\psi=\frac{N\frac{\Delta T}{\delta t}\mathcal{C}_\mathcal{F}}{\left(k+1\right)N\mathcal{C}_\mathcal{G}\frac{\Delta T}{\delta T}+k\mathcal{C}_\mathcal{F}\frac{\Delta T}{\delta t}}=\frac{N}{\left(k+1\right)N\frac{\mathcal{C}_\mathcal{G}}{\mathcal{C}_\mathcal{F}}\frac{\delta t}{\delta T}+k}.
-If we additionally assume that the time spent on coarse propagation is negligible compared to the time spent on the fine propagation, i.e., the limit $\frac{\mathcal{C}_\mathcal{G}}{\mathcal{C}_\mathcal{F}}\frac{\delta t}{\delta T}\rightarrow0$, the estimate reduces to $\psi=\frac{N}{k}$. It is thus clear that the number of iterations $k$ for the algorithm to converge poses an upper bound on obtainable parallel efficiency. The number of iterations needed for convergence is intimately coupled with the ratio $R$ between the speed of the fine and the coarse integrators $\frac{\mathcal{C}_\mathcal{F}}{\mathcal{C}_\mathcal{G}}\frac{\delta T}{\delta t}$. Using a slow, but more accurate coarse integrator will lead to convergence in fewer iterations $k$, but at the same time it also makes $R$ smaller. Ultimately, this will degrade the obtained speedup as can be deduced from \eqref{ch5:eq:EstiSpeedBasicPara}, and by Amdahl's law it will also lower the upper bound on possible attainable speedup. Thus, $R$ \emph{cannot} be made arbitrarily large since the ratio is inversely proportional to the number of iterations $k$ needed for convergence. This poses a challenge in obtaining speedup and is a trade-off between time spent on the fundamentally sequential part of the algorithm and the number of iterations needed for convergence. It is particularly important to consider this trade-off in the choice of stopping strategy; a more thorough discussion on this topic is available in \cite{ch5:ASNP12} for the interested reader. Measurements on parallel efficiency are typically observed in the literature to be in the range of 20--50\%, depending on the problem and the number of time subdomains, which is also confirmed by our measurements using GPUs. Here we include a demonstration of the obtained speedup of parareal applied to the two-dimensional heat problem \eqref{ch5:eq:heateq}. In Figure \ref{ch5:fig:pararealRvsGPUs} the iterations needed for convergence using the forward Euler method for both fine and coarse integration are presented. $R$ is regulated by changing the time step size for the coarse integrator. In Figure \ref{ch5:fig:pararealGPUs} speedup and parallel efficiency measurements are presented. Notice, when using many GPUs it is advantageous to use a faster, less accurate coarse propagator, despite it requires an extra parareal iteration that increases the total computational complexity.
+If we additionally assume that the time spent on coarse propagation is negligible compared to the time spent on the fine propagation, i.e., the limit $\frac{\mathcal{C}_\mathcal{G}}{\mathcal{C}_\mathcal{F}}\frac{\delta t}{\delta T}\rightarrow0$, the estimate reduces to $\psi=\frac{N}{k}$. It is thus clear that the number of iterations $k$ for the algorithm to converge poses an upper bound on obtainable parallel efficiency. The number of iterations needed for convergence is intimately coupled with the ratio $R$ between the speed of the fine and the coarse integrators $\frac{\mathcal{C}_\mathcal{F}}{\mathcal{C}_\mathcal{G}}\frac{\delta T}{\delta t}$. Using a slow, but more accurate coarse integrator will lead to convergence in fewer iterations $k$, but at the same time it also makes $R$ smaller. Ultimately, this will degrade the obtained speedup as can be deduced from \eqref{ch5:eq:EstiSpeedBasicPara}, and by Amdahl's law it will also lower the upper bound on possible attainable speedup. Thus, $R$ \emph{cannot} be made arbitrarily large since the ratio is inversely proportional to the number of iterations $k$ needed for convergence. This poses a challenge in obtaining speedup and is a trade-off between time spent on the fundamentally sequential part of the algorithm and the number of iterations needed for convergence. It is particularly important to consider this trade-off in the choice of stopping strategy; a more thorough discussion on this topic is available in \cite{ch5:ASNP12} for the interested reader. Measurements