1 function [Ncut] = graphcuts(I,pad,MAXVAL)
2 % function [Ncut] = graphcuts(I)
4 % pad: spatial connectivity; eg. 3
5 % MAXVAL: maximum image value
6 % Output: Ncut: Binary map 0 or 1 corresponding to image segmentation
7 I = double(I); [H,W] = size(I);
8 % Find weights between nodes I1 and I2, w = exp(a*abs(I1-I2));
9 % Set a to have a weight of 0.01 for diff = MAXVAL
10 a = log(0.01)/MAXVAL; x = [0:MAXVAL/100:MAXVAL]'; y = exp(a*x);
11 figure;plot(x,y);xlabel('intensity diff');ylabel('weights'); title('weights')
16 %Build the weight matrix
17 disp('Building Weight Matrix'); close all; tic
18 WM = zeros(H*W,H*W); countWM = 0;
21 mask = logical(zeros(H,W));
22 cs = kk-pad; ce = kk+pad; rs = jj-pad; re = jj+pad;
35 mask(rs:re,cs:ce) = 1;
36 idx = find(mask==1);
37 p = abs(I(idx) - I(jj,kk)); p = exp(a*p);
38 countWM = countWM + 1; WM(countWM,idx) = p(:)';
41 ttime = toc; disp(sprintf('Time for generating weight matrix = %f',ttime)); clear countWM
42 % Weight between a node and iteself is 0
47 % Shi and Malik Algorithm: second smallest eigen vector
48 disp('Finding Eigen Vector');
49 d = sum(WM,2); D = diag(d); tic
50 B = (D-WM); B = (B+B')/2; OPTS.disp = 0;
51 [v,d,flag] = eigs(B,D,2,'SA',OPTS); ttime = toc;
52 disp(sprintf('Time for finding eigen vector = %f',ttime)); clear OPTS
54 Ncut = reshape(y,H,W);