--- /dev/null
+import math as m
+def estUnCarre(k):
+ return (int(m.sqrt(k)))**2 == k
+def facto(n):
+ t= int(m.sqrt(n))+1
+ sp = t**2 - n
+ while not estUnCarre(sp):
+ t += 1
+ sp = t**2 -n
+ print "+",
+ return(int(t+m.sqrt(sp)),int(t-m.sqrt(sp)))
+print facto(5959)
+print facto(2953*3037)
+print facto(6197*6299)
+print facto(2953*3037)
+print facto(17729*17939)
+print facto(9623827)
+print facto(343570291)
--- /dev/null
+import math as m
+def estUnCarre(k):
+ return (int(m.sqrt(k)))**2 == k
+def facto(n):
+ t= int(m.sqrt(n))+1
+ sp = t**2 - n
+ while not estUnCarre(sp):
+ t += 1
+ sp = t**2 -n
+ print "+",
+ return(int(t+m.sqrt(sp)),int(t-m.sqrt(sp)))
+print facto(5959)
+print facto(2953*3037)
+print facto(6197*6299)
+print facto(2953*3037)
+print facto(17729*17939)
+print facto(9623827)
+print facto(343570291)
--- /dev/null
+from random import *
+def testPrimaliteFermat(n,t):
+ testes = []
+ j = 0
+ ret = True
+ while j < t and ret :
+ # choix de a
+ a = randint(1,n-1)
+ while a in testes:
+ a = randint(1,n-1)
+ #calcul de a^(n-1) [n]
+ #if a**(n-1) % n != 1 :
+ if pow(a,n-1,n) != 1 :
+ ret = False
+ else :
+ j+= 1
+ testes +=[a]
+ return ret
+def testPrimaliteMillerRabin(n,t):
+ testes = []
+ if n % 2 == 0:
+ return False
+ # ecrire n-1 comme 2**s * d
+ s,d = 0, n-1
+ while d % 2 == 0 :
+ s +=1
+ d /= 2
+ j = 0
+ ret = True
+ while j < t and ret :
+ # choix de a
+ a = randint(1,n-1)
+ while a in testes:
+ a = randint(1,n-1)
+ # calcul de a^(d) [n]
+ if pow(a, d, n) != 1:
+ ret = False
+ r=0
+ while r < s and not ret:
+ if pow(a, 2**r * d, n) == n-1:
+ ret= True
+ else :
+ r+=1
+ j+=1
+ #print j
+ testes +=[a]
+ return ret
+print "probabilite d'etre premier (FERMAT)", testPrimaliteFermat(n,500)
+print "probabilite d'etre premier (Miller Rabin)", testPrimaliteMillerRabin(n,3)
+n= 39341
+print "probabilite d'etre premier (FERMAT)", testPrimaliteFermat(n,500)
+print "probabilite d'etre premier (Miller Rabin)", testPrimaliteMillerRabin(n,30)
+print "probabilite d'etre premier (FERMAT)", testPrimaliteFermat(n,500)
+print "probabilite d'etre premier (Miller Rabin)", testPrimaliteMillerRabin(n,30)
--- /dev/null
+from random import *
+testes = []
+def testPrimaliteFermat(n,t):
+ global testes
+ j = 0
+ ret = True
+ while j < t and ret :
+ print j
+ # choix de a
+ a = randint(1,n-1)
+ while a in testes:
+ a = randint(1,n-1)
+ #calcul de a^(n-1) [n]
+ #if a**(n-1) % n != 1 :
+ if pow(a,n-1,n) != 1 :
+ ret = False
+ else :
+ j+= 1
+ testes +=[a]
+ return ret
+def testPrimaliteMillerRabin(n,t):
+ global testes
+ if n % 2 == 0:
+ return False
+ # ecrire n-1 comme 2**s * d
+ s,d = 0, n-1
+ while d % 2 == 0 :
+ s +=1
+ d /= 2
+ #testes = []
+ j = 0
+ ret = True
+ while j < t and ret :
+ # choix de a
+ a = randint(1,n-1)
+ while a in testes:
+ a = randint(1,n-1)
+ # calcul de a^(d) [n]
+ if pow(a, d, n) != 1:
+ ret = False
+ r=0
+ while r < s and not ret:
+ if pow(a, 2**r * d, n) == n-1:
+ ret= True
+ else :
+ r+=1
+ j+=1
+ #print j
+ testes +=[a]
+ return ret
+#n= 39341
+#print "probabilite d'etre premier (FERMAT)", testPrimaliteFermat(n,500)
+#print "probabilite d'etre premier (Miller Rabin)", testPrimaliteMillerRabin(n,30)
+def genereUnNombrePremier(nbChiffre):
+ estPremier=False
+ compteur, r = 0, 0
+ mini = 10**(nbChiffre-2)
+ maxi = 10**(nbChiffre-1)-1
+ chiffreFinal=[1,3,7,9]
+ while (not estPremier):
+ r = randint(mini,maxi)*10
+ r += chiffreFinal[randint(0,3)]
+ #print r
+ compteur += 1
+ if testPrimaliteMillerRabin(r,50):
+ estPremier = True
+ return (r,compteur)
+for k in range(l):
+ (r,n)= genereUnNombrePremier(100)
+ nbit += n
+ print r
+print float(nbit)/l
+t = 50
+n = 393413 #premier
+#n = 393417 #premier
+n=9623827 #et 343570291. % res=2953*3259 res = 17729*19379
+print "probabilite d'etre premier (FERMAT)", testPrimaliteFermat(n,t)
+print "probabilite d'etre premier (MILLER-RABIN)", testPrimaliteMillerRabin(n,t)
--- /dev/null
+from random import *
+testes = []
+def testPrimaliteFermat(n,t):
+ global testes