on parallel efficiency are typically observed in the literature to be in the range of 20--50\%, depending on the problem and the number of time subdomains, which is also confirmed by our measurements using GPUs. Here we include a demonstration of the obtained speedup of parareal applied to the two-dimensional heat problem \eqref{ch5:eq:heateq}. In Figure \ref{ch5:fig:pararealRvsGPUs} the iterations needed for convergence using the forward Euler method for both fine and coarse integration are presented. $R$ is regulated by changing the time step size for the coarse integrator. In Figure \ref{ch5:fig:pararealGPUs} speedup and parallel efficiency measurements are presented. Notice, when using many GPUs it is advantageous to use a faster, less accurate coarse propagator, despite it requires an extra parareal iteration that increases the total computational complexity.\eject
\subfigure[Iterations $K$ needed to obtain a relative error less than $10^{-5}$.]{
- }
+ }\vspace*{-8pt}
\caption[Parareal convergence properties as a function of $R$ and number of GPUs used.]{Parareal convergence properties as a function of $R$ and number of GPUs used. The error is measured as the relative difference between the purely sequential solution and the parareal solution.}\label{ch5:fig:pararealRvsGPUs}
\subfigure[Measured parallel efficiency]{
- }
+ }\vspace*{-8pt}
- \caption[Parareal performance properties as a function of $R$ and number of GPUs used.]{Parareal performance properties as a function of $R$ and number GPUs used. Notice how the obtained performance depends greatly on the choice of $R$ as a function of the number of GPUs. Executed on test environment 3.}\label{ch5:fig:pararealGPUs}
+ \caption[Parareal performance properties as a function of $R$ and number of GPUs used.]{Parareal performance properties as a function of $R$ and number GPUs used. Notice how the obtained performance depends greatly on the choice of $R$ as a function of the number of GPUs. Executed on test environment 3.}\label{ch5:fig:pararealGPUs}\vspace*{-12pt}
%TODO: Do we make this into a subsubsection:
%\subsubsection{Library Implementation}\label{ch5:subsec:libimpl}
- \caption{Complete overlap of internode CPU communications, CPU/GPU data transfers, and GPU
+ \caption[Complete overlap of internode CPU communications,\break\hfill CPU/GPU data transfers, and GPU
+ computations, interleaving computation-communication iterations.]{Complete overlap of internode CPU communications, CPU/GPU data transfers, and GPU
computations, interleaving computation-communication iterations.}
% Main document
-\chapterauthor{Sylvain Contassot-Vivier}{Université Lorraine, Loria UMR 7503 \& AlGorille INRIA Project Team, Nancy, France.}
-\chapterauthor{Stephane Vialle}{SUPELEC, UMI GT-CNRS 2958 \& AlGorille INRIA Project Team, Metz, France.}
-\chapterauthor{Jens Gustedt}{INRIA Nancy--Grand Est, AlGorille INRIA Project Team, Strasbourg, France.}
+\chapterauthor{Sylvain Contassot-Vivier}{Université Lorraine, Loria UMR 7503 \& AlGorille INRIA Project Team, Nancy, France}
+\chapterauthor{Stephane Vialle}{SUPELEC, UMI GT-CNRS 2958 \& AlGorille INRIA Project Team, Metz, France}
+\chapterauthor{Jens Gustedt}{INRIA Nancy--Grand Est, AlGorille INRIA Project Team, Strasbourg, France}
\chapter{Development methodologies for GPU and cluster of GPUs}
satisfied. \emph{Evolutionary algorithms}, \emph{swarm
optimization}, and \emph{ant colonies} fall into this class.
\section{Parallel models for metaheuristics}\label{ch8:sec:paraMeta}
Optimization problems, whether real-life or academic, are more
often NP-hard and CPU time and/or memory consuming. Metaheuristics
solution-level\index{metaheuristics!solution-level parallelism}
parallel model is problem-dependent.}
\section[Challenges for the design of GPU-based metaheuristics]{Challenges for the design of GPU-based\hfill\break metaheuristics}
concurrently access) on the constant memory, and the most accessed
data structures (e.g., population of individuals for a CUDA thread
block) on the shared memory.
\subsection{Threads synchronization}
\index{GPU!threads synchronization} The thread
synchronization issue is caused by both the GPU architecture and
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