# Rules and targets
include ../../common/common.mk
+ echo $(NVCCFLAGS)
\ No newline at end of file
#define BSMAX 512
#define MAX(x,y) ( ( (x)>=(y) )?(x):(y) )
#define ABS(x) ( ((x)>0)?(x):-(x))
-#define DEC 4
-#define DEC2 8
+#define DEC 3
+#define DEC2 6
#define CONFLICT_FREE_OFFSET(index) ( ((index) >>(DEC)) + ((index) >>(DEC2) ) )
#define CFO(index) ( ( (index) >>(DEC) ) + ( (index) >>(DEC2) ) )
#define CFI(index) ( (index) + (CFO(index)) )
texture<int, 2, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_img_in ;
texture<int, 2, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_img_estim ;
texture<int, 2, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_img_lniv ;
-texture<int2, 2, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_paths ;
+texture<ushort, 2, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_paths ;
* considérés pour le calcul de chemins (float tangente[]).
-__global__ void kernel_calcul_paths( int2 * d_paths, unsigned int r){
+__global__ void kernel_calcul_paths( ushort * d_paths, unsigned int r){
unsigned int idpath = 0 ;
int ic, jc, iprec, jprec ;
float offset = 0.5 ;
unsigned int basepath = 0 ;
+ char MSQ, LSQ ;
// Q1 inf
for (int a=0 ; a< 4 ; a++){ // les 4 angles 0,15,30 et 45
for (int p=0 ; p< r ; p++){ // les r points
ic = r-1 - floor(tangente[a]*p + offset) ;
if ( p > 0 ){
- d_paths[idpath*(r-1)+p-1].x = ic - iprec ;
- d_paths[idpath*(r-1)+p-1].y = 1 ;
+ MSQ = ic - iprec ;
+ LSQ = 1 ;
+ //d_paths[idpath*(r-1)+p-1].x = ic - iprec ;
+ //d_paths[idpath*(r-1)+p-1].y = 1 ;
+ d_paths[idpath*(r-1)+p-1] = ((short)MSQ << 8) | LSQ ;
iprec = ic ;
for (int p=0 ; p< r ; p++){ // les r points
jc = floor(tangente[a]*p + offset) ;
if ( p > 0 ){
- d_paths[idpath*(r-1)+p-1].x = -1 ;
- d_paths[idpath*(r-1)+p-1].y = jc - jprec ;
+ MSQ = -1 ;
+ LSQ = jc - jprec ;
+ d_paths[idpath*(r-1)+p-1] = ((short)MSQ << 8) | LSQ ;
+ //d_paths[idpath*(r-1)+p-1].x = -1 ;
+ //d_paths[idpath*(r-1)+p-1].y = jc - jprec ;
jprec = jc ;
basepath += 6 ;
for (int a=0 ; a< 6 ; a++){ // les 6 angles 90,105,120,135,150,165
for (int p=0 ; p<r-1 ; p++){ // les r points
- d_paths[idpath*(r-1)+p].x = -d_paths[(idpath - basepath)*(r-1)+p].y ;
- d_paths[idpath*(r-1)+p].y = d_paths[(idpath - basepath)*(r-1)+p].x ;
+ MSQ = - ( d_paths[(idpath - basepath)*(r-1)+p] & 0x00FF ) ;
+ LSQ = ( d_paths[(idpath - basepath)*(r-1)+p] >> 8 ) ;
+ d_paths[idpath*(r-1)+p-1] = ((short)MSQ << 8) | LSQ ;
+ //d_paths[idpath*(r-1)+p].x = -d_paths[(idpath - basepath)*(r-1)+p].y ;
+ //d_paths[idpath*(r-1)+p].y = d_paths[(idpath - basepath)*(r-1)+p].x ;
idpath++ ;
basepath += 6 ;
for (int a=0 ; a< 6 ; a++){ // les 6 angles 180,195,210,225,240,255
for (int p=0 ; p<r-1 ; p++){ // les r points
- d_paths[idpath*(r-1)+p].x = -d_paths[(idpath - basepath)*(r-1)+p].x ;
- d_paths[idpath*(r-1)+p].y = -d_paths[(idpath - basepath)*(r-1)+p].y ;
+ MSQ = - ( d_paths[(idpath - basepath)*(r-1)+p] >> 8 ) ;
+ LSQ = - ( d_paths[(idpath - basepath)*(r-1)+p] & 0x00FF ) ;
+ d_paths[idpath*(r-1)+p-1] = ((short)MSQ << 8) | LSQ ;
+ //d_paths[idpath*(r-1)+p].x = -d_paths[(idpath - basepath)*(r-1)+p].x ;
+ //d_paths[idpath*(r-1)+p].y = -d_paths[(idpath - basepath)*(r-1)+p].y ;
idpath++ ;
basepath += 6 ;
for (int a=0 ; a< 6 ; a++){ // les 6 angles 270,285,300,315,330,345
for (int p=0 ; p<r-1 ; p++){ // les r points
- d_paths[idpath*(r-1)+p].x = d_paths[(idpath - basepath)*(r-1)+p].y ;
- d_paths[idpath*(r-1)+p].y = -d_paths[(idpath - basepath)*(r-1)+p].x ;
+ MSQ = d_paths[(idpath - basepath)*(r-1)+p] & 0x00FF ;
+ LSQ = - ( d_paths[(idpath - basepath)*(r-1)+p] >> 8 ) ;
+ d_paths[idpath*(r-1)+p-1] = ((short)MSQ << 8) | LSQ ;
+ //d_paths[idpath*(r-1)+p].x = d_paths[(idpath - basepath)*(r-1)+p].y ;
+ //d_paths[idpath*(r-1)+p].y = -d_paths[(idpath - basepath)*(r-1)+p].x ;
idpath++ ;
* Execution sur des blocs de threads 2D et une grille 2D
* selon les dimensions de l'image.
* L'image d'entrée doit être au préalable en mémoire texture pointée par "tex_img_estim".
- * Les matrices des chemins sont, elles, pointées par "tex_paths"
+ * Les matrices des chemins sont, elles, préalablement chargées en SHMEM depuis la texture"
* Cette version ne fournit pas les indices des chemins pour les tracé éventuel des lniv.
__global__ void kernel_levelines_texture(unsigned int * img_out, unsigned int L, unsigned int H, unsigned int r)
- // coordonnes du point dans l'image
+ // coordonnees du point dans le bloc
+ unsigned int iib = threadIdx.x ;
+ unsigned int jib = threadIdx.y ;
+ // coordonnees du point dans l'image
unsigned int i = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
unsigned int j = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
int idpath, idpix ;
unsigned int mse_min, mse_cur, val ;
uint2 mse ;
+ short texVal ;
+ extern __shared__ short shPath[] ;
+ unsigned int absPos = jib*8 + iib ;
+ if ( absPos < PSIZE_I ){
+ for ( idpix = 0; idpix < lpath-1; idpix++){
+ shPath[ idpix*24 + absPos ] = tex2D(tex_paths, idpix, absPos) ;
+ }
+ syncthreads() ;
+ }
z = tex2D(tex_img_estim, j, i) ;
mse.x = z ;
mse.y = z*z ;
for( idpix=0; idpix < lpath-1 ; idpix++ ) {
- ic += tex2D(tex_paths, idpix, idpath).x ;
- jc += tex2D(tex_paths, idpix, idpath).y ;
+ texVal = shPath[ idpix*24 + idpath ] ;
+ ic += (char)(texVal>>8) ;
+ jc += (char)(texVal) ;
zc = tex2D(tex_img_estim, jc, ic) ;
mse.x += zc ;
mse.y += zc*zc ;
- *
- * \brief determine les lniv en chaque point de l'image
- * \author zulu - AND
- *
- * \param[in] L Largeur de l'image
- * \param[in] H Hauteur de l'image
- * \param[in] r longueur des segments
- *
- * \param[out] img_out image des lniv
- *
- * Execution sur des blocs de threads 2D et une grille 2D
- * selon les dimensions de l'image.