+ j = 0
+ ret = True
+ while j < t and ret :
+ print j
+ # choix de a
+ a = randint(1,n-1)
+ while a in testes:
+ a = randint(1,n-1)
+ #calcul de a^(n-1) [n]
+ #if a**(n-1) % n != 1 :
+ if pow(a,n-1,n) != 1 :
+ ret = False
+ else :
+ j+= 1
+ testes +=[a]
+ return ret
+def testPrimaliteMillerRabin(n,t):
+ global testes
+ if n % 2 == 0:
+ return False
+ # ecrire n-1 comme 2**s * d
+ s,d = 0, n-1
+ while d % 2 == 0 :
+ s +=1
+ d /= 2
+ #testes = []
+ j = 0
+ ret = True
+ while j < t and ret :
+ # choix de a
+ a = randint(1,n-1)
+ while a in testes:
+ a = randint(1,n-1)
+ # calcul de a^(d) [n]
+ if pow(a, d, n) != 1:
+ ret = False
+ r=0
+ while r < s and not ret:
+ if pow(a, 2**r * d, n) == n-1:
+ ret= True
+ else :
+ r+=1
+ j+=1
+ #print j
+ testes +=[a]
+ return ret
+#n= 39341
+#print "probabilite d'etre premier (FERMAT)", testPrimaliteFermat(n,500)
+#print "probabilite d'etre premier (Miller Rabin)", testPrimaliteMillerRabin(n,30)
+def genereUnNombrePremier(nbChiffre):
+ estPremier=False
+ compteur, r = 0, 0
+ mini = 10**(nbChiffre-2)
+ maxi = 10**(nbChiffre-1)-1
+ chiffreFinal=[1,3,7,9]
+ while (not estPremier):
+ r = randint(mini,maxi)*10
+ r += chiffreFinal[randint(0,3)]
+ #print r
+ compteur += 1
+ if testPrimaliteMillerRabin(r,50):
+ estPremier = True
+ return (r,compteur)
+for k in range(l):
+ (r,n)= genereUnNombrePremier(100)
+ nbit += n
+ print r
+print float(nbit)/l
+def bezout(a,b):
+ if b==0: return [1,0]
+ else:
+ uv= bezout(b,a%b)
+ return [uv[1],uv[0]-uv[1]*(a/b)]
+(p,_)= genereUnNombrePremier(100)
+(q,_)= genereUnNombrePremier(100)
+(e,_)= genereUnNombrePremier(30)
+print "cle publique",e
+d = d%phi
+print "cle privee",d
+a = pow(m,e,n)
+print "message encodee ",a
+mp = pow(a,d,n)
+print "message decodee ",mp
+t = 50
+n = 393413 #premier
+#n = 393417 #premier
+n=9623827 #et 343570291. % res=2953*3259 res = 17729*19379
+print "probabilite d'etre premier (FERMAT)", testPrimaliteFermat(n,t)
+print "probabilite d'etre premier (MILLER-RABIN)", testPrimaliteMillerRabin(n,t)
--- /dev/null
+from random import *
+testes = []
+def testPrimaliteFermat(n,t):
+ global testes
+ j = 0
+ ret = True
+ while j < t and ret :
+ print j
+ # choix de a
+ a = randint(1,n-1)
+ while a in testes:
+ a = randint(1,n-1)
+ #calcul de a^(n-1) [n]
+ #if a**(n-1) % n != 1 :
+ if pow(a,n-1,n) != 1 :
+ ret = False
+ else :
+ j+= 1
+ testes +=[a]
+ return ret
+def testPrimaliteMillerRabin(n,t):
+ global testes
+ if n % 2 == 0:
+ return False
+ # ecrire n-1 comme 2**s * d
+ s,d = 0, n-1
+ while d % 2 == 0 :
+ s +=1
+ d /= 2
+ #testes = []
+ j = 0
+ ret = True
+ while j < t and ret :
+ # choix de a
+ a = randint(1,n-1)
+ while a in testes:
+ a = randint(1,n-1)
+ # calcul de a^(d) [n]
+ if pow(a, d, n) != 1:
+ ret = False
+ r=0
+ while r < s and not ret:
+ if pow(a, 2**r * d, n) == n-1:
+ ret= True
+ else :
+ r+=1
+ j+=1
+ #print j
+ testes +=[a]
+ return ret
+#n= 39341
+#print "probabilite d'etre premier (FERMAT)", testPrimaliteFermat(n,500)
+#print "probabilite d'etre premier (Miller Rabin)", testPrimaliteMillerRabin(n,30)
+def genereUnNombrePremier(nbChiffre):
+ estPremier=False
+ compteur, r = 0, 0
+ mini = 10**(nbChiffre-2)
+ maxi = 10**(nbChiffre-1)-1
+ chiffreFinal=[1,3,7,9]
+ while (not estPremier):
+ r = randint(mini,maxi)*10
+ r += chiffreFinal[randint(0,3)]
+ #print r
+ compteur += 1
+ if testPrimaliteMillerRabin(r,50):
+ estPremier = True
+ return (r,compteur)
+for k in range(l):
+ (r,n)= genereUnNombrePremier(100)
+ nbit += n
+ print r
+print float(nbit)/l
+t = 50
+n = 393413 #premier
+#n = 393417 #premier
+n=9623827 #et 343570291. % res=2953*3259 res = 17729*19379
+print "probabilite d'etre premier (FERMAT)", testPrimaliteFermat(n,t)
+print "probabilite d'etre premier (MILLER-RABIN)", testPrimaliteMillerRabin(n,t)
--- /dev/null
+This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.5-1.40.14 (TeX Live 2013/Debian) (format=pdflatex 2014.4.22) 13 OCT 2014 21:22
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