--- /dev/null
+% algorithm2e.sty --- style file for algorithms
+% almost everything can be customized by users. See the document for more explanations
+%% Copyright 1996-2015 Christophe Fiorio
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project
+% Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+% The latest version of this license is in http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt and
+% version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is M. Christophe Fiorio
+% This work consists of the files algorithm2e.sty and algorithm2e.tex
+% and the associated example files algorithm2e_exAlgoDisjdecomp.tex,
+% algorithm2e_exIR.tex, algorithm2e_ex01.tex, algorithm2e_exProg.tex,
+% algorithm2e_ex02.tex, algorithm2e_exfor.tex, algorithm2e_ex03.tex,
+% algorithm2e_exgeneric.tex, algorithm2e_ex04.tex, algorithm2e_exgeneric2.tex,
+% algorithm2e_ex05.tex, algorithm2e_exnlsty.tex, algorithm2e_ex06.tex,
+% algorithm2e_exrepeat.tex, algorithm2e_ex07.tex, algorithm2e_exswitch.tex
+% Report bugs and comments to:
+% - algorithm2e-announce@lirmm.fr mailing list for announcement about releases^^J%
+% - algorithm2e-discussion@lirmm.fr mailing list for discussion about package^^J%
+% subscribe by emailing sympa@lirmm.fr with 'subscribe <list> <firstname name>'^^J%
+% $Id: algorithm2e.sty,v 5.1 2015/10/18 21:37:30 cfiorio Exp $
+% - float (in contrib/supported/float)
+% - ifthen (in base)
+% - xspace (in packages/tools)
+% - relsize (in contrib/misc/relsize.sty)
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Release 5.1
+% Package options:
+% ---------------
+% - oldcommands : to use old command names
+% - french, english, german, ngerman
+% portuguese, czech, italiano,
+% slovak, croatian, spanish : for the name of the algorithm and some keyword code
+% - onelanguage : to simply switch keyword from one language to another without changing
+% keyword commands
+% - boxed, boxruled, ruled, tworuled,
+% algoruled, plain : layout of the algorithm
+% - algo2e : environment is algorithm2e instead of algorithms and \listofalgorithmes
+% instead of \listofalgorithms
+% - slide : to use when making slides
+% - noline,lined,vlined : how block are designed.
+% - shortend, longend, noend : short or long end keyword as endif for e.g.
+% - linesnumbered : auto numbering of the algorithm's lines
+% - linesnumberedhidden : to hide autonumbered lines (show number on a line with \ShowLn
+% - commentsnumbered, inoutnumbered : to autonumber comments and inout keywords (by defaut not numbered)
+% - rightnl : to have line number on the right instead of on the left as default
+% - algonl : line numbers preceded by algo number
+% - scright, scleft : right or left justified side comments
+% - fillcomment, nofillcomment : end mark of comment is flushed to the right so comments fill the line
+% - dotocloa : add an entry in the toc for list of algorithms (require tocbibind package)
+% - endfloat : add algoendfloat environment pushing algorithm so written to the end of document
+% - resetcount, noresetcount : start value of line numbers.
+% - algopart,algochapter,algosection : algo numbering within part, chapter or section
+% - titlenumbered,titlenotnumbered : numbering of title set by \Titleofalgo
+% - figure : algorithms are figures, numbered as figures, and put in the list of figures.
+% - procnumbered : procedure or function are numbered as algorithm
+% - nokwfunc : procedure or function name doens't become a command
+% - norelsize : don't use relsize package (useful if it breaks the compatibily)
+% - displayblockmarkers : display begin, end keywords at start of each block
+% defaults are; english,plain,resetcount,titlenotnumbered
+% Short summary
+% -------------
+% algorithm is an environment for writing algorithm in LaTeX2e.
+% Almost all is customizable. You can add keywords, change style, change the layout, ...
+% It provide macros that allow you to create differents sorts of key words, therefore a set of predefined key
+% word is gived.
+% IT should be used as follows
+% \begin{algorithm}
+% ...
+% ...
+% \end{algorithm}
+% IMPORTANT : each line MUST end with \;
+% Note that if you define macros outside algorithm environment they
+% are avaible in all the document and particulary you can use then
+% inside all algorithms without re-define them.
+% an example:
+% \begin{algorithm}
+% \SetAlgoLined
+% \KwIn{this text}
+% \KwOut{how to write algorithm with \LaTeX2e }
+% initialization\;
+% \While{not at end of this document}{
+% read current section\;
+% \eIf{understand}{
+% go to next section\;
+% current section becomes this one\;
+% }{
+% go back to the beginning of current section\;
+% }
+% }
+% \caption{How to write algorithm}
+% \end{algorithm}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%% predefined keywords
+% \KwIn{input}
+% \KwOut{output}
+% \KwData{input}
+% \KwResult{output}
+% \KwTo % a simple keyword
+% \KwFrom % a simple keyword
+% \KwRet{[value]}
+% \Return{[value]}
+% \Begin{block inside}
+% \eIf{condition}{Then Block}{Else block} % in blocks
+% \If{condition}{Then block} % in a block
+% \uIf{condition}{Then block} % in a block unended
+% \lIf{condition}{Else text} % on the same line
+% \Else{inside Else} % in a block
+% \lElse{Else text} % on the same line
+% \uElse{Else text} % in a block unended
+% \ElseIf{inside Elseif} % in a block
+% \lElseIf{Elseif text} % on the same line
+% \uElseIf{Elseif text} % in a block unended
+% \Switch{Condition}{Switch block}
+% \Case{a case}{case block} % in a block
+% \lCase{a case}{case text} % on the same line
+% \Other{otherwise block} % in a block
+% \lOther{otherwise block} % on the same line
+% \For{condition}{text loop} % in a block
+% \lFor{condition}{text} % on the same line
+% \ForEach{condition}{text loop} % in a block
+% \lForEach{condition}{text} % on the same line
+% \ForPar{condition}{text loop} % in a block
+% \lForPar{condition}{text} % on the same line
+% \While{condition}{text loop} % in a block
+% \lWhile{condition}{text loop} % on the same line
+% \Repeat{End condition}{text loop} % in a block
+% \lRepeat{condition}{text} % on the same line
+% History:
+% - October 19 2015 - revision 5.1
+% * CHANGE/ADD: l commands (the ones as \lIf) can now be used with a
+% star. If done, no end of line are done, so you can enclose
+% l command into another one. For example, you can write:
+% \lForEach{$i$}{\lIf*{foo}{bar}}.
+% Note that when you use a star, side comments are not allowed.
+% * CHANGE/ADD: Now you can have a side comment at end of macros which
+% have a block. For example you can do :
+% \Begin(\tcc*[h]{side comment for begin}{text}(\tcc*[h]{side comment after end})
+% Note: there are some side effects for some commands:
+% \SetKwProg : macro defined thanks to \SetKwProg are allowed
+% to have no end marker. In this case,
+% beware to end side comment, this can
+% do weird output (but no error)
+% * CHANGE: \SetKwSwitch defines also an \uOther command which was not
+% the case until this release.
+% * CHANGE: \SetStartEndCondition{typo1}{typo2}{typo3} defined two end
+% conditions (type2 and typo3) : typo3 is no more used for
+% case condition as typo2 is used which is more consistent
+% since there is a condition followed by a keyword as for
+% if-then or other command that are defined using typo2.
+% * CHANGE: keywords was not language dependant to allow to use multiple
+% languages in the same document, but some keywords in
+% different language were having the same keyword that lead
+% last one declared to replace first one and so you could have some
+% spanish keywords printed as you were in portuguese. So
+% this behavior is changed from now:
+% - localized keywords are defined if according language
+% option is defined ;
+% - if you want to keep old behaviour and use localized
+% keywords without using language option (keep old
+% behavior), you can use languagekw option
+% (e.g. frenchkw, germankw, ...). Note that you can use
+% multiple languagekw options at the same time, in
+% contrary of language option. Note also that if you use
+% multiple languagekw options, you can get back the same
+% problem as previously when keywords was not language
+% dependant.
+% * ADD: new typo styles:
+% - Arguments of functions have now their own style. By
+% default, FuncArgSty is the same as ArgSty.
+% - Name of KwProg have now their own sty (they used ArgSty
+% previously). By default, ProgSty is still ArgSty.
+% As usual, \SetFuncArgSty{}, FuncArgSty{} and
+% \SetProgSty{}, ProgSty{} are macros to set and use these
+% typo styles.
+% * ADD: Options to manage algorithm hangindent
+% Until this revision, long statement acts as classical text and
+% continue on next line starting from the same point. This makes
+% difficult to notice that the new lines of text is not a new
+% statement. Now, hangindent is managed and when a long
+% statement continue on next lines, lines, except the first,
+% are indented.
+% Option: noalgohanging
+% By default, long statement are indented on subsequent
+% lines; with this option you get old behavior and lines are
+% no more indented
+% Option: hangingcomment
+% Comment that are alone on a line (not side comment) are
+% not driven by algo hanging: subsequent lines of long
+% comments are indented according to width of start comment
+% marker. With this option, comment are indented like normal
+% statement.
+% Option: hanginginout
+% As for comment, by default, in/out keywords and input
+% keywords (defined by \SetKwInOut or \SetKwInput) are not
+% indented by algorithm hangindent. They are indented
+% according to width of input keyword. If you want that these
+% keywords acts like normal statement, use this option.
+% \SetAlgoHangIndent{length}
+% This macro allows you to set your own indent length. By
+% default, \SetAlgoHangIndent{0.5em}
+% * ADD: Group markers.
+% This option is related to block markers of release 5.0. Some
+% have ask to put also block markers for single line
+% command. This new feature has been implemented to do this.
+% So, you can now ask package to put begin and end keywords
+% automatically at start and end of single line command (see
+% example in documentation).
+% These new group markers macros are:
+% - \AlgoDisplayGroupMarkers and \AlgoDontDisplayGroupMarkers
+% Note that a new option has also been added: displaygroupmarkers
+% * ADD: \SetCustomAlgoRuledWidth{length}
+% set a custom ruled width of ruled and algoruled options ;
+% note that by the moment you use this macro, rules will have
+% this fixed length: this can cause strange behavior in
+% multicolumn mode or other layout that change the line
+% width.
+% * ADD: turkish language option
+% * FIX: a spurious whitespace which results in a spurious indent in the
+% user's text right after the end of the algorithm environment
+% was introduced in release 5.0. This is fixed now thanks to
+% Alexander Malkis.
+% * FIX: there was a problem with margins in caption when option figure
+% was use with caption package. This is fixed.
+% * FIX: when changing font size in caption with, interline skip stayed
+% unchanged and so with a small font was to large. This is fixed.
+% * FIX: in contrary of that is written in the documentation, ':' what
+% not in KwSty typo for KwIn and KwOut command. This is fixed.
+% * FIX: strange behaviour with label and lines numbered: @currentlabel
+% was updated according to algo line number not in all
+% situation. For e.g, with hyperref package, always updated ;
+% with \nlset also updated, but with \nl or linesnumbered
+% option, not updated. This "feature" causes different output
+% with \label command according to options used which is not
+% that one want. This is solved now, and @currentlabel is
+% always updated so \label command works always is the same way.
+% * FIX: some czech keywords
+% * FIX: some spanish keywords
+% * FIX: some croatian keywords
+% * FIX: krantz class changes definition of chapter and get one more
+% option that classical classes as book.cls or report.cls and
+% broke fix for hyperref on chapter definition. This is now
+% fixed and algorithm detects use of krantz class and use then
+% a definition of chapter working with krantz class.
+% * FIX: an issue with internal macro which causes ([Q]) use as argument
+% of some environment to be misprinted (thanks to Martin Schröder).
+% * FIX: mispelled name of hyperrefcounter inside internal macro.
+% - January 06 2013 - revision 5.0
+% * CHANGE: SetKwSwitch takes now 9 args: 9th arg is the same as
+% previous 8th arg ('end of switch' keyword). New 8th arg is
+% 'end of case' keyword. This is due to change of release
+% 3.2 which introduce end after case block... as I never
+% test with longend option, I never see that the 'end
+% switch' used for case was not good.
+% * CHANGE: when no end keyword is defined in a block macro, then
+% algorithm2e does no more try to print it. So even with lined or noline
+% option, no empty line is printed (before: a blank end was
+% printed, so a blank line appeared)
+% * Internal Change: add some internal function to improve readibility
+% (thanks to Philip K. F. H\ölzenspies)
+% * ADD: Block markers.
+% You can now ask package to put begin and end keywords automatically at begin
+% and end of blocks, it means each group of commands shifted and enclosed in
+% braces.
+% This is tricky to use but, combined with \SetStartEndCondition and
+% redefinition of keywords, you should be abble to simulate any syntax. See
+% examples in documentation where a generic example is derived in pseudo-code,
+% python and C by keeping code and changing only style using block markers
+% macros, \SetStartEndCondition and some redefinition of keywords.
+% These new block markers macros are:
+% - \AlgoDisplayBlockMarkers and \AlgoDontDisplayBlockMarkers
+% - \SetAlgoBlockMarkers{begin marker}{end marker}
+% - \BlockMarkersSty{text} and \SetBlockMarkersSty
+% Note that a new option has also been added: displayblockmarkers
+% * ADD: \leIf macro automatically defined by \SetKwIF: allow to define
+% an if-then-else on a single line.
+% * ADD: new macro \SetStartEndCondition{typo1}{typo2}{typo3} which
+% sets typo around condition in For, If, Switch, Case and
+% Repeat macros. First two are used around For, If, Swith
+% conditions, First and third are used for Case and Repeat
+% condition where condition ends the line. Default definition
+% is \SetStartEndCondition{ }{ }{}.
+% A common alternative is \SetStartEndCondition{ (}{) }{)}
+% Can also be used to remove space around condition, for
+% example if you want python style commands:
+% \SetStartEndCondition{ }{}{} and \SetKwFor{For}{for}{:}{}
+% * ADD: new environment algomathdisplay which allow display math (like inside \[ \] or $$ $$)
+% handling end line and line number
+% * ADD: new command \SetKwProg{Env}{Title}{is}{end} which defines a macro
+% \Env{args}{text}. Env is a block with 'Title' (in \CapSty) at the beginning
+% followed by args followed by 'is' then 'text' is put below inside a block ended
+% by 'end'. If no 'end' is specified, nothing is written (no
+% blank line is inserted). Useful to typeset function or prog for example:
+% \SetKwProg{Fn}{Function}{ is}{end} makes \Fn{afunc(i: int) : int}{return 0\;}
+% writes:
+% Function afunc(i: int) : int is
+% | return 0;
+% end
+% or \SetKwProg{Def}{def}{:}{} makes \Def{afunc(i: int)}{return 0\;} writes:
+% def afunc(i: int):
+% | return 0
+% Tip: combine it with \SetKwFunction to write recursive function algorithm. With
+% example above, you could define \SetKwFunction{\Afunc}{afunc} and then write:
+% \Def{\Afunc{i:int}{\eIf{i>0}{\KwRet \Afunc{i-1}}{\KwRet 0\;}} that writes:
+% def afunc(i: int):
+% | if(i>0):
+% | return afunc(i-1)
+% | else:
+% | return 0
+% with appropriate typo.
+% * ADD: option croatian: croatian keywords (thanks to Ivan Gavran)
+% * ADD: option ngerman: same as german option but so can be used with global option ngerman
+% of babel
+% * ADD: option spanish: Spanish support (thanks to Mario Abarca)
+% * ADD: unterminated block: useful to add part separator that doesn't necessary need an end
+% keyword.
+% Designed on the pattern of unterminated if (see \uIf macro) allowing to
+% add a block that is not terminated by a keyword. Such block are defined in the same
+% time as a block is defined by adding a macro beginning with u. So, for example,
+% predefined \SetKwBlock{Begin}{begin}{end} defines now two commands:
+% - \Begin{} as previously which print a begin - end block
+% - \uBegin{} that defines a begin only block
+% * FIX: problem when numbering line inside until condition of
+% \SetKwRepeat macro: line number was not correctly aligned.
+% * FIX: dotocloa option which was broken
+% * FIX: uIf and uCase didn't have same behavior when used with
+% noline, vlined or lined option. This is fixed. Side effect: no empty
+% line after an uIf or uCase when used with options lined or vlined
+% * FIX: a bug with Repeat Until command when use with side comment on Until
+% * FIX: a bug with side text -- text put into () -- of command macro (SetKwIf and so on)
+% which was always setting a ';' even after a \DontPrintSemicolon
+% * FIX: a bug with hyperref and chapter definition (thanks to Hubert Meier)
+% * FIX: bugs with l macro and side comment
+% * FIX: revision number
+% * FIX: fix non ascii character (utf8 not yet recognized by all latex engine)
+% * FIX: fnum@algocf had an useless parameter which sometimes broke expansion and output an error
+% * FIX: works now with multicol package
+% - december 14 2009 - revision 4.1
+% * ADD: new command \SetKwHangingKw{Name}{text} (hanging indent with keyword): This creates a
+% hanging indent much like \texttt{SetKwInput}, except that it removes the trailing `:'
+% and does not reset numbering (thanks to Nathan Tallent)
+% - november 17 2009 - revision 4.00 -
+% * CHANGE: IMPORTANT: some commands have been renamed to have consistent naming (CamlCase
+% syntax) and old commands are no more available. If you doesn't want to change
+% your mind or use old latex files, you can use oldcommands option to enable old
+% commands back.
+% text. Here are these commands:
+% - \SetNoLine becomes \SetAlgoNoLine
+% - \SetVline becomes \SetAlgoVlined
+% - \Setvlineskip becomes \SetVlineSkip
+% - \SetLine becomes \SetAlgoLined
+% - \dontprintsemicolon becomes \DontPrintSemicolon
+% - \printsemicolon becomes \PrintSemicolon
+% - \incmargin becomes \IncMargin
+% - \decmargin becomes \DecMargin
+% - \setnlskip becomes \SetNlSkip
+% - \Setnlskip becomes \SetNlSkip
+% - \setalcapskip becomes \SetAlCapSkip
+% - \setalcaphskip becomes \SetAlCapHSkip
+% - \nlSty becomes \NlSty
+% - \Setnlsty becomes \SetNlSty
+% - \linesnumbered becomes \LinesNumbered
+% - \linesnotnumbered becomes \LinesNotNumbered
+% - \linesnumberedhidden becomes \LinesNumberedHidden
+% - \showln becomes \ShowLn
+% - \showlnlabel becomes \ShowLnLabel
+% - \nocaptionofalgo becomes \NoCaptionOfAlgo
+% - \restorecaptionofalgo becomes \RestoreCaptionOfAlgo
+% - \restylealgo becomes \RestyleAlgo
+% - gIf macros and so on do no more exist
+% * NEW: - Compatibily with other packages improven by changing name of internal
+% macros. Algorithm2e can now be used with arabtex for example, if this last is
+% loaded after algorithm2e package.
+% * ADD: - OPTION endfloat: endfloat packages doesn't allow float environment inside other
+% environment. So using it with figure option of algorithm2e makes error. This
+% option enables a new environment algoendfloat to be used instead of algorithm
+% environment that put algorithm at the end. algoendfloat environment make
+% algorithm acting as endfloat figures. This option requires endfloat packages.
+% * ADD: - OPTION norelsize: starting from this release (v4.00), algorithm2e package uses
+% relsize package in order to get relative size for lines numbers; but it seems
+% that some rare classes (such as inform1.cls) are not compatible with relsize; to
+% have algorithm2e working, this option makes algorithm2e not to load relsize
+% package and go back to previous definition by using \scriptsize font for lines
+% numbers.
+% * ADD: - OPTION onelanguage: allow, if using standard keywords listed below, to switch
+% from one language to another without changing keywords by using appropriate
+% language option:
+% . KwIn, KwOut, KwData, KwResult
+% . KwTo KwFrom
+% . KwRet, Return
+% . Begin
+% . Repeat
+% . If, ElseIf, Else
+% . Switch, Case, Other
+% . For, ForPar, ForEach, ForAll, While
+% .
+% * ADD: - OPTION rightnl: put lines numbers to the right of the algorithm instead of left.
+% * ADD: new commands \setRightLinesNumbers and \setLeftLinesNumbers which sets the lines
+% numbers to the right or to the left of the algorithm.
+% * ADD: - new kind of keywords: KwArray used to define arrays:
+% \SetKwArray{Kw}{array} defines an array keywords Kw called array and printed in
+% DataSty style when call with \Kw. It can be used with one argument which
+% denotes the element index: \Kw{n} prints array[n] with array in DataSty and n in
+% ArgSty.
+% * ADD/FIX: rules of ruled, algoruled, tworuled styles used rules of different sizes! This
+% is now fixed. Moreover size of the rules is now controlled by a length and so
+% can be customized by the user.
+% \algoheightrule is the height of the rules and can be changed via \setlength
+% \algoheightruledefault is the default height of he rules (0.8pt)
+% \algotitleheightrule is the height of the rule that comes just after the
+% caption in ruled and algoruled style; it can be changed via \setlength
+% \algotitleheightruledefault is the default height of this rules (0.8pt)
+% Thanks to Philippe Dumas who reports the bug and make the suggestion.
+% * ADD: - \SetAlgoCaptionSeparator which sets the separator between Algorithm 1 and the
+% title. By default it's ':' and caption looks like "Algorithm 2: title" but now
+% you can change it by using for example \SetAlgoCaptionSeparator{.} which will
+% give "Algorithm 3. title"
+% * ADD: - \SetAlgoLongEnd and \SetAlgoShortEnd and \SetAlgoNoEnd commands which act as
+% corresponding package options
+% * ADD: - OPTIONS italiano and slovak as new language (thanks to Roberto Posenato and
+% Miroslav Binas)
+% * CHANGE: - Fnt and Sty macro to have consistent use and naming (see below)
+% * ADD: - \AlCapSty, \AlCapNameSty, \AlCapFnt, \AlCapNameFnt, \ProcSty, \ProcFnt,
+% \ProcNameSty, \ProcNameFnt, \ProcArgSty, ProcArgFnt and corresponding "set macro"
+% \SetAlCapSty, \SetAlCapNameSty, \SetAlCapFnt, \SetAlCapNameFnt, \SetProcSty,
+% \SetProcFnt, \SetProcNameSty, \SetProcNameFnt, \SetProcArgSty, \SetProcArgFnt which
+% control the way caption is printed. Sty macro use command taking one parameter as
+% argument, Fnt macros use directly command. In Fact caption is printed as follow:
+% \AlCapSty{\AlCapFnt Algorithm 1:}\AlCapNameSty{\AlCapNameFnt my algorithm}
+% By default, \AlCapSty is textbf and \AlCapFnt is nothing. \AlCapNameSty keep text
+% as it is, and \AlCapNameFnt do nothing also.
+% You can redefine \AlCapFnt and \AlCapNameFnt by giving macro to \Set commands. For
+% example, you can do \SetAlCapFnt{\large} to see Algorithm printed in \large font.
+% You can redefine \AlCapSty, \AlCapFnt, \AlCapNameSty and \AlCapNameFnt with the
+% corresponding \Set command. For the Sty commands, you have to give in parameter
+% name of a macro (whithout \) which takes one argument. For example,
+% \SetAlCapFnt{textbf} defines the default behaviour. If you want to do more
+% complicated thing, you should define your own macro and give it to \SetAlCapFnt or
+% \SetAlCapNameFnt. Here are two examples:
+% - \newcommand{\mycapsty}[1]{\tiny #1}\SetAlCapNameSty{mycapsty}
+% - \newcommand{\mycapsty}[1]{\textsl{\small #1}}\SetAlCapNameSty{mycapsty}
+% Or you can combine the two, for the last example you can also do:
+% \SetAlCapNameSty{textsl}\SetAlCapNameFnt{\small}
+% Thanks to Jan Stilhammer who gives me the idea of \AlCapNameFnt.
+% * CHANGE \AlTitleFnt to match definition of all other Fnt macros and add a \AlTitleSty
+% macro (see below) . Now you set \AlTitleFnt by calling \SetAlTitleFnt with
+% directly a macro without parameter in argument:
+% Example: \SetAlTitleFnt{\small} to set title in small font.
+% * ADD: - \AlTitleSty and \SetAlTitleSty commands to set a style for title. These commands
+% are defined from a macro taking the text in argument, as \textbf for example.
+% To set the TitleSty you have to give name of the macro (without the '\')
+% to \SetAlTitleSty. For example \SetAlTitleSty{textbf} to set \textbf style.
+% * ADD: - new command \SetAlgorithmName{algorithmname}{list of algorithms name} which
+% redefines name of the algorithms and the sentence list of algorithms. Second
+% argument is the name that \autoref, from hyperref package, will use. Example:
+% \SetAlgorithmName{Protocol}{List of protocols} if you prefer protocol than
+% algorithm.
+% * ADD: - new \SetAlgoRefName{QXY} which change the default ref (number of the algorithm) by
+% the name given in parameter (QXY in the example).
+% * ADD: - new command \SetAlgoRefRelativeSize{-2} which sets the output size of refs, defined
+% by \SetAlgoRefName, used in list of algorithms.
+% * ADD: - two dimensions to control the layout of caption in ruled, algoruled and boxruled
+% algorithms:
+% - interspacetitleruled (2pt by defaut) which controls the vertical space between
+% rules and title in ruled and algoruled algorithms.
+% - interspaceboxruled (2\lineskip by default) which controls the vertical space
+% between rules and title in boxruled algorithms.
+% These two dimensions can be changed by using \setlength command.
+% * ADD: - With the fix (see below) of procedure and function environments, a new feature has
+% been added: the name of the procedure or function set in caption is automatically
+% defined as a KwFunction and so can be used as a macro. For example, if inside a
+% procedure environment you set \caption{myproc()}, you can use \myproc macro in you
+% main text. Beware that the macro is only defined after the \caption!
+% * ADD: - OPTION nokwfunc to unable the new feature described above in function and
+% procedure environment. Useful if you use name of procedure or function that cannot
+% be a command name as a math display for example.
+% * ADD: - \SetAlgoNlRelativeSize{number} command which sets the relative size of line
+% numbers. By default, line numbers are two size smaller than algorithm text. Use
+% this macro to change this behavior. For example, \SetAlgoNlRelativeSize{0} sets it
+% to the same size, \SetAlgoNlRelativeSize{-1} to one size smaller and
+% \SetAlgoNlRelativeSize{1} to one size bigger
+% * ADD: - \SetAlgoProcName{aname} command which sets the name of Procedure printed by
+% procedure environment (the environment prints Procedure by default). Second
+% argument is the name that \autoref, from hyperref package, will use.
+% * ADD: - \SetAlgoFuncName{aname} command which sets the name of Function printed by
+% procedure environment (the environment prints Function by default). Second
+% argument is the name that \autoref, from hyperref package, will use.
+% * ADD: - \SetAlgoCaptionLayout{style} command which sets style of the caption; style must
+% be the name of a macro taking one argument (the text of the caption). Examples
+% below show how to use it:
+% . \SetAlgoCaptionLayout{centerline} to have centered caption
+% . \SetAlgoCaptionLayout{textbf} to have bold caption
+% If you want to apply two styles in the same time, such as centered bold, you have
+% to define you own macro and then use \SetAlgoCaptionLayout with its name.
+% * ADD: - OPTION procnumbered: which makes the procedure and function to be numbered as
+% algorithm
+% * ADD: - OPTIONS tworuled and boxruled
+% these are two new layouts: tworuled acts like ruled but doesn't put a line after
+% caption ; boxruled surround algorithm by a box, puts caption above and add a line
+% after caption.
+% * REMOVE: - SetKwInParam has been deleted since not useful itself because of different
+% macros which can do the same in a better and a more consistent way as
+% SetKwFunction or SetKw.
+% * FIX: - line number is now correctly vertically aligned with math display.
+% * FIX: - references with hyperref. No more same identifier or missing name error. BUT now
+% you must NOT use naturalnames option of hyperref packages if you do PdfLaTeX
+% * FIX: - autoref with hyperref package (thanks to Jörg Sommer who notices the problem).
+% * FIX: - titlenumbered was not working! fixed.
+% * FIX: - Else(){} acted like uElse. Corrected.
+% * FIX: - noend management: when a block was inside another and end of block was following
+% each other, a blank line was added: it's now corrected.
+% * FIX: - Function and Procedure environment was no more working as defined originally: the
+% label was no more name of the procedure, it acts always as if procumbered option
+% has been used.
+% * FIX: - line numbers had a fixed size which can be bigger than algorithm text accordingly
+% to \AlFnt set (see also new command \SetAlgoNlRelativeSize above)
+% * FIX: - semicolon in comments when dontprintsemicolon is used.