- * L'image d'entrée doit être au préalable en mémoire texture pointée par "tex_img_estim".
- * Les matrices des chemins sont, elles, pointées par "tex_paths"
- * Cette version ne fournit pas les indices des chemins pour les tracé éventuel des lniv.
- * Cette version tente d'utiliser la shared memory pour compenser la baisse de perf due aux chemins
- * paramétrables non constants.
- */
-__global__ void kernel_levelines_texture_smem(unsigned int * img_out, unsigned int L, unsigned int H, unsigned int r)
- // coordonnées du point dans le bloc
- unsigned int iib = threadIdx.x ;
- unsigned int jib = threadIdx.y ;
- // coordonnes du point dans l'image
- unsigned int i = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + iib ;
- unsigned int j = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + jib ;
- // nb de points par chemin
- int lpath = r ;
- int ic, jc ;
- int idpath, idpix ;
- unsigned int val, mse_cur, mse_min, z, zc ;
- uint2 mse_data ;
- //__shared__ unsigned int val_img[16*16] ;
- //val_img[jib*16+iib] = tex2D(tex_img_estim, j, i) ;
- if((i>=lpath)&&(i<=H-lpath)&&(j>=lpath)&&(j<=L-lpath)){
- z = tex2D(tex_img_estim, j, i) ;
- for( idpath=0; idpath < PSIZE_I ; idpath++) {
- ic = i ;
- jc = j ;
- mse_data.x = z ;
- mse_data.y = z*z ;
- mse_min = mse_data.y - mse_data.x/lpath*mse_data.y ;
- for( idpix=0; idpix < lpath-1 ; idpix++ ) {
- ic += tex2D(tex_paths, idpix, idpath).x ;
- jc += tex2D(tex_paths, idpix, idpath).y ;
- zc = tex2D(tex_img_estim, jc, ic) ;
- mse_data.x += zc ;
- mse_data.y += zc*zc ;
- }
- // critere de selection du chemin ( SUM_(X2) - SUM_(X)2 / lpath )
- // TODO cherchera ameliorer pour vitesse
- mse_cur = ( mse_data.y - ( mse_data.x / lpath ) * mse_data.x ) ;
- if ( mse_cur < mse_min ){
- mse_min = mse_cur ;
- val = mse_data.x ;
- }
- }
- img_out[ i*L + j ] = val / lpath ;
- }
* \brief trace les segments sur un maillage carré
* execution sur des blocs de threads 2D et une grille 2D
* selon les dimensions de l'image
__global__ void kernel_trace_levelines(unsigned int * img_in, unsigned int * dir, unsigned int * img_out,
unsigned int L, unsigned int H, unsigned int pas, unsigned int ng,
unsigned int r ){
<datetime>21 Jun 2011 10:47:10</datetime>
- <device multProcessorCount="30" warpSize="32" textureAlignment="256" maxRegPerBlock="16384" computeCapability="1.3" maxThreadPerBlock="512" totalConstMem="65536" maxGridDim="65535 65535" maxShareMemPerBlock="16384" id="0" chip="160" maxBlockDim="512 512 64" GpuOverlap="1" name="Tesla C1060" label="Device_0" clockFreq="1296000" maxPitchMem="2147483647" >
+ <device multProcessorCount="30" warpSize="32" textureAlignment="256" maxRegPerBlock="16384" computeCapability="1.3" maxThreadPerBlock="512" maxGridDim="65535 65535" maxShareMemPerBlock="16384" id="0" chip="160" maxBlockDim="512 512 64" GpuOverlap="1" name="Tesla C1060" label="Device_0" clockFreq="1296000" maxPitchMem="2147483647" >
<context totalcountercount="0" invalidcountercount="0" id="0" label="Context_0" truncatedcountercount="0" trace="1" >
<run number="2" >branch,divergent_branch,instructions,warp_serialize</run>
<run number="3" >cta_launched,local_load,local_store,gld_32b</run>
<datetime>21 Jun 2011 10:50:54</datetime>
- <device multProcessorCount="30" warpSize="32" textureAlignment="256" maxRegPerBlock="16384" computeCapability="1.3" maxThreadPerBlock="512" totalConstMem="65536" maxGridDim="65535 65535" maxShareMemPerBlock="16384" id="0" chip="160" maxBlockDim="512 512 64" GpuOverlap="1" name="Tesla C1060" label="Device_0" clockFreq="1296000" maxPitchMem="2147483647" >
+ <device multProcessorCount="30" warpSize="32" textureAlignment="256" maxRegPerBlock="16384" computeCapability="1.3" maxThreadPerBlock="512" maxGridDim="65535 65535" maxShareMemPerBlock="16384" id="0" chip="160" maxBlockDim="512 512 64" GpuOverlap="1" name="Tesla C1060" label="Device_0" clockFreq="1296000" maxPitchMem="2147483647" >
<context totalcountercount="0" invalidcountercount="0" id="0" label="Context_0" truncatedcountercount="0" trace="0" >
<run number="2" >branch,divergent_branch,instructions,warp_serialize</run>
<run number="3" >cta_launched,local_load,local_store,gld_32b</run>
<datetime>21 Jun 2011 11:10:33</datetime>
- <device multProcessorCount="30" warpSize="32" textureAlignment="256" maxRegPerBlock="16384" computeCapability="1.3" maxThreadPerBlock="512" totalConstMem="65536" maxGridDim="65535 65535" maxShareMemPerBlock="16384" id="0" chip="160" maxBlockDim="512 512 64" GpuOverlap="1" name="Tesla C1060" label="Device_0" clockFreq="1296000" maxPitchMem="2147483647" >
+ <device multProcessorCount="30" warpSize="32" textureAlignment="256" maxRegPerBlock="16384" computeCapability="1.3" maxThreadPerBlock="512" maxGridDim="65535 65535" maxShareMemPerBlock="16384" id="0" chip="160" maxBlockDim="512 512 64" GpuOverlap="1" name="Tesla C1060" label="Device_0" clockFreq="1296000" maxPitchMem="2147483647" >
<context totalcountercount="0" invalidcountercount="0" id="0" label="Context_0" truncatedcountercount="0" trace="0" >
<run number="2" >branch,divergent_branch,instructions,warp_serialize</run>
<run number="3" >cta_launched,local_load,local_store,gld_32b</run>
<datetime>21 Jun 2011 11:16:24</datetime>
- <device multProcessorCount="30" warpSize="32" textureAlignment="256" maxRegPerBlock="16384" computeCapability="1.3" maxThreadPerBlock="512" totalConstMem="65536" maxGridDim="65535 65535" maxShareMemPerBlock="16384" id="0" chip="160" maxBlockDim="512 512 64" GpuOverlap="1" name="Tesla C1060" label="Device_0" clockFreq="1296000" maxPitchMem="2147483647" >
+ <device multProcessorCount="30" warpSize="32" textureAlignment="256" maxRegPerBlock="16384" computeCapability="1.3" maxThreadPerBlock="512" maxGridDim="65535 65535" maxShareMemPerBlock="16384" id="0" chip="160" maxBlockDim="512 512 64" GpuOverlap="1" name="Tesla C1060" label="Device_0" clockFreq="1296000" maxPitchMem="2147483647" >
<context totalcountercount="0" invalidcountercount="0" id="0" label="Context_0" truncatedcountercount="0" trace="0" >
<run number="2" >branch,divergent_branch,instructions,warp_serialize</run>
<run number="3" >cta_launched,local_load,local_store,gld_32b</run>
