupd and [c,z]naupd.
857 % A*x = lambda*M*x, M symmetric (positive) semi-definite
858 % => OP = inv(A - sigma*M)*M and B = M
859 % => shift-and-invert mode
861 elseif strcmp(style,'S')
862 % eigs(A,k,stringSigma) or eigs(A,[],k,stringSigma),
865 % => OP = A and B = I
868 % eigs(A,B,k,stringSigma), stringSigma~='SM'
870 % => OP = inv(B)*A and use standard inner product.
875 if cholB || (~isempty(B) && ishermitian(B))
876 % The reordering permutation permB is [] unless B is sparse
877 [RB,RBT,permB,BisHpd] = CHOLfactorB;
878 if mode == 3 && ~cholB
879 RB = []; RBT = []; permB = [];
884 if BisHpd == false && (mode == 1 || mode == 2)
885 [LB,UB,ppB,qqB,dgB] = LUfactorB;
891 Bfactors = struct('RB',RB,'RBT',RBT,'permB',permB,'BisHpd',BisHpd);
892 elseif (mode == 1 || mode == 2)
893 Bfactors = struct('LB',LB,'UB',UB,'ppB',ppB,'qqB',qqB,'dgB',dgB,'BisHpd',BisHpd);
899 if (mode == 3) && Amatrix % need lu(A-sigma*B)
900 % The reordering permutation permAsB is [] unless A-sigma*B is sparse
901 [L,U,pp,qq,dgAsB] = LUfactorAminusSigmaB;
902 Afactors = struct('L',L,'U',U,'pp',pp,'qq',qq,'dgAsB',dgAsB);
903 end % if (mode == 3) && Amatrix
905 % under these conditions, OP must be unsymmetric
906 % note that OP = inv(A-\sigma*B)*B IS symmetric if A is symmetric
907 % and B-inner product is used!
908 if ~isempty(B) && (BisHpd == false || (strcmp(style,'S') && mode == 3))
911 % Extra check on input K
912 % We fall back on using the full EIG code if K is too large.
914 if isrealprob && issymA
915 knstr = sprintf(['For real symmetric problems, must have' ...
916 ' number of eigenvalues k < n.\n']);
918 knstr = sprintf(['For nonsymmetric and complex problems,' ...
919 ' must have number of eigenvalues k < n-1.\n']);
922 knstr = [knstr 'Using eig(full(A)) instead.'];
924 knstr = [knstr 'Using eig(full(A),full(B)) instead.'];
929 if isrealprob && issymA
932 warning('MATLAB:eigs:TooManyRequestedEigsForRealSym', ...
940 warning('MATLAB:eigs:TooManyRequestedEigsForComplexNonsym', ...
947 % Extra check on input SIGMA
948 if isrealprob && issymA
950 error('MATLAB:eigs:ComplexShiftForRealSymProblem',...
951 ['For real symmetric problems, eigenvalue shift sigma must' ...
955 if ~isrealprob && issymA && ~isreal(sigma)
956 warning('MATLAB:eigs:ComplexShiftForHermitianProblem', ...
957 ['Complex eigenvalue shift sigma on a Hermitian problem' ...
958 ' (all real eigenvalues).'])
961 if isrealprob && issymA
964 warning('MATLAB:eigs:SigmaChangedToLA', ...
965 ['For real symmetric problems, sigma value ''LR''' ...
966 ' (Largest Real) is now ''LA'' (Largest Algebraic).'])
970 warning('MATLAB:eigs:SigmaChangedToSA', ...
971 ['For real symmetric problems, sigma value ''SR''' ...
972 ' (Smallest Real) is now ''SA'' (Smallest Algebraic).'])
974 if ~ismember(whch,{'LM', 'SM', 'LA', 'SA', 'BE'})
975 error('MATLAB:eigs:EigenvalueRangeNotValid', ...
976 [whchstr '\nFor real symmetric A, the' ...
977 ' choices are ''%s'', ''%s'', ''%s'', ''%s'' or ''%s''.'], ...