+% * FIX: - listofalgorithms adds a vertical space before first algo of a chapter as for
+% listoffigures or listoftables
+% * FIX: - listofalgorithms with twocolumns mode and some classes which don't allow onecolumn
+% and so don't define \if@restonecol as prescribed in LaTeX (sig-alternate for
+% example)
+% * FIX: - algorithm2e now works with elsart cls and some more classes.
+% * FIX: - blocks defined by SetKwBlock act now as other blocks (if for instance) and don't
+% write end in vlined mode, instead they print a small horizontal line as required
+% by the option.
+% * FIX: - underfull hbox warning at each end of algorithm environment removed.
+% * INTERNAL CHANGE: - short end keyword are deduce from long end keyword by keeping the
+% first one. Allows to avoid double definition.
+% * INTERNAL CHANGE: - procedure, function and algorithm are now resolved by the same
+% environment to avoid code duplication.
+% - October 04 2005 - revision 3.9 -
+% * ADD: - \setalcaphskip command which sets the horizontal skip before Algorithm: in caption
+% when used in ruled algorithm.
+% * ADD: - \SetAlgoInsideSkip command which allows to add an extra vertical space before and
+% after the core of the algorithm (ie: \SetAlgoInsideSkip{bigskip})
+% * CHANGE: - caption, when used with figure option, is no more controlled by algorithm2e
+% package and so follows the exact behaviour of figures. The drawback is that you
+% cannot change the typo with AlTitleFnt or CapFnt. The avantage is that if you
+% use caption package, it works.
+% * FIX: - problem with numbering line and pdflatex
+% * FIX: - error when algorithm2e package was used with beamer and listings together
+% - February 12 2005 - revision 3.8 -
+% * FIX: - extra line with noend option.
+% - February 10 2005 - revision 3.7 -
+% * ADD: - sidecomment: different macros allowing to put text right after code on the same
+% line. They are defined in the same time comment macros are defined with a star
+% after the macro name. By default comments are right justified but this can be
+% change with appropriate option in the macro. Ex:
+% . default: \tcc*{side comment}
+% . same as previous: \tcc*[r]{side comment}
+% . left justify: \tcc*[l]{side comment}
+% . here: \tcc*[h]{side comment} don't put the end of line mark before
+% comment (; by default) and don't end the line.
+% . flushed: \tcc*[f]{side comment} same as the precedent but right
+% justified
+% * ADD: - OPTION scright (default): right justified side comments (side comments
+% are flushed to the righr)
+% * ADD: - OPTION scleft: left justified side comments (side comments are put right after the
+% code line)
+% * ADD: - \SetSideCommentLeft acts as scleft option
+% * ADD: - \SetSideCommentRight acts as scright option
+% * ADD: - block like macro side text: all macro defining a block allows now to put text right
+% after key words by putting text into (). Done to be used with sidecomment macros,
+% but all text can be used.
+% Ex: \eIf(\tcc*[f]{then comment}){test}{then text}(else side text){else text}
+% * ADD: - OPTION fillcomment (default): end mark of comment is flushed to the right so
+% comments fill all the width of text.
+% * ADD: - OPTION nofillcomment: end mark of comment is put right after the comment.
+% * ADD: - \SetNoFillComment acts as nofillcomment option.
+% * ADD: - \SetFillComment acts as fillcomment option.
+% * ADD: - OPTION dotocloa: which adds an entry in the toc for the list of algorithms. This
+% option load package tocbibind if not already done and so list of figures and list
+% of tables are also added in the toc. If you want to control which ones of the lists
+% will be added in the toc, please load package tocbibind before package algorithm
+% and give it the options you want.
+% * FIX: - vertical spacing for uif macro with noend option
+% * FIX: - all the compatibility problems between caption and other packages
+% * FIX: - typographical differences between list of algorithms and other lists when in
+% report or book
+% - January 24 2005 - revision 3.6 -
+% * FIX: - vertical spacing and space characters at the beginning or end of comments.
+% line numbers of comments not in the NlSty.
+% Thanks to Arnaud Giersch for his comments and suggestions.
+% * FIX: - Set*Sty macro: the styles defined was not protected and was modified by surrounding
+% context. For example KwTo in a \For{}{} was in bold AND italic instead of just in
+% bold.
+% * FIX: - line number misplacement after \Indp
+% - January 21 2005 - revision 3.5 -
+% * ADD: - hidden numbering of the lines. Lines are auto-numbered but numbers are shown only
+% on lines you specify:
+% * linesnumberedhidden option or \LinesNumberedHidden macro activate this
+% functionnality.
+% * \ShowLn and \ShowLnLabel{lab} macros make the number visible on the
+% line. \ShowLnLabel{lab} allows to set a label for this line.
+% Thanks to Samson de Jager who makes this suggestion and provides the macros.
+% * ADD: - \AlCapFnt and \SetAlCapFnt which allow to have a different font for
+% caption. Works like \AlFnt and \SetAlFnt and by default is the same.
+% * ADD: - \AlCapSkip skip length. This vertical space is added before caption in plain ou
+% boxed mode. It allows to change distance between text and caption.
+% * FIX: - caption compatible with IEEEtran class.
+% * FIX: - some vertical spacing error with \uIf macros (Thanks to Arnaud Giersch)
+% * FIX: - Procedure and Function: lines are also numbered like algorithms
+% * FIX: - CommentSty was not used for Comments
+% - January 10 2005 - revision 3.4 -
+% * FIX: - caption compatible with new release of Beamer class.
+% - June 16 2004 - revision 3.3 -
+% * FIX: - Hyperlink references of Hyperref package works now if compiled with pdflatex
+% and [naturalnames] option of hyperref package is used.
+% * FIX: - algorithm[H] had problem in an list environment - corrected
+% * FIX: - interline was not so regular in nested blocks - corrected
+% * ADD - \SetVlineSkip macro which sets the vertical skip after the little horizontal
+% rule which closes a block in Vlined mode. By default 0.8ex
+% - June 11 2004 - revision 3.2 - AUTO NUMBERING LINES !!!
+% * ADD: auto numbering of the lines (the so asked and so long awaiting feature)
+% this feature is managed by 3 options and 3 commands:
+% - linesnumbered option: lines of the algo are numbered except for comments and
+% input/output (KwInput and KwInOut)
+% - commentsnumbered option: makes comments be numbered
+% - inoutnumbered option: makes data input/output be numbered
+% - \nllabel{lab} labels the line so you can cite with \ref{lab}
+% - \LinesNumbered make the following algorithms having auto-numbered lines
+% - \linesnotnumbered make the following algorithms having no auto-numbered lines
+% * Change: algo2e option renames listofalgorithms in listofalgorithmes
+% * FIX: new solution for compatibility with color package, more robust and not tricky.
+% Many thanks to David Carlisle for his advices
+% - June 09 2004 - revision 3.1 -
+% * Change: \SetKwSwitch command defines an additionnal macro \uCase and \Case prints end
+% * Change: now macros SetKw* do a renewcommand if the keyword is already defined. So you can
+% redefine default definition at your own convenience or change your definition
+% without introducing a new macro and changing your text.
+% * ADD: new macro \SetKwIF which do \SetKwIf and
+% \SetKwIfElseIf.The following default definition has been added:
+% \SetKwIF{If}{ElseIf}{Else}{if}{then}{else if}{else}{endif}
+% and so you get the macros;
+% \If \eIf \lIf \uIf \ElseIf \uElseIf \lElseIf \Else \uElse \lElse
+% * ADD: new macro \SetAlgoSkip which allow to fix the vertical skip before and after the
+% algorithms. Default is smallskip, do \SetAlgoSkip{} if you don't want an extra space
+% or \SetAlgoSkip{medskip} or \SetAlgoSkip{bigskip} if you want bigger space.
+% * ADD: macro \SetKwIf defines in addition a new macro \uElse (depending on wat name you
+% have given in #2 arg).
+% * ADD: macro \SetKwIfElseIf defines in addition a new macro \uElse and \ugElseIf (depending
+% on what name you have given in #2 and #3 arg).
+% * Change: baseline of algorithm is now top, so two algorithms can be put side by side.
+% * FIX: Compatibility with color package solved. The problem was due to a redefinition of
+% standard macros by color package. This solves compatibility problem with other
+% packages as pstcol or colortbl. (notified by Dirk Fressmann, Antti Tarvainen and Koby
+% Crammer)
+% * Fix: extra little shift to the right with boxed style algorithm removed (notified by
+% P. Tanovski)
+% * Fix: algoln option was buggy (notified bye Jiaying Shen)
+% * Fix: german and portuges option didn't work due to bad typo (notified by Martin Sievers,
+% Thorsten Vitt and Jeronimo Pellegrini)
+% - February 13 2004 - revision 3.0 -
+% * Major revision which makes the package independent from float.sty, so now
+% - algorithm* works better, in particular can be used in multicols environments
+% - (known bug corrected)
+% [H] works now for all sort of environment but is handled differently for classic
+% environment and star environment (algorithm, figure, procedure and function). For star
+% environment, H acts like for classical figure environment, so it doesn't stay here
+% absolutely.
+% - (known bug corrected)
+% you can use now floatflt package with algorithm package and even with figure
+% option. Beware that if you want to put an algorithm inside a floatingfigure, it cannot
+% be floating, so [H] is required and then figure option should not be used, since
+% standard figure[H] are still floating with LaTeX.
+% * boxruled: a new style added. Possible now since no style no more defined by the float
+% package.
+% * nocaptionofalgo: dosen't print Algorithm #: in the caption for algorithm in ruled or
+% algoruled style.
+% note: this is just documentation of a macro which was already in the package.
+% - December 14 2003 - revision 2.52 -
+% * output message shorter
+% * French keyword macro \PourTous was missing for longend option, it has been added.
+% * TitleofAlgo prints Function or Procedure in corresponding environments.
+% - October 27 2003 - revision 2.51 - Revision submitted to CTAN archive
+% * correction of a minor which make caption in procedure
+% and function to be blanck with pdfscreen package
+% (thanks to Joel Gossens for the notification)
+% * add two internal definition to avoid some errors when
+% used with Hyperref package (Hyperref package need to
+% define new counter macro from existing ones, and
+% don't do it for algorithm2e package, so we do it)
+% - October 17 2003 - revision 2.50 - first revision for CTAN archive
+% * add \AlFnt and \SetAlFnt{font} macros: \AlFnt is used at the beginning of the caption and
+% the body of algorithm in order to define the fonts used for typesetting algorithms. You
+% can use it elsewhere you want to typeset text as algorithm. For example you can do
+% \SetAlFnt{\small\sf} to have algorithms typeset in small sf font. Default is nothing so
+% algorithm is typeset as the text of the document.
+% * add \AlTitleFnt{text} and \SetAlTitleFnt{font} macros: The {Algorithm: } in the caption is
+% typeset with \AlTitleFnt{Algorithm:}. You can use it to have text typeset as {Algorithm:}
+% of captions. Default is textbf. Default can be redefined by \SetAlTitleFnt{font}, for
+% example you can do \SetAlTitleFnt{emph}
+% * add CommentSty typo for text comment.
+% * add some compatibility with hyperref package (still an error on multiply defined refs but
+% pdf correctly generated)
+% * flush text to left in order to have correct indentation even with class as amsart which
+% center all figures
+% * add german, portuguese and czech options for title of algorithms and typo.
+% * add portuguese translation of predefined keywords * add czech translation of some
+% predefined keywords
+% - December 23 2002 - revision 2.40
+% * add some French keyword missing
+% * add function* and procedure* environment like algorithme* environment: print in one column
+% even if twocolumn option is specified for the document.
+% * add a new macro \SetKwComment to define macro which writes comments in the text. First
+% argument is the name of the macro, second is the text put before the comment, third is the
+% text put at the end of the comment.Default are \tcc and \tcp
+% * add new options to change the way algo are numbered:
+% [algopart] algo are numbered within part (counter must exist)
+% [algochapter] algo are numbered within chapter
+% [algosection] algo are numbered within section
+% - March 27 2002 - revision 2.39
+% * Gilles Geeraerts: added the \SetKwIfElseIf to manage
+% if (c)
+% i;
+% else if (c)
+% i;
+% ...
+% else
+% i;
+% end
+% * Also added \gIf \gElseIf \gElse.
+% - January 02 2001 - revision 2.38
+% * bugs related to the caption in procedure and function
+% environment are corrected.
+% * bug related to option noend (extra vertical space added
+% after block command as If or For) is corrected.
+% * czech option language added (thanks to Libor Bus: l.bus@sh.cvut.cz).
+% - October 16 2000 - revision 2.37
+% * option algo2e added: change the name of environment
+% algorithm into algorithm2e. So allow to use the package
+% with some journal style which already define an algorithm
+% environment.
+% - September 13 2000 - revision 2.36
+% * option slide added: require package color
+% * Hack for slide class in order to have correct
+% margins
+% - November 25 1999 - revision 2.35
+% * revision number match RCS number
+% * Thanks to David A. Bader, a new option is added:
+% noend: no end keywords are printed.
+% - November 19 1999 - revision 2.32
+% * minor bug on longend option corrected.
+% - August 26 1999 - revision 2.31
+% * add an option: figure
+% this option makes algorithms be figure and so are numbered
+% as figures, have Figure as caption and are put in
+% the \listoffigures
+% - January 21 1999 - revision 2.3 beta
+% add 2 new environments: procedure and function.
+% These environments works like algorithm environment but:
+% - the ruled (or algoruled) style is imperative.
+% - the caption now writes Procedure name....
+% - the syntax of the \caption command is restricted as
+% follow: you MUST put a name followed by 2 braces like
+% this ``()''. You can put arguments inside the braces and
+% text after. If no argument is given, the braces will be
+% removed in the title.
+% - label now puts the name (the text before the braces in the
+% caption) of the procedure or function as reference (not
+% the number like a classic algorithm environment).
+% There are also two new styles: ProcNameSty and
+% ProcArgSty. These style are by default the same as FuncSty
+% and ArgSty but are used in the caption of a procedure or a
+% function.
+% - November 28 1996 - revision 2.22
+% add a new macro \SetKwInParam{arg1}{arg2}{arg3}:
+% it defines a macro \arg1{name}{arg} which prints name in keyword
+% style followed byt arg surrounded by arg2 and arg3. The main
+% application is to a function working as \SetKwInput to be used
+% in the head of the algorithm. For example
+% \SetKwInParam{Func}{(}{)} allows
+% \Func{functionname}{list of arguments} which prints:
+% \KwSty{functioname(}list of arguments\KwSty{)}
+% - November 27 1996 - revision 2.21:
+% minor bug in length of InOut boxes fixed.
+% add algorithm* environment.
+% - July 12 1996 - revision 2.2: \SetArg and \SetKwArg macros removed.
+% \SetArg has been removed since it never has been
+% documented.
+% \SetKwArg has been removed since \SetKw can now
+% take an argument in order to be consistent with
+% \SetKwData and \SetKwFunction macros.
+% - July 04 1996 - revision 2.1: still more LaTeX2e! Minor compatibility break
+% Macros use now \newcommand instead of \def, use of \setlength,
+% \newsavebox, ... and other LaTeX2e specific stuff.
+% The compatibility break:
+% - \SetData becomes \SetKwData to be more consistent. So the old
+% \SetKwData becomes \SetKwInput
+% - old macros \titleofalgo, \Freetitleofalgo and \freetitleofalgo
+% from LaTeX209 version which did print a warning message and call
+% \Titleofalgo in version 2.0 are now removed!
+% - March 13 1996 - revision 2.0: first official major revision.
+% Known bugs:
+% -----------
+% - horizontal spacing (indent) doesn't work with revtex4 class.
+% for more complete informations you can see algorithm2e.tex
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Identification Part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\ProvidesPackage{algorithm2e}[2013/01/06 v5.00 algorithms environments]
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Initial Code %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\@makeother\*% some package redefined it as a letter (as color.sty)
+\def\@firstword#1 #2\@nil{#1}% an useful fonction
+%%%%%%% Utilities:
+% \ifArgumentEmpty<c><t><e> ; if c is empty, i.e. {}, then t, else e.
+% Function used internally, but may as well expose it to the user; it's useful
+ \begingroup\long\edef\@tempa{\endgroup
+ \ALGOCF@argemptyaux#1QQ{\noexpand\@secondoftwo}{\noexpand\@firstoftwo}T%
+ }\@tempa
+% \long\def\ifArgumentEmpty#1{\bgroup
+% \catcode`\Q=3
+% \catcode`\T=3
+% \long\def\@tempa##1##2Q##3##4##5T{##4}%
+% \xdef\@tempa{\@tempa#1QQ{\noexpand\@secondoftwo}{\noexpand\@firstoftwo}T}%
+% \egroup\@tempa}
+% \algocf@longdef -> shorthand to reduce
+% \expandafter\long\expandafter\def
+% to
+% \expandafter\algocf@longdef
+% may look insignificant, but reads that much better ;)
+% \algocf@newcommand (and helper \algocf@new@command) behaves like LaTeX's newcommand,
+% with two differences:
+% - the argument is not "\<name>", but rather "<name>"; i.e. one level of indirection
+% - if the command exists already, then \renewcommand, rather than \newcommand
+ \begingroup \escapechar\m@ne\xdef\@gtempa{{\string#1}}\endgroup
+ \expandafter\@ifundefined\@gtempa\newcommand\renewcommand#1}%
+% \algocf@newcmdside<name><arity><body>
+% The largest time-saver; many commands we define have the pattern:
+% \<name>(<side_text>)<argX><argY>...
+% where "(<side_text>)" is optional. By defining them with this function,
+% the arguments are parsed and renumbered, i.e. the body works as if the
+% command was:
+% \<name><side_text><argX><argY>...
+% and can use \ifArgumentEmpty to see whether its #1 exists (default case
+% for the side text is (), so there's no difference between calling
+% \foo{bar}
+% or
+% \foo(){bar}
+% Technically this is new behaviour, but it shouldn't really occur...
+ \expandafter\def\csname#1\endcsname{%
+ \@ifnextchar({\csname algocf@#1strip\endcsname}{\csname algocf@#1strip\endcsname()}%
+ }%
+ \expandafter\algocf@longdef\csname algocf@#1strip\endcsname(##1){\csname algocf@#1main\endcsname{##1}}%
+ \algocf@newcommand{algocf@#1main}[#2]{#3}%
+% a serie of newcmdside macro for block that allows a comment after the end
+% \<name>(<side_text>)<argX><argY>...(<side_text>)%
+% 1. kind of begin-end : for command with only one block as begin-end
+\algocf@longdef\algocf@newcmdside@kobe#1#2{% <name of cmd><body of cmd>
+ % command starts by checking for side comment at beginning
+ \expandafter\def\csname#1\endcsname{%
+ \@ifnextchar({\csname algocf@#1strip\endcsname}{\csname algocf@#1strip\endcsname()}%
+ }%
+ % next we strip comment and include it in cmd that get body and check last side comment
+ \expandafter\algocf@longdef\csname algocf@#1strip\endcsname(##1)##2{\csname algocf@#1checkcomfol\endcsname{##1}{##2}}%
+ % now check for last side comment; args are : <first side com (could be empty)>, <body of cmd>
+ \expandafter\algocf@longdef\csname algocf@#1checkcomfol\endcsname##1##2{\@ifnextchar({\csname algocf@#1withendcom\endcsname{##1}{##2}}{\csname algocf@#1noendcom\endcsname{##1}{##2}}}% call macro that manages end of command, with or without last side comment
+ % finally manage end of macro... with end side comment...
+ \expandafter\algocf@longdef\csname algocf@#1withendcom\endcsname##1##2(##3){%
+ \csname algocf@#1main\endcsname{##1}{##2}{##3}}%
+ % ... or without end side comment
+ \expandafter\algocf@longdef\csname algocf@#1noendcom\endcsname##1##2{%
+ \csname algocf@#1main\endcsname{##1}{##2}{}}%
+ \algocf@newcommand{algocf@#1main}[3]{#2}%
+% 2. kind of if-else : for command with two blocks as if-then-else
+\algocf@longdef\algocf@newcmdside@koif#1#2{% <name of cmd><body of cmd>
+ % command starts by checking for side comment at beginning
+ \expandafter\def\csname#1\endcsname{%
+ \@ifnextchar({\csname algocf@#1strip\endcsname}{\csname algocf@#1strip\endcsname()}%
+ }%
+ % next we strip comment and include it in cmd that get body and check last side comment
+ \expandafter\algocf@longdef\csname algocf@#1strip\endcsname(##1)##2##3{\csname algocf@#1checkcomfol\endcsname{##1}{##2}{##3}}%
+ % now check for last side comment; args are : <1st side com>, <1st body of cmd>, <2nd body of cmd>
+ \expandafter\algocf@longdef\csname algocf@#1checkcomfol\endcsname##1##2##3{\@ifnextchar({\csname algocf@#1withendcom\endcsname{##1}{##2}{##3}}{\csname algocf@#1noendcom\endcsname{##1}{##2}{##3}}}% call macro that manages end of command, with or without last side comment
+ % finally manage end of macro... with end side comment...
+ \expandafter\algocf@longdef\csname algocf@#1withendcom\endcsname##1##2##3(##4){%
+ \csname algocf@#1main\endcsname{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}}%
+ % ... or without end side comment
+ \expandafter\algocf@longdef\csname algocf@#1noendcom\endcsname##1##2##3{%
+ \csname algocf@#1main\endcsname{##1}{##2}{##3}{}}%
+ \algocf@newcommand{algocf@#1main}[4]{#2}%
+% \algocf@newcmdsides<name><arity><body><tail><closing>
+% Like the command above, but with an optional side text at the end
+% of the command as well, i.e.:
+% \<name>(<side_text>)<argX><argY>(<end_text>)
+% It may be a bit confusing that <arity> doesn't count <end_text>,
+% but since it is for internal use, the naming can be a little more
+% fuzzy. This function behaves as if:
+% <body'> = <body><if end_text: tail{end_text}><closing>
+ \expandafter\def\csname#1\endcsname{%
+ \@ifnextchar({\csname algocf@#1strip\endcsname}{\csname algocf@#1strip\endcsname()}%
+ }%
+ \expandafter\algocf@longdef\csname algocf@#1strip\endcsname(##1){\csname algocf@#1main\endcsname{##1}}%
+ \algocf@newcommand{algocf@#1main}[#2]{#3\@ifnextchar({\csname algocf@#1end\endcsname}{#4#5}}%
+ \expandafter\algocf@longdef\csname algocf@#1end\endcsname(##1){#4{##1}\strut\par}%
+% definition of commands which can be redefined in options of the package.
+ \renewcommand{\@algocf@titleofalgoname}{\algorithmcfname}}%
+ \renewcommand{\@algocf@titleofalgoname}{\algocf@procname}}%
+%% redefine chapter so that it adds a vspace in the loa as the original does for lof and lot
+% \let\algocf@original@chapter=\chapter%
+% \def\chapter{\expandafter\addtocontents{loa}{\protect\addvspace{10\p@}}\algocf@original@chapter}%
+% bug correction with hyperref submitted by Hubert Meier
+\expandafter\ifx\csname @chapter\endcsname\relax\else
+% \let\algocf@original@chapter=\chapter%
+% \def\chapter{\addtocontents{loa}{\protect\addvspace{10\p@}}\algocf@original@chapter}%
+%% if@restonecol is defined in article and book but some other classes don't define it and we need it, so we do
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Declaration of Options %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \setboolean{algocf@displayblockmarkers}{true}%
+ \setboolean{algocf@displaygroupmarkers}{true}%
+ \setboolean{algocf@nokwfunc}{true}%
+ \setboolean{algocf@oldcommands}{true}%
+ \setRightLinesNumbers%
+ \setboolean{algocf@endfloat}{true}%
+ \newcounter{postalgo}\setcounter{postalgo}{0}%
+ \setboolean{algocf@procnumbered}{true}%
+ \renewcommand{\algocf@envname}{algorithm2e}%
+ \renewcommand{\algocf@listofalgorithms}{listofalgorithmes}%
+ \setboolean{algocf@slide}{true}%
+\renewcommand{\listalgorithmcfname}{List of Algorithms}%
+\renewcommand{\listalgorithmcfname}{Liste des Algorithmes}%
+\renewcommand{\algocf@typo}{\ }%
+\renewcommand{\listalgorithmcfname}{Seznam algoritm\r{u}}%
+\renewcommand{\listalgorithmcfname}{Liste der Algorithmen}%
+\renewcommand{\algocf@typo}{\ }%
+\renewcommand{\listalgorithmcfname}{Liste der Algorithmen}%
+\renewcommand{\algocf@typo}{\ }%
+\renewcommand{\listalgorithmcfname}{Lista de Algoritmos}%
+\renewcommand{\listalgorithmcfname}{Elenco degli algoritmi}%
+\renewcommand{\listalgorithmcfname}{\'Indice de algoritmos}%
+\renewcommand{\listalgorithmcfname}{Zoznam algoritmov}%
+\renewcommand{\listalgorithmcfname}{Popis algoritama}%
+%%% adding 'turkish' option customization
+\renewcommand{\listalgorithmcfname}{Algoritma Listesi}%
+% OPTIONs plain, boxed, ruled, algoruled & boxruled
+\newcommand{\RestyleAlgo}[1]{\csname algocf@style@#1\endcsname}%
+% OPTIONs algopart,algochapter & algosection
+\DeclareOption{algopart}{\algocf@numbering{part}}% %algo part numbered
+\DeclareOption{algochapter}{\algocf@numbering{chapter}}% %algo chapter numbered
+\DeclareOption{algosection}{\algocf@numbering{section}}% %algo section numbered
+% OPTIONs resetcount & noresetcount
+% OPTIONs algorithm hanging for long lines
+\newboolean{algocf@hanging}\setboolean{algocf@hanging}{true}% hanging is handle by default
+\newboolean{algocf@hanginginout}\setboolean{algocf@hanginginout}{false}% inout are managed as previously: hanging set by inout keywords
+\newboolean{algocf@hangingcomment}\setboolean{algocf@hangingcomment}{false}% comment that are not side comment are indented accordingly to comment mark, not as normal text
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@hanging}}{\everypar{\algocf@everypar}}{\relax}%
+ \setboolean{algocf@hanginginout}{false}%
+ \setboolean{algocf@hangingcomment}{false}%
+ \setboolean{algocf@hanging}{false}%
+% OPTION linesnumbered
+ \setboolean{algocf@linesnumbered}{true}%
+ \renewcommand{\algocf@linesnumbered}{\algocf@seteveryparnl{\nl}}%
+% OPTION linesnumberedhidden
+ \setboolean{algocf@linesnumbered}{true}%
+ \renewcommand{\algocf@linesnumbered}{\algocf@seteveryparnl{\stepcounter{AlgoLine}}}%
+% OPTION commentsnumbered inoutnumbered
+% OPTIONs titlenumbered & titlenotnumbered
+ \renewcommand{\@titleprefix}{%
+ \refstepcounter{\algocf@float}%
+ \AlTitleSty{\AlTitleFnt\@algocf@titleofalgoname\ \expandafter\csname the\algocf@float\endcsname\algocf@typo: }%
+ }%
+ \AlTitleSty{\AlTitleFnt\@algocf@titleofalgoname\algocf@typo: }}%
+% OPTIONs algonl
+% line numbered with the counter of the algorithm
+\DeclareOption{algonl}{\renewcommand{\theAlgoLine}{\expandafter\csname the\algocf@float\endcsname.\arabic{AlgoLine}}}%
+% OPTIONs lined, vlined & noline
+\DeclareOption{lined}{\AtBeginDocument{\SetAlgoLined}}% \SetAlgoLined (default)
+\DeclareOption{vlined}{\AtBeginDocument{\SetAlgoVlined}}% \SetAlgoVlined
+% OPTIONs longend, shotend & noend
+\DeclareOption{longend}{\AtBeginDocument{\SetAlgoLongEnd}}% \SetAlgoLongEnd
+\DeclareOption{noend}{\AtBeginDocument{\SetAlgoNoEnd}}% \SetAlgoNoEnd
+\DeclareOption{nosemicolon}{\AtBeginDocument{\DontPrintSemicolon}}% \SetAlgoNoEnd
+% OPTION dotoc
+ \setboolean{algocf@dotocloa}{true}%
+% OPTION comments
+ \setboolean{algocf@optfillcomment}{false}%
+ \setboolean{algocf@optfillcomment}{true}%
+% OPTION sidecommments
+ \setboolean{algocf@scleft}{true}%
+\DeclareOption{sright}{% default
+ \setboolean{algocf@scleft}{false}%
+% OPTION norelsize
+ \setboolean{algocf@norelsize}{true}%
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Execution of Options %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\@algocf@algotitleofalgo% fix name for \TitleOfAlgo to \algorithmcfname by default
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Package Loading %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \RequirePackage{endfloat}%
+ \newcommand{\relsize}[1]{\scriptsize}%
+ \RequirePackage{relsize}%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@dotocloa}}{%
+ \renewcommand{\listofalgorithms}{\tocfile{\listalgorithmcfname}{loa}}%
+ }{\relax}%
+% if loa in toc required, load tocbibind package if not already done.
