-\indent This section demonstrates the scheduling schemes from point of view of schedule composition process and the framework of the wake up schedule. In these scheduling schemes, the wake up interval refers to the period of time at which the radio unit is turned on so as to sends or receives the packets. Whilst, the sleep interval refers to a period of time at which the radio unit is turned off so as to retain the energy of wireless sensor node. Some schemes divide the time into equal length durations of time that called slotted schemes; on the other hand, the other schemes works with the time in continuous way that called unslotted schemes. The sleep and wake up intervals are defined for the unslotted schemes, whilst for the slotted schemes, these intervals are represented as multiples of slots. The wake up schedule represents a set of a wake up and sleep intervals, which are produced for one period. This schedule replicates to each period and it can be changed by the wake up scheduling scheme during the different periods of time. The final goal of this wake up schedule is to permit to exchange the data among the wireless sensor nodes in WSN during the wake up interval. As shown in figure~\ref{wsns}, the requirement for synchronization has been categorized the wake up scheduling into three categories:
+\indent This section demonstrates the scheduling schemes from point of view of schedule composition process and the framework of the wake up schedule. In these scheduling schemes, the wake up interval refers to the period of time at which the radio unit is turned on so as to sends or receives the packets. Whilst, the sleep interval refers to a period of time at which the radio unit is turned off so as to retain the energy of wireless sensor node. Some schemes divide the time into equal length durations of time that called slotted schemes; on the other hand, the other schemes works with the time in continuous way that called unslotted schemes. The sleep and wake up intervals are defined for the unslotted schemes, whilst for the slotted schemes, these intervals are represented as multiples of slots. The wake up schedule represents a set of a wake up and sleep intervals, which are produced for one period. This schedule replicates to each period and it can be changed by the wake up scheduling scheme during the different periods of time. The final goal of this wake up schedule is to permit to exchange the data among the wireless sensor nodes in WSN during the wake up interval. As shown in figure~\ref{wsns}, the requirement for synchronization has been categorized the wake up scheduling into three categories~\cite{ref57}: