1 % function [x,y,gx,gy,par,threshold,mag,mage,g,FIe,FIo,mago] = quadedgep(I,par,threshold);
4 % par = vector for 4 parameters
5 % [number of filter orientations, number of scales, filter size, elongation]
6 % To use default values, put 0.
7 % threshold = threshold on edge strength
9 % [x,y,gx,gy] = locations and gradients of an ordered list of edgels
10 % x,y could be horizontal or vertical or 45 between pixel sites
11 % but it is guaranteed that there [floor(y) + (floor(x)-1)*nr]
12 % is ordered and unique. In other words, each edgel has a unique pixel id.
13 % par = actual par used
14 % threshold = actual threshold used
15 % mag = edge magnitude
17 % g = gradient map at each pixel
18 % [FIe,FIo] = odd and even filter outputs
19 % mago = odd filter output of optimum orientation
21 % Stella X. Yu, 2001
25 function [x,y,gx,gy,par,threshold,mag,mage,g,FIe,FIo,mago] = quadedgep(I,par,threshold);
27 if nargin<3 | isempty(threshold),
32 def_par = [8,1,20,3];
34 % take care of parameters, any missing value is substituted by a default value
35 if nargin<2 | isempty(par),
41 have_value = [ j, 1-j ];
42 j = 1; n_filter = have_value(j,:) * [par(j); def_par(j)];
43 j = 2; n_scale = have_value(j,:) * [par(j); def_par(j)];
44 j = 3; winsz = have_value(j,:) * [par(j); def_par(j)];
45 j = 4; enlong = have_value(j,:) * [par(j); def_par(j)];
47 % always make filter size an odd number so that the results will not be skewed
49 if not(j > fix(j) + 0.1),
53 % filter the image with quadrature filters
54 FBo = make_filterbank_odd2(n_filter,n_scale,winsz,enlong);
55 FBe = make_filterbank_even2(n_filter,n_scale,winsz,enlong);
57 f = [fliplr(I(:,2:n+1)), I, fliplr(I(:,c-n:c-1))];
58 f = [flipud(f(2:n+1,:)); f; flipud(f(r-n:r-1,:))];
59 FIo = fft_filt_2(f,FBo,1);
60 FIo = FIo(n+[1:r],n+[1:c],:);
61 FIe = fft_filt_2(f,FBe,1);
62 FIe = FIe(n+[1:r],n+[1:c],:);
64 % compute the orientation energy and recover a smooth edge map
65 % pick up the maximum energy across scale and orientation
66 % even filter's output: as it is the second derivative, zero cross localize the edge
67 % odd filter's output: orientation
68 mag = sqrt(sum(FIo.^2,3)+sum(FIe.^2,3));
69 mag_a = sqrt(FIo.^2+FIe.^2);
70 [tmp,max_id] = max(mag_a,[],3);
72 id = [1:base_size]';
73 mage = reshape(FIe(id+(max_id(:)-1)*base_size),[r,c]);
74 mage = (mage>0) - (mage<0);
76 ori_incr=pi/n_filter; % to convert jshi's coords to conventional image xy
77 ori_offset=ori_incr/2;
78 theta = ori_offset+([1:n_filter]-1)*ori_incr; % orientation detectors
79 % [gx,gy] are image gradient in image xy coords, winner take all
80 mago = reshape(FIo(id+(max_id(:)-1)*base_size),[r,c]);
81 ori = theta(max_id);
82 ori = ori .* (mago>0) + (ori + pi).*(mago<0);
83 gy = mag .* cos(ori);
84 gx = -mag .* sin(ori);
87 % phase map: edges are where the phase changes
88 mag_th = max(mag(:)) * threshold;
90 h = eg & [(mage(2:r,:) ~= mage(1:r-1,:)); zeros(1,c)];
91 v = eg & [(mage(:,2:c) ~= mage(:,1:c-1)), zeros(r,1)];
92 [y,x] = find(h | v);
96 y = y + h * 0.5; % i
97 x = x + v * 0.5; % j
101 gy = g(k) + g(k+t);