978 'LM','SM','LA','SA','BE');
982 warning('MATLAB:eigs:SigmaChangedToLM', ...
983 ['Sigma value ''BE'' is now only available for real' ...
984 ' symmetric problems. Computing ''LM'' eigenvalues instead.'])
987 if ~ismember(whch,{'LM', 'SM', 'LR', 'SR', 'LI', 'SI'})
988 error('MATLAB:eigs:EigenvalueRangeNotValid', ...
989 [whchstr '\nFor non-symmetric or complex' ...
990 ' A, the choices are ''%s'', ''%s'', ''%s'', ''%s'',' ...
991 ' ''%s'' or ''%s''.\n'],'LM','SM','LR','SR','LI','SI');
995 % The remainder of the error checking does not apply for the large
996 % values of K that force us to use full EIG instead of ARPACK.
1001 % Extra check on input OPTS.p
1003 if isrealprob && ~issymA
1004 p = min(max(2*k+1,20),n);
1006 p = min(max(2*k,20),n);
1009 if isrealprob && issymA
1011 error('MATLAB:eigs:InvalidOptsPforRealSymProb',...
1012 ['For real symmetric problems, must have number of' ...
1013 ' basis vectors opts.p > k.'])
1017 error('MATLAB:eigs:InvalidOptsPforComplexOrNonSymProb',...
1018 ['For nonsymmetric and complex problems, must have number of' ...
1019 ' basis vectors opts.p > k+1.'])
1024 % Extra check on input OPTS.maxit
1026 maxit = max(300,ceil(2*n/max(p,1)));
1030 % Nested functions in checkInputs
1031 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
1032 function [RB,RBT,ppB,BisHpd] = CHOLfactorB
1033 % permB may be [] (from checkInputs) if the problem is not sparse
1034 % or if it was not passed in as opts.permB
1037 % CHOL(B) was passed in as B
1042 % CHOL(B) was not passed into EIGS
1044 % Algorithm requires CHOL(B) to be computed
1047 [RB,idxB] = chol(B(ppB,ppB));
1049 [RB,idxB] = chol(B);
1057 elseif mode == 3 && isreal(B)
1058 % LDL decomposition is only for 'SM' eigenvalues of the
1059 % pair (A,B) where B is Hermitian positive
1060 % semi-definite; in this case, as ARPACK users' guide
1061 % suggests, one should still use B-(semi)inner product
1062 [LB,DB,pvB] = ldl(B,'vector'); %#ok
1063 BisHpd = checkTridiagForHSD(diag(DB), diag(DB,1));
1069 if ~isempty(B) && issparse(B)
1070 tmp = speye(length(B));
1071 ppB = tmp(ppB,1:length(B));
1074 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
1075 function [LB,UB,ppB,qqB,dgB] = LUfactorB
1076 % LU factor B, including a reordering perm if it is sparse
1078 [LB,UB,ppB,qqB,dgB] = lu(B);
1080 [LB,UB,ppB] = lu(B,'vector');
1083 % Warn if lu(B) is ill-conditioned
1085 if any(dUB == 0) || any(diag(LB) == 0)
1086 error('MATLAB:eigs:SingularB', ...
1087 ['B is singular.\nUnable to compute the specified eigenvalues'...
1088 ' because infinite eigenvalue(s) exist']);
1090 rcondestUB = full(min(abs(dUB)) / max(abs(dUB)));
1091 if (rcondestUB < eps)
1092 warning('MATLAB:eigs:IllConditionedB',...
1093 ['B has small reciprocal condition' ...
1094 ' estimate: %f\n' ...
1095 ' indicating that B^{-1}A might not be applied accurately.\n' ...
1096 ' and there may be infinite eigenvalue(s).\n'],...