+ \ifx\@tocextra\undefined%
+ \RequirePackage{tocbibind}%
+ \fi%
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Main Part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\newcommand{\algocf@date}{october 19 2015}%
+\newcommand{\algocf@version}{Release 5.1}%
+\newcommand{\algocf@id}{\algocf@version\space -- \algocf@date\space --}%
+\typeout{********************************************************^^JPackage `\algocf@name'\space\algocf@id^^J%
+ - algorithm2e-announce@lirmm.fr mailing list for announcement about releases^^J%
+ - algorithm2e-discussion@lirmm.fr mailing list for discussion about package^^J%
+ subscribe by emailing sympa@lirmm.fr with 'subscribe <list> <firstname name>'^^J%
+ - Author: Christophe Fiorio (christophe.fiorio@umontpellier.fr)^^J********************************************************}%
+%%%% hyperref compatibility tricks: Hyperref package defines H counters from
+ % standard counters (i.e \theHpage from \thepage) and check some particular
+ % counters of some packages, unfortunately it doesn't do the same for
+ % algorithm2e package but act as Hcounter was defined. To avoid errors we
+ % defined \theHalgocf ourself
+% autoref from hyperref needs an autorefname, so we give it.
+\newskip\skiplinenumber\skiplinenumber=\hsize\advance\skiplinenumber by-\skiptotal%
+% ruledwidth
+ \setboolean{algocf@customruledwidth}{true}%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@customruledwidth}}{\setlength{\algocf@ruledwidth}{#1}}{\relax}%
+\newcommand{\arg@space}{\ }%
+\newcommand{\BlankLine}{\vskip 1ex}%
+\skiplength=\skiptext\advance\skiplength by \skiprule\advance\skiplength by 0.4pt}%
+\algomargin=\leftskip\advance\algomargin by \parindent%
+\newcommand{\IncMargin}[1]{\advance\algomargin by #1}%
+\newcommand{\DecMargin}[1]{\advance\algomargin by -#1}%
+ \renewcommand{\@defaultskiptotal}{#1}%
+ \setlength{\skiptotal}{#1}}%
+ \algoskipindent=\skiprule%
+ \advance\algoskipindent by \skiptext\advance\algoskipindent by 0.4pt}
+\newcommand{\Indentp}[1]{\advance\leftskip by #1}%
+\newcommand{\Indp}{\algocf@adjustskipindent\advance\leftskip by \algoskipindent}
+\newcommand{\Indpp}{\advance\leftskip by 0.5em}%
+\newcommand{\Indm}{\algocf@adjustskipindent\advance\leftskip by -\algoskipindent}
+\newcommand{\Indmm}{\advance\leftskip by -0.5em}%
+%% Line Numbering
+% number line style
+\newcommand{\NlSty}[1]{\textnormal{\textbf{\relsize{\algocf@nlrelsize}#1}}}% default definition
+% nl definitions
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@leftlinenumber}}{%
+ \skiplinenumber=\skiptotal\advance\skiplinenumber by\leftskip%
+ \strut\raisebox{0pt}{\llap{\NlSty{#1}\kern\skiplinenumber}}\ignorespaces%
+ }{%
+ \sbox\algocf@nlbox{\NlSty{#1}}%
+ \skiplinenumber=\hsize\advance\skiplinenumber by-\leftskip\advance\skiplinenumber by-\skiptext%
+ \advance\skiplinenumber by\algomargin\advance\skiplinenumber by.3em\advance\skiplinenumber by-\wd\algocf@nlbox%
+ % to handle particular case of until: printnl is after 'until' keyword has been writen, so we need to substract length of this keyword
+ \advance\skiplinenumber by-\algocf@skipuntil%
+ \strut\raisebox{0pt}{\rlap{\kern\skiplinenumber\NlSty{#1\ignorespaces}}}\ignorespaces%
+ }%
+ \renewcommand{\theHAlgoLine}{\thealgocfproc.#1}%
+ \hyper@refstepcounter{AlgoLine}\gdef\@currentlabel{#1}%
+ \@ifundefined{hyper@refstepcounter}{% if not hyperref then do a simple refstepcounter
+ \refstepcounter{AlgoLine}\gdef\@currentlabel{\theAlgoLine}%
+ }{% else if hyperref, do the anchor so 2 lines in two differents algorithms cannot have the same href
+ \stepcounter{AlgoLine}\algocf@nl@sethref{\theAlgoLine}%
+ }% now we can do the line numbering
+ \algocf@printnl{\theAlgoLine}%
+ \@ifundefined{hyper@refstepcounter}{% if not hyperref then do a simple refstepcounter
+ \refstepcounter{AlgoLine}\gdef\@currentlabel{\theAlgoLine}%
+ }{% else if hyperref, do the anchor so 2 lines in two differents algorithms cannot have the same href
+ \stepcounter{AlgoLine}\algocf@nl@sethref{\theAlgoLine}%
+ }% now we can do the line numbering
+ \skiplinenumber=\hsize\advance\skiplinenumber by-\leftskip%
+ \strut\raisebox{0pt}{\rlap{\kern\skiplinenumber\strut\NlSty{\theAlgoLine}}}\ignorespaces%
+%% nlset
+ \@ifundefined{hyper@refstepcounter}{\protected@edef\@currentlabel{#1}}{\algocf@nl@sethref{#1}}\algocf@printnl{#1}%
+%% lnl definitions
+%% lnlset
+% set char put at end of each line
+% end of line definition
+\newcommand{\@endalgocfline}{\algocf@endline}% default definition: printsemicolon
+% line numbering
+ \setboolean{algocf@linesnumbered}{false}%
+ \renewcommand{\algocf@linesnumbered}{\relax}%
+ \setboolean{algocf@linesnumbered}{true}\renewcommand{\algocf@linesnumbered}{\algocf@seteveryparnl{\stepcounter{AlgoLine}}}}%
+\newcommand{\ShowLn}{\nlset{\theAlgoLine}\ignorespaces}% display the line number on this line (without labelling)
+\newcommand{\ShowLnLabel}[1]{\lnlset{#1}{\theAlgoLine}\ignorespaces}% display the line number and label this line
+% Styling text commands
+\newcommand{\AlFnt}{\relax}% default definition
+\newcommand{\AlTitleFnt}{\relax}% default definition
+\newcommand{\AlCapFnt}{\relax}% default definition
+\newcommand{\AlCapNameFnt}{\relax}% default definition
+\newcommand{\ProcFnt}{\relax}% default definition
+\newcommand{\ProcNameFnt}{\relax}% default definition
+\newcommand{\ProcArgFnt}{\relax}% default definition
+\newcommand{\AlTitleSty}[1]{\textbf{#1}\unskip}% default definition
+\newcommand{\AlCapSty}[1]{\textnormal{\textbf{#1}}\unskip}% default definition
+\newcommand{\AlCapNameSty}[1]{\textnormal{#1}\unskip}% default definition
+\newcommand{\SetAlCapNameSty}[1]{\renewcommand{\AlCapNameSty}[1]{\textnormal{\csname #1\endcsname{##1}}\unskip}}%
+\newcommand{\KwSty}[1]{\textnormal{\textbf{#1}}\unskip}% default definition
+% Block basic commands
+\newcommand{\algocf@push}[1]{\advance\skiptotal by #1\moveright #1}%
+\newcommand{\algocf@pop}[1]{\advance\skiptotal by -#1}%
+\newcommand{\algocf@addskiptotal}{\advance\skiptotal by 0.4pt\advance\hsize by -0.4pt\advance\hsize by -\skiplength}% 0.4 pt=width of \vrule
+\newcommand{\algocf@subskiptotal}{\advance\skiptotal by -0.4pt\advance\hsize by 0.4pt\advance\hsize by \skiplength}% 0.4 pt=width of \vrule
+%% group of instructions definition
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@displayblockmarkers}}{\algocf@bblock\par}{\relax}%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@displayblockmarkers}}{\algocf@eblock\par}{\relax}%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@displaygroupmarkers}}{\algocf@bblock}{\relax}%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@displaygroupmarkers}}{\algocf@eblock}{\relax}%
+ \ifArgumentEmpty{#1}{%
+ \renewcommand{\algocf@bblock}{\relax}%
+ }{%
+ \renewcommand{\algocf@bblock}{\BlockMarkersSty{#1}}%
+ }% begin marker set
+ \ifArgumentEmpty{#2}{%
+ \renewcommand{\algocf@eblock}{\relax}%
+ }{%
+ \renewcommand{\algocf@eblock}{\BlockMarkersSty{#2}}%
+ }% end marker set
+%%%%%%%%% block with a vertical line end by a little horizontal line
+\newcommand{\algocf@Vline}[1]{% no vskip in between boxes but a strut to separate them,
+ \strut\par\nointerlineskip% then interblock space stay the same whatever is inside it
+ \algocf@push{\skiprule}% move to the right before the vertical rule
+ \hbox{\vrule%
+ \vtop{\algocf@push{\skiptext}%move the right after the rule
+ \vtop{\algocf@addskiptotal #1}\Hlne}}\vskip\skiphlne% inside the block
+ \algocf@pop{\skiprule}%\algocf@subskiptotal% restore indentation
+ \nointerlineskip}% no vskip after
+%%%%%%%%% block with a vertical line
+\newcommand{\algocf@Vsline}[1]{% no vskip in between boxes but a strut to separate them,
+ \strut\par\nointerlineskip% then interblock space stay the same whatever is inside it
+ \algocf@bblockcode%
+ \algocf@push{\skiprule}% move to the right before the vertical rule
+ \hbox{\vrule% the vertical rule
+ \vtop{\algocf@push{\skiptext}%move the right after the rule
+ \vtop{\algocf@addskiptotal #1}}}% inside the block
+ \algocf@pop{\skiprule}% restore indentation
+ \algocf@eblockcode%
+\newcommand{\algocf@Hlne}{\hrule height 0.4pt depth 0pt width .5em}%
+%%%%%%%%% block without line
+\newcommand{\algocf@Noline}[1]{% no vskip in between boxes but a strut to separate them,
+ \strut\par\nointerlineskip% then interblock space stay the same whatever is inside it
+ \algocf@bblockcode%
+ \algocf@push{\skiprule}%
+ \hbox{%
+ \vtop{\algocf@push{\skiptext}%
+ \vtop{\algocf@addskiptotal #1}}}% inside the block
+ \algocf@pop{\skiprule}%
+ \algocf@eblockcode%
+ % \nointerlineskip% no vskip after
+%% default=NoLine
+\newcommand{\algocf@group}[1]{\algocf@Noline{#1}}% group: set of instruction depending from another (ex: then part of the If)
+\newcommand{\algocf@@@eblock}[2]{#1\ifArgumentEmpty{#2}{\relax}{\KwSty{\@algocf@endoption{#2}}\strut\par}}% block: group with a end keyword.
+\newcommand{\algocf@@@block}[3]{#1\ifArgumentEmpty{#2}{\ifArgumentEmpty{#3}{\relax}{ #3\relax}}{\KwSty{\@algocf@endoption{#2}}\ifArgumentEmpty{#3}{\relax}{ #3}\strut\par}}% block: group with a end keyword.
+\newcommand{\algocf@@block}[3]{\algocf@@@block{#1}{#2}{#3}}% block: group with a end keyword.
+\newcommand{\algocf@block}[3]{\algocf@@block{#1}{#2}{#3}}% command that will be used and redefined accordingly to noend option
+%\newcommand{\algocf@nblock}[3]{\algocf@@block{#1}{#2}{#3}}% command that will be used and redefined accordingly to noend option
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@optnoend}}{% if no end option
+ \renewcommand{\algocf@block}[3]{\algocf@group{##1}}% block will be a group
+ }{% else
+ \renewcommand{\algocf@block}[3]{\algocf@@block{##1}{##2}{##3}}% block stays a block
+ }%
+\newcommand{\Hlne}{}% little hrizontal line ending a block in vline mode
+\newcommand{\SetAlgoLongEnd}{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Long End
+ \setboolean{algocf@optnoend}{false}%
+ \renewcommand{\@algocf@endoption}[1]{##1}%
+ \algocf@setBlock}%
+\newcommand{\SetAlgoShortEnd}{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ShortEnd
+ \setboolean{algocf@optnoend}{false}%
+ \renewcommand{\@algocf@endoption}[1]{\@firstword##1 \@nil}%
+ \algocf@setBlock}%
+\newcommand{\SetAlgoNoEnd}{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NoEnd
+ \setboolean{algocf@optnoend}{true}%
+ \renewcommand{\@algocf@endoption}[1]{}%
+ \algocf@setBlock}%
+\newcommand{\SetAlgoNoLine}{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Noline
+\newcommand{\SetAlgoVlined}{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Vline
+\newcommand{\SetAlgoLined}{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Line
+\renewcommand{\algocf@@block}[2]{\algocf@@@block{\strut\algocf@Vsline{##1}}{##2}}% no skip after a block so garantie at least one line
+\newcommand{\SetNothing}{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Noline
+% ``Input:'''s like command
+% text staying at the right of the longer keyword of KwInOut commands
+% (text of KwInOut commands are all vertically aligned)
+\newcommand{\algocf@newinout}{\par\parindent=\inoutindent}% to put right indentation after a \\ in the KwInOut
+ \sbox\algocf@inoutbox{\KwSty{#2\algocf@typo:}}%
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname InOutSizeDefined\endcsname\relax% if first time used
+ \newcommand\InOutSizeDefined{}\setlength{\inoutsize}{\wd\algocf@inoutbox}%
+ \sbox\algocf@inoutbox{\parbox[t]{\inoutsize}{\KwSty{#2\algocf@typo\hfill:}}~}\setlength{\inoutindent}{\wd\algocf@inoutbox}%
+ \else% else keep the larger dimension
+ \ifdim\wd\algocf@inoutbox>\inoutsize%
+ \setlength{\inoutsize}{\wd\algocf@inoutbox}%
+ \sbox\algocf@inoutbox{\parbox[t]{\inoutsize}{\KwSty{#2\algocf@typo\hfill:}}~}\setlength{\inoutindent}{\wd\algocf@inoutbox}%
+ \fi%
+ \fi% the dimension of the box is now defined.
+ \algocf@newcommand{#1}[1]{%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@hanginginout}}{\relax}{\algocf@seteveryparhanging{\relax}}%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@inoutnumbered}}{\relax}{\algocf@seteveryparnl{\relax}}%
+% {\let\\\algocf@newinout\hangindent=\wd\algocf@inoutbox\hangafter=1\parbox[t]{\inoutsize}{\KwSty{#2}\algocf@typo\hfill:}~##1\par}%
+ {\let\\\algocf@newinout\hangindent=\inoutindent\hangafter=1\parbox[t]{\inoutsize}{\KwSty{#2\algocf@typo\hfill:}}~##1\par}%
+ \algocf@linesnumbered% reset the numbering of the lines
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@hanginginout}}{\relax}{\algocf@reseteveryparhanging}%
+ }}%
+%% allow to ajust the skip size of InOut
+ \sbox\algocf@inoutbox{\hbox{\KwSty{#1\algocf@typo:}\ }}%
+ \setlength{\inoutsize}{\wd\algocf@inoutbox}%
+ }%
+% text staying at the right of the keyword.
+\newcommand{\algocf@newinput}{\par\parindent=\wd\algocf@inputbox}% to put right indentation after a \\ in the KwInput
+ \algocf@newcommand{#1}[1]{%
+ \sbox\algocf@inputbox{\hbox{\KwSty{#2\algocf@typo:} }}%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@hanginginout}}{\relax}{\algocf@seteveryparhanging{\relax}}%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@inoutnumbered}}{\relax}{\algocf@seteveryparnl{\relax}}%
+ {\let\\\algocf@newinput\hangindent=\wd\algocf@inputbox\hangafter=1\unhbox\algocf@inputbox##1\par}%
+ \algocf@linesnumbered% reset the numbering of the lines
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@hanginginout}}{\relax}{\algocf@reseteveryparhanging}%
+ }}%
+ \algocf@newcommand{@#1}[1]{\DataSty{#2(}\ArgSty{##1}\DataSty{)}}%
+ \algocf@newcommand{#1}{%
+ \@ifnextchar\bgroup{\csname @#1\endcsname}{\DataSty{#2}\xspace}}%
+ }%
+% tallent:
+% Add following macros:
+% \SetKwHangingKw: [kw] ------------ <= hanging determined by [kw]
+% ------------
+% Should act like a combination of \SetKwInput and \SetKw.
+% Based on \SetKwInput:
+% - remove ':' at end of keyword
+% - do not reset numbering
+% - use separate savebox
+\newcommand{\algocf@newhanging}{\par\parindent=\wd\algocf@hangingbox}% to put right indentation after a \\ in the KwInput
+ \algocf@newcommand{#1}[1]{%
+ \sbox\algocf@hangingbox{\hbox{\KwSty{#2}\algocf@typo\ }}%
+ {\let\\\algocf@newhanging\hangindent=\wd\algocf@hangingbox\hangafter=1\unhbox\algocf@hangingbox##1\;}%
+ }%
+% Comments macros
+% comment in the text, first argument is the name of the macro, second is
+% the text put before the comment, third is the text put at the end of the
+% comment.
+% first side comment justification
+% next comment and side comment
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@optfillcomment}}{\hfill}{\relax}}%
+ \hangindent=\wd\algocf@inputbox\hangafter=1\usebox\algocf@inputbox}%
+ \algocf@sclfill\algocf@endsidecomment%
+ \algocf@scrfill\algocf@startsidecomment\ignorespaces}%
+ \algocf@newcommand{#1}{\@ifstar{\csname algocf@#1@star\endcsname}{\csname algocf@#1\endcsname}}%
+ \algocf@newcommand{algocf@#1}[1]{%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@hangingcomment}}{\relax}{\algocf@seteveryparhanging{\relax}}%
+ \sbox\algocf@inputbox{\CommentSty{\hbox{#2}}}%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@commentsnumbered}}{\relax}{\algocf@seteveryparnl{\relax}}%
+ {\renewcommand{\algocf@endmarkcomment}{#3}%
+ \let\\\algocf@endstartcomment%
+ \algocf@startcomment\CommentSty{%
+ \strut\ignorespaces##1\strut\algocf@fillcomment#3}\par}%
+ \algocf@linesnumbered% reset the numbering of the lines
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@hangingcomment}}{\relax}{\algocf@reseteveryparhanging}%
+ }%
+ %%% side comment definitions
+ \algocf@newcommand{algocf@#1@star}[2][]{%
+ \ifArgumentEmpty{##1}\relax{% TODO: Is this even necessary, with all those \ifx's?
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@scleft}}{\setboolean{algocf@sidecomment}{true}}{\setboolean{algocf@sidecomment}{false}}%
+ \ifx##1h\setboolean{algocf@altsidecomment}{true}\SetSideCommentLeft\fi%
+ \ifx##1f\setboolean{algocf@altsidecomment}{true}\SetSideCommentRight\fi%
+ \ifx##1l\setboolean{algocf@altsidecomment}{false}\SetSideCommentLeft\fi%
+ \ifx##1r\setboolean{algocf@altsidecomment}{false}\SetSideCommentRight\fi%
+ }%
+ \sbox\algocf@inputbox{\CommentSty{\hbox{#2}}}%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@commentsnumbered}}{\relax}{\algocf@seteveryparnl{\relax}}%
+ {%
+ \renewcommand{\algocf@endmarkcomment}{#3}%
+ \let\\\algocf@endstartsidecomment%
+ % here is the comment
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@altsidecomment}}{\relax}{\@endalgocfline\ }%
+ \algocf@scrfill\algocf@startsidecomment\CommentSty{%
+ \strut\ignorespaces##2\strut\algocf@sclfill#3}\algocf@scpar%
+ }%
+ \algocf@linesnumbered% reset the numbering of the lines
+ \ifArgumentEmpty{##1}\relax{%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@sidecomment}}{\setboolean{algocf@scleft}{true}}{\setboolean{algocf@scleft}{false}}%
+ \setboolean{algocf@altsidecomment}{false}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+% KwProg
+ \algocf@newcmdside@koif{#1}{\KwSty{#2}\ifArgumentEmpty{#2}\relax{\ }\ProgSty{##2}\KwSty{#3}\ifArgumentEmpty{##1}\relax{ ##1}\algocf@block{##3}{#4}{##4}}%
+ \algocf@newcommand{l#1}{\@ifstar{\csname algocf@l#1star\endcsname}{\csname algocf@l#1\endcsname}}%
+ \algocf@newcmdside{algocf@l#1}{3}{\KwSty{#2} \ProgSty{##2}\KwSty{#3}\algocf@bgroupcode\ ##3\algocf@egroupcode\@endalgocfline\ifArgumentEmpty{##1}\relax\ {##1}\strut\par}%
+ \algocf@newcmdside{algocf@l#1star}{3}{\KwSty{#2} \ProgSty{##2}\KwSty{#3}\algocf@bgroupcode\ ##3\algocf@egroupcode}%
+% Kw
+ \algocf@newcommand{@#1}[1]{\KwSty{#2} \ArgSty{##1}}
+ \algocf@newcommand{#1}{\@ifnextchar\bgroup{\csname @#1\endcsname}{\KwSty{#2}\xspace}}%
+% KwFunction
+%%% use of gdef since newcommand doesn't manage to define the macro when SetKwFunction is used in \algocf@caption@proc
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname @#1\endcsname##1{\FuncSty{#2(}\FuncArgSty{##1}\FuncSty{)}}%
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname#1\endcsname{%
+ \@ifnextchar\bgroup{\csname @#1\endcsname}{\FuncSty{#2}\xspace}}%
+% KwTab
+%%% use of gdef since newcommand doesn't manage to define the macro when SetKwFunction is used in \algocf@caption@proc
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname @#1\endcsname##1{\DataSty{#2[}\ArgSty{##1}\DataSty{]}}%
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname#1\endcsname{%
+ \@ifnextchar\bgroup{\csname @#1\endcsname}{\DataSty{#2}\xspace}}%
+% KwBlock
+ \algocf@newcmdside@kobe{#1}%
+ {\KwSty{#2}\ifArgumentEmpty{##1}\relax{ ##1}\algocf@block{##2}{#3}{##3}\par}%
+% condition typo
+\newcommand{\algocf@scond}{\ }
+\newcommand{\algocf@econd}{\ }
+ \renewcommand{\algocf@scond}{#1}\renewcommand{\algocf@econd}{#2}\renewcommand{\algocf@ucond}{#3}}%
+% For Switch
+\newcommand{\SetKwSwitch}[9]{% #1=\Switch #2=\Case #3=\Other #4=switch #5=do #6=case #7=otherwise #8=endcase #9=endsw
+% \algocf@newcmdside{#1}{3}%
+ \algocf@newcmdside@koif{#1}%
+ {\KwSty{#4}\algocf@scond\ArgSty{##2}\algocf@econd\KwSty{#5}\ifArgumentEmpty{##1}\relax{ ##1}\algocf@block{##3}{#9} {##4\relax}}%
+%%%% Case
+ \algocf@newcmdside@koif{#2}{\KwSty{#6}\algocf@scond\ArgSty{##2}\algocf@econd\KwSty{#5}\ifArgumentEmpty{##1}\relax{ ##1}\algocf@block{##3}{#8}{##4\relax}}%
+ %uCase
+ \algocf@newcmdside{u#2}{3}{\KwSty{#6}\algocf@scond\ArgSty{##2}\algocf@econd\KwSty{#5}\ifArgumentEmpty{##1}\relax{ ##1}\algocf@group{##3}}%
+ %lcase
+ \algocf@newcommand{l#2}{\@ifstar{\csname algocf@l#2star\endcsname}{\csname algocf@l#2\endcsname}}%
+ \algocf@newcmdside{algocf@l#2}{3}{\KwSty{#6}\algocf@scond\ArgSty{##2}\algocf@econd\KwSty{#5}\algocf@bgroupcode\ ##3\@endalgocfline\algocf@egroupcode\ifArgumentEmpty{##1}\ \relax{ ##1}\strut\par}%
+ \algocf@newcmdside{algocf@l#2star}{3}{\KwSty{#6}\algocf@scond\ArgSty{##2}\algocf@econd\KwSty{#5}\algocf@bgroupcode\ ##3\algocf@egroupcode}%
+%%%% Other
+ \algocf@newcmdside@kobe{#3}{\KwSty{#7} \KwSty{#5}\ifArgumentEmpty{##1}\relax{ ##1}\algocf@block{##2}{#8}{##3\relax}}%
+ %lOther
+ \algocf@newcommand{l#3}{\@ifstar{\csname algocf@l#3star\endcsname}{\csname algocf@l#3\endcsname}}%
+ \algocf@newcmdside{algocf@l#3}{2}{\KwSty{#7} \KwSty{#5}\algocf@bgroupcode\ ##2\@endalgocfline\algocf@egroupcode\ifArgumentEmpty{##1}\relax\ {##1}\strut\par}%
+ \algocf@newcmdside{algocf@l#3star}{2}{\KwSty{#7} \KwSty{#5}\algocf@bgroupcode\ ##2\algocf@egroupcode}%
+ %uOther
+ \algocf@newcmdside{u#3}{3}{\KwSty{#7} \KwSty{#5}\ifArgumentEmpty{##1}\relax{ ##1}\algocf@group{##2}}%
+% If macros
+\newcommand{\SetKwIF}[8]{% #1=\If #2=\ElseIf #3=\Else #4=if #5=then #6=elseif #7=else #8=endif
+% common text
+ \algocf@newcommand{#1@ifthen}[1]{\KwSty{#4}\algocf@scond\ArgSty{##1}\algocf@econd\KwSty{#5}}%
+ \algocf@newcommand{#1@endif} [2]{\algocf@block{##1}{#8}{##2}}%
+ \algocf@newcommand{#1@noend} [1]{\algocf@group{##1}}%
+ \algocf@newcommand{#1@else} [1]{\algocf@group{##1}\KwSty{#7}}%
+ \algocf@newcommand{#2@elseif}[1]{\KwSty{#6}\algocf@scond\ArgSty{##1}\algocf@econd\KwSty{#5}}%
+ \algocf@newcommand{#3@else} {\KwSty{#7}}%
+%%%% If then { } endif
+ \algocf@newcmdside@koif{#1}{\csname #1@ifthen\endcsname{##2}\ifArgumentEmpty{##1}\relax{ ##1}\csname #1@endif\endcsname{##3}{##4\relax}}%
+%%%% If then {} else {} endif
+ % first command to handle optional side comment of else (so just after first braces)
+ \algocf@newcmdside@kobe{algocf@e#1thenelse}{\ifArgumentEmpty{##1}\relax{ ##1}\csname #1@endif\endcsname{##2}{##3}}%
+ % the definition of if-then-else command using command above
+ \algocf@newcmdside{e#1}{3}{\csname #1@ifthen\endcsname{##2}\ifArgumentEmpty{##1}\relax{ ##1}\csname #1@else\endcsname{##3}\csname algocf@e#1thenelse\endcsname}%
+ %%% leif
+ \algocf@newcommand{le#1}{\@ifstar{\csname algocf@le#1star\endcsname}{\csname algocf@le#1\endcsname}}%
+ \algocf@newcmdside{algocf@le#1}{4}{\csname #1@ifthen\endcsname{##2} \algocf@bgroupcode##3 \csname #3@else\endcsname\ ##4\@endalgocfline\ \algocf@egroupcode\ifArgumentEmpty{##1}\relax{##1}\strut\par}%
+ \algocf@newcmdside{algocf@le#1star}{4}{\csname #1@ifthen\endcsname{##2} \algocf@bgroupcode##3 \csname #3@else\endcsname\ ##4\algocf@egroupcode}%
+%%%% If then
+ % \algocf@newcmdside{l#1}{3}{\csname #1@ifthen\endcsname{##2}\algocf@bgroupcode\
+ % ##3\@endalgocfline\algocf@egroupcode\ifArgumentEmpty{##1}\relax\ {##1}\strut\par}%
+ \algocf@newcommand{l#1}{\@ifstar{\csname algocf@l#1star\endcsname}{\csname algocf@l#1\endcsname}}%
+ \algocf@newcmdside{algocf@l#1}{3}{\csname #1@ifthen\endcsname{##2}\algocf@bgroupcode\ ##3\@endalgocfline\algocf@egroupcode\ifArgumentEmpty{##1}\relax\ {##1}\strut\par}%
+ \algocf@newcmdside{algocf@l#1star}{3}{\csname #1@ifthen\endcsname{##2}\algocf@bgroupcode\ ##3\algocf@egroupcode}%
+ \algocf@newcmdside{u#1}{3}{\csname #1@ifthen\endcsname{##2}\ifArgumentEmpty{##1}\relax{ ##1}\csname #1@noend\endcsname{##3}}%
+%%%% ElseIf {} endif
+ \algocf@newcmdside@koif{#2}{\csname #2@elseif\endcsname{##2}\relax\ifArgumentEmpty{##1}\relax{ ##1}\csname #1@endif\endcsname{##3}{##4\relax}}%
+%%%% ElseIf
+ \algocf@newcommand{l#2}{\@ifstar{\csname algocf@l#2star\endcsname}{\csname algocf@l#2\endcsname}}%
+ \algocf@newcmdside{algocf@l#2}{3}{\csname #2@elseif\endcsname{##2}\algocf@bgroupcode\ ##3\@endalgocfline\algocf@egroupcode\ifArgumentEmpty{##1}\relax\ {##1}\strut\par}%
+ \algocf@newcmdside{algocf@l#2star}{3}{\csname #2@elseif\endcsname{##2}\algocf@bgroupcode\ ##3\algocf@egroupcode}%
+ \algocf@newcmdside{u#2}{3}{\csname #2@elseif\endcsname{##2}\relax\ifArgumentEmpty{##1}\relax{##1}\csname #1@noend\endcsname{##3}}%
+%%%% Else {} endif
+ \algocf@newcmdside@kobe{#3}{\csname #3@else\endcsname\ifArgumentEmpty{##1}\relax\ ##1\csname #1@endif\endcsname{##2}{##3\relax}}%
+%%%% Else
+ \algocf@newcommand{l#3}{\@ifstar{\csname algocf@l#3star\endcsname}{\csname algocf@l#3\endcsname}}%
+ \algocf@newcmdside{algocf@l#3}{2}{\csname #3@else\endcsname\algocf@bgroupcode\ ##2\@endalgocfline\algocf@egroupcode\ifArgumentEmpty{##1}\relax\ {##1}\strut\par}%
+ \algocf@newcmdside{algocf@l#3star}{2}{\csname #3@else\endcsname\algocf@bgroupcode\ ##2\algocf@egroupcode}%
+ \algocf@newcmdside{u#3}{2}{\csname #3@else\endcsname\ifArgumentEmpty{##1}\relax\ {##1\relax}\csname #1@noend\endcsname{##2}}%
+% For macros
+ \algocf@newcmdside@koif{#1}{\KwSty{#2}\algocf@scond\ArgSty{##2}\algocf@econd\KwSty{#3}\ifArgumentEmpty{##1}\relax{ ##1}\algocf@block{##3}{#4}{##4\relax}}%
+ \algocf@newcommand{l#1}{\@ifstar{\csname algocf@l#1star\endcsname}{\csname algocf@l#1\endcsname}}%
+ \algocf@newcmdside{algocf@l#1}{3}{\KwSty{#2}\algocf@scond\ArgSty{##2}\algocf@econd\KwSty{#3}\algocf@bgroupcode\ ##3\@endalgocfline\algocf@egroupcode\ifArgumentEmpty{##1}\relax\ {##1}\strut\par}%
+ \algocf@newcmdside{algocf@l#1star}{3}{\KwSty{#2}\algocf@scond\ArgSty{##2}\algocf@econd\KwSty{#3}\algocf@bgroupcode\ ##3\algocf@egroupcode}%
+% Repeat macros
+\newsavebox{\algocf@untilbox}% to handle width of until keyword needed to have good skip
+ % for line numbers
+ \algocf@newcmdsides{#1}{3}{%
+ \sbox\algocf@untilbox{\KwSty{#3}\algocf@scond}\algocf@skipuntil=\wd\algocf@untilbox%
+ \KwSty{#2}\ifArgumentEmpty{##1}\relax{##1}\algocf@group{##3}%
+ \KwSty{#3}\algocf@scond% until keyword and start condition typo
+ %\advance\skiptotal by\algocf@skipuntil%
+ \ArgSty{##2}%
+ %\advance\skiptotal by-\algocf@skipuntil%
+ \algocf@ucond%
+ \algocf@skipuntil=0pt% reset counter
+ }{\@endalgocfline}{\strut\par}%
+ \algocf@newcommand{l#1}{\@ifstar{\csname algocf@l#1star\endcsname}{\csname algocf@l#1\endcsname}}%
+ \algocf@newcmdside{algocf@l#1}{3}{\KwSty{#2}\algocf@bgroupcode\ ##3\algocf@egroupcode\ \KwSty{#3}\algocf@scond\ArgSty{##2}\algocf@ucond\@endalgocfline\ifArgumentEmpty{##1}\relax{ ##1}\strut\par}%
+ \algocf@newcmdside{algocf@l#1star}{3}{\KwSty{#2}\algocf@bgroupcode\ ##3\algocf@egroupcode\ \KwSty{#3}\algocf@scond\ArgSty{##2}\algocf@ucond}%
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Environments definitions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%% Caption management
+% for the following macros:
+% #1 is given by caption and is equal to fnum@algocf
+% #2 is the text given in argument by the user in the \caption macro
+%%%%% text of caption
+ \renewcommand{\algocf@captionlayout}[1]{\csname #1\endcsname{##1}}}%
+ \algocf@captionlayout{\AlCapSty{\AlCapFnt #1\algocf@typo\algocf@capseparator}\nobreakspace%
+ \AlCapNameSty{\AlCapNameFnt{}#2\endgraf}}}% text of caption
+%%%%% default caption of algorithm: used if no specific style caption is defined
+ \addtolength{\hsize}{\algomargin}%
+ \sbox\@tempboxa{\algocf@captiontext{#1}{#2}}%
+ \ifdim\wd\@tempboxa >\hsize% % if caption is longer than a line
+ \hskip .5\algomargin%
+ \parbox[t]{\hsize}{\algocf@captiontext{#1}{#2}}% then caption is not centered
+ \else%
+ \global\@minipagefalse%
+ \hbox to\hsize{\hfil\box\@tempboxa\hfil}% else caption is centered
+ \fi%
+ \addtolength{\hsize}{-\algomargin}%
+ \global\sbox\algocf@capbox{\algocf@makecaption{#1}{#2}}}%
+ \addtolength{\hsize}{-\algomargin}%
+ \global\sbox\algocf@capbox{\algocf@makecaption{#1}{#2}}%
+ \addtolength{\hsize}{\algomargin}%
+ }%
+ \global\sbox\algocf@capbox{\hskip\AlCapHSkip% .5\algomargin%
+ \parbox[t]{\hsize}{\algocf@captiontext{#1}{#2}}}% then caption is not centered
+ width\algocf@ruledwidth height\algotitleheightrule depth0pt\kern\interspacealgoruled}%
+\newcommand{\algocf@caption@tworuled}{\box\algocf@capbox\hrule height0pt depth0pt\kern\interspacealgoruled}%
+ \addtolength{\hsize}{-0.8pt}%
+ \hbox to\hsize{%
+ \vrule%\hskip-0.35pt%
+ \vbox{%
+ \hrule\vskip\interspacetitleboxruled%
+ \hbox to\hsize{\unhbox\algocf@capbox\hfill}\vskip\interspacetitleboxruled%
+ }%
+ %\hskip-0.35pt%
+ \vrule%
+ }\nointerlineskip%
+ \addtolength{\hsize}{0.8pt}%
+%%%% set caption for the environment
+ \renewcommand{\fnum@algocf}[1]{\AlCapSty{\AlCapFnt\algorithmcfname\nobreakspace\algocf@algocfref}}%
+ \addtocounter{algocf}{-1}% \caption do a refstepcounter, so we restore the precedent value
+ \let\old@thealgocf=\thealgocf\renewcommand{\thealgocf}{{\relsize{\algocf@refrelsize}\algocf@algocfref}}%
+ \gdef\@currentlabel{\algocf@algocfref}% let the label use the new ref
+% Unfortunatly, we also need our own caption to set some specific stuff for special references. But after these
+% settings, we call the original caption.
