]> AND Private Git Repository - these_gilles.git/blob - paper_lniv_gpu/biographies.ps
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[these_gilles.git] / paper_lniv_gpu / biographies.ps
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307 (leectrical)f(engineering)e(at)1723 3710 y(\264)1711
308 3728 y(Ecole)-192 3828 y(Centrale)32 b(de)f(Marseille.)h(His)h(main)e
309 (research)g(interests)h(at)h(Fresnel)-192 3928 y(Institute)25
310 b(\(UMR)g(CNRS)h(7249\))d(include)h(digital)h(image)f(processing)-192
311 4027 y(and)k(signal)g(processing.)p eop end
312 %%Trailer
314 userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if
315 %%EOF