1101 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
1102 function [L,U,pp,qq,dgAsB] = LUfactorAminusSigmaB
1103 % LU factor A-sigma*B, including a reordering perm if it is sparse
1108 AsB = A - sigma * speye(n);
1110 AsB = A - sigma * eye(n);
1115 AsB = A - sigma * checkInputBmtimes(speye(n));
1117 AsB = A - sigma * checkInputBmtimes(eye(n));
1120 AsB = A - sigma * B;
1124 [L,U,pp,qq,dgAsB] = lu(AsB);
1126 [L,U,pp] = lu(AsB,'vector');
1127 qq = []; dgAsB = [];
1129 % Warn if lu(A-sigma*B) is ill-conditioned
1130 % => sigma is close to an exact eigenvalue of (A,B)
1137 if any(dU == 0) || any(diag(L) == 0)
1138 error('MATLAB:eigs:AminusBSingular', ...
1139 [ds 'is singular. The shift is an eigenvalue.\n' ...
1140 'Try to use some other shift please.\n']);
1142 rcondestU = full(min(abs(dU)) / max(abs(dU)));
1143 if (rcondestU < eps)
1144 warning('MATLAB:eigs:SigmaNearExactEig',...
1145 [ds ' has small reciprocal condition' ...
1146 ' estimate: %f\n' ...
1147 ' indicating that sigma is near an exact' ...
1148 ' eigenvalue.\n The algorithm may not converge unless' ...
1149 ' you try a new value for sigma.\n'], ...
1152 end % LUfactorAminusSigmaB
1154 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
1155 function v = checkInputBmtimes(u)
1156 % Matrix-vector multiply v = B*u
1157 if cholB % use B's cholesky factor and its transpose
1159 v = permB'*(RBT * (RB * (permB*u)));
1170 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
1171 function fullEig(nOutputs)
1172 % Use EIG(FULL(A)) or EIG(FULL(A),FULL(B)) instead of ARPACK
1174 B = Bmtimes(eye(n));
1182 % A is specified by a function.
1183 % Form the matrix A by applying the function.
1184 if ischar(eigs_sigma) && ~strcmp(eigs_sigma,'SM')
1185 % A is a function multiplying A*x
1188 AA(:,i) = A(AA(:,i),varargin{afunNargs});
1192 if (isfloat(eigs_sigma) && eigs_sigma == 0) || strcmp(eigs_sigma,'SM')
1193 % A is a function solving A\x
1196 invA(:,i) = A(invA(:,i),varargin{afunNargs});
1200 % A is a function solving (A-sigma*B)\x
1201 % B may be [], indicating the identity matrix
1202 % U = (A-sigma*B)\sigma*B
1203 % => (A-sigma*B)*U = sigma*B
1204 % => A*U = sigma*B(U + eye(n))
1205 % => A = sigma*B(U + eye(n)) / U
1207 sB = eigs_sigma*eye(n);
1213 U(:,i) = A(sB(:,i),varargin{afunNargs});
1215 A = sB*(U+eye(n)) / U;
1225 % Now with full floating point matrices A and B, use EIG:
1227 d = eig(eigInputs{:});
1229 [V,D] = eig(eigInputs{:});
1233 % Grab the eigenvalues we want, based on sigma
1234 firstKindices = 1:k;
1235 lastKindices = n:-1:n-k+1;
1236 if ischar(eigs_sigma)
1239 [ignore,ind] = sort(abs(d));
1240 range = lastKindices;
1242 [ignore,ind] = sort(abs(d));
1243 range = firstKindices;
1245 [ignore,ind] = sort(d);
1246 range = lastKindices;
1248 [ignore,ind] = sort(d);
1249 range = firstKindices;
1251 [ignore,ind] = sort(abs(real(d)));
1252 range = lastKindices;
1254 [ignore,ind] = sort(abs(real(d)));
1255 range = firstKindices;
1257 [ignore,ind] = sort(abs(imag(d)));
1258 range = lastKindices;
1260 [ignore,ind] = sort(abs(imag(d)));
1261 range = firstKindices;
1263 [ignore,ind] = sort(abs(d));
1264 range = [1:floor(k/2), n-ceil(k/2)+1:n];
1266 error('MATLAB:eigs:fullEigSigma','Unknown value of sigma');
1270 [ignore,ind] = sort(abs(d-eigs_sigma));
1275 varargout{1} = d(ind(range));
1277 varargout{1} = V(:,ind(range));
1278 varargout{2} = D(ind(range),ind(range));
1280 % flag indicates "convergence"
1288 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
1289 function cols = checkIpntr
1290 % Check that ipntr returned from ARPACK refers to the start of a
1292 if (ido == 1) && (mode == 3) && strcmp(style,'G')
1293 inds = double(ipntr(1:3));
1295 inds = double(ipntr(1:2));
1297 rows = mod(inds-1,n)+1;
1298 cols = (inds-rows)/n+1;
1300 error('MATLAB:eigs:ipntrMismatchWorkdColumn', ...
