1 function [isnr, y_hat] = Demo_IDDBM3D(experiment_number, test_image_name)
2 % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 % Demo software for BM3D-frame based image deblurring
5 % Public release ver. 0.8 (beta) (June 03, 2011)
7 % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 % This function implements the IDDBM3D image deblurring algorithm proposed in:
11 % [1] A.Danielyan, V. Katkovnik, and K. Egiazarian, "BM3D frames and
12 % variational image deblurring," submitted to IEEE TIP, May 2011
14 % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 % authors: Aram Danielyan
17 % Vladimir Katkovnik
19 % web page: http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/GCF-BM3D/
21 % contact: firstname.lastname@tut.fi
23 % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
24 % Copyright (c) 2011 Tampere University of Technology.
25 % All rights reserved.
26 % This work should be used for nonprofit purposes only.
27 % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 % Any unauthorized use of these routines for industrial or profit-oriented activities is
33 % expressively prohibited. By downloading and/or using any of these files, you implicitly
34 % agree to all the terms of the TUT limited license (included in the file Legal_Notice.txt).
35 % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
41 % [psnr, y_hat] = Demo_IDDBM3D(experiment_number, test_image_name)
44 % 1) experiment_number: 1 -> PSF 1, sigma^2 = 2
45 % 2 -> PSF 1, sigma^2 = 8
46 % 3 -> PSF 2, sigma^2 = 0.308
47 % 4 -> PSF 3, sigma^2 = 49
48 % 5 -> PSF 4, sigma^2 = 4
49 % 6 -> PSF 5, sigma^2 = 64
50 % 7-13 -> experiments 7-13 are not described in [1].
51 % see this file for the blur and noise parameters.
52 % 2) test_image_name: a valid filename of a grayscale test image
55 % 1) isnr the output improvement in SNR, dB
56 % 2) y_hat: the restored image
58 % ! The function can work without any of the input arguments,
59 % in which case, the internal default ones are used !
61 % To run this demo functions within the BM3D package should be accessible to Matlab
62 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
65 if ~exist('experiment_number','var'), experiment_number=3; end
66 if ~exist('test_image_name','var'), test_image_name='Cameraman256.png'; end
68 filename=test_image_name;
71 initType = 'bm3ddeb'; %use output of the BM3DDEB to initialize the algorithm
73 initType = 'zeros'; %use zero image to initialize the algorithm
76 matchType = 'bm3ddeb'; %build groups using output of the BM3DDEB algorithm
79 fprintf('Experiment number: %d\n', experiment_number);
80 fprintf('Image: %s\n', filename);
82 %% ------- Generating bservation ---------------------------------------------
83 disp('--- Generating observation ----');
84 y=im2double(imread(filename));
88 switch experiment_number
91 for x1=-7:7; for x2=-7:7; h(x1+8,x2+8)=1/(x1^2+x2^2+1); end, end; h=h./sum(h(:));
94 s1=0; for a1=-7:7; s1=s1+1; s2=0; for a2=-7:7; s2=s2+1; h(s1,s2)=1/(a1^2+a2^2+1); end, end; h=h./sum(h(:));
97 sigma=-1; % if "sigma=-1", then the value of sigma depends on the BSNR
98 h=ones(9); h=h./sum(h(:));
101 h=[1 4 6 4 1]'*[1 4 6 4 1]; h=h./sum(h(:)); % PSF
104 h=fspecial('gaussian', 25, 1.6);
107 h=fspecial('gaussian', 25, .4);
112 h=ones(9); h=h./sum(h(:));
116 h=ones(9); h=h./sum(h(:));
120 h=fspecial('gaussian', 25, 1.6);
124 h=fspecial('gaussian', 25, 1.6);
128 h=fspecial('gaussian', 25, 1.6);
131 sigma=-1; % if "sigma=-1", then the value of sigma depends on the BSNR
132 h=ones(19); h=h./sum(h(:));
