-Let $P$ be the matrix of a Markov chain on $\Bool^{\mathsf{N}}$. $P(X,\cdot)$ is the
-distribution induced by the $X$-th row of $P$. If the Markov chain induced by
-$P$ has a stationary distribution $\pi$, then we define
+Let $P$ be the matrix of a Markov chain on $\Bool^{\mathsf{N}}$. For any
+$X\in \Bool^{\mathsf{N}}$, let $P(X,\cdot)$ be the distribution induced by the
+${\rm bin}(X)$-th row of $P$, where ${\rm bin}(X)$ is the integer whose
+binary encoding is $X$. If the Markov chain induced by $P$ has a stationary
+distribution $\pi$, then we define