1301 ['One of ipntr(1:3) does not refer to the start' ...
1302 ' of a column of the %d-by-3 array workd.'],n)
1306 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
1307 function v = Amtimes(u)
1308 % Matrix-vector multiply v = A*u
1311 else % A is a function
1312 v = A(u,varargin{afunNargs});
1313 if isrealprob && ~isreal(v)
1314 error('MATLAB:eigs:complexFunction', ...
1315 'AFUN is complex; set opts.isreal = false.');
1320 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
1321 function v = Bmtimes(u)
1322 % Matrix-vector multiply v = B*u
1323 if cholB % use B's cholesky factor and its transpose
1325 v = permB'*(RBT * (RB * (permB*u)));
1334 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
1335 function v = RBsolve(u)
1336 % Solve v = RB\u for v
1339 v = permB'*(RB \ u);
1345 v = linsolve(RB,u,RBopts);
1349 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
1350 function v = RBTsolve(u)
1351 % Solve v = RB'\u for v
1354 v = RBT \ (permB*u);
1360 v = linsolve(RBT,u,RBTopts);
1364 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
1365 function v = AminusSigmaBsolve(u)
1366 % Solve v = (A-sigma*B)\u for v
1369 % use LU reordering permAsB
1370 v = qq*(U \ (L \ (pp*(dgAsB\u))));
1372 v = U \ (L \ u(pp));
1374 else % A is a function
1375 v = A(u,varargin{afunNargs});
1376 if isrealprob && ~isreal(v)
1377 error('MATLAB:eigs:complexFunction', ...
1378 'AFUN is complex; set opts.isreal = false.');
1381 end % AminusSigmaBsolve
1382 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
1383 function v = Bsolve(u)
1384 % Solve v = (A-sigma*B)\u for v
1386 % use LU reordering permAsB
1387 v = qqB*(UB \ (LB \ (ppB*(dgB\u))));
1389 v = UB \ (LB \ u(ppB));
1391 end % AminusSigmaBsolve
1393 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
1394 function displayRitzValues
1395 % Display a few Ritz values at the current iteration
1396 iter = double(ipntr(15));
1397 if (iter > eigs_iter) && (ido ~= 99)
1399 ds = sprintf(['Iteration %d: a few Ritz values of the' ...
1400 ' %d-by-%d matrix:'],iter,p,p);
1404 dispvec = workl(double(ipntr(6))+(0:p-1));
1405 if strcmp(whch,'BE')
1406 % roughly k Large eigenvalues and k Small eigenvalues
1407 disp(dispvec(max(end-2*k+1,1):end))
1410 disp(dispvec(max(end-k+1,1):end))
1413 dispvec = complex(workl(double(ipntr(6))+(0:p-1)), ...
1414 workl(double(ipntr(7))+(0:p-1)));
1415 % k+1 eigenvalues (keep complex conjugate pairs together)
1416 disp(dispvec(max(end-k,1):end))
1419 dispvec = complex(workl(2*double(ipntr(6))-1+(0:2:2*(p-1))), ...
