-and the generator is unsuitable. Table~\ref{The passing rate} shows $\mathbb{P}_T$ of sequences based on discrete
-chaotic iterations using different schemes. If there are at least two statistical values in a test, this test is
+and the generator is unsuitable.
+Table~\ref{The passing rate} shows $\mathbb{P}_T$ of sequences based
+on $\chi_{\textit{16HamG}}$ using different functions, namely
+$\textcircled{a}$,\ldots, $\textcircled{e}$.
+In this algorithm implementation,
+the embedded PRNG \textit{Random} is the default Python PRNG, \textit{i.e.},
+the Mersenne Twister Algorithm~\cite{matsumoto1998mersenne}.
+Implementations for $\mathsf{N}=4, \dots, 8$ of this algorithm is evaluated
+through the NIST test suite and results are given in columns
+$\textit{MT}_4$, \ldots, $\textit{MT}_8$.
+If there are at least two statistical values in a test, this test is