]> AND Private Git Repository - mpi-energy.git/history - paper.tex
Logo AND Algorithmique Numérique Distribuée

Private GIT Repository
changing text of ep plot
[mpi-energy.git] / paper.tex
2014-05-28 afanfakhcorrect of eexecution to execution
2014-05-28 afanfakhchange of performance to execution time in a paper...
2014-05-27 jccharrchanges to a
2014-05-27 jccharrMerge branch 'master' of ssh://info.iut-bm.univ-fcomte...
2014-05-27 jccharrchanges
2014-05-27 Arnaud Giersch*a* homogeneous
2014-05-27 jccharrMerge branch 'master' of ssh://info.iut-bm.univ-fcomte...
2014-05-27 jccharrmalll changes
2014-05-23 Arnaud GierschUpdate.
2014-05-23 Arnaud GierschRevert "Correct formulae and algorithm."
2014-05-23 Arnaud GierschCorrect formulae and algorithm.
2014-05-23 Arnaud GierschSlightly improve algorithms.
2014-05-23 Arnaud GierschMissing words.
2014-05-23 Arnaud GierschTypo.
2014-05-23 Arnaud GierschDefine commands for variables.
2014-05-22 Arnaud GierschUse \eqref to reference equations.
2014-05-16 Arnaud GierschRemove useless \usepackage.
2014-05-16 Arnaud GierschFix crossrefs for tables and figures.
2014-05-16 Arnaud GierschChange order for subfigures.
2014-05-16 Arnaud GierschUse \text in equation.
2014-05-16 Arnaud GierschIEEE style requires ti use a figure env. for algorithms.
2014-05-16 Arnaud GierschUse \linewidth to compute sizes for images.
2014-05-16 afanfakhNew version.
2014-03-28 jccharrIngrid's correction
2014-03-27 raphael couturiernew
2014-03-26 afanfakhone change
2014-03-26 jccharrMerge branch 'master' of ssh://info.iut-bm.univ-fcomte...
2014-03-26 jccharrchange heuristic
2014-03-26 Arnaud GierschRemove remark.
2014-03-26 Arnaud GierschReindent source code.
2014-03-26 Arnaud GierschFix several typographical errors.
2014-03-26 Arnaud GierschCorrect fax number, add telephone number.
2014-03-26 jccharrprediction error
2014-03-26 afanfakhcontribution
2014-03-26 jccharracknowledgment
2014-03-26 jccharrMerge branch 'master' of ssh://info.iut-bm.univ-fcomte...
2014-03-26 jccharrAfter applying Raphael's remarks
2014-03-26 afanfakhupdates
2014-03-25 Arnaud GierschUse package url to format email addresses.
2014-03-25 Arnaud GierschMove figures to fig/ subdirectory.
2014-03-25 Arnaud GierschTypos.
2014-03-25 Arnaud GierschReintroduce changes lost by last merge.
2014-03-25 afanfakhMerge ssh://info.iut-bm.univ-fcomte.fr/mpi-energy
2014-03-25 afanfakhlast changes
2014-03-25 afanfakhlast changes
2014-03-25 afanfakhlast changes
2014-03-24 Arnaud GierschUpdate two remarks.
2014-03-24 Arnaud GierschReorder email addresses to math the authors.
2014-03-24 Arnaud GierschFix references.
2014-03-24 Arnaud GierschCorrect address, fax and email.
2014-03-24 Arnaud GierschDefine and use new command for JC's comments.
2014-03-24 jccharrAll the paper have been corrected, major modifications...
2014-03-23 afanfakhsome changes
2014-03-21 afanfakhsome changes
2014-03-21 afanfakhobjective function changes
2014-03-21 afanfakhsome changes
2014-03-20 afanfakhsome changes
2014-03-19 afanfakhlast changes
2014-03-18 Arnaud GierschMore remarks.
2014-03-17 Arnaud GierschCorrections + reindent source code.
2014-03-17 afanfakhMerge branch 'master' of ssh://info.iut-bm.univ-fcomte...
2014-03-17 afanfakhConclusion
2014-03-17 Arnaud GierschAdjust Table I.
2014-03-17 Arnaud GierschAlign numbers on the right in tables.
2014-03-17 Arnaud Gierschs/\"{u}/ü/g + typos
2014-03-17 Arnaud GierschRemove spaces before colons.
2014-03-17 afanfakhLast Update
2014-03-15 afanfakhLast version
2014-03-14 Arnaud Gierschwip++
2014-03-14 Arnaud GierschMore todos.
2014-03-14 Arnaud GierschAdapt to IEEEtran.
2014-03-14 Arnaud GierschRemove/add some todos.
2014-03-15 afanfakhLast version
2014-03-14 afanfakh change tables values to be all of them in the same...
2014-03-13 Arnaud GierschRevert "commit message"
2014-03-13 Arnaud Gierschcommit message
2014-03-13 Arnaud GierschMinor corrections + todos.
2014-03-13 Arnaud GierschImprove typesetting of equations.
2014-03-13 Arnaud GierschAdd todonotes, and update .gitignore.
2014-03-13 Arnaud GierschRemove useless visual formating commands.
2014-03-13 Arnaud GierschReformat LaTeX source.
2014-03-13 Arnaud GierschInitial commit.