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\algocf@algocfref}{\relax}}{}{\algocf@captionref}%
+ \@ifundefined{hyper@refstepcounter}{\relax}{% if hyper@refstepcounter undefind, no hyperref, else...
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\algocf@algocfref}{\relax}}{\renewcommand{\theHalgocf}{\thealgocf}}{% take algocf as Href
+ \renewcommand{\theHalgocf}{\algocf@algocfref}}%else if SetAlgoRefName done, take this name as ref.
+ \hyper@refstepcounter{algocf}%set algocf as category of ref
+ }%
+ \algocf@latexcaption{#1}[{#2}]{{#3}}% call original caption
+% beamer define is own caption overrinding latex caption!
+% as we need it, we have put here the original definition
+% to handle manual ref, unfortunately we have to add one line to handle algocf@algocfref
+\long\def\algocf@latexcaption#1[#2]#3{% original definition of caption
+ \par%
+ \addcontentsline{\csname ext@#1\endcsname}{#1}%
+ {\protect\numberline{\csname the#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}}%
+ \begingroup%
+ \@parboxrestore%
+ \if@minipage%
+ \@setminipage%
+ \fi%
+ \normalsize%
+ \@makecaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #3}\par%
+ \endgroup%
+% \ifx\beamer@makecaption\undefined%
+% \else% beamer detected
+% more and more packages redefine \@caption instead of just \@makecaption which makes algorithm2e
+% caption not works since based on standard \@caption. So we force the definition of \@caption to be
+% the standard one (the one from LaTeX) inside algorithm environment.
+% unfortunately, makecaption is called with \ignorespace #3 so
+% we can't do the @currentlabel definition inside \algocf@captionproctext
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@nokwfunc}}{\relax}{%
+ \SetKwFunction{\algocf@captname#3@}{\algocf@captname#3@}%
+ }%
+ % we tell hyperref to use algocfproc as category and to take the appropriate ref.
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@func}}{\def\@proc@func{algocffunc}}{\def\@proc@func{algocfproc}}%
+ \@ifundefined{hyper@refstepcounter}{\relax}{% if hyper@refstepcounter undefind, no hyperref, else...
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@procnumbered}}{%
+ \expandafter\def\csname theH\@proc@func\endcsname{\thealgocf}%if procnumbered, take \thealgocf as ref
+ }{%
+ \expandafter\def\csname theH\@proc@func\endcsname{\algocf@captname#3@}%else take procedure or function name
+ }%
+ \hyper@refstepcounter{\@proc@func}%
+ }%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@procnumbered}}{\relax}{%
+ \addtocounter{algocf}{-1}% \caption do a refstepcounter, so we restore the precedent value
+ \gdef\@currentlabel{\algocf@captname#3@}% let the label be the name of the function, not the counter
+ }%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\algocf@captparam#2@}{\arg@e}}{% if no paramater, we remove the ()
+ \algocf@latexcaption{#1}[\algocf@procname\nobreakspace\algocf@captname#2@]{#3}%
+ }{% else we give the complete name
+ \algocf@latexcaption{#1}[\algocf@procname\nobreakspace#2]{#3}%
+ }%
+%%% setcaption
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@procenvironment}}{% if proc environment, caption text must be changed
+ \let\algocf@oldcaptiontext=\algocf@captiontext%
+ \renewcommand{\algocf@captiontext}[2]{%
+ \algocf@captionproctext{##1}{##2}%
+ }%
+ }{}%
+ \let\algocf@savecaption=\@caption%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@procenvironment}}{\let\@caption=\algocf@caption@proc}{\let\@caption=\algocf@caption@algo}%
+ \let\algocf@oldmakecaption=\@makecaption%
+ \renewcommand{\@makecaption}[2]{%
+ \expandafter\csname algocf@makecaption@\algocf@style\endcsname{##1}{##2}%
+ }%
+%%%%% reset caption
+% since we have force the LaTeX caption for algorithm environment, we must go back to the caption
+% used in the text.
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@procenvironment}}{% if proc environment
+ \let\thealgocf=\old@thealgocf% restore normal counter printing
+ \let\algocf@captiontext=\algocf@oldcaptiontext% restore normal caption text
+ }{}%
+ \let\@caption=\algocf@savecaption% now restore caption outside algo/proc/func environment
+ \let\@makecaption=\algocf@oldmakecaption% and restore makecaption outside outside algo/proc/func environment
+ \algocf@resetfnum%
+%%%%% nocaptionofalgo and restorecaptionofalgo --
+ \let\@old@algocf@captiontext=\algocf@captiontext%
+ \renewcommand{\algocf@captiontext}[2]{\AlCapNameSty{\AlCapNameFnt{}##2}}%
+ \let\algocf@captiontext=\@old@algocf@captiontext%
+% ---------------------- algocf environment
+\newcounter{algocfline}% % new counter to make lines numbers be internally
+\setcounter{algocfline}{0}% % different in different algorithms
+\newcounter{algocfproc}% counter to count all algo environment (proc, func), just used by hyperref to avoir "same
+\setcounter{algocfproc}{0}% identifier" error caused by algocf being set to '-' for procedure or function or not
+ % changed if no caption is given.
+\expandafter\ifx\csname algocf@within\endcsname\relax% if \algocf@within doesn't exist
+\newcounter{algocf}% % just define a new counter
+\renewcommand{\thealgocf}{\@arabic\c@algocf}% and the way it is printed
+\else% else
+\newcounter{algocf}[\algocf@within]% % counter is numbered within \algocf@within
+\renewcommand\thealgocf{\csname the\algocf@within\endcsname.\@arabic\c@algocf}%
+\def\fps@algocf{htbp}% % default
+\def\ftype@algocf{10}% % float type
+\def\ext@algocf{\algocf@list} % loa by default, lof if figure option used
+\newenvironment{algocf}% % float environment for algorithms
+ {\@float{algocf}}%
+ {\end@float}%
+\newenvironment{algocf*}% % float* environment for algorithms
+ {\@dblfloat{algocf}}%
+ {\end@dblfloat}%
+ \ifx\algocf@seclistalgo\chapter%
+ \if@twocolumn\@restonecoltrue\onecolumn\else\@restonecolfalse\fi%
+ \fi%
+ \algocf@seclistalgo*{\listalgorithmcfname}%
+ \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase\listalgorithmcfname}%
+ {\MakeUppercase\listalgorithmcfname}%
+ \@starttoc{loa}%
+ \ifx\algocf@seclistalgo\chapter%
+ \if@restonecol\twocolumn\fi%
+ \fi%
+\newcommand*\l@algocf{\@dottedtocline{1}{1em}{2.3em}}% line of the list
+% ---------------------- algorithm environment
+%% Algorithm environment definition
+\def\@algocf@pre@plain{\relax}% action to be done before printing the algo.
+\def\@algocf@post@plain{\relax}% action to be done after printing the algo.
+\def\@algocf@capt@plain{bottom}% where the caption should be localized.
+\def\@algocf@pre@ruled{\hrule height\algoheightrule depth0pt\kern\interspacetitleruled}%
+\def\@algocf@post@ruled{\kern\interspacealgoruled\hrule height\algoheightrule\relax}%
+\def\@algocf@pre@algoruled{\hrule width\algocf@ruledwidth height\algoheightrule depth0pt\kern\interspacetitleruled}%
+\def\@algocf@post@algoruled{\kern\interspacealgoruled\hrule width\algocf@ruledwidth height\algoheightrule \relax}%
+\def\@algocf@pre@tworuled{\hrule height\algoheightrule depth0pt\kern\interspacetitleruled}%
+\def\@algocf@post@tworuled{\kern\interspacealgoruled\hrule height\algoheightrule\relax}%
+\def\@algocf@pre@plainruled{\@algocf@pre@ruled}% action to be done before printing the algo.
+\def\@algocf@post@plainruled{\@algocf@post@ruled\kern\interspacealgoruled}% action to be done before printing the algo.
+%% before algocf environment (not figure environment)
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@procenvironment}}{% if we are inside a procedure/function environment
+ \@algocf@proctitleofalgo% set Titleofalgo to Procedure: or Function:
+ % accordingly to the environment
+ \let\old@thealgocf=\thealgocf\ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@procnumbered}}{\relax}{%
+ \renewcommand{\thealgocf}{-}}%
+ }{% else inside environment algorithm
+ \@algocf@algotitleofalgo% fix name for \Titleofalgo to \algorithmcfname
+ }%
+ \algocf@setcaption% set caption to our caption style
+ \refstepcounter{algocfline}%
+ \stepcounter{algocfproc}%to have a different counter for each environment and being abble to make the difference
+ %between href of algoline in different algorithms.
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@optnoend}}{%
+ \renewcommand{\algocf@block}[3]{\algocf@group{##1}}%
+ }{%
+ \renewcommand{\algocf@block}[3]{\algocf@@block{##1}{##2}{##3}}%
+ }%
+%% after the end of algocf or figure environment
+ \algocf@resetcaption% restore original caption
+ \setboolean{algocf@algoH}{false}% no H by default
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@optnoend}}{%
+ \renewcommand{\algocf@block}[3]{\algocf@@block{##1}{##2}{##3}}%
+ }{%
+ \renewcommand{\algocf@block}[2]{\algocf@group{##1}}%
+ }%
+ \SetAlgoRefName{\relax}%
+%% makethealgo: macro which print effectively the algo in its box
+ \vtop{%
+ % place caption above if needed bye the style
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\csname @algocf@capt@\algocf@style\endcsname}{above}}%
+ {\csname algocf@caption@\algocf@style\endcsname}{}%
+ %
+ % precommand according to the style
+ \csname @algocf@pre@\algocf@style\endcsname%
+ % place caption at top if needed bye the style
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\csname @algocf@capt@\algocf@style\endcsname}{top}}%
+ {\csname algocf@caption@\algocf@style\endcsname}{}%
+ %
+ \box\algocf@algobox% the algo
+ % place caption at bottom if needed bye the style
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\csname @algocf@capt@\algocf@style\endcsname}{bottom}}%
+ {\csname algocf@caption@\algocf@style\endcsname}{}%
+ % postcommand according to the style
+ \csname @algocf@post@\algocf@style\endcsname%
+ % place caption under if needed bye the style
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\csname @algocf@capt@\algocf@style\endcsname}{under}}%
+ {\csname algocf@caption@\algocf@style\endcsname}{}%
+ }%
+%% at the beginning of algocf or figure environment
+ \@algoskip%
+ \begin{lrbox}{\algocf@algobox}%
+ \setlength{\algowidth}{\hsize}%
+ \vbox\bgroup% save all the algo in a box
+ \hbox to\algowidth\bgroup\hbox to \algomargin{\hfill}\vtop\bgroup%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@slide}}{\parskip 0.5ex\color{black}}{}%
+ % initialization
+ \addtolength{\hsize}{-1.5\algomargin}%
+ \let\@mathsemicolon=\;\def\;{\ifmmode\@mathsemicolon\else\@endalgoln\fi}%
+ \raggedright\AlFnt{}%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@slide}}{\IncMargin{\skipalgocfslide}}{}%
+ \@algoinsideskip%
+% \let\@emathdisplay=\]\def\]{\algocf@endline\@emathdisplay\nl}%
+%% at the end of algocf or figure environment
+ \@algoinsideskip%
+ \egroup%end of vtop which contain all the text
+ \hfill\egroup%end of hbox wich contains [margin][vtop]
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@slide}}{\DecMargin{\skipalgocfslide}}{}%
+ %
+ \egroup%end of main vbox
+ \end{lrbox}%
+ \algocf@makethealgo% print the algo
+ \@algoskip%
+ % restore dimension and macros
+ \setlength{\hsize}{\algowidth}%
+ \lineskip\normallineskip\setlength{\skiptotal}{\@defaultskiptotal}%
+ \let\;=\@mathsemicolon%
+ \let\]=\@emathdisplay%
+%% basic definition of the environment algorithm
+%%% environment for {algorithm}[H]
+ \def\@captype{algocf}% if not defined, caption exit with an error
+ \begin{minipage}{\hsize}%
+ \end{minipage}%\par%
+%%% real algorithm environment which manages H and * option
+% \let\algocf@originalfloatboxreset=\@floatboxreset%
+% \let\@floatboxreset=\@algofloatboxreset%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\algocf@float}{figure}}{%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@figurecaption}}{\captionsetup{margin={-\algomargin,\algomargin}}}{}%
+ }{}%
+ \@algocf@init%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\algocf@float}{figure}}{% if option figure set
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@algostar}}{% if algorithm* with figure option
+ \begin{figure*}[#1]% call figure*
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@customruledwidth}}{\relax}{\setlength{\algocf@ruledwidth}{\linewidth}}%
+ \let\algocf@oldeverypar=\everypar%
+ \algocf@seteverypar%
+ }{% else algorithm environment with figure option
+ \begin{figure}[#1]% call figure
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@customruledwidth}}{\relax}{\setlength{\algocf@ruledwidth}{\linewidth}}%
+ \let\algocf@oldeverypar=\everypar%
+ \algocf@seteverypar%
+ }%
+ }{% else normal algorithm environment
+ \@algocf@init@caption%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{H}}{% if [H] algorithm
+ \if@twocolumn\@latex@error{[H] in two columns mode is not allowed for algorithms}\fi% TODO: SCREAM if H in two colums!
+ \setboolean{algocf@algoH}{true}\begin{algocf@Here}% call corresponding environment
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@customruledwidth}}{\relax}{\setlength{\algocf@ruledwidth}{\linewidth}}%
+ \let\algocf@oldeverypar=\everypar%
+ \algocf@seteverypar%
+ }{% else floating algorithm environment
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@algostar}}{% if algorithm*
+ \begin{algocf*}[#1]% call algocf*
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@customruledwidth}}{\relax}{\setlength{\algocf@ruledwidth}{\linewidth}}%
+ \let\algocf@oldeverypar=\everypar%
+ \algocf@seteverypar%
+ }{% else algorithm environment
+ \begin{algocf}[#1]% call algcf
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@customruledwidth}}{\relax}{\setlength{\algocf@ruledwidth}{\linewidth}}%
+ \let\algocf@oldeverypar=\everypar%
+ \algocf@seteverypar%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }% fin test option figure ou pas
+ \@algocf@start%
+ \@ResetCounterIfNeeded%
+ \algocf@linesnumbered\ignorespaces%
+ \@algocf@finish%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\algocf@float}{figure}}{%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@algostar}}{% if algorithm* with figure option
+ \let\everypar=\algocf@oldeverypar%
+ \end{figure*}% call figure*
+ }{% else algorithm environment with figure option
+ \let\everypar=\algocf@oldeverypar%
+ \end{figure}% call figure
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \@algocf@term@caption%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@algoH}}{% if [H] algorithm
+ \let\everypar=\algocf@oldeverypar%
+ \end{algocf@Here}\par% call corresponding environment
+ }{% else floating algorithm environment
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@algostar}}{% if algorithm*
+ \let\everypar=\algocf@oldeverypar%
+ \end{algocf*}% call algocf*
+ }{% else algorithm environment
+ \let\everypar=\algocf@oldeverypar%
+ \end{algocf}% call algocf
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \@algocf@term\ignorespacesafterend%
+%%% user algorithm environment
+ \setboolean{algocf@algostar}{false}%
+ \setboolean{algocf@procenvironment}{false}\gdef\algocfautorefname{\algorithmautorefname}%
+ \begin{algocf@algorithm}[#1]\ignorespaces%
+ \end{algocf@algorithm}\ignorespacesafterend%
+%%% user algorithm* environment
+ \setboolean{algocf@algostar}{true}%
+ \setboolean{algocf@procenvironment}{false}\gdef\algocfautorefname{\algorithmautorefname}%
+ \begin{algocf@algorithm}[#1]\ignorespaces%
+ \end{algocf@algorithm}\ignorespacesafterend%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\algocf@float}{figure}}{\listoffigures}{\listofalgocfs}%
+% ---------------------- procedure and function environments
+% -- new style (used in particular in the caption of function and procedure environments)
+% three macros to extract parts of the caption
+\gdef\algocf@captname#1(#2)#3@{#1} % keep characters before the first brace
+\gdef\algocf@captparam#1(#2)#3@{#2} % keep character in between the braces
+\gdef\algocf@captother#1(#2)#3@{#3} % keep character after the braces
+%%% Text of caption for Procedure or Function
+ {%
+ \ProcSty{\ProcFnt\algocf@procname\ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@procnumbered}}{\nobreakspace\thealgocf\algocf@typo\algocf@capseparator}{\relax}}%
+ \nobreakspace\ProcNameSty{\ProcNameFnt\algocf@captname #2@}% Name of the procedure in ProcName Style.