<datetime>21 Jun 2011 11:30:11</datetime>
- <device multProcessorCount="30" warpSize="32" textureAlignment="256" maxRegPerBlock="16384" computeCapability="1.3" maxThreadPerBlock="512" totalConstMem="65536" maxGridDim="65535 65535" maxShareMemPerBlock="16384" id="0" chip="160" maxBlockDim="512 512 64" GpuOverlap="1" name="Tesla C1060" label="Device_0" clockFreq="1296000" maxPitchMem="2147483647" >
- <context totalcountercount="0" invalidcountercount="0" id="0" label="Context_0" truncatedcountercount="0" trace="0" >
- <run number="2" >branch,divergent_branch,instructions,warp_serialize</run>
- <run number="3" >cta_launched,local_load,local_store,gld_32b</run>
- <run number="4" >gld_64b,gld_128b,gst_32b,gst_64b</run>
- <run number="5" >gst_128b</run>
- <run number="6" >gld_request,gst_request</run>
- <run number="7" >tex_cache_hit,tex_cache_miss</run>
- </context>
- </device>
- </session>
- <session>
- <name>Session19</name>
- <progpath>"/home/perrot/NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK/C/bin/linux/release/lniv"</progpath>
- <cmdlineargs>4 0 15 /home/perrot/Images/cochons/cochon_512b.pgm</cmdlineargs>
- <workdirpath>/home/perrot/NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK/C/src/lniv_gpu</workdirpath>
- <datetime>21 Jun 2011 14:10:47</datetime>
- <normalizedcounter>false</normalizedcounter>
- <device multProcessorCount="30" warpSize="32" textureAlignment="256" maxRegPerBlock="16384" computeCapability="1.3" maxThreadPerBlock="512" totalConstMem="65536" maxGridDim="65535 65535" maxShareMemPerBlock="16384" id="0" chip="160" maxBlockDim="512 512 64" GpuOverlap="1" name="Tesla C1060" label="Device_0" clockFreq="1296000" maxPitchMem="2147483647" >
+ <device multProcessorCount="30" warpSize="32" textureAlignment="256" maxRegPerBlock="16384" computeCapability="1.3" maxThreadPerBlock="512" maxGridDim="65535 65535" maxShareMemPerBlock="16384" id="0" chip="160" maxBlockDim="512 512 64" GpuOverlap="1" name="Tesla C1060" label="Device_0" clockFreq="1296000" maxPitchMem="2147483647" >
<context totalcountercount="0" invalidcountercount="0" id="0" label="Context_0" truncatedcountercount="0" trace="0" >
<run number="2" >branch,divergent_branch,instructions,warp_serialize</run>
<run number="3" >cta_launched,local_load,local_store,gld_32b</run>
- <name>Session21</name>
+ <name>smemPaths</name>
<cmdlineargs>4 0 15 /home/perrot/Images/cochons/cochon_512b.pgm</cmdlineargs>
- <datetime>21 Jun 2011 14:27:50</datetime>
+ <datetime>22 Jun 2011 11:18:26</datetime>
<device multProcessorCount="30" warpSize="32" textureAlignment="256" maxRegPerBlock="16384" computeCapability="1.3" maxThreadPerBlock="512" totalConstMem="65536" maxGridDim="65535 65535" maxShareMemPerBlock="16384" id="0" chip="160" maxBlockDim="512 512 64" GpuOverlap="1" name="Tesla C1060" label="Device_0" clockFreq="1296000" maxPitchMem="2147483647" >
<context totalcountercount="0" invalidcountercount="0" id="0" label="Context_0" truncatedcountercount="0" trace="0" >
- <name>Session22</name>
+ <name>Session17</name>
<cmdlineargs>4 0 15 /home/perrot/Images/cochons/cochon_512b.pgm</cmdlineargs>