1420 workl(2*double(ipntr(6))+(0:2:2*(p-1))));
1421 disp(dispvec(max(end-k+1,1):end))
1426 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
1427 function flag = processEUPDinfo(warnNonConvergence)
1428 % Process the info flag returned by the ARPACK routine **eupd
1431 es = ['Error with ARPACK routine ' eupdfun ':\n'];
1436 error('MATLAB:eigs:ARPACKroutineError02ssLTk', ...
1437 [es 'The logical variable select was only set' ...
1438 ' with %d 1''s instead of nconv=%d (k=%d).\n' ...
1439 'Please report this to the ARPACK authors at' ...
1440 ' arpack@caam.rice.edu.'], ...
1441 ss,double(iparam(5)),k)
1443 error('MATLAB:eigs:ARPACKroutineError02', ...
1444 [es 'The LAPACK reordering routine %strsen' ...
1445 ' did not return all %d eigenvalues.'], ...
1449 error('MATLAB:eigs:ARPACKroutineError01', ...
1450 [es 'The Schur form could not be reordered by the' ...
1451 ' LAPACK routine %strsen.\nPlease report this to the' ...
1452 ' ARPACK authors at arpack@caam.rice.edu.'], ...
1455 error('MATLAB:eigs:ARPACKroutineErrorMinus14', ...
1457 ' did not find any eigenvalues to sufficient accuracy.']);
1459 error('MATLAB:eigs:ARPACKroutineError', ...
1460 [es 'info = %d. Please consult the ARPACK Users''' ...
1461 ' Guide for more information.'],full(info));
1464 nconv = double(iparam(5));
1466 if (warnNonConvergence)
1467 warning('MATLAB:eigs:NoEigsConverged', ...
1468 'None of the %d requested eigenvalues converged.',k)
1473 if (warnNonConvergence)
1474 warning('MATLAB:eigs:NotAllEigsConverged', ...
1475 'Only %d of the %d requested eigenvalues converged.', ...
1482 end % processEUPDinfo
1484 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
1485 function printTimings
1486 % Print the time taken for each major stage of the EIGS algorithm
1488 innerstr = sprintf(['Compute A*X:' ...
1489 ' %f\n'],cputms(3));
1492 innerstr = sprintf(['Solve (A-SIGMA*I)*X=Y for X:' ...
1493 ' %f\n'],cputms(3));
1495 innerstr = sprintf(['Solve (A-SIGMA*B)*X=B*Y for X:' ...
1496 ' %f\n'],cputms(3));
1499 if ((mode == 3) && (Amatrix))
1501 prepstr = sprintf(['Pre-processing, including lu(A-sigma*I):' ...
1502 ' %f\n'],cputms(1));
1504 prepstr = sprintf(['Pre-processing, including lu(A-sigma*B):' ...
1505 ' %f\n'],cputms(1));
1508 prepstr = sprintf(['Pre-processing:' ...
1509 ' %f\n'],cputms(1));
1511 sstr = sprintf('***********CPU Timing Results in seconds***********');
1512 ds = sprintf(['\n' sstr '\n' ...
1514 'ARPACK''s %s: %f\n' ...
1516 'Post-processing with ARPACK''s %s: %f\n' ...
1517 '***************************************************\n' ...
1520 aupdfun,cputms(2),eupdfun,cputms(4),cputms(5));
1524 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
1525 % End of nested functions
1526 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
1530 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
1532 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
1533 function tf = ishermitian(A)
1538 function BisHpd = checkTridiagForHSD(alpha, beta)
1540 % Uses Sturm sequence on alpha (diagonal) and beta (superdiagonal) to
1541 % determine if the matrix diag(alpha,0) + diag(beta,1) + diag(beta,-1) is
1542 % Positive Semi-definite.
1552 d = eps*(abs(beta(k))+eps);
1554 d = alpha(k+1) - beta(k)*(beta(k)/d);
1560 end % checkTridiagForHSD
1561 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
1562 % End of subfunctions
1563 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%