135 sigma=-1; % if "sigma=-1", then the value of sigma depends on the BSNR
136 h=ones(19); h=h./sum(h(:));
139 y_blur = imfilter(y, h, 'circular'); % performs blurring (by circular convolution)
141 if sigma == -1; %% check whether to use BSNR in order to define value of sigma
142 sigma=sqrt(norm(y_blur(:)-mean(y_blur(:)),2)^2 /(yN*xN*10^(BSNR/10)));
143 % Xv% compute sigma from the desired BSNR
146 %%%% Create a blurred and noisy observation
148 z = y_blur + sigma*randn(yN, xN);
150 bsnr=10*log10(norm(y_blur(:)-mean(y_blur(:)),2)^2 /sigma^2/yN/xN);
151 psnr_z =PSNR(y,z,1,0);
152 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
154 fprintf('Observation BSNR: %4.2f, PSNR: %4.2f\n', bsnr, psnr_z);
156 %% ----- Computing initial estimate ---------------------
157 disp('--- Computing initial estimate ----');
159 [dummy, y_hat_RI,y_hat_RWI,zRI] = BM3DDEB_init(experiment_number, y, z, h, sigma);
161 switch lower(initType)
163 y_hat_init=zeros(size(z));
167 y_hat_init=y_hat_RI;
169 y_hat_init=y_hat_RWI;
173 switch lower(matchType)
181 match_im = y_hat_RI;
183 match_im = y_hat_RWI;
186 psnr_init = PSNR(y, y_hat_init,1,0);
188 fprintf('Initialization method: %s\n', initType);
189 fprintf('Initial estimate ISNR: %4.2f, PSNR: %4.2f\n', psnr_init-psnr_z, psnr_init);
191 %% ------- Core algorithm ---------------------
192 %------ Description of the parameters of the IDDBM3D function ----------
193 %y - true image (use [] if true image is unavaliable)
196 %y_hat_init - initial estimate y_0
197 %match_im - image used to constuct groups and calculate weights g_r
198 %sigma - standard deviation of the noise
199 %threshType = 'h'; %use 's' for soft thresholding
200 %numIt - number of iterations
201 %gamma - regularization parameter see [1]
202 %tau - regularization parameter see [1] (thresholding level)
203 %xi - regularization parameter see [1], it is always set to 1 in this implementation
204 %showFigure - set to True to display figure with current estimate
205 %--------------------------------------------------------------------
212 gamma_tau_xi_inits= [
213 0.0004509 0.70 1;%1
214 0.0006803 0.78 1;%2
215 0.0003485 0.65 1;%3
216 0.0005259 0.72 1;%4
217 0.0005327 0.82 1;%5
218 7.632e-05 0.25 1;%6
219 0.0005818 0.81 1;%7
221 0.0004155 0.74 1;%9
222 0.0005591 0.74 1;%10
223 0.0007989 0.82 1;%11
224 0.0006702 0.75 1;%12
225 0.001931 1.83 1;%13
228 gamma_tau_xi_inits= [
230 0.0006004 2.75 1;%2
231 0.0004573 2.91 1;%3
232 0.0005959 2.82 1;%4
233 0.0006018 3.63 1;%5
234 0.0001726 2.24 1;%6
237 0.0005125 3.00 1;%9
238 0.0005685 2.80 1;%10
239 0.0005716 2.75 1;%11
240 0.0005938 2.55 1;%12
241 0.001602 4.16 1;%13
245 gamma = gamma_tau_xi_inits(experiment_number,1);
246 tau = gamma_tau_xi_inits(experiment_number,2)/255*2.7;
247 xi = gamma_tau_xi_inits(experiment_number,3);
249 disp('-------- Start ----------');
250 fprintf('Number of iterations to perform: %d\n', numIt);
251 fprintf('Thresholding type: %s\n', threshType);
253 y_hat = IDDBM3D(y, h, z, y_hat_init, match_im, sigma, threshType, numIt, gamma, tau, xi, showFigure);
254 psnr = PSNR(y,y_hat,1,0);
255 isnr = psnr-psnr_z;
257 disp('-------- Results --------');
258 fprintf('Final estimate ISNR: %4.2f, PSNR: %4.2f\n', isnr, psnr);
263 function PSNRdb = PSNR(x, y, maxval, borders)
264 if ~exist('borders', 'var'), borders = 0; end
265 if ~exist('maxval', 'var'), maxval = 255; end
267 xx=borders+1:size(x,1)-borders;
268 yy=borders+1:size(x,2)-borders;
270 PSNRdb = zeros(1,size(x,3));
271 for fr=1:size(x,3)
272 err = x(xx,yy,fr) - y(xx,yy,fr);
273 PSNRdb(fr) = 10 * log10((maxval^2)/mean2(err.^2));