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\algocf@captparam #2@}{\arg@e}}{}{% if no argument, write nothing
+ \ProcNameSty{\ProcNameFnt(}\ProcArgSty{\ProcArgFnt\algocf@captparam #2@}\ProcNameSty{\ProcNameFnt)}%else put arguments in ProcArgSty:
+ }% endif
+ \algocf@captother #2@%
+ }%
+% -- procedure and function environments are defined from algocf@algorithm environment
+ \setboolean{algocf@algostar}{false}%
+ \setboolean{algocf@procenvironment}{true}\setboolean{algocf@func}{false}%
+ \newcommand{\algocf@procname}{\@algocf@procname}\gdef\algocfprocautorefname{\procedureautorefname}%
+ \begin{algocf@algorithm}[#1]\ignorespaces%
+ \end{algocf@algorithm}\ignorespacesafterend%
+ \setboolean{algocf@algostar}{false}%
+ \setboolean{algocf@procenvironment}{true}\setboolean{algocf@func}{true}%
+ \newcommand{\algocf@procname}{\@algocf@funcname}\gdef\algocffuncautorefname{\functionautorefname}%
+ \begin{algocf@algorithm}[#1]\ignorespaces%
+ \end{algocf@algorithm}\ignorespacesafterend%
+ \setboolean{algocf@algostar}{true}%
+ \setboolean{algocf@procenvironment}{true}\setboolean{algocf@func}{false}%
+ \newcommand{\algocf@procname}{\@algocf@procname}\gdef\algocfprocautorefname{\procedureautorefname}%
+ \begin{algocf@algorithm}[#1]\ignorespaces%
+ \end{algocf@algorithm}\ignorespacesafterend%
+ \setboolean{algocf@algostar}{true}%
+ \setboolean{algocf@procenvironment}{true}\setboolean{algocf@func}{true}%
+ \newcommand{\algocf@procname}{\@algocf@funcname}\gdef\algocffuncautorefname{\functionautorefname}%
+ \begin{algocf@algorithm}[#1]\ignorespaces%
+ \end{algocf@algorithm}\ignorespacesafterend%
+%% definition of algondfloat environment
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{algocf@endfloat}}{% if endfloat option then
+\newcommand{\algoplace}{% macro which is used to writhe algorithm about there
+ \begin{center}%
+ [\algorithmcfname~\thepostfig\ about here.]%
+ \end{center}%
+\newcommand{\algoendfloat}{% use as a \begin{algoendfloat} environment to start scanning of line
+% \immediate\openout\@mainfff\jobname.fff%
+ \efloat@condopen{fff}
+ \efloat@iwrite{fff}{\string\begin{\algocf@envname}}%
+ \if@domarkers%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\algocf@list}{lof}}{%
+ \addtocounter{postfig}{1}%
+ }{%
+ \addtocounter{postalgo}{1}%
+ }%
+ \algoplace%
+ \fi%
+ \bgroup%
+ \let\do\ef@makeinnocent\dospecials%
+ \ef@makeinnocent\^^L% and whatever other special cases
+ \endlinechar`\^^M \catcode`\^^M=12 \ef@xalgocfendfloat}%
+}{\relax}%%%% end of endfloat option ifthenelse
+%% some macros useful for endfloat option that cannot be defined inside the ifthenelse
+%scan algoendfloat algorithm and write the text into .fff file
+{\catcode`\^^M=12 \endlinechar=-1 %
+ \gdef\ef@xalgocfendfloat#1^^M{% scan the lines inside algoendfloat environment being read by latex
+ \def\test{#1}% test is the line being currently scan by latex
+ \ifx\test\ef@endalgocftest% if it is \end{algoendfloat}
+ \def\next{% define next as to not continue the scan and write \end{algorithm} into .fff file
+ \egroup\end{algoendfloat}%
+ \efloat@iwrite{fff}{\string\end{\algocf@envname}}%
+ \efloat@iwrite{fff}{\string\efloatseparator}%
+ \efloat@iwrite{fff}{ }%
+ }%
+ \else% else write the current line being scanned by latex and set next to continue the scan
+ \efloat@iwrite{fff}{#1}%
+ \let\next\ef@xalgocfendfloat%
+ \fi% endif
+ \next}% next is continue if it was else condition, else it does not continue the scan and write end to file
+% test if the scan is finish by looking at the string \end{algoendfloat}
+ \xdef\ef@endalgocftest{\string\\end\string\{algoendfloat\string\}}%
+ \TitleSty{#1}\par\smallskip}%
+ \renewcommand{\listalgorithmcfname}{#3}%
+ \renewcommand{\algorithmcfname}{#1}%
+ \renewcommand{\algorithmautorefname}{#2}%
+ \renewcommand{\algocf@algocfref}{#1}%
+% ------------------------- Default Definitions
+\SetKwComment{tcc}{/* }{ */}%
+\SetKwComment{tcp}{// }{}%
+% english keywords (default)
+\SetKwIF{If}{ElseIf}{Else}{if}{then}{else if}{else}{end if}%
+\SetKwSwitch{Switch}{Case}{Other}{switch}{do}{case}{otherwise}{end case}{end switch}%
+\SetKwFor{For}{for}{do}{end for}%
+\SetKwFor{ForPar}{for}{do in parallel}{end forpar}
+\SetKwFor{ForEach}{foreach}{do}{end foreach}%
+\SetKwFor{ForAll}{forall}{do}{end forall}%
+\SetKwFor{While}{while}{do}{end while}%
+% French keywords
+\SetKwIF{Si}{SinonSi}{Sinon}{si}{alors}{sinon si}{sinon}{fin si}%
+\SetKwSwitch{Suivant}{Cas}{Autre}{suivant}{faire}{cas o\`u}{autres cas}{fin cas}{fin d'alternative}%
+\SetKwFor{Pour}{pour}{faire}{fin pour}%
+\SetKwFor{PourPar}{pour}{faire en parall\`ele}{fin pour}%
+\SetKwFor{PourCh}{pour chaque}{faire}{fin pour chaque}%
+\SetKwFor{PourTous}{pour tous les}{faire}{fin pour tous}%
+\SetKwFor{Tq}{tant que}{faire}{fin tq}%
+% --- German keywords
+\SetKwIF{Wenn}{SonstWenn}{Sonst}{wenn}{dann}{sonst wenn}{sonst}{Ende wenn}%gIf
+\SetKwSwitch{Unterscheide}{Fall}{Anderes}{unterscheide}{tue}{Fall}{sonst}{Ende Fall}{Ende Unt.}%Switch
+\SetKwFor{Fuer}{f\"ur}{tue}{Ende f\"ur}%For
+\SetKwFor{FuerPar}{f\"ur}{tue gleichzeitig}{Ende gleichzeitig}%ForPar
+\SetKwFor{FuerJedes}{f\"ur jedes}{tue}{Ende f\"ur}%ForEach
+\SetKwFor{FuerAlle}{f\"ur alle}{tue}{Ende f\"ur}%ForAll
+\SetKwFor{Solange}{solange}{tue}{Ende solange}%While
+% --- Czech keywords
+% --- Portuguese keywords
+\SetKwIF{Se}{SenaoSe}{Senao}{se}{ent\~{a}o}{sen\~{a}o se}{sen\~{a}o}{fim se}%
+\SetKwSwitch{Selec}{Caso}{Outro}{selecione}{fa\c{c}a}{caso}{sen\~{a}o}{fim caso}{fim selec}%
+\SetKwFor{Para}{para}{fa\c{c}a}{fim para}%
+\SetKwFor{ParaPar}{para}{fa\c{c}a em paralelo}{fim para}
+\SetKwFor{ParaCada}{para cada}{fa\c{c}a}{fim para cada}%
+\SetKwFor{ParaTodo}{para todo}{fa\c{c}a}{fim para todo}%
+\SetKwFor{Enqto}{enquanto}{fa\c{c}a}{fim enqto}%
+% --- Italian keywords
+\SetKwIF{Sea}{AltSe}{Altrimenti}{se}{allora}{altrimenti se}{allora}{fine se}%
+\SetKwSwitch{Switch}{Case}{Other}{switch}{do}{case}{otherwise}{end case}{endsw}%
+\SetKwFor{Per}{per}{fai}{fine per}%
+\SetKwFor{PerPar}{per}{fai in parallelo}{fine per}%
+\SetKwFor{PerCiascun}{per ciascun}{fai}{fine per ciascun}%
+\SetKwFor{PerTutti}{per tutti i}{fai}{fine per tutti}%
+\SetKwFor{Finche}{finch\'e}{fai}{fine finch\'e}%
+% --- Spanish keywords
+\SetKwIF{SSi}{EnOtroCasoSi}{EnOtroCaso}{si}{entonces}{sin\'o, si}{sin\'o}{fin si}
+\SetKwSwitch{Seleccionar}{Caso}{Otro}{seleccionar}{hacer}{caso}{sin\'o}{fin caso}{fin seleccionar}
+\SetKwFor{Para}{para}{hacer}{fin para}
+\SetKwFor{ParaPara}{par}{hacer en paralelo}{fin para}
+\SetKwFor{EnParalelo}{para}{hacer en paralelo}{fin para}
+\SetKwFor{Mientras}{mientras}{hacer}{fin mientras}
+\SetKwFor{ParaCada}{para cada}{hacer}{fin para cada}
+\SetKwFor{ParaTodo}{para todo}{hacer}{fin para todo}
+\SetKwRepeat{Repetir}{repetir}{hasta que}
+% Croatian keywords
+\SetKwRepeat{Ponavljaj}{ponavljaj}{dok ne bude}%Repeat
+\SetKwIF{Ako}{InaceAko}{Inace}{ako}{onda}{ina\v{c}e ako}{ina\v{c}e}{kraj ako}%gIf
+\SetKwSwitch{Granaj}{Slucaj}{OstaliSlucajevi}{granaj}{\v{c}ini}{slu\v{c}aj}{ostali slu\v{c}ajevi}{kraj slu\v{c}aj}{kraj granaj}%Switch
+\SetKwFor{Za}{za}{\v{c}ini}{kraj za}%For
+\SetKwFor{ZaPar}{za}{\v{c}ini paralelno}{kraj za paralelno}%ForPar
+\SetKwFor{ZaSvaki}{za svaki}{\v{c}ini}{kraj za svaki}%mForEach
+\SetKwFor{ZaSvaku}{za svaku}{\v{c}ini}{kraj za svaku}%fForEach
+\SetKwFor{ZaSvako}{za svako}{\v{c}ini}{kraj za svako}%nForEach
+\SetKwFor{ZaSve}{za sve}{\v{c}ini}{kraj za sve}%ForAll
+\SetKwFor{Dok}{dok}{\v{c}ini}{kraj dok}%While
+% --- Turkish keywords
+% %
+\SetKwIF{If}{ElseIf}{Else}{if}{then}{else if}{else}{end if}%
+\SetKwSwitch{Switch}{Case}{Other}{switch}{do}{case}{otherwise}{end case}{end switch}%
+\SetKwFor{For}{for}{do}{end for}%
+\SetKwFor{ForPar}{for}{do in parallel}{end forpar}
+\SetKwFor{ForEach}{foreach}{do}{end foreach}%
+\SetKwFor{ForAll}{forall}{do}{end forall}%
+\SetKwFor{While}{while}{do}{end while}%
+% --- End
+% option onelanguage redefinition
+\SetKwIF{If}{ElseIf}{Else}{si}{alors}{sinon si}{sinon}{fin si}%
+\SetKwSwitch{Switch}{Case}{Other}{suivant}{faire}{cas o\`u}{autres cas}{fin cas}{fin d'alternative}%
+\SetKwFor{For}{pour}{faire}{fin pour}%
+\SetKwFor{ForPar}{pour}{faire en parall\`ele}{fin pour}%
+\SetKwFor{ForEach}{pour chaque}{faire}{fin pour chaque}%
+\SetKwFor{ForAll}{pour tous}{faire}{fin pour tous}%
+\SetKwFor{While}{tant que}{faire}{fin tq}%
+\SetKwIF{If}{ElseIf}{Else}{wenn}{dann}{sonst wenn}{sonst}{Ende wenn}%gIf
+\SetKwSwitch{Switch}{Case}{Other}{unterscheide}{tue}{Fall}{sonst}{Ende Fall}{Ende Unt.}%Switch
+\SetKwFor{For}{f\"ur}{tue}{Ende f\"ur}%For
+\SetKwFor{ForPar}{f\"ur}{tue gleichzeitig}{Ende gleichzeitig}%ForPar
+\SetKwFor{ForEach}{f\"ur jedes}{tue}{Ende f\"ur}%ForEach
+\SetKwFor{ForAll}{f\"ur alle}{tue}{Ende f\"ur}%ForAll
+\SetKwFor{While}{solange}{tue}{Ende solange}%While
+\SetKwIF{If}{ElseIf}{Else}{se}{ent\~{a}o}{sen\~{a}o se}{sen\~{a}o}{fim se}%
+\SetKwSwitch{Switch}{Case}{Other}{selecione}{fa\c{c}a}{caso}{sen\~{a}o}{fim caso}{fim selec}%
+\SetKwFor{For}{para}{fa\c{c}a}{fim para}%
+\SetKwFor{ForPar}{para}{fa\c{c}a em paralelo}{fim para}
+\SetKwFor{ForEach}{para cada}{fa\c{c}a}{fim para cada}%
+\SetKwFor{ForAll}{para todo}{fa\c{c}a}{fim para todo}%
+\SetKwFor{While}{enquanto}{fa\c{c}a}{fim enqto}%
+\SetKwIF{If}{ElseIf}{Else}{se}{allora}{altrimenti se}{allora}{fine se}%
+\SetKwSwitch{Switch}{Case}{Other}{switch}{do}{case}{otherwise}{end case}{endsw}%
+\SetKwFor{For}{per}{fai}{fine per}%
+\SetKwFor{ForPar}{per}{fai in parallelo}{fine per}%
+\SetKwFor{ForEach}{per ciascun}{fai}{fine per ciascun}%
+\SetKwFor{ForAll}{per tutti i}{fai}{fine per tutti}%
+\SetKwFor{While}{finch\'e}{fai}{fine finch\'e}%
+\SetKwRepeat{Repeat}{repetir}{hasta que}%
+\SetKwIF{If}{ElseIf}{Else}{si}{entonces}{si no, si}{en otro caso}{fin si}
+\SetKwSwitch{Switch}{Case}{Other}{seleccionar}{hacer}{caso}{si no}{fin caso}{fin seleccionar}
+\SetKwFor{For}{para}{hacer}{fin para}%
+\SetKwFor{ForPar}{para}{hacer in paralelo}{fin para}%
+\SetKwFor{ForEach}{para cada}{hacer}{fin para cada}
+\SetKwFor{ForAll}{para todo}{hacer}{fin para todo}
+\SetKwFor{While}{mientras}{hacer}{fin mientras}
+\SetKwRepeat{Repeat}{ponavljaj}{dok ne bude}%Repeat
+\SetKwIF{If}{ElseIf}{Else}{ako}{onda}{ina\v{c}e ako}{ina\v{c}e}{kraj ako}%gIf
+\SetKwSwitch{Switch}{Case}{Other}{granaj}{\v{c}ini}{slu\v{c}aj}{ostali slu\v{c}ajevi}{kraj slu\v{c}aj}{kraj granaj}%Switch
+\SetKwFor{For}{za}{\v{c}ini}{kraj za}%For
+\SetKwFor{ForPar}{za}{\v{c}ini paralelno}{kraj za paralelno}%ForPar
+\SetKwFor{ForEach}{za svaki}{\v{c}ini}{kraj za svaki}%ForEach
+\SetKwFor{ForAll}{za sve}{\v{c}ini}{kraj za sve}%ForAll
+\SetKwFor{While}{dok}{\v{c}ini}{kraj dok}%While
+\SetKwIF{If}{ElseIf}{Else}{if}{then}{else if}{else}{end if}%
+\SetKwSwitch{Switch}{Case}{Other}{switch}{do}{case}{otherwise}{end switch}%
+\SetKwFor{For}{for}{do}{end for}%
+\SetKwFor{ForPar}{for}{do in parallel}{end forpar}
+\SetKwFor{ForEach}{foreach}{do}{end foreach}%
+\SetKwFor{ForAll}{forall}{do}{end forall}%
+\SetKwFor{While}{while}{do}{end while}%
+%%%% old commands compatibility
+% \SetKwIF{If}{ElseIf}{Else}{if}{then}{else if}{else}{endif}
+\newcommand{\SetKwIf}[6]{\SetKwIF{#1}{#2#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5 #1}{#5}{#6}}
+\SetKwIF{gSi}{gSinonSi}{gSinon}{si}{alors}{sinon si}{sinon}{fin si}%
+\SetKwIF{gIf}{gElsIf}{gElse}{if}{then}{else if}{else}{end if}%
+\SetKwIF{gIf}{gElseIf}{gElse}{if}{then}{else if}{else}{end if}%
+\SetKwIF{gWenn}{gSonstWenn}{gSonst}{wenn}{dann}{sonst wenn}{sonst}{Ende wenn}%gIf
+\SetKwIF{gSe}{gSenaoSe}{gSenao}{se}{ent\~{a}o}{sen\~{a}o se}{sen\~{a}o}{fim se}%
+\SetKwIF{gSea}{gAltSe}{gAltrimenti}{se}{allora}{altrimenti se}{allora}{fine se}%
+ \relax%
+%%%% END
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+%%%%%% ************** line 192
+%% Quoi de neuf depuis Algorithm 1.0 / What's new since Algorithm 1.0
+%% Meilleure boîte de cadrage
+%% Meilleure gestion des largeurs, permettant l'utilisation du mode multicolonnes, et permettant la césure
+%% automatique des longues lignes de pseudo-instructions.
+%% Widths are better handled, allowing the use of multicolumn mode, and also allowing auto line splitting into
+%% long lines of pseudo-code.
+%% Copyleft Pierre Chatelier
+%% e-mail: pierre.chatelier@club-internet.fr
+%% page perso: http://perso.club-internet.fr/ktd
+%%Un package pour ecrire du code algorithmique
+%%Il propose, dans l'environnement "algorithme", d'utiliser
+%% -Des remarques, pour commenter le code ( \Rem{Remarque} )
+%% -Des blocs, pour indenter le code ( \Block{code} )
+%% -Des boucles "Tant Que...faire...Fait" ( \While{condition}{code} )
+%% -Des boucles "Repeter...jusqu'a" ( \Repeat{code}{condition} ou \RepeatUntil{}{} )
+%% -Des boucles "Pour...de...a...faire...Fin Pour" ( \ForFromTo{variable}{valeur début}{valeur fin}{code} )
+%% -Des boucles "Pour...faire...Fin Pour" ( \For{controle de boucle}{code} )
+%% -Des Si...Alors...Fin Si ( \If{condition}{code} ou \IfThen{condition}{code} )
+%% -Des Si...Alors...Sinon...Fin Si ( \IfThenElse{condition}{code de alors}{code de sinon} )
+%% -Des Selon que ... Fin Selon que ( \Switch{code} )
+%% -Des fonctions ( \Function{parametres}{type de retour}{code} )
+%% -Des procédures ( \Procedure{parametres}{code} )
+%% -Une instruction de declaration de type ( \Type{nom ou liste de variable}{nom de type} )
+%% -Quelques mots-clefs d'usage courant : \True, \False, \And, \Or et \Not
+%% Les versions étoilées des commandes (\WhileDo*{}, \IfThen*{}, ... ; toutes sauf \Rem, \Block \Switch,
+%% \Function et \Procedure) font tout sur la meme ligne
+%% Une table des algorithmes est disponible via \listofalgorithms.
+%% Pour introduire un algorithme dans cette table, il faut taper la commande "\caption{texte...}" dans un
+%% environnemment "algorithme"
+%% On peut passer une option au package : [french] ou [english] pour la langue des mots-clef
+%%This is a package to write some algorithms.
+%%It provides, within an "algorithm" environment, to use
+%% -Comments ( \Rem{text} )
+%% -Blocks, to indent code ( \Block{text} )
+%% -While ... do ... done ( \While{condition}{code} )
+%% -Repeat ... until ( \Repeat{code}{condition} or \RepeatUntil{}{} )
+%% -Repeat ... until ( \RepeatUntil{code}{condition} )
+%% -For...from...to...do...done ( \ForFromTo{variable}{initial value}{final value}{code} )
+%% -For...do...done ( \For{loop control}{code} )
+%% -If...then...end if ( \If{condition}{code} or \IfThen{condition}{code} )
+%% -If...then...else...end if ( \IfThenElse{condition}{then code}{else code} )
+%% -Switch ( \Switch{code} )
+%% -Function ( \Function{parameters}{return type}{code} )
+%% -Procedure ( \Procedure{parametres}{code} )
+%% -A type declaration instruction ( \Type{name or list of variables}{type name} )
+%% -Some useful keywords: \True, \False, \And, \Or and \Not.
+%% Most of these commands have a star-form (\WhileDo*{}, \IfThen*{}, ... ; all but \Rem, \Block \Switch
+%% \Function and \Procedure). These star-forms are single-lined.
+%% A list of algorithms is provided through \listofalgorithms.
+%% To add an entry in this table, the matching algorithm must have a caption, thanks to "\caption{text}".
+%% You can specifiy an option to the package : [french] ou [english] for the language of the keywords.
+%%---------------------- Identification ---------------------------%%
+\ProvidesClass{algorithme} %Nom de la classe / Class name
+%%------------------------ Inclusions -----------------------------%%
+\RequirePackage{float, ifthen, calc}
+%%------------------------ Langage/Language -----------------------%%
+%% Changer le langage dans le contexte de babel /Change langage according to babel
+ %\iflanguage{french}{\def\alg@language{french}}{}
+ \iflanguage{english}{\def\alg@language{english}}{}
+ \iflanguage{american}{\def\alg@language{english}}{}
+ % \def\alg@language{french} %Langage par defaut / Default language
+%% Tenir compte de l'option specifiee explicitement / Handle explicit langage option
+%% Declaration des commandes / Commands declaration
+ \def\alg@floatname{Algorithme}
+ \def\alg@listname{Liste des Algorithmes}
+ \newcommand{\@TRUE}{\textbf{vrai}}%
+ \newcommand{\@FALSE}{\textbf{faux}}%
+ \newcommand{\@AND}{\textbf{ET }}%
+ \newcommand{\@OR}{\textbf{OU }}%
+ \newcommand{\@NOT}{\textbf{$\neg$}}%
+ \newcommand{\@WHILE}{\textbf{Tant que }}%
+ \newcommand{\@DO}{\textbf{faire }}%
+ \newcommand{\@ENDWHILE}{\textbf{Fait}}%
+ \newcommand{\@REPEAT}{\textbf{R\'ep\'eter }}%
+ \newcommand{\@UNTIL}{\textbf{jusqu'\`a ce que }}%
+ \newcommand{\@FOR}{\textbf{Pour }}%
+ \newcommand{\@FROM}{\textbf{de }}%
+ \newcommand{\@TO}{\textbf{\`a }}%
+ \newcommand{\@ENDFOR}{\textbf{Fin Pour}}%
+ \newcommand{\@IF}{\textbf{Si }}%
+ \newcommand{\@THEN}{\textbf{Alors }}%
+ \newcommand{\@ELSE}{\textbf{Sinon }}%
+ \newcommand{\@ENDIF}{\textbf{Fin Si}}%
+ \newcommand{\@SWITCH}{\textbf{Selon que }}%
+ \newcommand{\@ENDSWITCH}{\textbf{Fin Selon que}}%
+ \newcommand{\@FUNCTION}{\textbf{Fonction }}%
+ \newcommand{\@RETURN}{\textbf{Retourner }}%
+ \newcommand{\@ENDFUNCTION}{\textbf{Fin}}%
+ \newcommand{\@PROCEDURE}{\textbf{Proc\'edure }}%
+ \newcommand{\@ENDPROCEDURE}{\textbf{Fin}}%
+ \def\alg@floatname{Algorithm}
+ \def\alg@listname{List of Algorithms}
+ \newcommand{\@TRUE}{\textbf{true}}%
+ \newcommand{\@FALSE}{\textbf{false}}%
+ \newcommand{\@AND}{\textbf{AND }}%
+ \newcommand{\@OR}{\textbf{OR }}%
+ \newcommand{\@NOT}{\textbf{$\neg$}}%
+ \newcommand{\@WHILE}{\textbf{While }}%
+ \newcommand{\@DO}{\textbf{do }}%
+ \newcommand{\@ENDWHILE}{\textbf{done}}%
+ \newcommand{\@REPEAT}{\textbf{Repeat }}%
+ \newcommand{\@UNTIL}{\textbf{until }}%
+ \newcommand{\@FOR}{\textbf{For }}%
+ \newcommand{\@FROM}{\textbf{from }}%
+ \newcommand{\@TO}{\textbf{to }}%
+ \newcommand{\@ENDFOR}{\textbf{end For}}%
+ \newcommand{\@IF}{\textbf{If }}%
+ \newcommand{\@THEN}{\textbf{then }}%
+ \newcommand{\@ELSE}{\textbf{else }}%
+ \newcommand{\@ENDIF}{\textbf{end If}}%
+ \newcommand{\@SWITCH}{\textbf{Switch }}%
+ \newcommand{\@ENDSWITCH}{\textbf{end Switch}}%
+ \newcommand{\@FUNCTION}{\textbf{Function }}%
+ \newcommand{\@RETURN}{\textbf{return }}%
+ \newcommand{\@ENDFUNCTION}{\textbf{End}}%
+ \newcommand{\@PROCEDURE}{\textbf{Procedure }}%
+ \newcommand{\@ENDPROCEDURE}{\textbf{End}}%
+%%----------------------- Commandes/Commands ----------------------%%
+%% Adequation au package "float" / Match "float" package
+\newcommand\floatc@alg[2]{\begin{center}{\bfseries\rmfamily #1:} #2\end{center}}
+ \let\@fs@capt\floatc@alg
+ \def\@fs@pre{}\def\@fs@post{}\def\@fs@mid{\vspace{3pt}}
+ \let\@fs@iftopcapt\iftrue}
+%% Les commandes disponibles / Provided commands
+ \setlength{\alglength}{.95\linewidth}
+ \begin{algorithmfloat}[#1]
+ %%Rem{texte} : ecrit une remarque
+ %%Rem{text} : puts a comment
+ \newcommand{\@Rem}[1]{\begin{minipage}[t]{\alglength}
+ \emph{[##1]}
+ \vspace*{.5ex}
+ \end{minipage}
+ }%
+ %%Bloc{code} : Encapsule quelques lignes / encapsulate some lines
+ \newcommand{\@Block}[1]{\begin{minipage}[t]{\alglength}
+ ##1
+ \vspace*{.5ex}
+ \end{minipage}
+ }%
+ %%WhileDo{condition}{code}
+ \newcommand{\@WhileDo}[2]{\begin{minipage}[t]{\alglength}
+ \@WHILE (##1) \@DO \\
+ \hspace*{1em}
+ \addtolength{\alglength}{-2em-\tabcolsep-\arrayrulewidth}
+ \begin{tabular}{|p{\alglength}} ##2\\ \end{tabular}%
+ \addtolength{\alglength}{2em+\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth}
+ \\ \@ENDWHILE%
+ \vspace*{.5ex}
+ \end{minipage}
+ }%
+ %%WhileDo{condition}{code} sur une seule ligne / on a single line
+ \newcommand{\@ShortWhileDo}[2]{\begin{minipage}[t]{\alglength}
+ \@WHILE (##1) \@DO ##2 \@ENDWHILE
+ \vspace*{.5ex}
+ \end{minipage}
+ }%
+ %%RepeatUntil{code}{condition}
+ \newcommand{\@RepeatUntil}[2]{\begin{minipage}[t]{\alglength}
+ \@REPEAT \\
+ \hspace*{1em}
+ \addtolength{\alglength}{-2em-\tabcolsep-\arrayrulewidth}
+ \begin{tabular}{|p{\alglength}} ##1\\ \end{tabular}%
+ \addtolength{\alglength}{2em+\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth}
+ \\ \@UNTIL (##2)%
+ \vspace*{.5ex}
+ \end{minipage}
+ }%
+ %%RepeatUntil{code}{condition} sur une seule ligne / on a single line
+ \newcommand{\@ShortRepeatUntil}[2]{\begin{minipage}[t]{\alglength}
+ \@REPEAT ##1 \@UNTIL (##2)%
+ \vspace*{.5ex}
+ \end{minipage}
+ }%
+ %%ForFromToDo{variable}{valeur initiale}{valeur finale}{code}
+ %%ForFromToDo{variable}{initial value}{final value}{code}
+ \newcommand{\@ForFromToDo}[4]{\begin{minipage}[t]{\alglength}
+ \@FOR ##1 \@FROM ##2 \@TO ##3 \@DO \\
+ \hspace*{.3em}
+ \addtolength{\alglength}{-2em-\tabcolsep-\arrayrulewidth}
+ \begin{tabular}{|p{\alglength}} ##4\\ \end{tabular}%
+ \addtolength{\alglength}{2em+\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth}
+ \\ \@ENDFOR%
+ \vspace*{.5ex}
+ \end{minipage}
+ }%
+ %%ForFromToDo{variable}{valeur initiale}{valeur finale}{code} sur une seule ligne
+ %%ForFromToDo{variable}{initial value}{final value}{code} on a single line
+ \newcommand{\@ShortForFromToDo}[4]{\begin{minipage}[t]{\alglength}
+ \@FOR ##1 \@FROM ##2 \@TO ##3 \@DO ##4 \@ENDFOR%
+ \vspace*{.5ex}
+ \end{minipage}
+ }%
+ %%For{controle de boucle style C}{code}
+ %%For{C-like loop control}{code}
+ \newcommand{\@ForDo}[2]{\begin{minipage}[t]{\alglength}
+ \@FOR ##1 \@DO \vspace*{.5ex}\\
+ \hspace*{.3em}
+ \addtolength{\alglength}{-2em-\tabcolsep-\arrayrulewidth}
+ \begin{tabular}{|p{\alglength}} ##2\\ \end{tabular}%
+ \addtolength{\alglength}{2em+\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth}
+ \\ \@ENDFOR%
+ \vspace*{.5ex}
+ \end{minipage}
+ }%
+ %%For{controle de boucle style C}{code} sur une seule ligne
+ %%For{C-like loop control}{code} on a single line
+ \newcommand{\@ShortForDo}[2]{\begin{minipage}[t]{\alglength}
+ \@FOR ##1 \@DO ##2 \@ENDFOR%
+ \vspace*{.5ex}
+ \end{minipage}
+ }%
+ %%IfThen{condition}{code}
+ \newcommand{\@IfThen}[2]{\begin{minipage}[t]{\alglength}
+ \@IF (##1) \@THEN \\
+ \hspace*{.5em}
+ \addtolength{\alglength}{-1.5em-\tabcolsep-\arrayrulewidth}
+ \begin{tabular}{|p{\alglength}} ##2\\ \end{tabular}%
+ \addtolength{\alglength}{1.5em+\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth}
+ \\ \@ENDIF%
+ \vspace*{.5ex}
+ \end{minipage}
+ }%
+ %%IfThen{condition}{code} sur une seule ligne / on a single line
+ \newcommand{\@ShortIfThen}[2]{\begin{minipage}[t]{\alglength}
+ \@IF (##1) \@THEN ##2 \@ENDIF%
+ \vspace*{.5ex}
+ \end{minipage}
+ }%
+ %%IfThenElse{condition}{code du then}{code du else} NE PAS CONFONDRE avec le \ifthenelse de LaTeX
+ %%IfThenElse{condition}{then-code}{else-code} DO NOT CONFUSE with \ifthenelse from LaTeX
+ \newcommand{\@IfThenElse}[3]{\begin{minipage}[t]{\alglength}
+ \@IF (##1) \@THEN \\
+ \hspace*{.5em}
+ \addtolength{\alglength}{-2em-\tabcolsep-\arrayrulewidth}
+ \begin{tabular}{|p{\alglength}} ##2\\ \end{tabular}%
+ \\ \@ELSE\\
+ \hspace*{.5em}
+ \begin{tabular}{|p{\alglength}} ##3\\ \end{tabular}%
+ \addtolength{\alglength}{2em+\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth}
+ \\ \@ENDIF%
+ \vspace*{.5ex}
+ \end{minipage}
+ }%
+ %%IfThenElse{condition}{code du then}{code du else} sur une seule ligne
+ %%IfThenElse{condition}{then-code}{else-code} on a single line
+ \newcommand{\@ShortIfThenElse}[3]{\begin{minipage}[t]{\alglength}
+ \@IF (##1) \@THEN ##2 \@ELSE ##3 \@ENDIF%
+ \vspace*{.5ex}
+ \end{minipage}
+ }%
+ %%Switch{code} (C'est le selon que)
+ \newcommand{\@Switch}[1]{\begin{minipage}[t]{\alglength}
+ \@SWITCH \\
+ \hspace*{1em}
+ \addtolength{\alglength}{-2em-\tabcolsep-\arrayrulewidth}
+ \begin{tabular}{|p{\alglength}} ##1\\ \end{tabular}%
+ \addtolength{\alglength}{2em+\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth}
+ \vspace*{.5ex}
+ \end{minipage}
+ }%
+ %%Function{parametres}{type de retour}{code}
+ %%Function{parameters}{return type}{code}
+ \newcommand{\@Function}[4]{\begin{minipage}[t]{\alglength}
+ \@FUNCTION ##1(##2) : \textbf{##3}\\
+ \hspace*{1em}
+ \addtolength{\alglength}{-2em-\tabcolsep-\arrayrulewidth}
+ \begin{tabular}{|p{\alglength}} ##4\\ \end{tabular}%
+ \addtolength{\alglength}{2em+\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth}
+ \vspace*{.5ex}
+ \end{minipage}
+ }%
+ %%Procedure{parametres}{code}
+ %%Procedure{parameters}{code}
+ \newcommand{\@Procedure}[3]{\begin{minipage}[t]{\alglength}
+ \@PROCEDURE ##1(##2)\\
+ \hspace*{1em}
+ \addtolength{\alglength}{-2em-\tabcolsep-\arrayrulewidth}
+ \begin{tabular}{|p{\alglength}} ##3\\ \end{tabular}%
+ \addtolength{\alglength}{2em+\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth}
+ \vspace*{.5ex}
+ \end{minipage}
+ }%
+ %%Type{nom ou liste de variable}{nom de type}
+ %%Type{name or list of variables}{type name}
+ \newcommand{\@Type}[2]{##1 : \textbf{##2}}
+ %%Definition des macro-commandes pratiques pour l'utilisateur.