- <datetime>21 Jun 2011 14:34:00</datetime>
+ <datetime>22 Jun 2011 11:27:01</datetime>
<device multProcessorCount="30" warpSize="32" textureAlignment="256" maxRegPerBlock="16384" computeCapability="1.3" maxThreadPerBlock="512" totalConstMem="65536" maxGridDim="65535 65535" maxShareMemPerBlock="16384" id="0" chip="160" maxBlockDim="512 512 64" GpuOverlap="1" name="Tesla C1060" label="Device_0" clockFreq="1296000" maxPitchMem="2147483647" >
<context totalcountercount="0" invalidcountercount="0" id="0" label="Context_0" truncatedcountercount="0" trace="0" >
--- /dev/null
+# TIMESTAMPFACTOR fffff6ef6d4ddfa0
+# CUDA_DEVICE 0 Tesla C1060
--- /dev/null
+# TIMESTAMPFACTOR fffff6ef6cfa6038
+# CUDA_DEVICE 0 Tesla C1060
cutilCheckError( cutStopTimer(timer) );
size = H * L * sizeof( unsigned int );
- psize = (r-1)*PSIZE_I*sizeof(int2) ;
+ psize = (r-1)*PSIZE_I*sizeof(ushort) ;
printf("Longueur des chemins = %d pixels\n", r);
printf("Init GPU + Image %s %d x %d = %d pixels en %f ms,\n", image_path, L, H, size, cutGetTimerValue(timer));
// allocation mem GPU
unsigned int * d_directions =NULL ;
unsigned int * d_lniv, * d_estim = NULL ;
- int2 * d_paths ;
+ ushort * d_paths ;
cutilSafeCall( cudaMalloc( (void**) &d_directions, size)) ;
cutilSafeCall( cudaMalloc( (void**) &d_lniv, size ) );
// allocate array and copy image data
cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDesc = cudaCreateChannelDesc(32, 0, 0, 0, cudaChannelFormatKindUnsigned);
- cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDescP = cudaCreateChannelDesc(32, 32, 0, 0, cudaChannelFormatKindSigned);
+ //cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDescP = cudaCreateChannelDesc(8, 8, 0, 0, cudaChannelFormatKindSigned);
+ cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDescP = cudaCreateChannelDesc<ushort>();
cudaArray * array_img_in, *array_img_estim, *array_img_lniv, *array_paths;
cutilSafeCall( cudaMallocArray( &array_img_in, &channelDesc, L, H ));
* APPELS KERNELS et chronos
- dimBlock = dim3(16,16,1) ;
+ dimBlock = dim3(8,8,1) ;
dimGrid = dim3( H / dimBlock.x,L / dimBlock.y, 1 ) ;
// pour enregistrement image lniv GPU
for ( iter =0 ; iter < nb_iter ; iter++ )
cutilSafeCall( cudaMemcpyToArray( array_img_estim, 0, 0, d_estim, size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice)) ;
- kernel_levelines_texture_smem<<< dimGrid, dimBlock, 0 >>>( d_lniv, L, H, r );
+ //version avec/sans tentative d'utilisation de smem ( pas probante )
+ kernel_levelines_texture<<< dimGrid, dimBlock, 24*(r-1)*sizeof(short) >>>( d_lniv, L, H, r );
cutilSafeCall( cudaMemcpyToArray( array_img_lniv, 0, 0, d_lniv, size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice)) ;
if (seq_out){
sprintf(image_out, "%s%d%s", image_out_base, iter+1, pgm_ext) ;
* recuperation matrice des chemins pour affichage
+ /*
int2 * h_paths = new int2[(r-1)*PSIZE_I] ;
cutilSafeCall( cudaMemcpyFromArray(h_paths , array_paths, 0, 0, psize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) );
- /*
//verif Di
printf("matrice Di");
for(int idpath=0; idpath< PSIZE_I; idpath++){b