+ %%La forme etoilee de certaines commandes est un alias de leur version courte (sur une seule ligne)
+ %%Definition of macro-commands useful for the user.
+ %%The star-from of some commands is an alias towards ther short form (on a single line)
+ \def\True{ \@TRUE}%
+ \def\False{ \@FALSE}%
+ \def\And{ \@AND}%
+ \def\Or{ \@OR}%
+ \def\Not{ \@NOT}%
+ \def\Rem{ \@Rem}
+ \def\Block{ \@Block}
+ \def\While{ \@ifstar{\@ShortWhileDo} {\@WhileDo}}
+ \def\WhileDo{ \@ifstar{\@ShortWhileDo} {\@WhileDo}}
+ \def\Repeat{ \@ifstar{\@ShortRepeatUntil} {\@RepeatUntil}}
+ \def\RepeatUntil{\@ifstar{\@ShortRepeatUntil} {\@RepeatUntil}}
+ \def\ForFromTo{ \@ifstar{\@ShortForFromToDo} {\@ForFromToDo}}
+ \def\ForFromToDo{\@ifstar{\@ShortForFromToDo} {\@ForFromToDo}}
+ \def\ForDo{ \@ifstar{\@ShortForDo} {\@ForDo}}
+ \def\For{ \@ifstar{\@ShortForDo} {\@ForDo}}
+ \def\If{ \@ifstar{\@ShortIfThen} {\@IfThen}}
+ \def\IfThen{ \@ifstar{\@ShortIfThen} {\@IfThen}}
+ \def\IfThenElse{ \@ifstar{\@ShortIfThenElse} {\@IfThenElse}}
+ \def\Switch{ \@ifstar{\@Switch} {\@Switch}}
+ \def\Function{ \@ifstar{\@Function} {\@Function}}
+ \def\Return{ \@RETURN}
+ \def\Procedure{ \@ifstar{\@Procedure} {\@Procedure}}
+ \def\Type{ \@Type}
+ \begin{minipage}[t]{\alglength}
+ \begin{center}\begin{tabular}{|c|}\hline\\
+ \hspace*{.5em}
+ \begin{minipage}[t]{\alglength}
+%% Fin de l'environnement "algorithme" / end of "algorithme" environnment
+ \end{minipage}\hspace*{.5em}
+ \\\\\hline\end{tabular}\end{center}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \end{algorithmfloat}
+%% ----------------------------- FIN / END ---------------------------------------
--- /dev/null
+% ALGORITHMIC STYLE for LaTeX version 2e
+% This style file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+% modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+% License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+% version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+% This style file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% Lesser General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+% License along with this style file; if not, write to the
+% Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+% Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+\typeout{Document Style `algorithmic' - environment}
+% For keyval-style options
+% For indentation of algorithms
+ {\setlength{\algorithmicindent}{1em}}{}
+% For line numbers' delimiters
+% For line numbers' size
+\newcommand{\algorithmicelsif}{\algorithmicelse\ \algorithmicif}
+\newcommand{\algorithmicendif}{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicif}
+\newcommand{\algorithmicforall}{\textbf{for all}}
+\newcommand{\algorithmicendfor}{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicfor}
+\newcommand{\algorithmicendwhile}{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicwhile}
+\newcommand{\algorithmicendloop}{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicloop}
+ \def\@currentlabel{\theALC@line}%
+\if@noparitem \@donoparitem
+ \else \if@inlabel \indent \par \fi
+ \ifhmode \unskip\unskip \par \fi
+ \if@newlist \if@nobreak \@nbitem \else
+ \addpenalty\@beginparpenalty
+ \addvspace\@topsep \addvspace{-\parskip}\fi
+ \else \addpenalty\@itempenalty \addvspace\itemsep
+ \fi
+ \global\@inlabeltrue
+ \if@inlabel\global\@inlabelfalse \hskip -\parindent \box\@labels
+ \penalty\z@ \fi
+ \everypar{}}\global\@nobreakfalse
+\if@noitemarg \@noitemargfalse \if@nmbrlist \refstepcounter{\@listctr}\fi \fi
+ \hbox{\unhbox\@labels \hskip \itemindent
+ \hskip -\labelwidth \hskip -\ALC@tlm
+ \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\labelwidth
+ \box\@tempboxa
+ \else \hbox to\labelwidth {\unhbox\@tempboxa}\fi
+ \hskip \ALC@tlm}\ignorespaces}
+ \newcommand{\ALC@lno}{%
+{{\ALC@linenosize \arabic{ALC@line}\ALC@linenodelimiter}}{}%
+ \newenvironment{ALC@g}{
+ \begin{list}{\ALC@lno}{ \itemsep\z@ \itemindent\z@
+ \listparindent\z@ \rightmargin\z@
+ \topsep\z@ \partopsep\z@ \parskip\z@\parsep\z@
+ \leftmargin \algorithmicindent%1em
+ \addtolength{\ALC@tlm}{\leftmargin}
+ }
+ }
+ {\end{list}}
+ \newcommand{\ALC@it}{\refstepcounter{ALC@line}\refstepcounter{ALC@rem}\ifthenelse{\equal{\arabic{ALC@rem}}{#1}}{\setcounter{ALC@rem}{0}}{}\item\ALC@setref}
+ \newcommand{\ALC@com}[1]{\ifthenelse{\equal{##1}{default}}%
+{}{\ \algorithmiccomment{##1}}}
+ \newcommand{\REQUIRE}{\item[\algorithmicrequire]}
+ \newcommand{\ENSURE}{\item[\algorithmicensure]}
+ \newcommand{\PRINT}{\ALC@it\algorithmicprint{}\ \ }
+ \newcommand{\RETURN}{\ALC@it\algorithmicreturn{}\ \ }
+ \newcommand{\STATE}{\ALC@it}
+ \newcommand{\COMMENT}[1]{\algorithmiccomment{##1}}
+ \newenvironment{ALC@if}{\begin{ALC@g}}{\end{ALC@g}}
+ \newenvironment{ALC@for}{\begin{ALC@g}}{\end{ALC@g}}
+ \newenvironment{ALC@whl}{\begin{ALC@g}}{\end{ALC@g}}
+ \newenvironment{ALC@loop}{\begin{ALC@g}}{\end{ALC@g}}
+ \newenvironment{ALC@rpt}{\begin{ALC@g}}{\end{ALC@g}}
+ \renewcommand{\\}{\@centercr}
+ \newcommand{\IF}[2][default]{\ALC@it\algorithmicif\ ##2\ \algorithmicthen%
+ \newcommand{\ELSE}[1][default]{\end{ALC@if}\ALC@it\algorithmicelse%
+ \newcommand{\ELSIF}[2][default]%
+{\end{ALC@if}\ALC@it\algorithmicelsif\ ##2\ \algorithmicthen%
+ \newcommand{\FOR}[2][default]{\ALC@it\algorithmicfor\ ##2\ \algorithmicdo%
+ \newcommand{\FORALL}[2][default]{\ALC@it\algorithmicforall\ ##2\ %
+ \newcommand{\WHILE}[2][default]{\ALC@it\algorithmicwhile\ ##2\ %
+ \newcommand{\LOOP}[1][default]{\ALC@it\algorithmicloop%
+ \newcommand{\REPEAT}[1][default]{\ALC@it\algorithmicrepeat%
+ \newcommand{\UNTIL}[1]{\end{ALC@rpt}\ALC@it\algorithmicuntil\ ##1}
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{ALC@noend}}{
+ \newcommand{\ENDIF}{\end{ALC@if}}
+ \newcommand{\ENDFOR}{\end{ALC@for}}
+ \newcommand{\ENDWHILE}{\end{ALC@whl}}
+ \newcommand{\ENDLOOP}{\end{ALC@loop}}
+ }{
+ \newcommand{\ENDIF}{\end{ALC@if}\ALC@it\algorithmicendif}
+ \newcommand{\ENDFOR}{\end{ALC@for}\ALC@it\algorithmicendfor}
+ \newcommand{\ENDWHILE}{\end{ALC@whl}\ALC@it\algorithmicendwhile}
+ \newcommand{\ENDLOOP}{\end{ALC@loop}\ALC@it\algorithmicendloop}
+ }
+ \renewcommand{\@toodeep}{}
+ \begin{list}{\ALC@lno}{\setcounter{ALC@line}{0}\setcounter{ALC@rem}{0}%
+ \itemsep\z@ \itemindent\z@ \listparindent\z@%
+ \partopsep\z@ \parskip\z@ \parsep\z@%
+ \labelsep 0.5em \topsep 0.2em%
+ {\labelwidth 0.5em }
+ {\labelwidth 1.2em }
+\leftmargin\labelwidth \addtolength{\leftmargin}{\labelsep}
+ \ALC@tlm\labelsep
+ }
--- /dev/null
+%% This is file `bbm.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% bbm.dtx (with options: `package')
+%% Copyright (C) 1994,1997 by Torsten Hilbrich
+%% This file is part of the BBM package, a support for using the bbm* fonts.
+%% \CharacterTable
+%% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
+%% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
+%% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
+%% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
+%% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
+%% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
+%% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
+%% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
+%% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
+%% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
+%% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
+%% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
+%% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
+%% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
+\ProvidesPackage{bbm}[\filedate\space V\space\fileversion
+ \space provides fonts for set symbols - TH]
+%% End of file `bbm.sty'.
--- /dev/null
+% Change margins on the fly
+ \begin{list}{}{%
+ \setlength{\topsep}{0pt}%
+ \setlength{\leftmargin}{#1}%
+ \setlength{\rightmargin}{#2}%
+ \setlength{\listparindent}{\parindent}%
+ \setlength{\itemindent}{\parindent}%
+ \setlength{\parsep}{\parskip}%
+ }%
+ \item[] ~ \par%
+ % Get rid of the extra space inserted by the previous line
+ \vspace*{-2em}%
+ \end{list}
--- /dev/null
+% DROP.DOC <February 17, 1988>
+% Macro for dropping and enlarging the first letter(s) of a paragraph.
+% Macro written by David G. Cantor, and published Fri, 12 Feb 88, in
+% TeXhax, 1988 #16.
+% Internet: dgc@math.ucla.edu
+% UUCP: ...!{ihnp4, randvax, sdcrdcf, ucbvax}!ucla-cs!dgc
+% Modified for use with LaTeX by Dominik Wujastyk, February 17, 1988
+% Internet: dow@wjh12.harvard.edu
+% Bitnet: dow@harvunxw.bitnet
+% This LaTeX macro is for dropping and enlarging the first letter(s) of a
+% paragraph. The argument may be one or more letters.
+% Here is an example of its usage:
+% \documentstyle[drop]{article}
+% \begin{document}
+% \drop{IN} THE beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Now the
+% earth was unformed and void, and darkness was upon the face of the
+% deep; and the spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters.
+% \end{document}
+% Which will produce something along these lines:
+% I I\ I THE beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
+% I I \ I Now the earth was unformed and void, and darkness was
+% I I \I upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God hov-
+% ered over the face of the waters.
+% In the first instance the macro will pause during LaTeX processing and
+% ask you for the font you wish to use for you drop capital. When you
+% have something that looks good, then comment out box one in DROP.STY,
+% and comment in box two, replacing "cmr10 scaled \magstep5" with the font
+% of your choice.
+% In my opinion (DW) there are no fonts available in the standard
+% TeX/LaTeX set that are ideal for this use, unless you go down to 9pt or
+% 8pt for your text face, and this is too small. If you have Metafont you
+% should consider generating a cmr17 font at a magstep of two (about 25pt)
+% or three (about 30pt), or even more, depending on the point size of your
+% main text. Why not go the whole hog and design some really fancy
+% capitals from scratch!
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BOX ONE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\typein[\dropinitialfont]{Font for Dropped initial:} %
+\font\largefont \dropinitialfont %
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BOX TWO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%\font\largefont= cmr10 scaled \magstep5 %
+ \setbox0\hbox{\largefont #1}\setbox1\hbox{#2}\setbox2\hbox{(}%
+ \count0=\ht0\advance\count0 by\dp0\count1\baselineskip
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+ \hskip-\dimen0\setbox0\hbox to\dimen0{\raise-\dimen1\box0\hss}%
+ \dp0=0in\ht0=0in\box0}#2}
--- /dev/null
+%% This is file `dropping.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% dropping.dtx (with options: `paketkod')
+%% Copyright (c) 1996-97 by Mats Dahlgren <matsd@homenet.se>.
+%% All rights reserved. See the file `dropping.ins' for information
+%% on how you may (re-)distribute the `dropping' package files.
+\ProvidesPackage{dropping}[1997/06/12 v.0.12]
+\newif\ifstrtcmmnd \strtcmmndfalse
+\font\BIG=#1 scaled \bigscale%
+\setbox0=\hbox{\BIG #2\/}%
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+\font\BIG=#1 scaled \bigscale%
+\setbox0=\hbox{\BIG #2\/}}%
+You have no `graphics.cfg' file installed.\MessageBreak
+I will assume you are using `dvips'}
+\setbox1=\hbox{\the\font I}%
+\wantedheight=#2\baselineskip \advance\wantedheight by -\baselineskip%
+\advance\wantedheight by \ht1%
+\hangindent=\wd0 \advance\hangindent by #1%
+ \loop\ifdim\dp0>\baselineskip
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+ \repeat
+ \advance\hangafter by -1
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+\def\spltatspc#1 #2\spltatspc{#1}
+\def\@split#1 #2\end{\def\strngn{#1}\def\strngtw{#2}}
+ \ifnum`#1=`\\
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+ \else
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+ \fi
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+%% End of file `dropping.sty'.
--- /dev/null
+% Document class for the PhD thesis
+% Copyright (c) 2012-14 Stephane GALLAND <galland@arakhne.org>
+% This program is free library; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
+% License, or any later version.
+% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% Lesser General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+% License along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not,
+% write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite
+% 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+%% Declare the LaTeX class
+%% Check for the correct version of tex-upmethodology
+\@ifclasslater{UPMVERSION}{2014/07/09}{}{\@latex@error{You must install a version of tex-upmethodology greater or equal to 20140710}\@eha}
+%% Underlining if the author's name (in bibliography)
+ \ifdocumentauthor{#1}{\underline{#2}}{#2}%
+%% Utility functions
+\gdef\edspim@phdthesis@class@firstword#1 #2\@nil{#1}
+\gdef\edspim@phdthesis@class@nextwords#1 #2\@nil{#2}
+ \addjury%
+ {\expandafter\edspim@phdthesis@class@firstword\edspim@phdthesis@class@firstcolumn#2\@nil\@nil}%
+ {\expandafter\edspim@phdthesis@class@nextwords\edspim@phdthesis@class@firstcolumn#2\@nil\@nil}%
+ {#1}%
+ {\edspim@phdthesis@class@nextcolumns#2\@nil}%
+% Define the PhD thesis document
+%\declarethesis[subtitle]{title}{defense date}{ID}
+\newcommand{\declarethesis}[4][] {
+ \declaredocument{#2}{#1}{#4}%
+ \Set{defensedate}{#3}%
+ \initialversion{\makedate{11}{04}{2006}}{PhD Thesis}{\upmpublic}%
+% Add menber of the jury
+ \begingroup%
+ \let\\\newline%
+ \nohyphens{\Get{jurystyle}#1}%
+ \endgroup%
+ \global\protected@edef\upm@phdthesis@jurylist{\upm@phdthesis@jurylist\protect\protect\Get{jurystyle}\protect\protect\upmmakename{#2}{#3}{~} & \protect\upm@phdthesis@protectnl{#4} & \protect\upm@phdthesis@protectnl{#5} \protect\\}%
+ \global\protected@edef\thejurytab{\protect\noindent\protect\begin{tabularx}{\Get{jurytabwidth}}{@{}llX@{}}\upm@phdthesis@jurylist\protect\end{tabularx}}%
+% Add affiliation
+%\addlaboratory{lab description}
+ \ifphdthesishaslaboratory%
+ \phdthesishaslaboratorymultitrue%
+ \global\protected@edef\thethesislaboratories{\thethesislaboratories,\protect\\\protect{#1}}%
+ \else%
+ \phdthesishaslaboratorytrue%
+ \global\protected@edef\thethesislaboratories{\thethesislaboratories\protect{#1}}%
+ \fi%
+% Reset affiliation
+ \global\phdthesishaslaboratoryfalse%
+ \global\phdthesishaslaboratorymultifalse%
+ \gdef\thethesislaboratories{}%
+%% Add partner logo
+ \ifpartnerlist%
+ \protected@xdef\thepartnerlist{\thepartnerlist\protect\hfill\protect\includegraphics[#1]{#2}}%
+ \else%
+ \global\partnerlisttrue%
+ \protected@xdef\thepartnerlist{\thepartnerlist\protect\includegraphics[height=1cm]{#2}}%
+ \fi%
+%% Reset the list of the partner logos
+ \global\partnerlistfalse%
+ \gdef\thepartnerlist{}%
+% Change the color of the TOC
+ %{subsection}{\numberline {1.1.2}Extension de la plateforme \textsc {JaSIM}\xspace et Application}{18}{subsection.1.1.2}
+ \ifthenelse
+ {\equal{#1}{part}}
+ {\upm@phdthesis@l@contentsline{#1}{\textcolor{parttitlecolor}{#2}}{\textcolor{parttitlecolor}{#3}}{#4}}%
+ {\ifthenelse
+ {\equal{#1}{chapter}}
+ {\upm@phdthesis@l@contentsline{#1}{\textcolor{chaptertitlecolor}{#2}}{\textcolor{chaptertitlecolor}{#3}}{#4}}%
+ {\upm@phdthesis@l@contentsline{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}}%
+% Set the abstract of the thesis
+% \thesisabstract [lang]{text}
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\upmcurrentlang}{#1}}{%
+ \global\phdthesismainabstracttrue%
+ \gdef\phdthesismainabstract{#2}%
+ \setdocabstract{#2}%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{english}{#1}}{%
+ \gdef\phdthesismainabstracttitle{Abstract:}
+ }{%
+ \gdef\phdthesismainabstracttitle{R\'esum\'e~:}
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \global\phdthesisminorabstracttrue%
+ \gdef\phdthesisminorabstract{#2}%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{english}{#1}}{%
+ \gdef\phdthesisminorabstracttitle{Abstract:}
+ }{%
+ \gdef\phdthesisminorabstracttitle{R\'esum\'e~:}
+ }%
+ }%
+% Set the keywords of the thesis
+% \thesiskeywords [lang]{keywords}
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\upmcurrentlang}{#1}}{%
+ \global\phdthesismainkeywordstrue%
+ \gdef\phdthesismainkeywords{#2}%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{english}{#1}}{%
+ \gdef\phdthesismainkeywordstitle{Keywords:}
+ }{%
+ \gdef\phdthesismainkeywordstitle{Mots-cl\'es~:}
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \global\phdthesisminorkeywordstrue%
+ \gdef\phdthesisminorkeywords{#2}%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{english}{#1}}{%
+ \gdef\phdthesisminorkeywordstitle{Keywords:}
+ }{%
+ \gdef\phdthesisminorkeywordstitle{Mots-cl\'es~:}
+ }%
+ }%
+% Utility function that is looping on the character of a text
+% \foreachchar {for first char}{for the rest of the chars}
+ \def\thechar{#1}%
+ \upm@foreach@do%
+ \renewcommand{\onfirstchar}[1]{}%
+ \renewcommand{\onnextchar}[1]{##1}%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{{#2}}{{\@endfe}}}{}{
+ \expandafter\upm@foreachchar#2\@endfe%
+ }%
+ \begingroup%
+ \newcommand{\upm@foreach@do}{#2}%
+ \newcommand{\onfirstchar}[1]{##1}%
+ \newcommand{\onnextchar}[1]{}%
+ {\expandafter\upm@foreachchar#1\@endfe\@endfe}%
+ \endgroup%
+% Build card with the PhD thesis reference ID inside.
+% This ID is given by the SPIM doctoral school.
+ \gdef\upm@spimthesis@reserveda{|}%
+ \gdef\upm@spimthesis@reservedb{}%
+ \foreachchar{\theupmdocref}{%
+ \protected@xdef\upm@spimthesis@reserveda{|c\upm@spimthesis@reserveda}%
+ \protected@xdef\upm@spimthesis@reservedb{\upm@spimthesis@reservedb \onnextchar{\protect&} \thechar}%
+ }%
+ \protected@xdef\upm@spimthesis@reserveda{%
+ \protect\tabular[c]{\upm@spimthesis@reserveda}}%
+ N\ensuremath{^{\circ}}~\upm@spimthesis@reserveda%
+ \upm@spimthesis@reservedb \\ \hline\endtabular%
+%% Define emphazing macros
+%% Macros for formating the bibliography
+ \gdef\phdthesisbiband{et\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibetal{et~al.}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibeditors{\'editeurs\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibeditor{\'editeur\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibvolume{volume\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibVolume{Volume\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibof{de\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibvolumenumber{volume et num\'ero\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibnumber{num\'ero\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibNumber{Num\'ero\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibin{dans\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibIn{Dans\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibedition{\'edition\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibpages{pages\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibpage{page\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibchapter{chapitre\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibtechnicalreport{Rapport technique\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibJanuary{Janvier\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibFebruary{F\'evrier\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibMarch{Mars\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibApril{Avril\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibMay{Mai\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibJune{Juin\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibJuly{Juillet\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibAugust{Ao\^ut\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibSeptember{Septembre\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibOctober{Octobre\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibNovember{Novembre\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibDecember{D\'ecembre\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbiband{et\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibetal{et~al.}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibeditors{editors\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibeditor{editor\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibvolume{volume\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibVolume{Volume\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibof{of\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibvolumenumber{volume and number\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibnumber{number\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibNumber{Number\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibin{in\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibIn{In\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibedition{edition\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibpages{pages\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibpage{page\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibchapter{chapter\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibtechnicalreport{Technical Report\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibJanuary{January\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibFebruary{February\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibMarch{March\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibApril{April\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibMay{May\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibJune{June\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibJuly{July\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibAugust{August\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibSeptember{September\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibOctober{October\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibNovember{November\xspace}
+ \gdef\phdthesisbibDecember{December\xspace}
+%% Force the name of the bibliography and other sections for French
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\edspimphdthesisclasslanguage}{french}}{%
+ \renewcommand{\refname}{Bibliographie}%
+ \renewcommand{\listtablename}{Liste des tables}%
+ \renewcommand{\contentsname}{Sommaire}%
+ }{}
+%% Format the keys in the bibliography section
+% Lettrine
+% The following macro put its parameter into a lettrine with the
+% proper layout
+ \lettrine[findent=.5mm,nindent=0pt]{\uppercase{#1}}{}%
+% Macro that contains the string "the letter"
+\gdef\upm@phdthesis@MakeLettrine@letterstr{\string t\string h\string e\space\string l\string e\string t\string t\string e\string r}
+% Macro that contains the string "the character"
+\gdef\upm@phdthesis@MakeLettrine@characterstr{\string t\string h\string e\space\string c\string h\string a\string r\string a\string c\string t\string e\string r}
+% Macro to search for the first letter in its second parameter
+% and put it in a lettrine.
+% First parameter: are the macros to ignore and put back before
+% the lettrine. The value of this parameter will
+% evolve during the recursive calls.
+% Second parameter: TeX give the token following the macro in
+% this parameter (because the macros is always
+% invoked with only one explicit parameter).
+ % Detect the meaning of the second parameter.
+ \edef\upm@phdthesis@reserveda{\meaning#2}%
+ % Test if the meaning string contains "the letter"
+ \edef\upm@phdthesis@reservedb{\noexpand\in@{\upm@phdthesis@MakeLettrine@letterstr}{\upm@phdthesis@reserveda}}%
+ \upm@phdthesis@reservedb%
+ \ifin@%
+ % The meaning indicates that the second parameter
+ % is a letter. It may be put in the lettrine.
+ % The macro \upm@phdthesis@reserveda is defined to avoid
+ % to consume the tokens written in this recursive
+ % macro. This temp macro is invoked at the end of
+ % this recursive macro. In this way it will consume
+ % the token that are available in the document core.
+ \gdef\upm@phdthesis@reserveda{#1\upm@phdthesis@MakeLettrine@lettrine{#2}}%
+ \else%
+ % Test if the meaning string contains "the character"
+ \edef\upm@phdthesis@reservedb{\noexpand\in@{\upm@phdthesis@MakeLettrine@characterstr}{\upm@phdthesis@reserveda}}%
+ \upm@phdthesis@reservedb%
+ \ifin@%
+ % The meaning indicates that the second parameter
+ % is a character. It may be put in the lettrine.
+ % The macro \upm@phdthesis@reserveda is defined to avoid
+ % to consume the tokens written in this recursive
+ % macro. This temp macro is invoked at the end of
+ % this recursive macro. In this way it will consume
+ % the token that are available in the document core.
+ \gdef\upm@phdthesis@reserveda{#1\upm@phdthesis@MakeLettrine@lettrine{#2}}%
+ \else%
+ % The meaning indicates that the second parameter
+ % is not a letter nor a character.
+ % It may be put back before the lettrine without
+ % change.
+ % The macro \upm@phdthesis@reserveda is defined to avoid
+ % to consume the tokens written in this recursive
+ % macro. This temp macro is invoked at the end of
+ % this recursive macro. In this way it will consume
+ % the token that are available in the document core.
+ \gdef\upm@phdthesis@reserveda{\upm@phdthesis@MakeLettrine{#1#2}}%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \upm@phdthesis@reserveda%
+%% Macro for starting a chapter with a standard format
+ \@ifundefined{minitoc}{}{%
+ \begin{figure}[bt]%
+ \minitoc%
+ \end{figure}%
+ }%
+ \ignorespaces\upm@phdthesis@MakeLettrine{}#1%
+ \expandafter\section}
+ \ignorespaces\upm@phdthesis@MakeLettrine{}#1%
+ \expandafter\section}
+%% Add a small message on the backcover.
+ \begin{center}\tiny
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{french}{\upmcurrentlang}}{
+ Document r\'ealis\'e avec \LaTeX\ et : \\
+ le style \LaTeX\ pour Th\`ese de Doctorat cr\'e\'e par S. Galland --- \url{http://www.multiagent.fr/ThesisStyle} \\
+ la collection de paquets \texttt{tex-upmethodology} --- \url{http://www.arakhne.org/tex-upmethodology/}\\[.25cm]
+ }{
+ Document generated with \LaTeX\ and: \\
+ the \LaTeX\ style for PhD Thesis created by S. Galland --- \url{http://www.multiagent.fr/ThesisStyle} \\
+ the \texttt{tex-upmethodology} package suite --- \url{http://www.arakhne.org/tex-upmethodology/}\\[.25cm]
+ }
+ \end{center}
--- /dev/null
+% Back page for Unified Process Methodology
+% Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Stephane GALLAND <galland@arakhne.org>
+% This program is free library; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
+% License, or any later version.
+% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% Lesser General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+% License along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not,
+% write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite
+% 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+% Locales
+ \gdef\upm@lang@@{\message{**** upmethodology-backpage is using English language ****}}%
+ \gdef\upm@lang@@{\message{**** upmethodology-backpage is using French language ****}}%
+ \upm@back@lang@french
+ \upm@back@lang@french
+ \upm@back@lang@english
+% Set the back page layout as the classic layout theme
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{none}}{%
+ \global\let\makebackcover\relax%
+ }{%
+ \errmessage{invalid back layout theme: #1}%
+ }%
+\newcommand{\setbacklayout}[1]{\errmessage{\string\setbacklayout\ is deprecated. Use \string\setbackcover}}
+ \Ifdefined{backpage}{
+ \gdef\makebackcover{
+ \ifupmarticleformat\clearpage%
+ \else
+ \cleardoublepage%
+ \if@twoside\thispagestyle{empty}\mbox{}%
+ \vfill{\Get{backcovermessage}}\clearpage\fi
+ \fi
+ \thispagestyle{empty}\Get{backpage}
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+% Source Code Description for Unified Process Methodology
+% Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Stephane GALLAND <galland@arakhne.org>
+% This program is free library; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
+% License, or any later version.
+% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% Lesser General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+% License along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not,
+% write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite
+% 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+% Creation date: 2006-04-27
+% Modifications:
+% 2009-10-30 Clean code.
+%0: UML
+%1: java
+%2: C++
+%Language changes
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{java}}{%
+ \upm@code@current@lang=1%
+ }{%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{cpp}}{%
+ \upm@code@current@lang=2%
+ }{%
+ \upm@code@current@lang=0%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \upm@code@declarations%
+\def\upm@code@declarations {
+\if\the\upm@code@current@lang 1
+ %Java
+ \gdef\jclazz{\textbf{Class}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jvoid{\textbf{void}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jint{\textbf{int}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jlong{\textbf{long}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jfloat{\textbf{float}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jboolean{\textbf{boolean}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jdouble{\textbf{double}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jchar{\textbf{char}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jstring{\jclass{String}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jarray##1{{{##1}\bgroup\textbf{\string[\string]}\egroup}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jcollection##1{{\jclass{Collection}\textless{##1}\bgroup\textgreater\egroup}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jset##1{{\jclass{Set}\textless{##1}\bgroup\textgreater\egroup}\xspace}
+\else\if\the\upm@code@current@lang 2
+ %C++
+ \gdef\jclazz{\textbf{class}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jvoid{\textbf{void}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jint{\textbf{int}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jlong{\textbf{long}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jfloat{\textbf{float}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jboolean{\textbf{bool}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jdouble{\textbf{double}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jchar{\textbf{char}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jstring{\jclass{std\string:\string:string}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jarray##1{{{##1}\bgroup\textbf{\string[\string]}\egroup}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jcollection##1{{\jclass{std\string:\string:vector}\textless{##1}\bgroup\textgreater\egroup}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jset##1{{\jclass{std\string:\string:set}\textless{##1}\bgroup\textgreater\egroup}\xspace}
+ %UML
+ \gdef\jclazz{\textbf{class}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jvoid{\textbf{void}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jint{\textbf{integer}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jlong{\textbf{long integer}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jfloat{\textbf{float}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jboolean{\textbf{boolean}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jdouble{\textbf{double}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jchar{\textbf{character}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jstring{\textbf{string}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jcollection##1{{\textbf{collection of} \upm@code@makemul{##1}\bgroup\egroup}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jarray##1{{\textbf{array of} \upm@code@makemul{##1}\bgroup\egroup}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jset##1{{\textbf{set of} \upm@code@makemul{##1}\bgroup\egroup}\xspace}
+\if\the\upm@code@current@lang 1
+ %Java
+ \gdef\jtrue{\textsc{true}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jfalse{\textsc{false}\xspace}
+\else\if\upm@code@current@lang 2
+ %C++
+ \gdef\jtrue{\textsc{true}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jfalse{\textsc{false}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jtrue{\textsc{true}\xspace}
+ \gdef\jfalse{\textsc{false}\xspace}
--- /dev/null
+% Package for Unified Process Methodology's documents
+% Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Stephane GALLAND <galland@arakhne.org>
+% This program is free library; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
+% License, or any later version.
+% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% Lesser General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+% License along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not,
+% write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite
+% 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ \gdef\upm@lang@@{\message{**** upmethodology-document is using English language ****}}%
+ \gdef\upmcurrentlang{english}%
+ \gdef\upmcurrentlangforbabel{english}%
+ \gdef\upm@lang@project{Project}%
+ \gdef\upm@lang@document{Document}%
+ \gdef\upm@lang@docref{Reference}%
+ \gdef\upm@lang@lastupdate{Last Update}%
+ \gdef\upm@lang@lastupdate@short{Updated}%
+ \gdef\upm@lang@document@summary{Document Summary}%
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+ \gdef\upm@lang@document@copyright@tex{\TeX\ is a trademark of the American Mathematical Society.}%
+ \gdef\upm@lang@document@copyright@upmethodology{\texttt{tex-upmethodology} is owned by St\'ephane Galland, \arakhneorg, France.}%
+ \gdef\upm@lang@document@copyright@madewith{This document was realised with \LaTeX\ and \texttt{tex-upmethodology}.}%
+ \gdef\upm@lang@document@copyright@trademarks{This document is published by the \theupmformattedpublisher. All right reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retreival system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers.}
+ \gdef\upm@lang@document@copyright@printedin{Printed in \theupmprintedin.}
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+ \gdef\upm@lang@document@copyright@upmethodology{\texttt{tex-upmethodology} est la propri\'et\'e de St\'ephane Galland, \arakhneorg, France.}%
+ \gdef\upm@lang@document@copyright@madewith{Ce document a \'et\'e r\'ealis\'e avec \LaTeX\ et \texttt{tex-upmethodology}.}%
+ \gdef\upm@lang@document@copyright@trademarks{Ce document est publi\'e par \theupmformattedpublisher. Tous droits r\'eserv\'es. \par Le Code de la propri\'et\'e intellectuelle n'autorisant, aux termes de l'article L.122-5, 2\textdegree et 3\textdegree a), d'une part, que les ``copies ou reproductions strictement r\'eserv\'ees \`a l'usage priv\'e du copiste et non destin\'ees \`a une utilisation collective'' et, d'autre part, que les analyses et les courtes citations dans un but d'exemple et d'illustation, ``toute repr\'esentation ou reproduction int\'egrale ou partielle faite sans le consentement de l'auteur ou de ses ayants droit ou ayants cause est illicite'' (art. L.122-4). \par Cette repr\'esentation ou reproduction, par quelque proc\'ed\'e que ce soit, constiturait donc une contrefa\c{c}on sanctionn\'ee par les articles L.335-2 et suivants du Code de la propri\'et\'e intellectuelle.}
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+%Name of the sub-project for which this document was written
+%Name of the document
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+%Reference of the document
+%Name of the logo
+% Define the name of the logo picture to use
+%Full name of the document
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+% Package for Unified Process Methodology's extensions
+% Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Stephane GALLAND <galland@arakhne.org>
+% This program is free library; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
+% License, or any later version.
+% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% Lesser General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+% License along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not,
+% write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite
+% 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+% Creation date: 2009-10-24
+% Modifications:
+% 2012-09-21 "(c)" -> "\copyright"
+% 2009-11-03 \If* are marked as \long.
+% 2006-10-30 Bug fix: provides "upmethodology-extension" insteed of "upmethodology-document".
+% 2006-10-29 Allow to override the default font.
+% 2006-10-27 Clean the API
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--- /dev/null
+% Layout and Pagraph Format for Unified Process Methodology
+% Copyright (c) 2006-2009, 2012-2014 Stephane GALLAND <galland@arakhne.org>
+% This program is free library; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
+% License, or any later version.
+% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% Lesser General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+% License along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not,
+% write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite
+% 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
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+ % Providing an ascendent compatibility on the second parameter:
+ % - Prefered value of the parameter: a list of key/value pairs;
+ % - Old fashion value of the parameter: the value for the "width" key.
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+ % Providing an ascendent compatibility on the second parameter:
+ % - Prefered value of the parameter: a list of key/value pairs;
+ % - Old fashion value of the parameter: the value for the "width" key.
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+%table's colors
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+ \\ \hline \let\upm@fmt@mtabular@column@continue\relax%
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+% position: h t b p H !
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+%Replies the month corresponding to the given supported date
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+% Redefine the today function
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+% #2: text before the counter.
+% #3: text after the counter.
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+% #5: text between the description and the rest of the text.
+% #6: text between the counter (no description) and the rest of the text.
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+%% Issue #14: enumerate behaves as enumdescription
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+ \global\let\endenumerate\@undefined
+ \global\NewEnviron{enumerate}[1][1\string.~]{%
+ % Parse the parameter for extracting the type of the enumeration, the prefix and the postfix
+ \in@{a}{#1}\ifin@
+ \gdef\upm@fmt@enumerate@style{a}%
+ \def\reserved@a##1a##2\@nil{%
+ \def\upm@fmt@enumerate@prefix{##1}%
+ \def\upm@fmt@enumerate@postfix{##2}%
+ }%
+ \reserved@a#1\@nil%
+ \else\in@{1}{#1}\ifin@
+ \gdef\upm@fmt@enumerate@style{1}%
+ \def\reserved@a##11##2\@nil{%
+ \def\upm@fmt@enumerate@prefix{##1}%
+ \def\upm@fmt@enumerate@postfix{##2}%
+ }%
+ \reserved@a#1\@nil%
+ \else\in@{A}{#1}\ifin@
+ \gdef\upm@fmt@enumerate@style{A}%
+ \def\reserved@a##1A##2\@nil{%
+ \def\upm@fmt@enumerate@prefix{##1}%
+ \def\upm@fmt@enumerate@postfix{##2}%
+ }%
+ \reserved@a#1\@nil%
+ \else\in@{i}{#1}\ifin@
+ \gdef\upm@fmt@enumerate@style{i}%
+ \def\reserved@a##1i##2\@nil{%
+ \def\upm@fmt@enumerate@prefix{##1}%
+ \def\upm@fmt@enumerate@postfix{##2}%
+ }%
+ \reserved@a#1\@nil%
+ \else\in@{I}{#1}\ifin@
+ \gdef\upm@fmt@enumerate@style{I}%
+ \def\reserved@a##1I##2\@nil{%
+ \def\upm@fmt@enumerate@prefix{##1}%
+ \def\upm@fmt@enumerate@postfix{##2}%
+ }%
+ \reserved@a#1\@nil%
+ \else%
+ \errmessage{Invalid format of the enumerate counter}
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi%
+ \protected@xdef\upm@tmp{\protect\protect\protect\begin{upm@fmt@enumdescription}{\upm@fmt@enumerate@style}{\upm@fmt@enumerate@prefix}{\upm@fmt@enumerate@postfix}{}{\protect\enumdescriptionlabelseparator}{}}%
+ %
+ \upm@tmp%
+ %\protect\begin{upm@fmt@enumdescription}{#1}{}{\string.~}{}{\enumdescriptionlabelseparator}{}%
+ \BODY%
+ \protect\end{upm@fmt@enumdescription}%
+ }
+ }
+ \gdef\upm@fmt@itemizeddescription@separator{\iflanguage{french}{ :}{:}\ }
+ \newcommand{\upm@fmt@itemizeddescription@formatdescription}[1]{\textbf{#1}}
+ \newcommand{\upm@fmt@itemizeddescription@desc}[2]{%
+ \upm@fmt@itemizeddescription@formatdescription{#1#2}%
+ }
+ \let\upm@fmt@olditem\item
+ \let\upm@item@param\upm@fmt@olditem
+ \let\upm@item@noparam\upm@fmt@olditem
+ \def\item{\@ifnextchar[\upm@item@param\upm@item@noparam}
+ \AtBeginDocument{
+ \message{*** Overriding the 'description' environment. Pass option 'standardlists' for avoiding this override.}
+ \global\let\description\@undefined
+ \global\let\enddescription\@undefined
+ \global\NewEnviron{description}[1][\upm@fmt@itemizeddescription@separator]{
+ \begin{itemize}%
+ \renewcommand{\upm@item@param}[1][]{\upm@fmt@olditem \upm@fmt@itemizeddescription@desc{##1}{#1}}%
+ \renewcommand{\upm@item@noparam}{\upm@fmt@olditem }%
+ \BODY%
+ \end{itemize}%
+ }
+ }
+ \begingroup%
+ \let\upm@Huge\Huge%
+ \let\upm@huge\huge%
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+ \let\upm@small\small%
+ \let\upm@scriptsize\scriptsize%
+ \let\upm@footnotesize\footnotesize%
+ \let\upm@tiny\tiny%
+ %
+ \ifx#1\Huge%
+ \let\Huge\upm@Huge%
+ \let\huge\upm@Huge%
+ \let\small\upm@huge%
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+ \let\tiny\upm@scriptsize%
+ \else\ifx#1\huge%
+ \let\Huge\upm@Huge%
+ \let\huge\upm@Huge%
+ \let\small\upm@normalsize%
+ \let\scriptsize\upm@small%
+ \let\footnotesize\upm@scriptsize%
+ \let\tiny\upm@footnotesize%
+ \else\ifx#1\small%
+ \let\Huge\upm@huge%
+ \let\huge\upm@normalsize%
+ \let\small\upm@scriptsize%
+ \let\scriptsize\upm@footnotesize%
+ \let\footnotesize\upm@tiny%
+ \let\tiny\upm@tiny%
+ \else\ifx#1\scriptsize%
+ \let\Huge\upm@normalsize%
+ \let\huge\upm@small%
+ \let\small\upm@footnotesize%
+ \let\scriptsize\upm@tiny%
+ \let\footnotesize\upm@tiny%
+ \let\tiny\upm@tiny%
+ \else\ifx#1\footnotesize%
+ \let\Huge\upm@small%
+ \let\huge\upm@scriptsize%
+ \let\small\upm@tiny%
+ \let\scriptsize\upm@tiny%
+ \let\footnotesize\upm@tiny%
+ \let\tiny\upm@tiny%
+ \else\ifx#1\tiny%
+ \let\Huge\upm@scriptsize%
+ \let\huge\upm@footnotesize%
+ \let\small\upm@tiny%
+ \let\scriptsize\upm@tiny%
+ \let\footnotesize\upm@tiny%
+ \let\tiny\upm@tiny%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ #1%
+ \begin{lrbox}{\upm@framed@minipage}\begin{minipage}{#1}%
+ }{%
+ \end{minipage}\end{lrbox}\fbox{\usebox{\upm@framed@minipage}}}
+ \newcommand{\upm@framed@minipage@border}{#2}%
+ \newcommand{\upm@framed@minipage@background}{#3}%
+ \begin{lrbox}{\upm@framed@minipage}\begin{minipage}{#1}%
+ }{%
+ \end{minipage}\end{lrbox}\fcolorbox{\upm@framed@minipage@border}{\upm@framed@minipage@background}{\usebox{\upm@framed@minipage}}}
+ \par
+ \vspace{.5cm}
+ \begin{tabular}{|p{#1}|}
+ \hline
+ \begin{window}[0,l,{\mbox{\includegraphics[width=1cm]{#2}}},{}]
+ \end{window}\\ \hline \end{tabular}
+ \vspace{.5cm}
+ \par
+ \upm@highligh@box{#1}{caution.png}%
+ \endupm@highligh@box%
+ \upm@highligh@box{#1}{info.png}%
+ \endupm@highligh@box%
+ \upm@highligh@box{#1}{question.png}%
+ \endupm@highligh@box%
+% Exponents and Indices
+ {\m@th\ensuremath{_{\mbox{\fontsize\sf@size\z@#1}}}}}
+% Defining the style for the definitions
+ \gdef\definitionname{D\'efinition}
+ \gdef\listdefinitionname{Liste des d\'efinitions}
+ \gdef\definitionname{Definition}
+ \gdef\listdefinitionname{List of Definitions}
+\newtheoremstyle{upmdefinition}% name of the style to be used
+ {}% measure of space to leave above the theorem. E.g.: 3pt
+ {}% measure of space to leave below the theorem. E.g.: 3pt
+ {\normalfont}% name of font to use in the body of the theorem
+ {}% measure of space to indent the head
+ {\normalfont\bfseries}% name of head font
+ {\\[-1em]{\textcolor{definitionborder}{\rule{\upm@definition@rule@width}{\upm@definition@rule@height}}}}% punctuation between head and body
+ {\newline}% space after theorem head
+ {\textcolor{definitionheaderforeground}{\thmname{#1}\thmnumber{~#2}\upm@column@char\thmnote{ #3}}\vspace{.25em}}% Manually specify head
+% Declare a theorem with the standard UPM style
+% \declareupmtheorem[theorem_style]{name}{label}{list_label}
+ \global\declaretheorem[name={#3},style=#1]{upm#2}%
+ \global\newenvironment{#2}[1][]{%
+ \par\vspace{\parsep}\centering\begin{framedcolorminipage}{\upm@definition@width}{definitionborder}{definitionbackground}%
+ \color{definitiontextforeground}%
+ \begin{upm#2}[##1]%
+ }{%
+ \end{upm#2}%
+ \end{framedcolorminipage}\vspace{\parsep}\par%
+ }%
+ % Check the version of the thmtools because the TeXLive distribution
+ % gives a too old version.
+ \@ifpackagelater{thm-listof}{2012/05/03}{%
+ \global\@namedef{listof#2s}{%
+ \global\let\upm@definition@old@listtheoremname\listtheoremname%
+ \global\let\upm@definition@old@upmtheoremopt\upm@definition@upmtheoremopt%
+ \gdef\listtheoremname{#4}%
+ \renewcommand{\upm@definition@upmtheoremopt}[1]{}%
+ \expandafter\listoftheorems[ignoreall,show={upm#2}]%
+ \global\let\listtheoremname\upm@definition@old@listtheoremname%
+ \global\let\upm@definition@upmtheoremopt\upm@definition@old@upmtheoremopt%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \@latex@warning{Your version of the thmtools is too old. I recommend you to install the version 2012/05/04, or later.}
+ \global\@namedef{listof#2s}{%
+ \global\let\upm@tmp\listtheoremname%
+ \gdef\listtheoremname{#4}%
+ \listoftheorems%
+ \global\let\listtheoremname\upm@tmp%
+ }%
+ }
+\gdef\thmtformatoptarg#1{\upm@column@char\ #1}%
+% Permits to define an part of the definition's name that is
+% rendered only in core part of the document, not in the
+% list of theorems
+% Declare the definition environment
+% Defining the style for the emphbox
+ \begin{framedcolorminipage}{#1}{emphboxborder}{emphboxbackground}%
+ \centering\color{emphboxtext}\BODY%
+ \end{framedcolorminipage}%
--- /dev/null
+% Front page for Unified Process Methodology
+% Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Stephane GALLAND <galland@arakhne.org>
+% This program is free library; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
+% License, or any later version.
+% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% Lesser General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+% License along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not,
+% write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite
+% 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+% Locales
+ \gdef\upm@lang@@{\message{**** upmethodology-frontpage is using English language ****}}%
+ \gdef\upm@lang@front@authors{\upm@lang@document@authors}
+ \gdef\upm@lang@@{\message{**** upmethodology-frontpage is using French language ****}}%
+ \gdef\upm@lang@front@authors{\upm@lang@document@authors}
+ \upm@front@lang@french
+ \upm@front@lang@french
+ \upm@front@lang@english
+% Declare the temporary dimensions
+% String format
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+\def\upm@front@info@fmt#1{{\normalsize #1}}
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+ }
+% Define the command to put the title with a classic layout
+ \message{************ USE CLASSIC FRONT COVER}
+ \begin{titlepage}%
+ \begin{center}
+ % Illustration picture
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+ \noindent\expandafter\includegraphics[width=\Get{frontillustrationsize}\expandafter\linewidth]{\Get{frontillustration}}
+ }{%
+ \Ifdefined{logo}{\noindent\vfill\expandafter\includegraphics[width=.4\linewidth]{\Get{logo}}}%
+ }%
+ % Project name
+ \vspace{1cm}
+ \upm@front@force@single@spacing{\upm@front@maintitle@fmt{\theupmproject}}
+ \vspace{1cm}
+ % Document title
+ \noindent\rule{\linewidth}{1mm} \\
+ \noindent\raggedleft\upm@front@project@fmt{\theupmproject} \\
+ \Ifnotempty{\theupmsubproject}{\noindent\raggedleft\upm@front@subproject@fmt{\theupmsubproject}\\}
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+ \noindent\raggedleft\upm@front@document@fmt{\theupmdocname} \\
+ \noindent\rule{\linewidth}{1mm} \\
+ \vspace{1cm}
+ % Document information
+ \noindent\raggedleft\begin{tabular}{rr}
+ \upm@front@info@fmt{\upm@lang@docref:} & \upm@front@info@fmt{\theupmdocref} \\
+ \upm@front@info@fmt{\upm@lang@version:} & \upm@front@info@fmt{\theupmversion} \\
+ \upm@front@info@fmt{\upm@lang@lastupdate@short:} & \upm@front@info@fmt{\theupmdate} \\
+ \upm@front@info@fmt{\upm@lang@status:} & \upm@front@info@fmt{\theupmstatus} \\
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+ \expandafter\includegraphics[width=.3\linewidth]{\Get{logo}} & %
+ \upm@front@author@fmt{\upm@lang@front@authors:~\theauthorlist} \\%
+ \end{tabularx}%
+ }{%
+ \noindent\raggedleft\upm@front@author@fmt{\upm@lang@front@authors:~\theauthorlist} \\%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \noindent\raggedleft\upm@front@author@fmt{\upm@lang@front@authors:~\theauthorlist} \\%
+ }%
+ \end{center}
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+% Define the command to put the title with a classic layout
+ \message{************ USE MODERN FRONT COVER}
+ \begin{titlepage}%
+ % Project name
+ \upm@front@maintitle@fmt{\theupmproject} \\
+ \noindent\rule{\linewidth}{.5mm} \\
+ % Document title
+ \Ifnotempty{\theupmsubproject}{\noindent\raggedright\upm@front@subproject@fmt{\theupmsubproject}\\}
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+ }%
+ }{%
+ }
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+ \put(\strip@pt\upm@front@tmpa,75){
+ \begin{tabular*}{.4\linewidth}{lr}
+ \upm@front@info@fmt{\upm@lang@docref:} & \upm@front@info@fmt{\theupmdocref} \\
+ \upm@front@info@fmt{\upm@lang@version:} & \upm@front@info@fmt{\theupmversion} \\
+ \upm@front@info@fmt{\upm@lang@lastupdate@short:} & \upm@front@info@fmt{\theupmdate} \\
+ \upm@front@info@fmt{\upm@lang@status:} & \upm@front@info@fmt{\theupmstatus} \\
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+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{modern}}{%
+ \Set{frontillustrationsize}{1}
+ \global\let\upm@front@layout\upm@front@layout@modern%
+ }{%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{custom}}{#2}{\errmessage{invalid front layout theme: #1}}%
+ }%
+ }%
+% Set the front page layout as the classic layout theme
+ \upm@front@setfrontlayout{#1}{\errmessage{invalid front layout theme: #1}}%
+\newcommand{\setfrontlayout}[1]{\errmessage{"\string\setfrontlayout" is deprecated. Use "\string\setfrontcover" insteed}}
+ \Ifdefined{frontpage}{
+ \upm@front@setfrontlayout{\Get{frontpage}}{%
+ \message{************ USE CUSTOM FRONT COVER}
+ \gdef\upm@front@layout{%
+ \begin{titlepage}%
+ \Get{frontpage@custom}%
+ \end{titlepage}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \upm@front@layout}%
+% Set the illustration figure on the front page
+ \Set{frontillustrationsize}{#1}%
+ \Set{frontillustration}{#2}%
+% Clear the illustration figure on the front page
+ \Set{frontillustrationsize}{1}%
+ \Unset{frontillustration}%
--- /dev/null
+% Copyright (c) 2009-13 Stephane GALLAND <galland@arakhne.org>
+% This program is free library; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
+% License, or any later version.
+% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% Lesser General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+% License along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not,
+% write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite
+% 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+\input UPMVERSION.def
+\expandafter\let\csname ver@UPMVERSION.sty\endcsname\ver@UPMVERSION
+\expandafter\let\csname ver@UPMVERSION.cls\endcsname\ver@UPMVERSION
+ {\usefont{T1}{pzc}{m}{it}\selectfont Arakhn\^e}%
+ {\usefont{T1}{phv}{bc}{sc}\selectfont\tiny.org}\endgroup}\xspace}
+\def\upm@protect#1{\upm@p@protect #1\relax}
+ \ifx\relax #1%
+ \relax
+ \else%
+ \string #1%
+ \ifx\relax #2%
+ \relax
+ \else
+ \upm@p@protect #2\relax%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ \@namedef{\upm@protect{#1}}{#2}%
+ \@nameuse{\upm@protect{#1}}%
+ \expandafter\let\csname\upm@protect{#1}\endcsname\relax%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\let\expandafter\upm@tmp\csname#2\endcsname%
+ \global\expandafter\let\csname#1\endcsname\upm@tmp%
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname\upm@protect{#1}\endcsname\relax%
+ #3%
+ \else%
+ #2%
+ \fi%
+\newcommand{\upm@column@char}{\iflanguage{french}{ :}{:}}
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname r@#1\endcsname\relax
+ \nfss@text{\reset@font\bfseries ??}%
+ \else
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@car\csname r@#1\endcsname\@nil
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname r@#1\endcsname\relax
+ \nfss@text{\reset@font\bfseries ??}%
+ \else%
+ \protected@xdef\upm@p@tmp@tmp{\protect\upm@getpageref@filter\csname r@#1\endcsname}%
+ \upm@p@tmp@tmp%
+ \global\let\upm@p@tmp@tmp\relax%
+ \fi
+ {\m@th\ensuremath{_{\mbox{\fontsize\sf@size\z@#1}}}}}
+ {\upm@foreach@searchseparator#1\upm@foreach@end\@nil}%
+ \ifupm@foreach@hasseparator%
+ \protected@xdef\upm@foreach@continue{\protect\upm@foreach@rec{\upm@foreach@rest}}%
+ \upm@foreach@body%
+ \upm@foreach@continue%
+ \else%
+ \ifupm@foreach@oneseparator\else%
+ \upm@foreach@lastbody%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+% Loop on parts of a text given a specific separator.
+% In the bodies, the macros \upm@foreach@term is the current data.
+% #1: is the separator to consider
+% #2: is the data set
+% #3: is the body to run for each loop, except the last.
+% #4: is the body to run for the last loop.
+ \global\upm@foreach@oneseparatorfalse%
+ \gdef\upm@foreach@searchseparator##1#1##2\@nil{%
+ \gdef\upm@foreach@term{##1}%
+ \ifx\upm@foreach@end##2%
+ \global\upm@foreach@hasseparatorfalse%
+ \else%
+ \gdef\upm@foreach@rest{##2}%
+ \global\upm@foreach@hasseparatortrue%
+ \global\upm@foreach@oneseparatortrue%
+ \fi%
+ }%
+ \gdef\upm@foreach@body{#3}%
+ \gdef\upm@foreach@lastbody{#4}%
+ \upm@foreach@rec{#2#1}%
+% Option parameters
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{===}}{%
+ \global\upm@common@optlist@needdefaulttrue%
+ }{%
+ \global\upm@common@optlist@needdefaultfalse%
+ }%
+ {\upm@common@optlist@parseparams #1====\@nil}%
+ \upm@common@optlist{#3}%
+ \ifupm@common@optlist@needdefault%
+ \expandafter\setkeys{#1}{#2=#3}%
+ \else%
+ \expandafter\setkeys{#1}{#3}%
+ \fi%
--- /dev/null
+% Specification Description for Unified Process Methodology
+% Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Stephane GALLAND <galland@arakhne.org>
+% This program is free library; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
+% License, or any later version.
+% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% Lesser General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+% License along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not,
+% write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite
+% 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+% Creation date: 2006-04-27
+% Modifications:
+% 2009-10-30 Clean code.
+% 2007-03-19 Add localization.
+\def\upm@spec@lang@english {
+ \gdef\upm@lang@@{\message{**** upmethodology-spec is using English language ****}}%
+ \gdef\upm@spec@lang@description{Description}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@lang@returned@values{returned value(s)}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@lang@except@for{Except for}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@lang@modifier@public{{\tiny+}}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@lang@modifier@protected{{\tiny\#}}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@lang@modifier@private{{\tiny--}}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@lang@modifier@static##1{{\uline{##1}}}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@lang@modifier@const{query}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@lang@modifier@final{isLeaf}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@lang@modifier@abstract{abstract}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@lang@modifier@root{isRoot}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@lang@modifier@inout{\ensuremath{\leftrightarrow}}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@lang@modifier@in{\ensuremath{\rightarrow}}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@lang@modifier@out{\ensuremath{\leftarrow}}
+\def\upm@spec@lang@french {
+ \gdef\upm@lang@@{\message{**** upmethodology-spec is using French language ****}}%
+ \gdef\upm@spec@lang@description{Description}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@lang@returned@values{valeur(s) retourn\'ee(s)}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@lang@except@for{Except\'e pour}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@lang@modifier@public{{\tiny+}}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@lang@modifier@protected{{\tiny\#}}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@lang@modifier@private{{\tiny--}}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@lang@modifier@static##1{{\uline{##1}}}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@lang@modifier@const{requ\^ete}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@lang@modifier@final{estFeuille}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@lang@modifier@abstract{abstra\^{\i}t}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@lang@modifier@root{estRacine}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@lang@modifier@inout{\ensuremath{\leftrightarrow}}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@lang@modifier@in{\ensuremath{\rightarrow}}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@lang@modifier@out{\ensuremath{\leftarrow}}
+ \upm@spec@lang@french
+ \upm@spec@lang@french
+ \upm@spec@lang@english
+ \global\upm@spec@modifier@has@staticfalse%
+ \global\upm@spec@modifier@has@constfalse%
+ \global\upm@spec@modifier@has@finalfalse%
+ \global\upm@spec@modifier@has@abstractfalse%
+ \global\upm@spec@modifier@has@rootfalse%
+ \global\upm@spec@modifier@has@publicfalse%
+ \global\upm@spec@modifier@has@protectedfalse%
+ \global\upm@spec@modifier@has@privatefalse%
+ \upm@spec@func@modifiers@scan{#1}%
+ \upm@ifnotempty{#1}{%
+ \edef\upm@reserved@a{\upm@spec@head #1\@empty\@empty}%
+ \edef\upm@reserved@b{\upm@spec@tail #1\@empty\@empty}%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\upm@reserved@a}{+}}{%
+ %public
+ \global\upm@spec@modifier@has@publictrue%
+ \global\upm@spec@modifier@has@protectedfalse%
+ \global\upm@spec@modifier@has@privatefalse%
+ }{%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\upm@reserved@a}{=}}{%
+ %protected
+ \global\upm@spec@modifier@has@publicfalse%
+ \global\upm@spec@modifier@has@protectedtrue%
+ \global\upm@spec@modifier@has@privatefalse%
+ }{%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\upm@reserved@a}{\#}}{%
+ %protected
+ \global\upm@spec@modifier@has@publicfalse%
+ \global\upm@spec@modifier@has@protectedtrue%
+ \global\upm@spec@modifier@has@privatefalse%
+ }{%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\upm@reserved@a}{-}}{%
+ %protected
+ \global\upm@spec@modifier@has@publicfalse%
+ \global\upm@spec@modifier@has@protectedfalse%
+ \global\upm@spec@modifier@has@privatetrue%
+ }{%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\upm@reserved@a}{s}}{%
+ %static
+ \global\upm@spec@modifier@has@statictrue%
+ }{%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\upm@reserved@a}{c}}{%
+ %query / const
+ \global\upm@spec@modifier@has@consttrue%
+ }{%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\upm@reserved@a}{l}}{%
+ %isLeaf
+ \global\upm@spec@modifier@has@finaltrue%
+ }{%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\upm@reserved@a}{a}}{%
+ %abstract
+ \global\upm@spec@modifier@has@abstracttrue%
+ }{%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\upm@reserved@a}{r}}{%
+ %isRoot
+ \global\upm@spec@modifier@has@roottrue%
+ }{}}}}}}}}}%
+ \expandafter\upm@spec@func@modifiers@scan{\upm@reserved@b}%
+ }%
+ \upm@ifnotempty{#1}{%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{out}}{%
+ %out
+ \upm@spec@lang@modifier@out%
+ }{
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{inout}}{%
+ %inout
+ \upm@spec@lang@modifier@inout%
+ }{
+ %in
+ \upm@spec@lang@modifier@in%
+ }}
+ }%
+ \upm@ifnotempty{#1}{%
+ \upm@spec@firstparamtrue
+ \@for\reserved@a:=#1\do{%
+ \ifupm@spec@firstparam\upm@spec@firstparamfalse\else, \fi%
+ \mbox{\upm@spec@trim{\reserved@a}}%
+ }%
+ \upm@spec@trim
+ }%
+ \setcounter{upm@detailspec@return@counter}{0}
+ \setcounter{upm@detailspec@function@counter}{0}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@detailspec@width{#1}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@detailspec@title{#2}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@functions{}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@parameters{}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@global@return{}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@local@return{}
+ %-----
+ %\speccons[modifiers]{name}{prototype}
+ \newcommand{\speccons}[3][]{\specfunc[##1]{}{##2}{##3}}
+ %-----
+ %\specget[modifiers]{return_type}{name}
+ \newcommand{\specget}[3][]{\specfunc[c##1]{##2}{##3}{}}
+ %-----
+ %\specset[modifiers]{name}{prototype}
+ \newcommand{\specset}[3][]{\specfunc[##1]{\jvoid}{##2}{##3}{}}
+ %-----
+ %\specfunc[modifiers]{return_type}{name}{prototype}
+ \newcommand{\specfunc}[4][+]{%
+ \addtocounter{upm@detailspec@function@counter}{1}%
+ \protected@xdef\upm@spec@reserved@a{\protect\csname upm@detailspec@return@ptr@\theupm@detailspec@function@counter\endcsname}%
+ \gdef\upm@spec@reserved@b{}
+ \upm@ifnotempty{##2}{\gdef\upm@spec@reserved@b{\string:\ }}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@reserved@c{}%
+ \upm@spec@func@modifiers{##1}%
+ \ifupm@spec@modifier@has@private\gdef\upm@spec@reserved@c{\upm@spec@lang@modifier@private}%
+ \else\ifupm@spec@modifier@has@protected\gdef\upm@spec@reserved@c{\upm@spec@lang@modifier@protected}%
+ \else\gdef\upm@spec@reserved@c{\upm@spec@lang@modifier@public}\fi\fi%
+ \gdef\upm@spec@reserved@d{##3}%
+ \ifupm@spec@modifier@has@static%
+ \protected@xdef\upm@spec@reserved@d{\protect\upm@spec@lang@modifier@static{\upm@spec@reserved@d}}%
+ \fi%
+ \gdef\upm@spec@reserved@e{}%
+ \upm@spec@tmp@afalse%
+ \ifupm@spec@modifier@has@const\upm@spec@tmp@atrue\fi%
+ \ifupm@spec@modifier@has@final\upm@spec@tmp@atrue\fi%
+ \ifupm@spec@modifier@has@abstract\upm@spec@tmp@atrue\fi%
+ \ifupm@spec@modifier@has@root\upm@spec@tmp@atrue\fi%
+ \ifupm@spec@tmp@a%
+ \ifupm@spec@modifier@has@const%
+ \gdef\upm@spec@reserved@e{\upm@spec@lang@modifier@const}%
+ \fi
+ \ifupm@spec@modifier@has@final%
+ \upm@ifnotempty{\upm@spec@reserved@e}{%
+ \xdef\upm@spec@reserved@e{\upm@spec@reserved@e,}}%
+ \protected@xdef\upm@spec@reserved@e{\upm@spec@reserved@e\protect\upm@spec@lang@modifier@final}%
+ \fi
+ \ifupm@spec@modifier@has@abstract%
+ \upm@ifnotempty{\upm@spec@reserved@e}{%
+ \xdef\upm@spec@reserved@e{\upm@spec@reserved@e,}}%
+ \protected@xdef\upm@spec@reserved@e{\upm@spec@reserved@e\protect\upm@spec@lang@modifier@abstract}%
+ \fi
+ \ifupm@spec@modifier@has@root%
+ \upm@ifnotempty{\upm@spec@reserved@e}{%
+ \xdef\upm@spec@reserved@e{\upm@spec@reserved@e,}}%
+ \protected@xdef\upm@spec@reserved@e{\upm@spec@reserved@e\protect\upm@spec@lang@modifier@root}%
+ \fi
+ \protected@xdef\upm@spec@reserved@e{ \protect\{\upm@spec@reserved@e\protect\}}
+ \fi%
+ \protected@xdef\upm@spec@functions{\upm@spec@functions {\upm@spec@reserved@c}\protect&%
+ {\upm@spec@reserved@d}\protect&%
+ \string(\protect&\protect\upm@spec@splitparams{##4}\string) {\upm@spec@reserved@b##2{\upm@spec@reserved@a}{\upm@spec@reserved@e}}\protect\\}%
+ \global\let\upm@spec@reserved@a\relax
+ \global\let\upm@spec@reserved@b\relax
+ \global\let\upm@spec@reserved@c\relax
+ \global\let\upm@spec@reserved@d\relax
+ \global\let\upm@spec@reserved@e\relax
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname upm@detailspec@return@ptr@\theupm@detailspec@function@counter\endcsname{}
+ }
+ %-----
+ %\specreturn{description}
+ \newcommand{\specreturn}[1]{%
+ \addtocounter{upm@detailspec@return@counter}{1}%
+ \expandafter\protected@xdef\csname upm@detailspec@return@ptr@\theupm@detailspec@function@counter\endcsname{%
+ {\protect\tiny\protect\ensuremath{_{\protect\string[\theupm@detailspec@return@counter\protect\string]}}}%
+ }%
+ \protected@xdef\upm@spec@local@return{\upm@spec@local@return {\protect\tiny\protect\string[\theupm@detailspec@return@counter\protect\string]} \protect& ##1 \protect\\}%
+ }
+ %-----
+ %\specglobalreturn{description}
+ \newcommand{\specglobalreturn}[1]{\gdef\upm@spec@global@return{##1}}
+ %-----
+ %\specparam[in|inout|out]{name}{description}
+ \newcommand{\specparam}[3][in]{%
+ \protected@xdef\upm@spec@parameters{\upm@spec@parameters \protect\upm@spec@param@modifiers{##1} \protect& {##2:} \protect& {##3} \protect\\}
+ }
+ %-----
+ %\specendhline
+ \newcommand{\specendhline}{\gdef\upm@detailspec@end@hline{\hline}}
+ %-----
+ %\specstarthline
+ \newcommand{\specstarthline}{\gdef\upm@detailspec@start@hline{\hline}}
+ \setlength{\upm@spec@detailspec@itrn@width}{#1}
+ \addtolength{\upm@spec@detailspec@itrn@width}{-\the\upm@spec@detailspec@description@width}
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+ \begin{lrbox}{\upm@spec@detailspec@savebox}
+ \begin{minipage}[t]{\upm@spec@detailspec@itrn@width}%
+ \end{minipage}
+ \end{lrbox}%
+ \gdef\upm@detailspec@separator{}
+ \upm@spec@showreturnsfalse%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\upm@spec@global@return}{\@empty}}{%
+ \gdef\upm@detailspec@return@section{}
+ \upm@ifnotempty{\upm@spec@local@return}{
+ \gdef\upm@detailspec@separator{ & & & \\}
+ \protected@xdef\upm@detailspec@return@section{\upm@spec@local@return}%
+ \upm@spec@showreturnstrue%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \upm@ifnotempty{\upm@spec@local@return}{%
+ \gdef\upm@detailspec@separator{ & & & \\}
+ \gdef\upm@spec@reserved@a{ \upm@spec@lang@except@for:\protect\upm@spec@local@return}}%
+ \protected@xdef\upm@detailspec@return@section{%
+ \upm@spec@global@return\upm@spec@reserved@a%
+ }%
+ \upm@spec@showreturnstrue%
+ }
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\upm@spec@detailspec@title}{\@empty}}{
+ \gdef\upm@spec@reserved@c{}
+ }{
+ \gdef\upm@spec@reserved@c{\hline%
+ \multicolumn{4}{>{\columncolor{backtableheader}}l}{\color{fronttableheader}{\large\textsc{\upm@spec@detailspec@title}}} \\%
+ }
+ \gdef\upm@detailspec@start@hline{\hline}%
+ \upm@spec@showdescriptiontrue%
+ }
+ \upm@spec@showparamsfalse%
+ \upm@ifnotempty{\upm@spec@parameters}{%
+ \ifupm@spec@showdescription%
+ \gdef\upm@detailspec@separator{ & & & \\}%
+ \fi%
+ \upm@ifnotempty{\upm@spec@functions}{%
+ \gdef\upm@detailspec@separator{ & & & \\}%
+ }%
+ \upm@spec@showparamstrue%
+ }%
+ \vspace{.5cm}\noindent\begin{tabularx}{\the\upm@spec@detailspec@width}{|clr@{}>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X|}
+ \upm@spec@reserved@c%
+ \upm@detailspec@start@hline%
+ \ifupm@spec@showdescription
+ \multicolumn{4}{|X|}{%
+ \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}lX@{}}%
+ \upm@spec@lang@description: & \usebox{\upm@spec@detailspec@savebox} \\%
+ \end{tabularx}%
+ } \\%
+ \hline%
+ \fi
+ \upm@spec@functions%
+ \upm@detailspec@separator%
+ \ifupm@spec@showparams%
+ \multicolumn{4}{|X|}{%
+ \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}l@{}lX@{}}%
+ \upm@spec@parameters%
+ \end{tabularx}%
+ } \\%
+ \fi%
+ \ifupm@spec@showreturns%
+ \multicolumn{4}{|X|}{%
+ \textit{\upm@spec@lang@returned@values}: \newline%
+ \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}lX@{}}%
+ \upm@detailspec@return@section%
+ \end{tabularx}%
+ } \\%
+ \fi%
+ \upm@detailspec@end@hline%
+ \end{tabularx}\vspace{.5cm}%
+ \global\let\@arraycr\upm@arraycr
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+ \global\let\upm@spec@functions\relax%
+ \global\let\upm@spec@parameters\relax%
+ \global\let\upm@spec@global@return\relax%
+ \global\let\upm@spec@local@return\relax%
+ \global\let\upm@detailspec@return@section\relax%
+ \global\let\upm@spec@reserved@a\relax%
+ \global\let\upm@spec@reserved@b\relax%
+ \global\let\upm@spec@reserved@c\relax%
+ \global\let\upm@detailspec@separator\relax%
+ \global\let\upm@detailspec@start@hline\relax%
+ \global\let\upm@detailspec@end@hline\relax%
+ \upm@spec@showdescriptiontrue%
+ \gdef\upm@detailspec@start@hline{\hline}%
+ \gdef\upm@detailspec@end@hline{\hline}%
+ \begin{upm@spec@detailspec}[#1]{#2}%
+ \end{upm@spec@detailspec}%
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+ \gdef\upm@detailspec@start@hline{}%
+ \gdef\upm@detailspec@end@hline{}%
+ \begin{upm@spec@detailspec}[#1]{#2}%
+ \end{upm@spec@detailspec}%
--- /dev/null
+% Task management for Unified Process Methodology
+% Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Stephane GALLAND <galland@arakhne.org>
+% This program is free library; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
+% License, or any later version.
+% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% Lesser General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+% License along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not,
+% write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite
+% 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+% Creation date: 2006-04-20
+% Modifications:
+% 2009-10-30 Clean code.
+% 2007-03-19 Add localization.
+ \gdef\upm@lang@@{\message{**** upmethodology-task is using English language ****}}%
+ \gdef\upm@task@lang@task{Task}
+ \gdef\upm@task@lang@description{Description}
+ \gdef\upm@task@lang@startat{Start at}
+ \gdef\upm@task@lang@endat{End at}
+ \gdef\upm@task@lang@archieved{Archieved}
+ \gdef\upm@task@lang@managers{Managers}
+ \gdef\upm@task@lang@members{Members}
+ \gdef\upm@task@lang@milestones{Milestones}
+ \gdef\upm@task@lang@subtask{Sub-task of}
+ \gdef\upm@lang@@{\message{**** upmethodology-task is using French language ****}}%
+ \gdef\upm@task@lang@task{T\^ache}
+ \gdef\upm@task@lang@description{Description}
+ \gdef\upm@task@lang@startat{D\'ebut le}
+ \gdef\upm@task@lang@endat{Fin le}
+ \gdef\upm@task@lang@archieved{Termin\'ee}
+ \gdef\upm@task@lang@managers{R\'ef\'erent}
+ \gdef\upm@task@lang@members{Membres}
+ \gdef\upm@task@lang@milestones{\'Etapes}
+ \gdef\upm@task@lang@subtask{Sous-t\^ache de}
+%----- OPTIONS
+ \upm@task@lang@french
+ \upm@task@lang@french
+ \upm@task@lang@english
+ \protected@write\@auxout{}{\string\global\string\@namedef{upm@task@#1@#2}{#3}}%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\csname upm@task@#1@#2\endcsname}{#3}}{}{\@upm@task@rebuildtrue}%
+ \global\@namedef{upm@task@#1@#2}{#3}%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\csname upm@task@#1@#2\endcsname}{\@empty}}{%
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname upm@task@#1@#2\endcsname{#3}%
+ }{%
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname upm@task@#1@#2\endcsname{%
+ \csname upm@task@#1@#2\endcsname, #3%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \AtEndDocument{\protected@write\@auxout{}{\string\global\string\@namedef{upm@task@#1@#2}{\csname upm@task@#1@#2\endcsname}}}
+ \global\@namedef{upm@task@#1@managers}{}%
+ \global\@namedef{upm@task@#1@members}{}%
+ \global\@namedef{upm@task@#1@milestones}{}%
+ \newcommand{\taskname}[1]{\upm@task@define{#1}{name}{##1}}
+ \newcommand{\tasksuper}[1]{\upm@task@define{#1}{super}{##1}}
+ \newcommand{\taskcomment}[1]{\upm@task@define{#1}{comment}{##1}}%
+ \newcommand{\taskprogress}[1]{\upm@task@define{#1}{progress}{##1}}%
+ \newcommand{\taskstart}[1]{\upm@task@define{#1}{startat}{##1}}%
+ \newcommand{\taskend}[1]{\upm@task@define{#1}{endat}{##1}}%
+ \newcommand{\taskmanager}[1]{\upm@task@define@list{#1}{managers}{##1}}
+ \newcommand{\taskmember}[1]{%
+ \upm@task@define@list{#1}{members}{##1}%
+ }
+ \newcommand{\taskmilestone}[2]{%
+ \upm@task@define@list{#1}{milestones}{##1}%
+ \upm@task@define{#1}{ml@##1}{##2}%
+ %\global\@namedef{upm@task@#1@description@milestones}{\upm@task@lang@milestones: & \multicolumn{2}{X|}{\parbox[t]{1.9\linewidth}{\thetaskmembers{#1}}} \\}
+ }
+ \def\upm@task@currenttask{#1}
+ \if@upm@task@displaydescription\thetaskdescription{\upm@task@currenttask}\fi%
+ \let\upm@task@currenttask\relax%
+ \@upm@task@displaydescriptiontrue%
+ \upm@taskdescription{#1}%
+ \endupm@taskdescription%
+ \@upm@task@displaydescriptionfalse%
+ \upm@taskdescription{#1}%
+ \endupm@taskdescription%
+ \expandafter\providecommand\csname upm@task@#1@super\endcsname{??\@latex@warning{The task identified by '#1' was not found.}\@upm@task@rebuildtrue}%
+ \expandafter\csname upm@task@#1@super\endcsname%
+ \expandafter\providecommand\csname upm@task@#1@name\endcsname{??\@latex@warning{The task identified by '#1' was not found.}\@upm@task@rebuildtrue}%
+ \expandafter\csname upm@task@#1@name\endcsname%
+ \expandafter\providecommand\csname upm@task@#1@comment\endcsname{??\@latex@warning{The task identified by '#1' was not found.}\@upm@task@rebuildtrue}%
+ \expandafter\csname upm@task@#1@comment\endcsname%
+ \expandafter\providecommand\csname upm@task@#1@progress\endcsname{??\@latex@warning{The task identified by '#1' was not found.}\@upm@task@rebuildtrue}%
+ \expandafter\csname upm@task@#1@progress\endcsname%
+ \expandafter\providecommand\csname upm@task@#1@startat\endcsname{??\@latex@warning{The task identified by '#1' was not found.}\@upm@task@rebuildtrue}%
+ \expandafter\csname upm@task@#1@startat\endcsname%
+ \expandafter\providecommand\csname upm@task@#1@endat\endcsname{??\@latex@warning{The task identified by '#1' was not found.}\@upm@task@rebuildtrue}%
+ \expandafter\csname upm@task@#1@endat\endcsname%
+ \expandafter\providecommand\csname upm@task@#1@managers\endcsname{??\@latex@warning{The task identified by '#1' was not found.}\@upm@task@rebuildtrue}%
+ \expandafter\csname upm@task@#1@managers\endcsname%
+ \expandafter\providecommand\csname upm@task@#1@members\endcsname{??\@latex@warning{The task identified by '#1' was not found.}\@upm@task@rebuildtrue}%
+ \expandafter\csname upm@task@#1@members\endcsname%
+ \expandafter\providecommand\csname upm@task@#1@milestones\endcsname{??\@latex@warning{The task identified by '#1' was not found.}\@upm@task@rebuildtrue}%
+ \expandafter\csname upm@task@#1@milestones\endcsname%
+ \expandafter\providecommand\csname upm@task@#1@ml@#2\endcsname{??\@latex@warning{The task milestone identified by '#1' and '#2' was not found.}\@upm@task@rebuildtrue}%
+ \expandafter\csname upm@task@#1@ml@#2\endcsname%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\csname upm@task@#2@members\endcsname}{\@empty}}{
+ \gdef\upm@task@tmp@a{}%
+ }{%
+ \gdef\upm@task@tmp@a{\upm@task@lang@members: & \multicolumn{2}{X|}{\parbox[t]{1.9\linewidth}{\thetaskmembers{#2}}} \\}%
+ }%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\csname upm@task@#2@milestones\endcsname}{\@empty}}{
+ \gdef\upm@task@tmp@b{}%
+ }{%
+ \gdef\upm@task@tmp@b{\hline \upm@task@lang@milestones: &%
+ \multicolumn{2}{X|}{\parbox[t]{1.95\linewidth}{%
+ \edef\upm@task@tmp@c{\csname upm@task@#2@milestones\endcsname}%
+ \def\upm@task@tmp@e{}%
+ \@for\reserved@a:=\upm@task@tmp@c\do{%
+ \edef\upm@task@tmp@d{\expandafter\@upm@trim\reserved@a}%
+ \protected@edef\upm@task@tmp@e{\upm@task@tmp@e \protect\item[\upm@task@tmp@d~:] \protect\thetaskmilestonecomment{#2}{\upm@task@tmp@d}}%
+ }%
+ \begin{description}\upm@task@tmp@e\end{description}%
+ }} \\}%
+ }%
+ \vspace{.25cm}\noindent\begin{mtabular}[#1]{3}{|X|X|X|}
+ \tabulartitle{{\upm@task@lang@task}~\textit{#2}: \thetaskname{#2}}
+ \hline
+ %description
+ \upm@task@lang@description: & \multicolumn{2}{X|}{\parbox[t]{1.9\linewidth}{\thetaskcomment{#2}}} \\
+ %sub-task
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname upm@task@#2@super\endcsname\relax\else%
+ \upm@task@lang@subtask: & \multicolumn{2}{X|}{\parbox[t]{1.9\linewidth}{{\upm@task@lang@task}~\textit{\csname upm@task@#2@super\endcsname}}} \\
+ \fi
+ \hline
+ %dates
+ \upm@task@lang@startat: & \upm@task@lang@endat: & \upm@task@lang@archieved: \\
+ \thetaskstart{#2} & \thetaskend{#2} & \thetaskprogress{#2}\% \\
+ \hline
+ %manager
+ \upm@task@lang@managers: & \multicolumn{2}{X|}{\parbox[t]{1.9\linewidth}{\thetaskmanagers{#2}}} \\
+ %members
+ \upm@task@tmp@a
+ %milestones
+ \upm@task@tmp@b
+ %\@nameuse{upm@task@#1@description@milestones}
+ \hline
+ \end{mtabular}\par\vspace{.5cm}%
+ \if@upm@task@rebuild%
+ \@latex@warning@no@line{Project Task(s) may have changed.\MessageBreak%
+ Rerun to get cross-references right}\fi%
--- /dev/null
+% Version management for Unified Process Methodology
+% Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Stephane GALLAND <galland@arakhne.org>
+% Copyright (c) 2013 Stephane GALLAND <galland@arakhne.org>
+% This program is free library; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
+% License, or any later version.
+% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% Lesser General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+% License along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not,
+% write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite
+% 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ \gdef\upm@lang@@{\message{**** upmethodology-version is using English language ****}}%
+ \gdef\upm@lang@date{Date}
+ \gdef\upm@lang@updates{Updates}
+ \gdef\upm@lang@version{Version}
+ \gdef\upm@lang@version@history{Version History}
+ \gdef\upm@lang@restricted{Confidential}
+ \gdef\upm@lang@validable{Validable}
+ \gdef\upm@lang@validated{Validated}
+ \gdef\upm@lang@public{Public}
+ \gdef\upm@lang@@{\message{**** upmethodology-version is using French language ****}}%
+ \gdef\upm@lang@date{Date}
+ \gdef\upm@lang@updates{Modifications}
+ \gdef\upm@lang@version{Version}
+ \gdef\upm@lang@version@history{Historique}
+ \gdef\upm@lang@restricted{Confidentiel}
+ \gdef\upm@lang@validable{Validable}
+ \gdef\upm@lang@validated{Valid\'e}
+ \gdef\upm@lang@public{Publique}
+ \upm@version@lang@french
+ \upm@version@lang@french
+ \upm@version@lang@english
+%tmp counter
+% Internal information: first and last registered dates
+%increment major part of version number
+ \upm@tmp@a=#1\advance\upm@tmp@a + 1%
+ \global\edef\theupmversion{\the\upm@tmp@a.0}%
+%increment minor part of version number
+ \upm@tmp@a=#2\advance\upm@tmp@a + 1%
+ \global\edef\theupmversion{#1.\the\upm@tmp@a}%
+%list of updates
+%add an update to the list
+ \global\protected@edef\upm@update@list{%
+ \upm@update@list%
+ #1 & #2 & #3 \protect\\%
+ }
+% Available status' constants
+% Replies the modification date of the given version
+% Replies the modification description of the given version
+% Replies the status of the given version
+ \gdef\theupmdate{#2}%
+ \gdef\theupmlastmodif{#3}%
+ \gdef\theupmstatus{#4}%
+ \ifx\upm@thefirstdate\@undefined
+ \global\edef\upm@thefirstdate{#2}
+ \fi
+ \global\edef\upm@thelastdate{#2}
+ \@namedef{upm@version@#1@updatedate}{#2}%
+ \@namedef{upm@version@#1@description}{#3}%
+ \@namedef{upm@version@#1@level}{#4}%
+ \upm@addupdatetolist{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}%
+ \gdef\theupmversion{#1}%
+ \upm@updateversion{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}%
+ \updateversion{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}%
+ \expandafter\upm@incmajorversion\theupmversion%
+ \upm@updateversion{\theupmversion}{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \expandafter\upm@incminorversion\theupmversion%
+ \upm@updateversion{\theupmversion}{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+% Version variables
+% Display the version history
+ \noindent\expandafter\begin{mtabular}[#1]{3}{|c|c|X|}
+ \tabulartitle{\upm@lang@version@history}%
+ \tabularheader{\upm@lang@version}{\upm@lang@date}{\upm@lang@updates}%
+ \upm@update@list
+ \hline
+ \expandafter\end{mtabular}\par\vspace{.5cm}%
+% Copyright date
+ \ifx\upm@thefirstdate\@undefined%
+ \edef\upm@tmp@copyright@a{\the\year}%
+ \else%
+ \edef\upm@tmp@copyright@a{\extractyear{\upm@thefirstdate}}%
+ \fi%
+ \ifx\upm@thelastdate\@undefined%
+ \def\upm@tmp@copyright@b{\the\year}%
+ \else%
+ \edef\upm@tmp@copyright@b{\extractyear{\upm@thelastdate}}%
+ \fi%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\upm@tmp@copyright@a}{\upm@tmp@copyright@b}}{%
+ \upm@tmp@copyright@a%
+ }{%
+ \upm@tmp@copyright@a-\upm@tmp@copyright@b%
+ }%
--- /dev/null
+%% This is file `yfonts.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% yfonts.dtx (with options: `package')
+%% For the copyright see the source file.
+%% Any modified versions of this file must be renamed
+%% with new filenames distinct from yfonts.sty.
+%% For distribution of the original source see the terms
+%% for copying and modification in the file yfonts.dtx.
+%% This generated file may be distributed as long as the
+%% original source files, as listed above, are part of the
+%% same distribution. (The sources need not necessarily be
+%% in the same archive or directory.)
+ [2003/01/08 v1.3 (WaS)]
+ <10><10.95><12><14.4><17.28><20.74><24.88>ysmfrak}{}
+ {SS}
+\hangindent=\wd0\hangafter=-4\advance\hangindent by .25em
+\hskip-\wd0 \hskip-.25em
+\def\fraklines{\baselineskip\f@size dd\relax}
+%% End of file `yfonts.sty'.